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1、 2022年赤峰工业职业技术学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】【2007.04】Jenny complained that the hospital _ her too much for the treatment. A、expended B、paid C、cost D、charged【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查词义辨析。charge:要价;索价;要人支付;收费。例如:The fruit seller charged me too much money.这个水果商要了我很多的钱。 第2题【单选题】【2010.04】What her grandfather said

2、 left a _ impression on her mind. She still remembers it. A、final B、vague C、deep D、main【正确答案】C【答案解析】译文:她爷爷说的事情给她留下深刻的印象,她仍然还记得。本题考查词汇。形容词意义区分题。final 最终的,vague 模糊的,deep 深的,main 主要的。第3题【单选题】【2009.01】Modern economics _the countrys agricultural policies. A、undergoes B、understands C、underlies D、undertake

3、s【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查词义辨析。句意:现代经济学是国家农业政策的基础。考查形近动词词义。A 经历,经受;B 了解;C 成为的基础;D 承担,保证。 第4题【单选题】【2009.10】The profit-sharing plan is designed to _ the staff to work hard. A、calculate B、demonstrate C、speculate D、motivate【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查词语辨析。【译文】利润共享计划目的是激发员工努力工作。A 计算、估算 B 证实、论证、演示 C思索、推测 D 激励、激发第5题【单选题】【200

4、9.01】If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get_. A、concentrated B、confused C、confirmed D、convinced【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查形近形容词意义区分。句意:如果你试图一次学太多东西,你就有可能糊涂了。A .浓缩的,专心的;B 糊涂的,混淆的;C 根深蒂固的;D 确信的。第6题【单选题】【2007.04】The book fair has received a positive _ from readers. A、result B、response C、settl

5、ement D、solution【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查词义辨析。response:反映,反响。result:结果,后果。settlement:殖民,移民,定居。solution:解决;解答。根据句意,应该选response。a positive response:良好的反映。 第7题【单选题】【阅读判断】Five neighbors at a central Missouri retirement community who are all centenarians (百岁老人) get asked all the time:“How did you live to be 100?

6、Q: The five centenarians live in a very friendly community A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。题目说的是“这五位百岁老人生活在一个非常友好的社区”,文章开头部分提到了“community(社区)”,但该句并没有说这五位百岁老人生活的社区是否是一个友好的社区,因此判断问题句的信息在文章中没有提到。第8题【单选题】【概括大意】Many of lifes failures, the supreme innovator said, are people who did not realize

7、 how close they were to success when they gave up. Before that magical moment in October 1879, Edison had worked out no fewer than 3,000 theories about electric light, but in only two cases did his experiments work.The main idea of this paragraph is_. A、Importance of learning from failure B、Never a

8、successful man gives up C、It is important to fail for a successful man D、EdisonS comment on failure【正确答案】D【答案解析】通过应用部分可以看出这段文字的主题是爱迪生对失败的评论。因此选择D。第9题【单选题】【2009.04】Dont trust everything _ you have read in the newspapers. A、which B、that C、as D、what【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查定语从句。译文:不要相信你在报纸上读到的每件事。定语从句所修饰的先行词是不

9、定代词everything,故选B。第10题【单选题】【2009.10】The profit-sharing plan is designed to _ the staff to work hard. A、calculate B、demonstrate C、speculate D、motivate【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查词语辨析。【译文】利润共享计划目的是激发员工努力工作。A 计算、估算 B 证实、论证、演示 C思索、推测 D 激励、激发第11题【单选题】【2009.7】The wounded soldiers would recover quickly if they were w

10、ell _. A、nourished B、stuffed C、tamed D、ventured【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查过去分词意义区分。译文:如果受伤的战士营养很好,他们就会很快痊愈。A 营养,滋养;B 填满,塞满; C 驯服(猛兽);D 冒险第12题【单选题】【2007.04】The volleyball match was televised _ on CCTV. A、alive B、life C、live D、lively【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查live的形似词辨析。live可以作副词,意思是:实况转播地。符合句意。 第13题【单选题】【2009.01】Wheneve

