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1、Module 11测试卷(120分, 100分钟)题 号一二三四五六七总 分得 分听力部分(25分)一、听力(共15小题, 第一节每小题1分, 第二、三节每小题2分, 满分25分)第一节: 听小对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项。每段对话读一遍。()1. What was wrong with Mary?A. Her foot got hurt. B. Her finger got hurt. C. Her knee got hurt. ()2. Which country are they talking about?A. Russia. B. India. C. China. (

2、)3. Where are they now?A. In the classroom. B. In the airport. C. In the library. ()4. What cant Tom do?A. Bring food to the classroom. B. Enter the lab alone. C. Draw on the blackboard. ()5. What should Mary do?A. Stand in line. B. Wait for others. C. Stand too close. 第二节: 听长对话。从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项。每

3、段对话读两遍。听下面一段较长对话, 回答67小题()6. Who knows any body language?A. Linda. B. Peter. C. Jim. ()7. What will Linda do if she meets her favorite film star?A. Shell hug him. B. Shell kiss him. C. Shell shake hands with him. 听下面一段较长对话, 回答810小题。()8. Where is the girls penfriend from?A. Japan. B. America. C. Chin

4、a. ()9. What number dont Japanese like?A. 4 and 14. B. 4 and 9. C. 14 and 19. ()10. What do Japanese people do every day?A Shake hands. B. Learn numbers. C. Take a bath. 第三节: 听短文, 选择正确答案。短文读两遍()11. _often ask “Where are you going? ” when two friends meet in the street. A. Americans B. Japanese C. Ch

5、inese()12. How will Americans feel if you ask them “Where are you going? ”A. Theyll feel happy. B. Theyll feel unhappy. C. Theyll feel excited. ()13. Who can ask the question “Where are you going? ” A. The policeman. B. The teachers. C. The doctors. ()14. Which of the following will NOT be used as a

6、 greeting in America?A. How are you? B. Hello! C. How old are you?()15. What does the speaker mainly want to tell us?A. More foreign languages should be learnt. B. Different countries have different customs (风俗). C. Some questions can only be asked by the police. 笔试部分(95分)二、完形填空 (共10小题, 每小题1. 5分, 满分

7、15分)Every country has its own customs(风俗). Do you want to know anything about_16 customs? England is a great country with a long _17. There are many different customs in England. As we all know, a womans age is her secret. So you cant ask a woman _18 she is. When you go out on a _19 day in England,

8、you may see many people _20 umbrellas. Dont laugh at (嘲笑) them. In England the weather changes very quickly. Although its sunny now, it may rain very _21. When you get a present from your friend, you must open it at once and say _22 to him or her. In England and many other Western countries, 13 is a

9、(n) _23 number, so there is no Room 13, Class 13, Number 13 and so on. In England you must_24 on the left of the road. So you see, you can do something in China, _25 you cant do it in England! Do remember these customs when you have a chance to visit England. ()16. A. EnglandB. EnglishC. ChinaD. Chi

10、nese()17. A. history B. road C. language D. space()18. A. how longB. how old C. how much D. how many()19. A. rainy B. windy C. snowy D. sunny()20. A. throwing B. showing C. matching D. taking()21. A. early B. soon C. slowly D. late()22. A. sorry B. hello C. thanks D. goodbye()23. A. public B. common

11、 C. interesting D. unlucky()24. A. train B. park C. drive D. land ()25. A. because B. but C. or D. so三、阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分)APeople in different countries greet each other in different ways. Here are some examples. The United StatesPeople shake hands when they meet for the first time. Friends an

12、d family members often hug or kiss on the cheek(脸颊) when they see each other. Korea(韩国)Men bow and shake hands to greet each other. Women do not usually shake hands. If you send something by post(邮寄), you should use his or her full name. Finland(芬兰)Finns(芬兰人) greet each other with a handshake. Hugs

13、and kisses are only for close friends and family members. The Philippines(菲律宾)The everyday greeting for friends is a handshake for both men and women. Men sometimes pat (轻拍)each other on the back. ()26. In which country do men sometimes pat each other on the back? _ A. The Philippines. B. Finland. C

14、. Korea. D. The United States. ()27. Of the four pictures(a, b, c, d), which is the same way to greet each other in the four countries? _ A. b B. c C. d D. a()28. What does the writer want to tell us in the passage? _ A. Different ways of greeting each other. B. Four countries. C. Friends and family

15、 members. D. Languages. BAmericans are very direct(直接的)people. When they want something, they say “yes”. When they dont want something, they say “no”. If they want something different from what is given, they will ask for it. Heres an example. I arrive at someones house and he gives me wine(酒), but

