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1、用心命试题 用智促教学六毛点评黄梅县2014年秋期末质量检测八年级英语试题黄梅县2014年秋期末质量检测八年级英语试题(考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分)一、听力测试(共三节;计25分听力部分材料与教材同步,题干和选项设计合理,难易度适中,命题有很高的技巧。值得教师们研读和学习。)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分图片试题也应该是一来一回的小对话,而不是独白式的描述。)听句子。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出与对话内容相符的图片。听完每句话后,你将有5秒钟的作答时间。每个句子读二遍五段材料来自同步话题,学生熟悉,容易答题。( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B.

2、 C. 图片在印刷时不清楚,影响学生答题。( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分6段对话来自学生生活和教材改编。分别涉及:日常生活、未来职业规划、人物比较、选购礼品、旅游经历、学习困难。听力问题设计合理,由易到难。题干简练,选项简洁!) 听下面6段长对话。每段对话后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第第6、7小题。( ) 6. How often does Mike go to the movi

3、es? A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. C. Three times a month.( ) 7. What kind of movies does Mike like best听力制作时,语音不清晰。此小题易错。? A. Action movies. B. Comedies. C. Soap operas. 听第7段对话,回答第8、9小题。( ) 8. What does John want to be? A. A cook. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.( ) 9. Where is Mary going to work in

4、the future? A. In Shanghai. B. In Beijing. C. In America.听第8段对话,回答第10、11小题。 ( ) 10. Who is the most popular teacher in Toms class?A. Mr. Brown. B. Mr. Smith. C. Mr. Green.( ) 11. Tom also likes Mr. Green because he is此小题建议用问题方式进行呈现,达到和谐统一。_. A. the most outgoing. B. the most serous. C. the most hard

5、-working.听第9段对话,回答第1214小题。( ) 12. How old is the girls sister tomorrow? A. Five. B. Fourteen. C. Fifteen.( ) 13. Why doesnt she want to buy a camera? A. Because its not special. B. Because its expensive. C. Because her sister doesnt like it.( ) 14. Where are they going? A. Their school. B. The park.

6、 C. A book shop. 听第10段对话,回答第1517小题。( ) 15. Who went to Hainan last holiday?A. Tinas friends. B. Tinas family. C. Tinas teacher( ) 16. How was the weather there?A. It was cold. B. It was hot. C. It was warm.( ) 17. What does Tina think of the trip本对话中的信息没有涉及评价,所以学生只能意猜!?A. It was bad. B. It was great

7、. C. It was not beautiful.听第11段对话,回答第1820小题。( ) 18.Whats the matter with Peter? A. Hes ill. B. He failed the test. C. He lost his book.( ) 19. What subject is Peter good at听力制作有问题,学生易错。? A. Math. B. Chinese. C. Science.( ) 20.Where do they study together? A. At school. B. At Anns home. C. At Peters

8、home.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分短文独白与教材话题有关,涉及未来职业和爱好,短文虽短,但是信息量较大,很好地考查了学生对信息甄别推断能力。) 听下面的一篇短文,请根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。听完短文之后你将有一分钟的答题时间。短文听两遍。( ) 21. What does Mike want to be?A. A teacher. B. A cook. C. A doctor.( ) 22. Why does Grace want to be a teacher? A. Because she thinks little children are lovel

9、y. B. Because her mother is a teacher.C. Because she is good at studying.( ) 23. What is Sam like听力制作有问题,学生易错。?A. He is outgoing. B. He is a little quiet. C. He is friendly.( ) 24. What does Lucy love doing?A. Reading. B. Cooking. C. Traveling.( ) 25. Which of the followings is true听力制作有问题,学生易错。?A.

10、Kevin wants to be a pilot. B. Sam can write well.C. Mike thinks to do the job you love is important.二、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分能准确把握单选题从知识到能力考查的变化方向。一、重视对词汇意义和在语境中的理解考查。二、考点设计具备常考和实用性,覆盖整个教材,没有设计2个考点连考考点,重点突出。三、题干信息渗透地方文化特色,并兼备语言生活化和时效性特点。四、选项设计合理,干扰性强。)从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )26. Do you know Huan

11、gmei Opera(戏)? Of course, its a part of the of China. A. education. B. culture. C. information. D. concert. ( )27. Is Beijing duck very food in China? Yes, we all know it. A. foreign. B. simple. C. famous. D. enjoyable.( )28. Dad, its moms birthday today, did you buy _ for her此题设计值得讨论。根据语境应该可以推断为:你应

12、该买点东西,所以A答案也是可存在的语言。? Yes, a box of chocolate. A. something special. B. special something. C. anything special. D. special anything.( )29. _ do you drink the students milk? Every day. A. How long. B. How often. C. How soon. D. How much.( )30. There are more than 5 months in this term(学期). Yes, Its _

13、 than last term. A. more. B. long. C. longer. D. longest.( )31. Who won the Voice Of China this year此题经典!考查巧妙,学生易错!? Zhang Bichen. She sang _of all the singers. A. more beautiful. B. the most beautiful. C. more beautifully. D. the most beautifully.( )32. Look! Cars are here and there on the streets此