11、r I go out to dinner with him, I always_paying the bill. A、end up B、arrive at C、drop out D、give off【正确答案】A【答案解析】句意:每当我与他外出吃饭,最后总是我付账。考查短语意义区分。 A 以而告终;B 达到,取得;C 不参加,隐退;D 散发。 第14题【单选题】【阅读选择】It was also in the 1600s that professional ballet began. King Louis XIV of France, himself a devoted dancer, fou

12、nded the Royal Academy of Dance. The five basic feet positions from which all ballet steps begin were finalized. In the late 1700s another important change occurred. Ballet began to tell a story on its own. It was no longer simply dance to be performed between acts of plays. Elaborate wigs and costu

13、mes were eliminated. By the early 1800s dancers learned to rise on their toes to make it appear that they were floating.An important influence in early ballet was_. A、Balanchine B、Marie Antoinette C、Diaghilev D、Louis XIV【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。细节题。对照原文It was also in the 1600s that professional ballet bega

14、n. King Louis XIV of France, himself a devoted dancer, founded the Royal Academy of Dance. 这里出现的时间1600s在原文中是比较早的,提到的人物是King Louis XIV,选D。第15题【单选题】【阅读选择】On the other hand, on the moon there will be an attraction between the butter and the moon; but the butter will weigh only about one-sixth as much a

15、s it does on the earth. This is because the moon is so much smaller than the earth. The amount of gravitational pull that a body produces depends on the amount of material in it. A packet of butter has a gravitational pull of its own; but this is very small in relation to the pull of something as la

16、rge as the moon, or the earth, or the sun.We do not feel the gravitational pull of a packet of butter because A、it is too small to have a gravitational pull of its own. B、its pull is so small that we tend to ignore it. C、its pull disappears in the presence of the earths gravitation. D、it tends to me

17、lt and loses its gravitational pull.【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题定位词是not feelpacket of butter,找到原文中A packet of butter has a gravitational pull of its own; but this is very small in relation to the pull of something as large as the moon, or the earth, or the sun.所以答案是B。C项错在disappear。第16题【单选题】【填句补文】 Although the re

18、searchers have only just made the technical details of the microscope public, it is already on sale. It is currently the size of a refrigerator and takes several minutes to scan a circuit, but Xiao and Schrag are working _. A、to take tiny chips we require B、to making chips any smaller C、to shrink it

19、 to the size of a desktop computer and cut the scanning time to 30 seconds D、of conducting electricity【正确答案】C【答案解析】这部分所说的体积的减小和所需时间的缩短恰好与前半句中提到的冰箱大小的体积和所需数分钟的时间形成了对比。即:目前它大约像冰箱那么大,而且要用几分钟扫描一个电路,但是他们正在努力使它缩小到台式计算机那么大,把扫描时间缩短到30秒。第17题【单选题】【填句补文】Posture. A good posture makes you feel better about yours

20、elf. _. This makes breathing more difficult, which in turn can make you feel nervous or uncomfortable. A、If you are feeling down, you normally dont sit straight, with your shoulders inwards. B、Body language is a broad term for several forms of communication using body movements or gestures. C、Body l

21、anguage differs from culture to culture. D、If you are at interviews, try to keep them still.【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段讲的是身体姿势。填充句后一个句子提到“this”会使呼吸更加困难,this显然指的是一种不太好的身体姿势,因此本题答案为A。第18题【单选题】【2009.04】This is the first time that a woman has been_ to the post. A、granted B、praised C、pointed D、appointed【正确答案】D【答案解析】

22、译文:这是第一次任命一位妇女担任此职位。试题分析:本题考查词义辨析。详细解答:A 允许、同意;B 表扬、赞扬;C 指、指出;D 指定、任命、委任。第19题【单选题】【2008.04】New drivers are far more _ to have accidents than experienced drivers. A、possible B、likely C、probable D、unlikely【正确答案】B第20题【单选题】【阅读选择】Do you think sitting and studying all the time will improve your grades? Th

