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1、Unit 8新思维职业英语综合教程 2New Thinking Vocational English Listening and Speaking能够听懂与日程表、时刻表有关的英语表达。学会与日程表、时刻表有关的英语表达,能够进行相关话题的日常对话。Reading Intensive Reading:本文以索马里的一个海盗头目的故事为主线,分析了索马里海盗盛行的原因,并提出了为根除索马里海盗国际社会应采取的应对措施。通过学习本文,要使学生了解社会动乱才是海盗盛行的根源,并对索马里海盗问题的解决办法有一定的认知。 Extensive Reading:本文介绍了政治分肥的概念,并分析了其存在的原因

2、。教学过程中,要使学生理解这种政治模式存在的必然性,引导学生思考如何消除这种政治模式。Practical Writing了解传真的作用、基本内容,掌握传真的基本写法。Language GuideGrammar Focus:掌握虚拟语气的基本用法。Enjoying English理解幽默故事大意并且能够复述。 Objectives4Section A Listening and Speaking1235Section B Reading Section C Practical WritingSection D Language Guide Section E Enjoying English H

3、ighlightsSection A Listening and SpeakingSentencesDialoguesTopic IntroductionPassageStituational Dialogue 我们似乎总是在和时间赛跑!平时要看日程表,出行要查看时刻表;学生上课有课程表 (school timetable),职员上班有工作计划 (office schedule),工人生产有生产进度(production schedule)。在这个快节奏的时代,我们崇尚一切按照预定计划办事,而且只能提前 (ahead of schedule),不能推后 (behind schedule)。My

4、 God! 考试又来了,得赶快在考前做个复习日程表,最好再制订个详细的时间表!Topic Introduction1. Is there a flight to New York on Tuesday? A. Yes, there is a direct flight. 2. When will you arrive in Beijing? A. On Monday morning. 3. When are you available? B. Please let me check my schedule.4. Whats your schedule for today? B. Im atte

5、nding a party.5. What if my project is behind schedule? A. Rescheduling is allowed. SentencesDialoguesNew Wordsmarketing manager 营销经理 fit vt. 使与一致 World Expo 世界博览会general manager 总经理 engagement n. 预约,约会 Dialogue 1W: Im afraid were really busy this week, Mr. Wang. Id just like to delay our meeting to

6、 next week. M: Well, I dont like it, but I guess I dont have any choice.W: How about Tuesday morning at 10?M: OK. Ill go to your office at that time. Q: What can we infer from the dialogue?Dialogue 2M: Are you busy today?W: Yes. Ill attend a sales meeting at 9 in the morning. At 2 pm Im seeing Mr. S

7、mith, the marketing manager. And then I have to discuss our construction project with the general manager at 4. M: Your boss keeps you busy as a bee!Q: When will the woman meet the marketing manager? ScriptDialogue 3W: Mr. William, this is Chr ist ina with ABC Corp. I want to know, when may I introd

8、uce our new products to you? M: Let me check my schedule. Well, it looks like I have some time on Thursday. How about meeting for lunch on Thursday?W: That works for me. See you then.Q: What does the woman want to do?Dialogue 4M: Excuse me. Id like to make an appointment with Dr. Smith. Can you fit

9、me into his schedule?W: Sorry, the whole morning is booked up, but he is free this afternoon. Is that all right with you?M: Well, Ill have another engagement this a f ternoon. How about 11 on Friday morning?W: Let me see. OK. Dr. Smith is available then. Q: When will the man meet Dr. Smith?Dialogue

10、5W: Hi, Mark. Whats your plan for this National Day holiday?M: Im going to Shanghai. I miss the friends there and I am keen to go to the World Expo.W: How interesting! I guess your friends will arrange your trip there.M: Yes. On October 1st, one of my friends will accompany me to the World Expo. And

11、 well meet some other friends the next day. Then I will spend the rest of the days going shopping and having a look at the other scenic spots.Q: What will the man do on October 2nd? 1. A. The two speakers will meet next week. 2. C. At 2 pm. 3. D. C. To introduce new products to the man. 4. A. On Fri

12、day morning. 5. C. Meet some friends. AnswersPassageNew Wordscrawl vi. 爬identify vt. 确认 rhythm n. 规律,节律set adj. 固定的 priority n. 优先事项guideline n. 参考absolutely adv. 绝对地 A daily schedule will help you plan every part of your day, from the moment you wake up to the moment you crawl into bed at night. Th