16、I dont want wine. Maybe I dont like it or maybe I just dont want it. I will say “No, thanks. ” If everyone around me is drinking something, I will ask for something else and say, “No, thanks. But Ill take a cup of tea. ” If I really want wine, I just say, “Yes, please. ”Unless(除非)they happen to know

17、 the Chinese customs, Westerners will not ask you again and again after you have said you dont want it. ()29. According to the passage, _ are direct. A. Chinese B. Americans C. Japanese D. Australians()30. In this passage, the underlined word “Westerners” means _. A. the people who live in the west

18、of their country B. the visitors who go to Western countriesC. the people who live in Western countries D. the people who know the customs of the West()31. The Chinese people might _ if you dont want anything given. A. be glad B. say “thank you” C. get angry D. ask you again and again()32. From this

19、 passage we know that _. A. the Chinese people are direct B. the Chinese customs are betterC. Westerners are more polite D. different countries have different customsCThe meaning of shaking ones head is not always the same in different countries. Maybe some visitors will be surprised(惊讶的) if they fi

20、rst come to India. Indians always shake their heads when they talk to others. But it does not have the same meaning as our “No”. If someone wants to visit India, he should know this, or things will go wrong. One day, a foreign officer went to India on business(出差). He asked an Indian to drive his ca

21、r. When he told the driver to send him to his office, the Indian shook his head quickly. The officer said again, but the driver shook his head again. At last, the officer, of course, got angry. “Drive me to my office at once! ” he shouted. The driver answered in quite a loud(大声的)voice, “Yes, sir! ”

22、But to the officers surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time. The car started, and the foreign officer was too surprised to say a word. He thought about it for a while, and then he nodded with a smile. “No” means “Yes” here!()33. The passage wants to tell us about _ in India. A. body lan

23、guage B. clothes C. films D. festivals()34. An Indian will shake his head if he _. A. gets angry B. agrees with others C. waits for others D. gets tired()35. The foreign officer was surprised that the driver_. A. shook his head as he said “Yes” B. couldnt understand himC. refused his order D. shoute

24、d loudly()36. The underlined sentence “No means Yes here! ”shows _. A. in India the words “Yes” and “No” have the same meaningB. Indians dont say “No” when they disagree with each otherC. we shake our heads to say “No” while Indians do so to mean “Yes”D. Indians dont usually use the word “Yes” as mu

25、ch as “No”DWhen you hear Westerners(西方人) say “Drop in anytime(随时来玩)” or “Come and see me soon”, you should know that it doesnt mean you are welcome to come over to their house anytime. Its important to telephone before visiting someone. Never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go. You ma

26、y refuse(拒绝)by saying “Thank you for inviting me, but I may not be able to come. ” And when you are unable to come after accepting (接受)the invitation(邀请), you should tell the inviters (邀请者). When you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner, it is polite to bring small gifts with you, suc

27、h as bottles of drinks, flowers and chocolate. Sometimes a Westerner may take you out to dinner in a restaurant, but it does not mean that he is going to pay the bill (账单)at the end of the meal. He might want you to “go Dutch”, which means sharing the cost of the meal with you. ()37. Whats the best

28、title of this passage?A. Drop in Anytime B. Come and See Me SoonC. Invitations in Western Countries D. Westerners()38. When Westerners say “Drop in anytime” or “Come and see me soon”, it means _. A. you are welcome to visit them anytimeB. you are welcome to visit them, but you still need to call the

29、m before going to their houseC. they dont want you to visit themD. they will hold a party for you()39. If a Westerner invites you to go to his house _. A. you may refuse if you dont plan to goB. you have to accept the invitation even if you dont want to goC. you cant accept the invitationD. and you

30、accept the invitation, you must go()40. If you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner, what kind of gifts will you bring?A. Money. B. Televisions. C. Computers. D. Flowers. 四、词汇运用(共15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)A. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空, 每个单词或短语只能用一次。touch, politely, bring, smile, in fact41. Dont _ the

31、 knife. It may cut your hand. 42. Its _to say hello to your teachers when you meet them. 43. I like English_;its my favorite subject. 44. Can you _ your camera here tomorrow?45. Miss Wang is friendly. Theres always a _on her face. B. 根据短文内容和所给的汉语提示写出单词正确形式, 每空一词。People from different countries have

32、different ways of body _46 (语言)to greet each other. Look at the following examples. In China people_47(握手) hands and _48(微笑) when they meet visitors. In America, people shake hands and sometimes _49(吻). In _50(印度), people put their hands _51(一起) and nod their _52(头). In _53(俄罗斯) , people usually kis

33、s three _54(次). In New Zealand, Maori people _55(触摸)noses. In Japan, people bow to each other. 五、语法填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)When we dont understand each others language, we talk with the help of signs(标志). A Frenchman was once traveling in England. He could not _56 (speak) English at all. One day he w

