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1、English-Chinese Translation for International BusinessComparison Fundamentals of international businessTranslation for international businessknowledgeskillvisionperspectivedecision-making, problem solvingBi-lingual bi-cultural communicationactionwords, languageHow to build your skill for business tr

2、anslation?businessEnglish Translation for International Business 译者应具备的能力 翻译过程是一个语言转化的过程,涉及跨语言,翻译过程是一个语言转化的过程,涉及跨语言,跨文化的内容。跨文化的内容。 外语水平能力外语水平能力 母语水平能力母语水平能力 知识水平能力知识水平能力商务英语专业行话商务英语专业行话 术语术语 应用水平能力应用水平能力 只有通过练习实践,才能真正提高译者的翻译水只有通过练习实践,才能真正提高译者的翻译水平平Course plan 1. Textbook Zhang Xinhong & Li Ming.

3、 English-Chinese Translation for International Business. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2005 2. References (1) Li Ming. Chinese-English Translation for International Business. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2009Exercises There are exercises for each chapter, and reference versions are provided a

4、t the end of the textbook. But you are going to give comments on them, and sometimes you may even make improvements. There will also be some additional in-class and after-class tasks.English CollegeSunday, September 12, 2010v Paper dictionaries:Paper dictionaries: Oxford advanced learners dictionary

5、 Oxford advanced learners dictionary Longman Dictionary Longman Dictionary Collins COBUILD Collins COBUILD Websters new Collegiate dictionary Websters new Collegiate dictionaryMake good and full use of tools English CollegeSunday, September 12, 2010v Electronic dictionaries:Electronic dictionaries:卡

6、西欧电子词典,名人电子词典等 v Online dictionariesOnline dictionaries: :有道桌面词典http:/ http:/.hk/dictionahttp:/.hk/dictionaryryEnglish CollegeSunday, September 12, 2010v 上海市中级口译证书v 上海市高级口译证书v 全国翻译专业资格证书二级口笔译,三级口笔译 http:/ certificatesEnglish CollegeSunday, September 12, 2010v 翻译学习网站:v 中国翻译协会 http:/www.tac-http:/www.

7、tac-v 中国翻译网v 中国在线翻译网http:/http:/v 在线翻译学院 http:/http:/商务英语翻译商务英语翻译 之 词汇翻译词汇翻译 n词义的选择词义的选择n词义的引申词义的引申n词类转换法词类转换法n视角转化法视角转化法n增增 减减 法法n重重 复复 法法 n数字翻译数字翻译商务英语翻译商务英语翻译 之 句法翻译句法翻译 n否定句式否定句式n比较句式比较句式n被动句式被动句式n定语从句定语从句商务英语翻译商务英语翻译 之 文体与语篇文体与语篇 n商号与名

8、片商号与名片 n商务广告商务广告n商务合同翻译商务合同翻译n商务信函商务信函Origin of Translationthe Tower of Babel the Tower of Babel from the Bible Now the whole earth had one language and few words. And as men migrated to the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, Come, let us

9、make bricks, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD

10、came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men had built. And the LORD said, Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; and nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down, an

11、d there confuse their language, that they may not understand one anothers speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. Red lion head Bean curd made by a pock-marked woman; Husband and wifes lung slice; Rolling donkey Braise

12、d Pork Balls in Soy Sauce Mapo Tofu Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce Ldagunr (Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour) 翻译翻译“八戒八戒” 一、戒一、戒“从一而终从一而终” 务必抓住精神实质,不可以不变应万变。至于怎么应变,这就是务必抓住精神实质,不可以不变应万变。至于怎么应变,这就是显示译者功力的地方了。显示译者功力的地方了。 比如:都是比如:都是“问题问题”,下面的翻译各不相同,几乎是打一枪换一,下面的翻译各不相同,几乎是打一枪换一个地方。个地方。 共同关心的问题共

13、同关心的问题 questions of common interest 解决问题解决问题 solve a problem 问题的关键问题的关键 the heart of the matter 悬而未决的问题悬而未决的问题 an outstanding issue 没有什么问题没有什么问题 Without any mishap 摩托车有点问题。摩托车有点问题。 Something is wrong with the motorcycle. 问题不在这里。问题不在这里。 That is not the point. 沙博里将沙博里将水浒传水浒传译为:译为:Outlaws of the Marsh(

14、沼泽地上的沼泽地上的亡命之徒亡命之徒)。杨宪益译将屈原的。杨宪益译将屈原的国殇国殇译为:译为:For Those Fallen for Their Country,北外出版社将,北外出版社将儒林外史儒林外史译为:译为:The Scholars。这些都是译者吃透了原文的原意而译出的佳。这些都是译者吃透了原文的原意而译出的佳作。作。 二、戒望文生义,机械直译二、戒望文生义,机械直译 黄牛(黄牛(yellow cowox前误后正,下同)前误后正,下同)黄鹂(黄鹂(yellow bird oriole)从小青梅竹马从小青梅竹马(green plum bamboo horsegrew up togeth