13、ere is no set way to make a schedule. Whats provided here are general guidelines. First, make a list of all the things you need to do, from taking a shower to doing homework and afterschool activities. Second, identify your priorities. Select four or five things that you absolutely must do. Third, d

14、etermine the other priorities. Rank them from the most important one to the least important one and place them in your schedule where they fit. At last, identify when you should go to sleep, including the form of a nap. Get into a regular sleeping rhythm and wake up at the same time all the time. Yo

15、u will be able to take control of your time by following the above steps. Script1. Guidelines for making a daily schedule. 2. Four.1. F2. T 3. F 1. wake up, crawl into bed 2. priorities, must do 3. where they fit 4. regular, rhythm AnswersSituational Dialoguesdelivery n. 递送shipment n. 运输troublesome

16、adj. 令人烦恼的 eligible adj. 有资格的New Words and PhrasesNotes1. Im concerned about the delays were experiencing with some of our suppliers. 我很担心我们面临着供应商不能及时供货的问题。2. Were doing everything to get back on schedule. 我们在尽可能地赶进度。3. The attached schedule in the contract gives details of the shipment. 合同的附录中明确列有运

17、输的细节。Activities(E=Eric, M=Mary)E : Mary, can I talk with you?M: What can I do for you, Eric?E : Im worried that our manufacturer cant provide enough goods to us on time.M: Were doing everything to get back on schedule. E : Could you give me an approximate time?M: Im not sure. Maybe two or three days

18、 late.E : Thats not good. The attached schedule in the contract gives details of the shipment. We cant make excuses to our clients.M: Unfortunately, this time of year is often troublesome. The manufacturers are often short of materials. And there are weather delays and shipment delays.E : The schedu

19、le doesnt leave us enough time! M: We need to negotiate with the clients for rescheduling. Considering the inconvenience we might cause to them, we can offer goods to them at a 5% discount.Section B ReadingIntensive ReadingExtensive ReadingIntensive ReadingExercisesWarm-up Exercises TextVocabularyWa

20、rm-up Exercises I. 1. pistol 2. pirate flag 3. tricorne 4. eye patch 5. parrot 6. telescope 7. treasure map 8. peg leg 9. treasure chest 10. sword Somali Pirate: Convict or Victim? Boyah is a pirate, who quietly pursued his trade in the waters of his coastal hometown of Eyl, years before it galvanis

21、ed the worlds imagination as Somalias infamous “pirate haven” . His story is typical of many who have turned to piracy since the onset of the civil war. Fourteen years ago, he was still working as a lobster diver in Eyl“one of the best”, he says. However, after these reefs off Eyl have been devastat

22、ed, according to him, there are no longer lobsters to be found locally. There are about 500 pirates operating in the area, over whom he serves as “chairman”. Eyls pirate groups function as a loose confederation, and Boyah is a key organiser, recruiter and financier. VocabularyStructureNotesText When

23、 asked where his men have obtained their training, he responds that it comes “from famine”. This isnt the whole truth. Beginning in 1999, the government of Puntland launched a series of ill-fated attempts to establish a regional coastguard, efforts that each time ended with the dissolution of the co

24、ntracting company and the dismissal of its employees. The new generation of Somali piratesbetter trained, more efficiently organised and possessing superior equipmentcan be traced in part to these failed experiments. They put the international community under pressure.VocabularyStructureNotes The in

25、ternational community is now taking piracy more seriously. But a military solution alone is incapable of completely getting rid of piracy off the Somali coast. Boyahs men have been captured or killed with increasing frequency, yet imprisoning them is almost useless: for each pirate captured, there a

26、re dozens of young men desperate to replace them. “Were not murderers,” he says. “Force alone cannot stop us, and we dont care about death.” VocabularyStructureNotes Boyah may have accumulated a small fortune, but how long his current state of affluence will last is unclearhe announces how he has gi

27、ven his money away to his friends, to the poor and how he didnt build a house or a hotel like many of his co-workers. When asked about his future plans, Boyah is evasive. “That is up to the international community,” he says. “They need to solve the root of our troubles. We are waiting for action.”Vo