34、ent into _57restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter _58(come), he opened his mouth, put his finger into it _59took it out again. The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man _60(shake) his head. The waiter took away the tea and then he brought _61a cup of coffee. The man again shook

35、 his head. Then the waiter brought him a lot of drinks, but the man still shook his head. Of course, _62(drink) were not food. When the man was leaving, another man came in. This man _63(see) the waiter, and he put his hands _64 his stomach. That was enough. In a few minutes, there was a large plate

36、 of meat and _65(vegetable) on the table in front of him. How clever he was!六、任务型阅读(共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)阅读短文, 完成信息记录表。People usually use body language for sending messages to one another. It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood. Different countries have different kin

37、ds of body language. For example, men in Russia, France and Arab countries kiss each other when they meet. But men in China and Australia shake hands instead of kissing. When you travel in a foreign country or use a foreign language, it is very important to know the meaning of body language. Body La

38、nguageThe reason for using itFor_66 messages to one anotherIn_67KissIn_68_69instead of kissingThe suggestionKnow the_70of body language七、书面表达(满分15分)在日常交往中, 人们不仅用语言交流, 而且还会用到丰富的肢体语言。肢体语言让你的交流更加容易、自然。请以“Body language”为题, 写一篇70词左右的短文, 介绍一下你所了解的肢体语言。参考词汇: forefinger, mouth, nod _ 参考答案听力部分听力答案: 一、15 BBAC

39、A610 ACABC1115 CBACB 听力材料: 第一节: 1. M: You look ill today. Whats wrong with you, Mary?W: My finger got hurt yesterday. 2. W: In our country, we put our hands together and then nod our heads when we meet each other. M: Oh. Thats news to me. 3. W: Good morning, Mr Black. M: Morning. Please turn to Page

40、 31. 4. W: Tom, you cant draw on the blackboard. M: Sorry, I wont next time. 5. M: You should keep in line when you are in the dining hall, Mary. W: OK. I will. 第二节: Dialogue 1: M: Hello, Linda. Do you know any body language?W: Yes, Peter. M: What will you do if you meet your Japanese friend?W: I wi

41、ll bow. M: What will you do if you meet your favorite film star?W: I will shake hands with him. Dialogue 2: W: Hi, Jimmy. My penfriend is a Japanese girl and she will come to visit me next week. Do you know anything about Japan?M: Oh, yes. I know they usually nod their heads and bow when they meet e

42、ach other. W: Yes. Anything else?M: They think its not polite to touch each other. So they dont like to hug and they dont often shake hands like Americans or Chinese. W: Oh, I must remember this. Any more?M: They dont like the number 4 and 9. Interestingly, they take a bath every day, or they will f

43、eel dirty. W: What fun it is! Thanks for telling me so much, Jimmy. 第三节: Text: “Where are you going? ” is often asked by Chinese when two friends meet in the street. But if you ask Americans the same question, they will be unhappy because they think that “where they are going” is their own business.

44、 In their eyes, only a policeman will ask a question like that in the street. The same thing will happen to Americans if you ask them “Have you had your meal? ” In fact, to us Chinese, such questions do not mean anything but a greeting. In America, when two friends meet in the street, they will say

45、“Hello! ” or “How are you? ”They never ask “Where are you going? ”or “Have you had your meal? ”If two friends meet at mealtime and one asks the other “Have you had your meal? ”, that means he wants to ask his friend to have a meal with him. Its quite different from what it means in China. The exampl

46、es above tell us that people in different countries have different ideas. Now that we are learning foreign languages, we must know these differences. 笔试部分二、16. B 点拨: 上下文联系法。由England is a great country可知, 这里是在讲英国。17. A 点拨: 句意: 英国是一个历史悠久的大国。故用history。18. B 点拨: 由a womans age is her secret可知, 你不能去问一个女士的

47、年纪。19. D 点拨: 前后文推理法。由Dont laugh at (嘲笑) them. 可知, 这是一个晴天。20. D 点拨: 根据上下文, 由umbrellas可知是带雨伞。21. B 点拨: 由Although its sunny now可知, 可能很快会下雨。22. C 点拨: 语境推理法。由When you get a present from your friend可知。23. D24. C 点拨: 常识法。由on the left of the road可知, 英国人要在左边行驶。25. B 点拨: 由you can do something in China可知。三、A 2628 ADAB 2932 BCDDC 33. A 点拨: 通读全文可知, 本文主要讲述了印度的肢体语言。34. B 点拨: 由全文内容及最后一句可推断, 印度人摇头表示赞同。35. A 点拨: 由倒数第二段第二句“But to the officers surprise, the driver shook his


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