23、ink again. Getting some exercise may help, too. New research with older people suggests that taking regular walks helps them pay attention better than if they didnt exercise.Walking regularly helps elderly people_. A、lose weight B、become happier C、concentrate better D、look younger【正确答案】C【答案解析】同义词替换有

24、题干替换、选项替换。第21题【单选题】【2008.04】The government finally _ all the documents relating to the war. A、released B、specialized C、realized D、supposed【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查动词意义区分。A “公开发表、公布或发布(新闻)” B 专门从事、专攻 C 意识到、领悟 D 假定、猜想。整句话的意思是:政府最终公布了与这场战争有关的全部文件。第22题【单选题】【完成句子】Heavy metals are persistent; they do not break do

25、wn to other chemicals in the environment. Industrially polluted sites usually undergo intensive clean-up and rehabilitation because heavy metals are a health concern once they enter the food chain. Some trace metals are alleged to cause cancer and are also known to cause poisoning. Industrially cont

26、aminated sites usually require a thorough clean-up due to _. A、the persistence of heavy metals B、industrially polluted soils C、naturally polluted soils D、rock and soil chemistry【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段提到:受到污染的土壤含有重金属,而且重金属很稳定,不容易降解,所以要对重金属进行彻底的清除。答案选择A。第23题【单选题】【完成句子】Did you know that before 1950, hurricanes

27、 had no names? They were simply given numbers. The first names were simply Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc. but in 1953, females names were given because of the unpredictability(不可预知)factor of the storms. In 1979, realizing the sexist(性别歧视的)nature of such names, the lists were expanded to include both me

28、n and women.The main consideration of using males and females names for hurricanes is _. A、the timely(及时的)discovery B、its uncertainty C、sex equality D、its connection with humans【正确答案】C【答案解析】依靠原文(利用(male, female)names作为答案线索词)中最后一句判断答案为C(与性别有关)。第24题【单选题】【2010.04】We should _ this in mind: Dont judge a

29、person by his appearance. A、bear B、put C、place D、print【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查词汇题。【译文】 我们应当牢牢记住:不要以貌取人。详细解答】牢记在心:bear in mind 或者keep in mind第25题【单选题】【阅读选择】Income may be national income and personal income. Whereas national income is defined as the total earned income of all the factors of production namely

30、, profits, interest, rent, wages, and other compensation for labor, personal income may be defined as total money income received by individuals before personal taxes are paid. National income does not equal GNP because the factors of production do not receive payment for either capital consumption

31、allowances or indirect business taxes, both of which are included in GNP. The money put aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted as income. Indirect taxes include sales taxes, property taxes, and excise taxes that are paid by businesses directly to the government and

32、so reduce the income left to pay for the factors of production. Three-fourths of national income goes for wages, salaries, and other forms of compensation to employees.Which of the following statements is true according to the paragraph? A、GNP equals national income plus indirect business taxes. B、G

33、NP excludes both capital consumption allowances and indirect business taxes. C、Personal income is regarded as the total money income received by an individual after his or her taxes are paid. D、The money that goes for capital consumption is not regarded as income.【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题的依据是本段的The money put

34、aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted as income.这个句子。对原句的词语选项D用了别的表达方法,但大意仍保持不变。第26题【单选题】【完成句子】As the sunflowers grow, put a hay fence around them for protection and stake if necessary. Plant morning glories or sweet peas around the base of each sunflower, and they

35、 will grow up the stems, eventually forming a roof over the top. By summers end, kids will have a sunflower house to play in.When autumn comes, children can_. A、seed lots of sunflowers B、play games in the sunflower house C、include plants with animal names D、find their own playing section【正确答案】B【答案解析

36、】段落最后一句是答案的出处,By summers end“夏天结束的时候”实际上就是When autumn comes“秋天来临的时候”。答案选择B。第27题【单选题】【2009.04】If payment is not received, legal action will be our only_. A、aggression B、advantage C、alternative D、ambition【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查词义选择。译文:如果我们收不到付款,那就只好诉诸法律了。A 挑衅、侵犯;B 优势、优点;C 选择、取舍;D 野心、抱负。第28题【单选题】【2009.10】Poo