28、cabularyStructureNotesPartParagraphMain Idea1Para. 1Para. 3Like Boyah, many people in Eyl are forced to turn to piracy to make a living because of the civil war. 2Para. 4It describes the current situation of the pirates in Eyl and analyzes how the Somali pirates become powerful. 3Para. 5Para. 6It an

29、alyzes how to solve the piracy problem off the Somali coast: Apply economic principles instead of only using a military solution. StructureTextVocabularyNotespirate n. 海盗;盗印者,盗版者pursue vt. 致力于,追求;追赶,跟踪 pursue after 追赶coastal adj. 靠近海岸的,沿海的galvanise vt. 使震惊,使振奋;激励,刺激 galvanise sb. into sth./into doin

30、g sth. 激励某人做某事infamous adj. 声名狼藉的typical adj. 典型的,有代表性的;一贯的,平常的onset n. 开端,肇始 (尤指不快的事件)civil adj. 国民的,平民的;民事的 (非刑事的) civil rights/liberty/law 公民权/公民自由/民法 civilian n. 平民 diver n. (通常有专用装备的) 潜水员;跳水运动员reef n. 礁devastate vt. 彻底破坏,摧毁;使震惊,使极为忧伤 devastated adj. (极度) 不安的,混乱的,震惊的TextStructureNotesVocabularyN

31、ew Words TextStructureNotesoperate vi. 经营;动手术 vt. 操作,控制 operation n. 经营;操作;手术loose adj. 组织不严密的;未固定牢的 hang/stay loose 保持镇静,不着急 have a loose tongue (尤指对隐私) 多嘴,饶舌 let loose 不受控制,自在发生confederation n. 联合体,联盟recruiter n. 征兵人员,招聘人员obtain vt. (尤指经努力) 获得,赢得 obtainable adj. 可获得,可得到respond vt. & vi. 回答,回应 vi.

32、响应,作出反应 respond to 回答,回应 response n. 回答,答复famine n. 饥荒launch vt. 发起,发动 (尤指有组织的活动);使 (船) 下水;发射 launch into sth. 开始做,投入 aunch out (into sth.) 开始从事,投身于 (新的、尤指更令人兴奋的事业)TextStructureNotesseries n. 一系列,连续,接连 a series of 一系列ill-fated adj. 时运不济的,注定要倒霉的attempt n. 尝试,企图,试图 attempt vt. & vi. 尝试,试图 attempt to d

33、o sth. 尝试做某事coastguard n. 海岸警卫队dissolution n. 解体, 分裂contract vi. 订立的合同 (或契约) vt. 与订立合同 (或契约) contract in (to sth.) 订约参与 contract out (of sth.) 订约不参与,退出(或不参加)合约 contract sth. out (to sb.) 订约把承包出去 dismissal n. 解雇,开除generation n. 一代人organise vt. 规划,管理;组织possess vt. 拥有,有 possession n. 拥有;个人财产,私人物品TextSt

34、ructureNotessuperior adj. (在品质上) 更好的;占优势;(在级别、 重要性或位置上) 更高的 superior to 优于pressure n. 强迫,呼吁,催促;压力 put pressure on sb. (to do sth.) 强迫,促使,劝说military adj. 军事的,军队的incapable adj. 没有能力 (做某事) be incapable of 没有做的能力capture vt. 俘获,捕获;用武力夺取,攻占 capture vt. 引起 capture ones attention 引起某人的注意frequency n. 频繁;出现率,

35、发生率 frequent adj. 频繁的imprison vt. 监禁,关押desperate adj. 极想, 渴望 be desperate to do sth. 极想做某事TextStructureNotesaccumulate vt. 积聚,积累 vi. (数量) 逐渐增加,(质量) 渐渐提高 accumulation n. 积累,积聚,堆积affluence n. 富裕,富足 aff luent adj. 富裕的announce vt. 宣称;宣布 (决定、计划等) announce sth. to sb. 向某人宣布某事 announcement n. (一项) 公告,布告;(指

36、行动) 宣布,宣告evasive adj. 回避提问的,推托的 take evasive action 采取回避行动 (以避免危险或不愉快)turn to 向求助 (或寻求指教等)according to 据 (所说),按 (所报道)in part 在某种程度上,部分地under pressure 承受着 (急于完成某事的) 压力;被迫get rid of 摆脱,丢弃,扔掉lie in (思想、特征、问题等) 存在,在于 TextStructureNotes Phrases and Expressions Notes 1. The new generation of Somali pirate

