



1、 2022年四川信息职业技术学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】【2008.10】It took a few seconds for her eyes to _ to the darkness. A、allocate B、adopt C、apply D、adjust【正确答案】D第2题【单选题】【阅读选择】For any given task in Britain there are more men than are needed. Strong unions keep them there. In Fleet Street, home of some of Londo

2、ns biggest dailies, it is understood that when two unions quarrel over three jobs the argument is settled by giving each union two. That means 33 per cent over manning, 33 per cent less productivity than could be obtained.What happens when disputes over job opportunities arise among British unions?

3、A、Thirty three per cent of the workers will be out of work. B、More jobs will be created by the union. C、More people will be employed than necessary. D、The unions will try to increase productivity.【正确答案】C【答案解析】本段开头告诉读者“there are more men than are neededwhen two unions quarrel over three jobs, the arg

4、ument is settled by giving each union two”,接下来作者又进一步说明其实质,即它意味着“33 per cent over manning, 33 per cent less productivity than could be obtained”。第3题【单选题】【填句补文】Home schooling is often more interesting than regular schools, but critics say that home-schoolers are outsiders who might be uncomfortable mi

5、xing with other people in adult life. _. However, most parents dont have the time or the desire to teach their children at home, so schools will continue to be where most children get their formal education. A、Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teach their children. B、A num

6、ber of parents prefer not to send their children to school. C、Children who are educated at home are known as home-schoolers. D、Others believe they can provide a better educational experience for their children by teaching them at home.【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段大意是“对 home schooling 提出了质疑”,需要注意前面说到了“critics say”

7、,空格处与之对应的是“Critics also say”。第4题【单选题】【2009.10】Poor speaker of English though he was at the time, he still managed to make himself _. A、understand B、understood C、understanding D、to understand【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查语法。那个时候虽然他说英语说得不好,但仍然可以让别人听懂。非谓语动词的选用。过去分词作宾语补足语表示被动以及动作的完成。第5题【单选题】【完成句子】Intelligence was be

8、lieved to be a fixed entity, some faculty of the mind that we all possess and which determines in some way the extent of our achievements. Its Value therefore, was as a predictor of childrens future learning. If they differed markedly in their ability to learn complex tasks,then it was clearly neces

9、sary to educate them differently and the need for different types of school and even different ability groups within school was obviousIntelligence tests could be used for streaming children according to ability at an early age; and at 11 these tests were superior to measures of attainment for selec

10、ting children for different types of secondary educationIt was once believed _, and thus we can tell how successful he/she will be in the future according to his/her intelligence. A、born to be more intelligent or less intelligent B、taught to be more intelligent C、that intelligence was something a ba

11、by was born with D、and because of the lack of communication with his classmates【正确答案】C【答案解析】空格处需要真正的主语(It是形式主语),因此根据语法结构判断C 是答案。该句大意是“人们曾经一度相信,智力是一个孩子天生所具有的,因为我们可以根据他/她的智力水平判断他/她在将来是否会取得成功。第6题【单选题】【2009.04】The conclusion from the study is not definite; it is just _. A、tentative B、valid C、technical D

12、、thorough【正确答案】A【答案解析】译文:这项研究的结论不是一定的;它只是试探性的。试题分析:形容词词义选择题。详细解答:A 不确定的、试探性的;B 正当的、有根据的、有效的;C 技术性的、专门技术的;D 彻底的、十足的。第7题【单选题】【阅读选择】She told me her name was Helen and she was talking to a local restaurant where they were going to have lunch after her appointment. She called to see if he was there. She

13、said, “My husband has Alzheimers(老年痴呆)and he shouldnt be driving without me.” Numerous thoughts ran through my head. Call the police, call her family, and notify(通知)the doctors office she had just come from! But at first, I offered to drive to the local restaurant to see if Ed was waiting for her th

14、ere.The elderly woman cried in the lobby when she was talking to _. A、her husband with Alzheimers B、the nurse in the doctors office C、a local restaurant D、one of her family members【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。根据文章本段中She told me her name was Helen and she was talking to a local restaurant可知答案为C项。Helen由于担心自己丈夫安危

15、,但又找不到人,情急之下先打电话到俩人约好即将要去的餐厅询问情况。第8题【单选题】【阅读判断】The tornado caused a lot of damage to cars and houses in the area. It will take a long time and much money to repair everything. There was also serious water damage from the thunderstorms. The heavy rains and high wind caused the power to go out in many

16、 homes.Q: Power supply system was not damaged during the storm. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。本题可译为:暴风雨中供电系统没遭到破坏。最后一句说大风和暴雨使一些家庭的供电出现了问题,与题项矛盾,故选B。第9题【单选题】【阅读判断】Finally, though a childs teachers may not have been trained in language teaching, their relations with him are always close