14、题选项失重。把C选项改成has效果会好一些。! So I think there_ two cars in our homes in some years. A. will have. B. will be. C. is going to have. D. have. ( )33. What if I break the windows? If you do, the teacher _ up your parents. A. calls. B. are going to call. C. will call D. called( )34. Why do you come to my part

15、y on foot? Because my home is_ yours. A. similar to. B. close to. C. different from. D. the same as.( )35. Look! She looks so sad! What happened? She worked hard, _, she failed the exam again. A. but. B. and. C. however. D. or.( )36. More and more left behind children(留守儿童) are studying in our schoo

16、l情感教育渗透!好!! Really? I think teachers should_ them more. A. look for. B. find out. C. care about. D. take up. ( )37Mr. Ma Yun, its difficult for me to be successful励志教育好!As long as是本教材新增加的,体现“新”特点。! _you work hard,your dreams will come true. A. As long as B. As soon as C. As well as D. As more as( )3

17、8. Lets make fruit salad此题题干和选项有问题。题干:We need two apples and _yougurt. 选项不要呈现错误知识选项。A选项改成:many B选项改成 few C选项改成 much D 选项改成:lot. 这样考点跟直接明了!! Good idea. We need two apples and _. A. two cups of yogurts. B. two cups of yogurt. C. two yogurt. D. some yogurts. ( )39. _. I cant stand it. A. Do you want to

18、 watch a talk show? B. Why do you like watching a talk show? C. What do you think of a talk show? D. What can you learn from a talk show?( )40. Mei, sorry to keep you waiting so long此题交际语有超纲之嫌。! _. A. Youre welcome. B. All right. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. Never mind.三、完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分选材新,可读性强。重视对

19、语境的考查,考点设计合理。但是由于材料篇幅较短,留空字数不多,导致学生理解有一定难度。首尾句最好不设空。)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文空白处的最佳选项。 Do you know the TV show41 ? These days, it is becoming 42 of all. On the show, the five fathers and their 43 traveled around China. Riding, fishing, and selling vegetables together. One dad didnt

20、know 44 to comb(梳) his daughters hair, others tried to help45 . Another one must live with his son for three days in the desert, because the father couldnt 46 , so they only ate instant noodles. Why is this TV show 47 popular? Because it is about how Chinese parents 48 their kids. The show makes mod

21、ern parents 49 about what they should do with their kids. In traditional Chinese culture, the father is 50 but the mother is kind. However, on the show we see fathers are friendly 51 the kids. In the past, parents taught children 52 what they wish to do. But today Chinese parents begin to respect th

22、eir 53 choices(选择). When they let the children have 54 experiences, parents are 55 at the same time.( ) 41. A. Where Are We Going, Dad首句不设空,前面可加上一句。Do you like watching the TV show? B. Animal Worlds. C. The Voice Of China. D. A Bite Of China. ( ) 42. A. popular. B. more popular. C. the most popular.

23、 D. most popular. ( ) 43. A. wives. B. sons. C. daughters. D. children.( ) 44. A. what. B. how. C. where. D. why( ) 45. A. her. B. him. C. them. D. me 此题难。. ( ) 46. A. drive. B. paint. C. cook. D. sing.( ) 47. A. such. B. too. C. to. D. so. ( ) 48. A. bring out. B. find out. C. look for. D. take car

24、e of.( ) 49. A. to think. B. thought. C. thinking. D. think.( ) 50. A. helpful. B. serious. C. creative. D. outgoing.( ) 51. A. at. B. to. C. with. D. on.( ) 52. A. do. B. did. C does. D. to doTeach sb to do sth. 有超纲之嫌。.( ) 53. A. children. B. childrens C. childrens. D. childrenss此题设空不科学。B选项可改成child

25、 D选项可改成boys( ) 54. A. much. B. a lot. C. many. D. lot ofexperiences作“经历”讲时,是可数名词。有超纲之嫌。.( ) 55. A. growing. B. growing up. C. grow. D. grow up.四、综合阅读(共两节;计32分阅读材料,短小精悍,题材多样,新颖可读,具备教育性和实用性。试题难易适当,难度层层递进。阅读考点先考察细节,后考查信息转换,再考察主旨理解和推断,符合阅读考察规律。)第一节 阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)阅读下面三篇短文,根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (1故事类,有教

26、育意义。)2014 is the year of horse(马) in China. Do you know anything about the horse?The horse is strong and runs very fast. Hes a useful and hard-working animal. The horse learns to know his master(主人) soon. He loves his master, even after his master died. Heres a story about such a horse. In a war, th

27、e master was killed, and fell from his horse. When people found his body some days later, the horse was still standing near it. In that long time, the horse didnt leave the body of his master, without food or water in winter, driving away the birds because they might eat it. Wasnt it be a great anim

28、al?( )56. The story is about 细节考察。. A. a bird. B. a horse. C. a master. D. a war.( )57. When people found the body of the master, the horse was _. A. going away. B. eating grass near it. C. drinking water.D. still standing near it.( )58.The weather in the story was probably very _. A. warm. B. hot.