37、sbetter trained, more efficiently organised and possessing superior equipmentcan be traced in part to these failed experiments. 新一代索马里海盗受过更好的训练, 更有组织性,设备也更精良这种变化部分源自先前失败的尝试。 两个破折号中间的三个并列分词做后置定语, 修饰名词短语the new generation of Somali pirates。其中,train和organise与其所修饰的名词短语是被动关系,故用过去分词;possess与其所修饰的名词短语是主动关系

38、,故用现在分词。 e.g. 1) This is the best film ever produced by the company. 这是那个公司有史以来拍摄得最好的一部电影。 2) Those supporting the proposal are expected to discuss it in detail after the meeting. 支持这个提案的人最好是在会后再具体讨论它。TextStructureVocabularyNotes 2. .yet imprisoning them is almost useless: for each pirate captured,

39、there are dozens of young men desperate to replace them. 然而,关押他们几乎无济于事,因为一个海盗被抓了,会有许多年轻人迫切地去替代他们。 动名词短语imprisoning them在句中做主语。动名词做主语时通常表示抽象和泛指的动作,谓语动词用单数形式。 e.g. 1) Fishing gives people a good chance to think things over. 钓鱼可以给人一个细细考虑问题的好机会。 2) Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot

40、of good. 早晨大声朗读英文会给你带来许多好处。TextStructureVocabularyReading ComprehensionI. turned to civil war training true employees efficiently organised pressure root T、F、T、T、F、FIII. 1. Boyah thinks that it is not their fault to be pirates and they are forced to become pirates. And he thinks that force alone can

41、not stop them and it is the responsibility of the international community to take action to solve the root of their troubles. 2. Besides armed forces, the author suggests using economic principles: increase the cost of being a pirate, and provide better alternative occupations on land at the same ti

42、me.Exercisesannounce宣布 (决定、计划等):多指把人们关心或感兴趣的事正式公布于众。e.g. 1) He announced his retirement from the international football. 2) Two hundred redundancies were announced in the shipyards.declare公布,宣告:经常用于正式场合,侧重指清楚、有力、公开地让人知道。e.g. 1) The jury declared that the man was innocent. 2) Spain declared war on Br

43、itain in 1796.claim宣称,声称:常用于发表个人意见,主观意味较强。e.g. 1) She claims to be as good a singer as Domingo! 2) He claimed that he could divine the future.state陈述,声明,说明:通常指用明确的语言或文字着重地叙述事实。e.g. 1) People will be invited to state their views. 2) Judges must give both sides an equal opportunity to state their case

44、.Vocabulary PracticeI. 1. claimed 2. announce 3. declared 4. claimed 5. declared 6. stated 7. announced 8. statedII. 1. frequency 2. resolution 3. battle 4. obtain 5. loose 6. capturedIII. 1. lies in 2. According to 3. turn to 4. up to 5. get rid of 6. in part ExercisesI. 1. This painting is typical

45、 of his early work. 2. Everyone responded actively to the managers suggestion. 3. He attempted to get in touch with them, but without success. 4. He changed his mind under the pressure from others. 5. The mayor announced the coming of the cold wave to the public.II. 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C Translation T

46、rainingPartParagraphMain Idea1Para. 1Pork barrel politics is pervasive. 2Para. 2Para. 3It introduces what is pork barrel politics and analyzes why it is pervasive.3Para. 4Para. 5The author thinks it is favorable to get rid of this phenomenon. Extensive ReadingStructure Stop Pork Barrel PoliticsExerc

47、ises1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. BSection C Practical WritingFaxFax 传真是通过传真机传递的信函,大多为业务信函。传真可以传递文字、数据、图表、签名、手迹、印章等,在商务往来中具有特殊的应用价值。一、传真的基本内容 传真一般包括传真文头、称呼、正文、结尾礼词、签名、附件等。除了传真文头外,传真的其余部分与普通信函的内容一致。传真文头,亦称信头、题头,通常包含标题、接收和发送传真公司的相关信息、主题 (事由)、传真日期、传真号、传真页数和页码、抄送等。二、传真的基本格式 常见的传真文头的格式:接收传真公司的相关信息在标题下左方由上至下依次排列