17、and personal. They take great pains to make their lessons easy.Q: So far as language teaching is concerned, the teachers close personal relationship with the student is more important than the professional language teaching training he has received. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。文章讲虽然儿

18、童习得母语的“教师”可能没有受过专门的语言教学的训练,但与他的关系却是亲密的、个人化的。但是作者并没有提到在语言学习中,教师与学生密切的个人关系比教师接受专门的语言教学训练更重要。第10题【单选题】【2009.01】The twin sisters were identical_ appearance and character. A、of B、with C、in D、to【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查介词词义。句意:这对双胞胎姐妹的面容和性格都一模一样。be identical to/ with 完全相同的,一模一样的。本题要说明在某个方面是一样的,故选C。 第11题【单选题】【填句补文

19、】The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. _. That is at least as important as how much we know. A、Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and

20、friends. B、He keeps looking over the other persons shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room. C、Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes. D、In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we

21、get along with other people.【正确答案】D【答案解析】后句中的代词we在D中才有呼应的代词,而且在文章最后出现观点句是通常论述文的发展特点,因此判断D正确。第12题【单选题】【概括大意】The key to gardening with kids, says Patti Kraemer-Doell, family garden coordinator at the New York Botanical Gardens, is “Letting them experience it themselves. We have tried to guide them, bu

22、t not tell them to put the sunflowers here and the tomatoes there. The emphasis is on developing their imagination and their appreciation for being out in the garden.”The main idea of this paragraph is_. A、Different Kinds of Gardens. B、Kinds of Plants in s Home Garden C、The Most Important Point in F

23、amily Gardening D、How to plan sunflowers and tomatoes【正确答案】C【答案解析】本段指出家庭园艺的主旨是让孩子去体验,培养他们的想象力和鉴赏力。所以答案为C。第13题【单选题】【阅读选择】Roxaboxen is based on the true story of a group of children, growing up in the Arizona desert. There children can be a bit wild and much free, and they play outside from dawn to du

24、sk. The children discover the make-believe(虚假的)town, built on the hill across from their neighborhood. The town, called Roxaboxen, becomes the center of their play as the children grow, but the story is not just about the time spent in Roxaboxen as young children. More than that, this book is about

25、the way that imagination and secret places stay with us as we grow older and become a part of who we are. It is about the way that it helps us to grow into the adults that we become. What does the books name Roxaboxen refer to? A、A child. B、A library. C、A period of time. D、A place.【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。

26、查找细节题。短文本段中明显一句话提到,The town, called Roxaboxen,所以指的是一个地方的名字。第14题【单选题】【阅读选择】Many researchers,whose work depends on ocean sounds object to a limit of one-hundred-twenty decibels(分贝). They say such a limit is a greater danger than they believed. They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the

27、ocean.According to the passage, what will scientists most probably do in the future? A、They will work hard to reduce ocean noise pollution. B、They will protect animals from harmful noises. C、They will try to set a limit of 120 decibels. D、They will study the effect of ocean noise pollution.【正确答案】B【答

28、案解析】They will protect animals from harmful noises. 本段的最后一句话是答案的出处。第15题【单选题】【2007.04】Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting housing agencies in the city. A、set about B、set down C、set out D、set up【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查关于set的短语。contacting housing agencies:联系房屋中介。根据句意,应该选set about。set about:开始做某事。set

29、 down:放下,搁下;记下,记载,写下。set out:出发,开始,后面跟to do sth。set up:建立(事业);成立(组织);为某人提供必需品或有用的东西。 第16题【单选题】We are all concerned _ her safety. A、about B、in C、of D、with【正确答案】A【答案解析】be concerned about:关心,担心。句意:我们大家都担心着她的安全。第17题【单选题】【阅读判断】Norwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has been in

30、existence for more than two thousand years. It began as a small village beside the River Wensum.Q: The River Wensum flows by Norwich. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。答题依据在第二句,Norwich是River Wensum旁边的一个小村庄,就说明了River Wensum流经 Norwich。第18题【单选题】【2009.04】We _ go out to restaurants, but mostly

31、we eat at home. A、occasionally B、relatively C、continually D、absolutely【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查副词意义辨析。译文:我们偶尔外出去餐馆吃饭,但通常是在家吃饭。详细解答:A 偶尔地、偶然地、不经常;B 相对地、比较地;C 持续地、不间断地;D 完全地。第19题【单选题】【阅读选择】As far as astronomers(天文学家) can determine, the entire universe is built of the same matter. They have no reason to doubt

32、that matter obeys the same laws in every part of the universe. Therefore, it is reasonable to guess that other stars, with their own planets, were born in the same way as our own solar system. What we know of life on earth suggests that life will arise wherever the proper conditions exist.Astronomer