37、r speaker of English though he was at the time, he still managed to make himself _. A、understand B、understood C、understanding D、to understand【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查语法。那个时候虽然他说英语说得不好,但仍然可以让别人听懂。非谓语动词的选用。过去分词作宾语补足语表示被动以及动作的完成。第29题【单选题】【2009.04】Dont trust everything _ you have read in the newspapers. A、which

38、 B、that C、as D、what【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查定语从句。译文:不要相信你在报纸上读到的每件事。定语从句所修饰的先行词是不定代词everything,故选B。第30题【单选题】【阅读判断】Technology is a beauty. We eagerly adopt its pleasure, preferring to cope with the drawbacks on the morning after.Q: Technology is like an art, which everybody including scientists loves. A、True

39、 B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。这段提到了technology是一种美的享受,但是没有说它是一种艺术,更没有说我们每个人都热爱这门艺术。第31题【单选题】【阅读选择】And yet although the Mayas knew about the wheel, they never used it. Neither did they use metals other than copper. What is ever more surprising is that they suddenly abandoned(抛弃) many of the ci

40、ties and built new ones in the jungle. Some time around AD900, Mayan civilization collapsed. By the year 1200, their last great capital, Chichen Itza, was deserted.One of the most surprising findings about Mayas was that _. A、they developed accurate system measuring time. B、they knew how to build py

41、ramids with stones. C、they deserted their cities and moved to new ones. D、they built cities which they never lived in.【正确答案】C【答案解析】对应点为What is ever more surprising is that they suddenly abandoned many of the cities and built new ones in the jungle.是对原文语意进行了转化,最高级代替了比较级。第32题【单选题】【2010.04】Experts have

42、 found that normal sleep can be divided into five _ stages. A、moderate B、initial C、distinct D、advanced【正确答案】C【答案解析】【译文】专家们已经发现正常的睡眠可以分为五个不同的阶段。【试题分析】本题考查词汇。【详细解答】形容词的词义选取。第33题【单选题】【完成句子】Most of us can find 15 minutes or half an hour each day for some regular activity. For example, one famous surgeon

43、 always spent 15 minutes reading something before he went to sleep each day. Whether he went to bed at 10 p.m. or 2:30 a.m. made no difference.You are advised to read something before you _. A、find the topic sentences B、find out the new words C、keep reading fast D、go to bed every day【正确答案】D【答案解析】本段提

44、到一位著名的医生不管晚上睡得多晚,都要花15分钟读点东西,那已经成为习惯。所以本题说“在你干什么之前,建议你读点东西”,从选项中看只有 D 项合适。第34题【单选题】【2010.04】There is something wrong with my mobile phone. I must have it _. A、repair B、to repair C、repairing D、repaired【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查非谓语动词的用法。选择过去分词作宾语补语,表示被动以及动作的完成。【译文】我的手机有毛病了,我一定要修好它(手机)。第35题【单选题】【填句补文】The smoke

45、that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different poisonous chemicals. In the past, scientists did not think that these chemicals could harm a nonsmokers health. _. They discovered that even nonsmokers had unhealthy amounts of these toxic (有毒的) chemicals in their bodies. A、The Gilsons have bee

46、n married for 35 years. B、Recently, though, scientists changed their opinion after they studied a large group of nonsmokers. C、We cannot avoid secondhand smoke in restaurants. D、In the United States, nine million children under the age of five live in homes with at least one smoker.【正确答案】B【答案解析】前一句讲

47、的是科学家们过去对二手烟的看法,接下来应选表示他们改变观点的句子,因为下一句表明他们所持的观点已与过去截然不同。第36题【单选题】You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. Well, now I regret _ that. A、to do B、to be doing C、to have done D、having done【正确答案】D【答案解析】regret后所跟动词有to do 与doing两种形式,不定式表示“为做某事而遗憾”, doing 表示“为做过某事而后悔”。“having done”则更强调动作已发生而

