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1、 新西兰奥克兰大学留学申请书 奥克兰大学,简称奥大,新西兰顶尖学府,建校于1883年,坐落于新西兰第一大城市奥克兰市,拥有7个校区,是新西兰极大的从事教学研究且拥有最多专业的综合性大学。这里给大家分享一些新西兰奥克兰大学留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 新西兰奥克兰大学留学申请书 Dear _, Having thoroughly enjoyed the study of English Language at A Level, I believe I have a secure academic foundation with which to approach a degree course in

2、this subject with confidence and enthusiasm. The English Language takes a fundamental and crucial role in enhanced communication between different social groups, and to read English would, therefore, be extremely beneficial to both the development of my communication skills and my ability to express

3、 ideas and opinions Additionally, a course in English at this level would provide me with an opportunity to further my knowledge of the theory and historical basis of the language - each of these being aspects of the course that particularly interest me. I also look forward to studying the practical

4、 application of English in various social contexts, and the ways in which language has evolved and developed over time. I hope that successful completion of an English degree will be advantageous to me when pursuing a career in marketing and advertising - a field I aspire to enter upon leaving unive

5、rsity In addition to my A Level courses, I have pursued various interests, both in and out of school - including the study of both theoretical and instrumental music to Grade V standard, by means of school lessons. Playing the cello has allowed me many opportunities to participate in numerous orches

6、tral concerts and solo performances, which I feel have increased my confidence and improved my ability to communicate with others - by performing and interacting as part of an ensemble. This experience has also allowed me to enhance my awareness of music in general - especially of composers originat

7、ing from the Baroque period My part time job as a waitress has also made me more able to co-operate with others (through both colleague and customer interaction), and has improved my ability to take initiative and be independent. I have found the work to be a rewarding and invaluable experience - as

8、 both a source of finance, and as a gateway through which to enter the field of employment Over the past three years, I have become extremely interested in graphic design and html programming. These skills have provided me with paid work in the form of website design for local businesses - through w

9、hich I have improved my capability to meet deadlines and work to a schedule, and encouraged myself to set personal challenges, learn new skills and meet new people. My self-motivation, creativity and self-expression have also benefited from this experience - all valuable qualities, which I believe a

10、re particularly relevant when regarding the nature of course I have chosen On the whole, I believe myself to be a generally sociable, dedicated and self-disciplined student, although I can be overly competitive at times. I have enjoyed my A Level studies so far, have gained a great deal from them, a

11、nd believe that I have the determination and ability to enjoy a successful university career. Yours sincerely, 新西兰奥克兰大学留学优势 1、世界、国际排名高 奥克兰大学不仅是新西兰的Top1,还是世界百强。从出炉的2022年QS综合排名来看,奥克兰大学位居世界第85位,是世界顶尖的综合研究型大学,享有相当高的国际声誉。 2、地理位置优越 奥克兰大学所在的城市奥克兰是新西兰极大的城市,也是新西兰的政治、经济、文化、旅游中心,有全新西兰三分之一的人口。奥克兰大学在奥克兰地区共有七个校区,

12、其中校区在市中心,商科、文科、理工科这类热门学科的学生都在这个校区学习。 3、国际化、文化包容 奥克兰大学共有学生42000多人,国际生8000人,来自于世界120个国家,其中包含3000名中国留学生,俨然一个小联合国。因此奥克兰大学的校园文化丰富且包容。 4、开设的专业全面、教学质量高:(八大院系) 其中大家问到比较多的专业比如工程专业,它的教学水平更是在世界,奥克兰大学本科工程学的全部专业都受到世界等级的认证(华盛顿协议认证)。毕业生未来去世界各地工作或深造,比如英国、美国等,都可以直接在当地进行专业认证。此外,在2022年,奥克兰大学的工程学院将会新增一些新兴课程,囊括AI、机器人、自动

13、化、航空航天学等,以满足大家的专业需求。 5、疫情期间开设了多个中国学习中心,方便学生就近选择 疫情期间,为了应对学生无法入境的问题,奥克兰大学在国内多地设立中国学习中心重庆、哈尔滨、南京、漳州,这些学习中心明年会继续开放,且有可能会增进杭州校区。学生不仅可任意选择校区(暂时无专业限制),每个新生还能得到1000纽币津贴。值得一提的是,奥克兰大学70%以上课程都可以线上授课,个别专业比如teaching、医学、以及部分需要进实验室学习的理科硕士课程,则不能线上授课。 新西兰奥克兰大学的本科与硕士的申请条件 1.本科课程 学生只要满足以下任一条件,即可申请奥克兰大学的本科课程 完成奥克兰大学指定

14、的预科课程,并达到本科录取要求; 完成中国认可的统招三年制大专院校学习,并获得较高分数; 在认可的中国本科院校学习,完成第一年课程,并获得较高分数; Alevel、IB、NCUK等国际证书课程; 中国高考,达到一本线以上分数。 (语言要求:雅思6.0,单科不低于5.5) 2.硕士课程 奥克兰大学的硕士课程囊括授课型硕士和研究型硕士两种,学制1、1.5、2年不等。对中国学生的学术要求,根据国内本科院校层次(985、211、双非)而有所区别。奥克兰大学大多数专业要求相关本科背景,部分专业要求有相关工作经验。 (语言要求:雅思6.5、单项不低于6,有些专业有更高语言要求,比如teaching、soc

15、ial work均为7)。 总的来讲,奥克兰大学是一所特别值得申请的世界院校,选择它不仅可以晋升你的学历背景,还能开阔视野对接全球。 3.学费 预科:30000左右新西兰元年 本科:40000左右-60000左右新西兰元年一般为40000左右新西兰元年 4.学制 大学预科: 标准学制为12个月,每年1月和7月入学,学费为29500新元(2022年1月最后更新)。 注:如学业背景和英语程度达不到入学标准,可申请18个月的延长课程,学费为44250新元,或追加英语课程。学生在合格完成预科学习后入读奥克兰大学,或任何一所新西兰国立大学。 本科: 奥克兰大学的学年分为两个学期,第一学期从2月开始,第二学期从7月开始,全年授课于十月底结束,从


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