33、s believe that matter in different parts of the universe A、obeys different laws. B、obeys one common law. C、obeys the same laws. D、obeys no common law.【正确答案】C【答案解析】答题依据在本段的第二句。科学家没有理由怀疑宇宙中的物质遵循同一法则,即他们相信宇宙中不同地方的物质是遵循同一法则的。第20题【单选题】【2009.04】If payment is not received, legal action will be our only_. A

34、、aggression B、advantage C、alternative D、ambition【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查词义选择。译文:如果我们收不到付款,那就只好诉诸法律了。A 挑衅、侵犯;B 优势、优点;C 选择、取舍;D 野心、抱负。第21题【单选题】【2009.01】The twin sisters were identical_ appearance and character. A、of B、with C、in D、to【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查介词词义。句意:这对双胞胎姐妹的面容和性格都一模一样。be identical to/ with 完全相同的,一模一样的

35、。本题要说明在某个方面是一样的,故选C。 第22题【单选题】【阅读选择】Marian, the girl who wrote the original story about Roxaboxen that the childrens book is based on, was mayor. Other kids ran the stores which sold imaginary ice cream and baked goods. Kids drove imaginary cars outside of town, and the speeders went to jail, which

36、was guarded by the sheriff, another kid. Elsewhere, boys and girls had battles, charging each others bases using spears made with ocotillo, a desert plant. Who is Marian? A、She is the author. B、She sold ice cream in Roxaboxen. C、She is the mayor of Roxaboxen in the book. D、She guards the jail in the

37、 book.【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。事实细节题。根据关键词锁定短文本段。本段第一句话给出了正确答案,Marian是最先写这个故事的人,但是并不是这本书的作者。而且是这本书中那个小镇的镇长。第23题【单选题】【填句补文】Doctors believe that secondhand smoke may cause lung cancer in people who do not smoke because nonsmokers often breathe in the smoke from other peoples cigarettes_. The US Environmental

38、 Protection Agency reports that about 53,000 people die in the United States each year as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke. A、The risk is even higher for children who live in homes where both parents smoke. B、In the United States,nine million children under the age of five live in homes with

39、 at least one smoker. C、This smoke is called secondhand smoke. D、No one knows for sure why Mr. Gilson has lung cancer.【正确答案】C【答案解析】前一句提到,不吸烟者时常吸入他人香烟中冒出的烟,接下来应首选对此烟加以定义的句子。第24题【单选题】You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. Well, now I regret _ that. A、to do B、to be doing C、to have do

40、ne D、having done【正确答案】D【答案解析】根据句意,事情已经做过了,所以用regret doing,表示“后悔做了某事”。第25题【单选题】【阅读选择】Helping the planet is a big part of what our world trip is all about and thats exactly what we did this past week. We helped get a hydroponics farm started in a local village. This farm will be a model for the local

41、villagers so they can start their very own self sustaining farm. Hydroponics is a type of farming that uses a third of the water needed in an average farm and uses no soil. A hydroponics farm _. A、is difficult to build B、is a type of farm without soil C、will cost lots of money D、was started in the v

42、illage before they came【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。词义理解题。根据关键词hydroponics farm迅速锁定本段。再通过排除法可以判定B项是正确的。因为A和C表述的内容文章并没有提到过。D项表述是错误的,因为那个村庄在他们去之前并没有这种hydroponics farm。是他们到了之后,帮忙建立了一个模型。第26题【单选题】【2009.01】He has deep love for the people and_loyalty to the country. A、intense B、initial C、instant D、imitative【正确答案】A【答

43、案解析】本题考查形容词词义区分。A 强烈的,极度的;B 最初的,开始的;C 立即的,即时的;D 模仿的,仿效的。形容loyalty,选A比较恰当。第27题【单选题】【2009.10】The traffic was held up for more than thirty minutes, _ caused me to arrive late. A、it B、that C、what D、which【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查非限制性定语从句。整句话的意思是:交通阻塞30多分钟,这使得我到达晚了。第28题【单选题】【阅读选择】You cant change your energy cycle

44、, but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe youre sleepy in the evening but you must stay up late anyway. Counteract your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an i

45、mportant job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This wont change your cycle, but youll get up steam and work better at your low point.If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should _. A、change his energy cycle B、overcome his laziness C、get up earli

46、er than usual D、go to bed earlier【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题要求读者找出本段中的最后两句,并联系本段开头两句的意思,作出正确判断。本段开头说,“虽然你无法改变自己的能量周期,但你可以使你的生活适合这一周期。Dr. Kleitman认为经常性的行为(对你的能量周期)能起作用。”最后两句又说,“rise before your usual hourwork better at your low point”(“如果你在上午处于能量的低潮,但你有重要的工作要在上午做,那么你就要比平时早起。这并不改变你的周期,但你可以在低潮时得到能量,工作得更好。”)因此选项C是正