48、无法挽回。 第37题【单选题】【阅读判断】Hercules served a king. The king was afraid of him. So again and again he sent him on difficult tasks. One morning the king sent for him and told him to fetch three golden apples for him from the garden of the Singing Maidens (歌女). But no one knew where the garden was.Q: Hercule

49、s was given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。句子的意思是:国王想除掉Hercules,所以交给他很多艰巨的工作去做。这个信息在短文第二句和第三句中提到了,与短文的意思相符(国王很害怕Hercules,多次交给他艰巨的工作去做),由此可以推断本题的正确选项为A。第38题【单选题】【2008.04】That proposal is essentially irrelevant _ the issue at

50、 hand. A、with B、from C、in D、to【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查介词的固定搭配。句子翻译:那个提案与手头上的问题根本无关。irrelevant to 表示:与无关。第39题【单选题】【阅读选择】The children dont just plan any city. They map and analyze(分析) the housing, energy, and transportation requirements of their own district and foretell its needs in 100 years. With the aid

51、of an architect(建筑师)who visits the classroom once a week, they invent new ways to meet these needs and build models of their creations.“Designing buildings of the future gives children a lot of freedom,” says the teacher who developed this program. “They are able to use their own rich imagination an

52、d inventions without fear of blame,because there are no wrong answers in a future context. In fact, as the class enters the final model-building stage of the program, an elected official and planning group make all the design decisions for the model city, and the teacher steps back and becomes an ad

53、viser.”An architect pays a weekly visit to the classroom _. A、to find out kids creative ideas B、to discuss with the teacher C、to give children lectures D、to help kids with their program【正确答案】D【答案解析】根据本段中的 With the aid of an architect who visits the classroom once a week,they invent new ways to meet

54、these needs and build models of their creations可知答案为D。句中的 aid 意为“帮助”,与 help 同义。第40题【单选题】【阅读判断】The tornado caused a lot of damage to cars and houses in the area. It will take a long time and much money to repair everything. There was also serious water damage from the thunderstorms. The heavy rains a

55、nd high wind caused the power to go out in many homes.Q: Power supply system was not damaged during the storm. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。本题可译为:暴风雨中供电系统没遭到破坏。最后一句说大风和暴雨使一些家庭的供电出现了问题,与题项矛盾,故选B。第41题【单选题】I promise I will remember _ the book to you. A、return B、to return C、returning D、re

56、turned【正确答案】B【答案解析】根据I promise可知这件事情还没有做,所以用remember to do。这句话的意思是:我保证我会记得还书给你。第42题【单选题】【2008.04】The vehicle was traveling at speeds _ 90 miles per hour. A、in addition to B、in view of C、in excess of D、in search of【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查短语辨析。那辆车以超过每小时90英里的速度行驶。A .除之外、 例外; B. 由看来、 有鉴于;C. 过分、超出; D. 寻找、追求。第43

57、题【单选题】【阅读选择】Roxaboxen is based on the true story of a group of children, growing up in the Arizona desert. There children can be a bit wild and much free, and they play outside from dawn to dusk. The children discover the make-believe(虚假的)town, built on the hill across from their neighborhood. The t

58、own, called Roxaboxen, becomes the center of their play as the children grow, but the story is not just about the time spent in Roxaboxen as young children. More than that, this book is about the way that imagination and secret places stay with us as we grow older and become a part of who we are. It

59、 is about the way that it helps us to grow into the adults that we become. What does the books name Roxaboxen refer to? A、A child. B、A library. C、A period of time. D、A place.【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。查找细节题。短文本段中明显一句话提到,The town, called Roxaboxen,所以指的是一个地方的名字。第44题【单选题】【阅读选择】On the other hand, on the moon the

60、re will be an attraction between the butter and the moon; but the butter will weigh only about one-sixth as much as it does on the earth. This is because the moon is so much smaller than the earth. The amount of gravitational pull that a body produces depends on the amount of material in it. A packe


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