48、;发送传真公司的相关信息在标题下右方从上至下依次排列;主题(事由)、传真日期、传真号、传真页数和页码、抄送等在接、发双方有关信息之下。三、邀请函及回函中的常用表达(Unit 5, Unit 6)I. 传真 收件人: 赵贾森 发件人: 王莉莉 ABC 有限公司 XYZ 有限公司 传真: 12345678 传真: 87654321 电话: 12345678 电话: 87654321 页数: 1 日期: 2010年10月5日 事由: 关于信用证 抄送: 玛丽D 尊敬的贾森: 感谢你方今日传真的订单。 我方在提供的产品目录中提到过,在接到信用证5日之内,将安排装运。每 种货物的价格本月底前将保持不变,

49、这一条件在产品目录中也有提及。因 此,如果贵方没有及时开立信用证,我方将不得不采用新的报价。 期盼贵方的信用证及时到达。 您忠实的, 王莉莉ExercisesII.FA X Beijing Foreign Studies University To: Prof. Smith, Columbia UniversityFrom: Wu Dong Fax: 001-212-435-4456 Fax: 086Phone: 001-212-435-4458 Phone: 086Page (s): 1 Date: Dec. 4, 2009 Dear

50、Prof. Smith:I am greatly honored to formally invite you to our university to give a speech on guides for Chinese students to study in the US. The speech will be held on Dec. 12, 2009.Awaiting your early reply. Best wishes! Wu DongSection D Language GuideGrammar FocusThe following are sentences with

51、verbs in subjunctive mood. Compare the verbs and fnd out their differences.If I were you, I would try my best to grasp the chance.If you hadnt helped us, we wouldnt have finished the task ahead of time.If we were to have enough time, we would do this experiment once again.Finding FeaturesGrammar Foc

52、usSubjunctive MoodKnowing the Grammar 虚拟语气是动词的一种特殊形式,用来表示动作或状态不是客观存在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望、假设、建议、请求或推测等。一、虚拟语气用于条件句中 条件句有两类,一类是真实条件句,一类是非真实 (虚拟) 条件句。如果假设的是事实或可能性很大时,是真实条件句。如果假设的情况是过去或现在都不存在的,或将来不大可能发生的,则是非真实 (虚拟) 条件句。 虚拟语气用于条件句时需要注意的问题 (1) 当虚拟条件句的谓语动词含有were, should, had时,可将if省略,而将were, should, had等词置于句首。例如:

53、 Were I ten years younger, I would work harder. 要是我再年轻十岁的话,我会更努力地学习。 Had she learnt about computers, we would have hired her to work here. 如果她懂一些电脑知识的话,我们早已经聘用她来这里工作了。 (2) 当虚拟条件句的主语为第三人称单数,谓语动词为系动词be时,可用was代替were。但在倒装虚拟结构及if I were you, as it were中,只能用were。例如: If he were (was) free, he would help us

54、. 要是他有空的话,他会帮助我们的。 If I were you, I would try my best to grasp the chance. 要是我是你的话,我要尽力抓住这次机会。二、虚拟语气用于其他句式中 用于表示建议、命令、要求等语气的词引导的从句中表示建议、命令、要求的动词suggest, advise, propose, recommend, order, command, demand, desire, request, require等后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气,谓语动词的形式为“should+动词原形” ,should可以省略。(2) 在上述动词的名词suggestion

55、, motion, proposal, recommendation, order, request 等之后的表语从句和同位语从句中要用虚拟语气,用法同上。(3) 在上述动词的被动结构it is suggested (requested, proposed, ordered.) 之后的主语从句中,或在其相关的形容词advisable, desirable, important, imperative, natural, necessary, essential等之后的主语从句中要用虚拟语气,谓语动词的形式为“should+动词原形” ,should可省略。用于for fear that, in

56、 case, lest引导的目的状语从句中在for fear that, in case, lest引导的目的状语从句中,若用虚拟语气时,谓语动词的形式为“should+动词原形” ,并且should不能省略。 用于It is (high) time that后面的从句It is (high) time that后面的定语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词多用过去式,有时用“should+动词原形” ,should不可省略。Knowing the Grammar用于含有wish, if only的句中wish, if only通常用于表示与事实相反的情况,或不太可能实现的愿望,其后的句子用虚拟语气。表示与现在的事实相反,谓语动词用过去式


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