chapter1 reference-供参考_第1页
chapter1 reference-供参考_第2页
chapter1 reference-供参考_第3页
chapter1 reference-供参考_第4页




1、淹没成本Sunk Cost人们在决定是否去做一件事情的时候,不仅是看这件事对自己有没有好处,而且也看过去是不是已经在这件事情上有过投入。我们把这些已经发生不可收回的支出,如时间、金钱、精力等称为“沉没成本”(Sunk Cost)。 在经济学和商业决策制定过程中会用到“沉没成本”(Sunk cost)的概念,代指已经付出且不可收回的成本。沉没成本常用来和可变成本作比较,可变成本可以被改变,而沉没成本则不能被改变。在微观经济学理论中,做决策时仅需要考虑可变成本。如果同时考虑到沉没成本(这被微观经济学理论认为是错误的),那结论就不是纯粹基于事物的价值做出的。 举例来说,如果你预订了一张电影票,已经付

2、了票款且假设不能退票。此时你付的价钱已经不能收回,就算你不看电影钱也收不回来,电影票的价钱算作你的沉没成本。REFERENCEPassage one 经济学研究稀缺条件下人们如何做出选择以及这些现在对社会的影响。对人类行为的经济学分析建立在理性人每个人都有明确目标,并且会尽其所能地实现这个目标的假设之上。在力图实现目标的过程中,人们通常会面临权衡:因为物质和人力资源都是有限的,因此多拥有一单位的某种商品意味着减少另一种商品的拥有量。我们的重点是关于理性人如何在多个候选行为中做出决策。我们使用的基本分析工具是成本收益分析。成本收益原理说明了当且仅当一项经济活动的收益超过或者等于其成本时,人们才会


4、宏观经济学研究国家经济的表现以及政府用来改善经济状况的政策。 Passage twoSome of the broad issues that macroeconomists study are: sources of economic growth and improved living stands; trends in average labor productivity (or output per employed worker); short-term fluctuations in the pace of economic growth (recessions and expan

5、sions); causes and cures of unemployment and inflation, economic independence among nations. To help explain differences in economic performance among countries, or in economic performance in the same country at different times, macroeconomists study the implementation and effects of macroeconomic p

6、olicies. We defined macroeconomic policies as government policies that affect the performance of the economy as a whole. There are three major types of macroeconomic policy: monetary policy, fiscal policy and structural policy. The term monetary policy refers to the determination of the nations mone

7、y supply. Fiscal policy refers to decisions that determine the governments budget, and the term structural policy includes government policies aimed at changing the underlying structure, or institutions, of the nations economy.Some of the broad issues that macroeconomists study are: sources of econo

8、mic growth and improved living stands; trends in average labor productivity (or output per employed worker); short-term fluctuations in the pace of economic growth (recessions and expansions); causes and cures of unemployment and inflation, economic independence among nations. To help explain differ

9、ences. To help explain differences in economic performance among countries, or in economic performance in the same country at different times, macroeconomists study the implementation and effects of macroeconomic policies.I would like to meet someone who likes to enjoy the life and with whom I can share everything and spend the res


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