29、C. cool. D. cold.( )59. According to the story, which of the follows is NOT true整体理解。? A. The horse is strong and runs fast. B. The horse is great. C. The horse cant be mans friends. D. The horse is hard-working. (2时讯类,既有励志正能量的传递,又有对中国文化的传承。)Jiang Wenshan is a 32-year-old man, he was born without hi

30、s left arm. He often takes part in volunteer(志愿) activities to help others like him. He traveled to more than 60 cities by selling his dreams online. Jiang sold his dreams, he also “sold” his courage(勇气), He helped many other people achieve their dreams. Lu Jialei, a school girl from Hangzhou, won t

31、he championship of the first Chinese Character Dictation Contest, it made her become famous. Lu is a hard-working girl at school. “I like reading and Im interested in learning Chinese characters. I enjoy the contest and hope more and more people become interested in learning Chinese characters.” sai

32、d Lu Jialei.( ) 60. When Jiang Wenshan was born, he didnt have 细节考察. A. left arm. B. right arm. C. left leg. D. right leg.( ) 61. Lu Jialei was the winner of the Chinese Character Dictation Contest.A. first. B. second. C. third. D. fourth.( ) 62. is Lu Jialeis hobby at school. A. Reading. B. Studyin

33、g English. C. Running. D. Playing soccer.( ) 63. Which of the followings is NOT true整体考查?A. Jiang Wenshan is 32 years old. B. We should learn from Jiang Wenshan because he is kind.C. Lu Jialei is not famous. D. Lu Jialei works hard at school.(3实用性短文,教会学生怎样保护电脑。)We live in the computer age. Computers

34、 can help people do much of work. Such as playinggames, listening to music, shopping and so on. But few people know how to take care of them. Please remember the followings when you use your computer: Put your computer in a dry or cool place. Too hot or too cold is bad for computers. Most computers

35、work best at temperature of 5-30.Do not smoke near your computer. Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer and can cause many problemsDo not drink or eat near computers. A little water and pieces of food in the keyboard are also bad for a computer. Keep your screen(屏) clean and do

36、 not make it too bright. They are bad for your eyes. Make sure the screen is not too far or too near to your eyes when you use a computer.( ) 64. We cant put a computer in a place细节考察. A. too hot B. dry. C. cool. D. big( ) 65. When we sit near the computer, we cant 信息转换. A. play games B. listen to m

37、usic C. do some shopping D. drink water( ) 66. If you want to look after your eyes, you should . A. keep your screen very far to your eyes. B. keep your screen very near to your eyes. C. not make your screen too bright D. keep your screen dirty( ) 67. The best title(标题)of the passage may be 主旨考查. .

38、A. How to protect (保护) our eyes? B. How to use computers? C. How to protect computers? D. What is a computer?第二节 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格。(共4小题,每小题2分,满分8分与教材话题同步,主要考查信息摘录、转换和归纳能力,难易适中。)What will our world be like in 2020? Maybe no one knows. Here are some exciting predictions.English should still be the m

39、ost popular language, but Chinese should be the second. Water will become as expensive as oil because many rivers will disappear. We will have to save water and pay more for clean water.People will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea, too.

40、Everyone will carry a pocket computer. We may eat more genetically modified food. Robots will be around us. Lots of danger housework will be done by them.Some exciting predictions in 2020.Languages English will still be the most popular language, 68_will be the second.69考查归纳能力。_ We will have to save

41、 water and pay more for clean water.LivingPeople will live and work under the sea. Everyone will carry a 70_.Science1. We may eat more genetically modified food.2. 71_ will do danger housework.五、补全对话 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分l0分交际情景真实,项目考查把控适度有效,选项有一定干扰性。)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中,选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,并将所选句子前的字母代号写在答题卡上的相应题号后。

42、M: Hi, Tang Lei. 72问答式交际考查。_.T: Hi, Ma Lin. I went to the Wuzu Temple with my cousin.M: Did you have a good time?T: 73问答式交际考查。_.We were walking, talking, singing and laughing all the way.M: Did you take any photos there?T: No, we didnt. I forgot to take the camera.M: Winter holiday is coming soon. 7

43、4问答式交际考查。_. I would like to go there, too. T: Sorry, I cant. I am going to visit Hainan Island with my parents.M: Sounds great! How are you going there?T: 75问答式交际考查。_.Would you like to go there with us?M: Sorry, I cant. 76连接性考查,涉及信息阅读和推理。_.T: I wish both of you have a good time.M: The same to you! A. We are going there by plane.B. Are you going there again?C.I am afraid I will stay at home to study English.D. Where did you go last weekend? E. Yes, we did. F.I am afraid I will invite Chen Jun to Wuzu Temple with me.G. No, we didnt. 六、完成句子(8小题;每小题1分,满分8分本试题考


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