15、er)紫菜(紫菜(purple vegetable laver)白菜白菜( white vegetable Chinese cabbage)红木红木(red woodpad auk) 红豆杉红豆杉(red firChinese yew)黑社会黑社会(black society sinister gang)三、戒三、戒“水土不符水土不符”,习惯搭配失当,习惯搭配失当 白洋淀的导游牌上,白洋淀的导游牌上,“红菱红菱”被硬硬地翻译成被硬硬地翻译成Red Ling。菱角。菱角有对应词的,应改为有对应词的,应改为Red Water Chestnut。这里常常有外。这里常常有外国人参观,如此翻译,令人汗颜

16、!国人参观,如此翻译,令人汗颜! 四、戒主语暗淡四、戒主语暗淡 如果这个问题不解决,势必影响两国的利益。如果这个问题不解决,势必影响两国的利益。 Failure to settle this issue is bound impair the relations between the two countries seriously. If the problem is not solved , it is sure to affect the interests between the two countries 在上面的两种译文中,显然第一种译文主语选得好,句子流在上面的两种译文中,显然第

17、一种译文主语选得好,句子流畅。畅。 共同的利益把我们两个伟大的国家连接在一起。共同的利益把我们两个伟大的国家连接在一起。 What holds our two great nations together is the cement of common interests. 此句主语部分处理得颇为干练。此句主语部分处理得颇为干练。 五、戒结构单调,组合生硬五、戒结构单调,组合生硬 “拉郎配拉郎配” 由于汉英结构不同,表达方式迥异,这就要求译者在翻译时灵由于汉英结构不同,表达方式迥异,这就要求译者在翻译时灵活使用整合的技巧,将句子整合,有时要将简单句译成并活使用整合的技巧,将句子整合,有时要将简

18、单句译成并列句,有时将并列句译成主从句。列句,有时将并列句译成主从句。在纪念大学毕业在纪念大学毕业20周年聚会时,我忽然问起原来的班主任:周年聚会时,我忽然问起原来的班主任:“我个子又不矮,怎么把我安排在了第一排呢?我个子又不矮,怎么把我安排在了第一排呢?” At the reunion party for 20 anniversary of graduation from university, I suddenly asked my former teacher in charge of our class then: Since I am not of short stature, ho

19、w did you arrange me at the first row? 一个高度近视的女博士去擦鞋店擦高统靴,秃头老板亲自蹲下一个高度近视的女博士去擦鞋店擦高统靴,秃头老板亲自蹲下来给她效劳。来给她效劳。 When a woman doctor who suffers a severe myopic went to shoes-polishing shop for her buskins,the bald boss squatted down to serve her personally. 六、戒六、戒“愚忠愚忠”,不谙增减之道,不谙增减之道 我们耳熟能详的东西外国人可能会感到一头雾水

20、,译者需要增我们耳熟能详的东西外国人可能会感到一头雾水,译者需要增加必要的说明和补充或者减译。加必要的说明和补充或者减译。风水风水 fengshuithe location of a house or tomb, supposed to have an influence on the fortune of a family. 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 One day I shall climb Clear to the summit, See how small surrounding Mountain tops appear as they lie below me

21、 (新西兰人路易(新西兰人路易艾黎译艾黎译杜甫杜甫望岳望岳) No support for Taiwan independence, no support for a two-China policy, and no support for Taiwan membership in international organizations on the basis of statehood. (美国对台三不政策)(美国对台三不政策)七、戒语句重复七、戒语句重复 汉语多重复,以强化语气;英语则要尽量避免重复。汉语多重复,以强化语气;英语则要尽量避免重复。 先生曰:先生曰:“狼负我,狼负我!狼负我,

22、狼负我!”狼曰:狼曰:“吾非固欲负汝。天生吾非固欲负汝。天生汝辈,固需吾辈食也。汝辈,固需吾辈食也。” You are an ungrateful beast, complained the man. Not at all, retorted the wolf, it is not that Im ungrateful, but you men were created for us to devour. (颜惠庆译(颜惠庆译马中锡马中锡中山狼传中山狼传) 王曰:王曰:“此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。” The bird may not

23、 have flown yet, replied the King,Once it does, it will soar to the sky. I may not have cried out yet, but once it does, it will startle everyone. (杨宪益译(杨宪益译史记史记滑稽列传滑稽列传 Unity, struggle, unity through struggleUnity, struggle, unity through struggle又斗争,又团结,以斗争的手段,达团结之目又斗争,又团结,以斗争的手段,达团结之目的。的。. . What

24、 is right is right and what is wrong What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong, no matter what it concerns, is wrong, no matter what it concerns, the Chinese or foreigners, the dead or the Chinese or foreigners, the dead or the living. the living. 中国人也好,外国人也好,死人也好,活人也中国人也好,外国人也好,死人也好,活人也好,对的就


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