47、确答案。第29题【单选题】【2009.04】She _ everything else and concentrated on the task before her. A、set off B、set back C、set aside D、set up【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查短语意义辨析。译文:她把其他事情都放到一边,集中精力于她面前的任务。详细解答:A 出发、动身;B 把(某物)置于之后、延迟;C 撇开、取消、废除;D 建立、提出。第30题【单选题】【2008.04】The cloth had a natural look which perfectly _ the image L

48、aura sought. A、turned out B、set down C、thought over D、coincided with【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查短语意义辨析。这块布料看起来很自然,与劳拉寻找的样式完全相符。A. 关闭; B.制定、放下; D. 与相同、与相符。第31题【单选题】【2008.10】Country life is better than city life _ it offers fresh air and noiseless environment. A、in that B、as that C、as for D、in which【正确答案】A【答案解析】

49、本题考查复合句。句意为:乡村生活好过城市生活,因为它空气新鲜且环境无噪音。in that 是复合连接词,只在一定的句式中使用。也可以用作一个固定词组。A 在于,原因是,在方面;C. 关于,至于,举例:I like the country better in that it is closer to nature. 我更喜欢乡村,因为它更接近自然。第32题【单选题】【概括大意】Our bodies are estimated to be about 60 to 70% water. Blood is mostly water, and our muscles, lungs, and brain

50、all contain a lot of water. Water is needed to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients (滋养) to travel to all our organs. Water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste, and protects our joints and organs.The main idea of this paragraph is_. A、Ounces of Water Needed

51、 Per Day B、Importance of Water C、Water in Our Body D、The Function of Water【正确答案】B【答案解析】通过介绍水在我们身体里的含量、水存在身体的那些部位及水的一些功能来证明水的重要性。因此选择B。第33题【单选题】【阅读选择】Climate scientists are not present everywhere. Because there are so many places in the world and not enough scientists to observe all of them, theyre a

52、sking for your help in observing signs of climate change across the world. The citizen scientist movement encourages ordinary people to observe a very specific research interest birds, trees, flowers budding, etc, and send their observations to a giant database to be observed by professional scienti

53、sts. This helps a small number of scientists track a large amount of data that they would never be able to gather on their own. Much like citizen journalists helping large publications cover a hyper-local beat, citizen scientists are ready for the conditions where they live. All thats needed to beco

54、me one is a few minutes each day or each week to gather data and send it in.In “All thats needed to become one. (paragraph 2) ”, what does the word “one” stands for ? A、a citizen journalist B、a citizen scientist C、a scientist D、a citizen【正确答案】B【答案解析】one 不仅是数词也是代词;代词指代的名词或句子一般出现在代词的前一句,要注意区分代词单、复数。第3

55、4题【单选题】【完成句子】Certainly there are millions who need to lose weight. But there are also millions who only imagine they need to. Compulsive and continuous dieting, not to mention eating disorders, shows that some of us will do anything to reduce our bodies down to the currently desirable shape. But is

56、being underweight really desirable?A great many people go on a diet to_. A、keep fit B、have a body shape that all people will admire C、prolong life span D、get ride of digestive system diseases【正确答案】B【答案解析】本段文字指出,很多人为了达到当前流行的体型(reduce our bodies down to the currently desirable shape)而不惜通过节食等方法减肥。因此选择B

57、。第35题【单选题】【2009.01】Whenever I go out to dinner with him, I always_paying the bill. A、end up B、arrive at C、drop out D、give off【正确答案】A【答案解析】句意:每当我与他外出吃饭,最后总是我付账。考查短语意义区分。 A 以而告终;B 达到,取得;C 不参加,隐退;D 散发。 第36题【单选题】【阅读判断】Every year, in November, Thanksgiving Day reminds us of the good things in life, and p

58、eople are thankful. On this day people usually eat turkey and great quantities of other foods.Q: The turkey is a most popular food on Thanksgiving Day. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。感恩节这天火鸡通常是必不可少的。因此本题是正确的。第37题【单选题】【2007.04】It is difficult to _ the implication between the lines. A、get

59、 to B、get with C、get at D、get down【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查词组辨析。A. 开始,接触; C. 找出,发现; D. 下来,写下来。 第38题【单选题】【2010.04】The spokesman occasionally _ his speech with gestures. A、acknowledges B、accompanies C、attributes D、anticipates【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查词汇。【译文】这位发言人讲演中偶尔伴有手势。第39题【单选题】Knowing how to protect yourself again

60、st identity theft is the first thing you _ for yourself. A、need done B、need doing C、need to doing D、need to do【正确答案】D【答案解析】need作实意动词时,后面跟动词表示主动用need to do,答案选D。第40题【单选题】【完成句子】Heavy metals are persistent; they do not break down to other chemicals in the environment. Industrially polluted sites usuall


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