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1、Healthy eatingUnit 2 COME AND EAT HEREdiet日常饮食 meat vegetable seafood fruit snacks(零食;小吃) staple food (主食)What kind of food do we eat?Underweight = 18.5 Normal weight =18.524.9 Overweight = 2529.9 Obesity(极度肥胖) = BMI of 30 or greater 身体质量指数weight (kg)height (m)Formula(公式):=?Functions of foodMaintain

2、 lifeKeep healthyPrevent diseasesSupply energySatisfy hungerWhy do we have to eat everyday?unhealthy food healthy foodCan we benefit from all kinds of food?(junk food)sweetsfried chickenchocolatepotato crispice creammutton kebablemondumplingshammuttonfishbeancucumbermushroomFood group:vegetablescarr

3、ottomatocabbagecucumberpea mushroom bean corn lobsterCrab shell octopus oyster shrimp Food group:Sea foodfish Fruit Strawberry(草莓)applelemonKiwi fruit(猕猴桃)cherrygrapeswatermelonsweetschocolatepotato chipsice cream snacksricedumplingsnoodlescakepizzahamburgerstaple food主食What kinds of nutrients(营养物质)

4、 can they provide to human beings?Water SugarFat脂肪Fibre纤维Protein蛋白质Vitamin A balanced diet fruitsfibre & vitamin & sugarWhich food is rich in.vegetablesfibre & vitaminproteinfat & sugarricecornnoodledumplingsFibre & vitaminSpeaking ( 8ms ) Decide which food is junk food or healthy food and give reas

5、ons.I think is junk food because I think is healthy food because (be rich in富含, be low in缺乏;含量低)If we dont eat a balanced diet, what may happen?slimfat What is a balanced diet?A balanced diet is the one that includes at least three dishes: energy-giving foods, body-building foods and protective food

6、s.Do you know that the food you eat helps you grow in different ways?fast energy foodsrice sugar noodlespotatoes spaghetti bread slow energy foodsbutter cream oils nutsfoods to give you energy (energy-giving)foods to grow bones and musclemeat, eggs, cheese, milk, tofu foods to grow bones and muscle

7、(body-building foods) foods that give fibre for digestion and health all vegetables, all fruitfoods that give fibre for digestion (protective foods) foods to give you energy foods foods to grow bones and muscle foods that give fibre for digestion and healthTask 1 : Classify the foods we usually eat

8、in the following way:Warming Up II ( 5ms ) Finish the following tasks:energy-giving foodsbody-building foodsprotective foodsFoods that give fibre for digestion and health(e.g. protective foods)Slow energy foodsmeat cheese milkeggs tofuall vegetables (e.g. cabbage, cucumbers, mushrooms)all fruit (e.g

9、. apples, peaches,pears, oranges,lemonsFoods to give you energyFoods to grow bones and muscle(e.g. body-building foods)Fast energy foodsrice sugarnoodlespotatoesspaghettibreadbuttercreamoilsnutsTask 2: DiscussionShould we eat all kinds of food in the chart?What will happen if you do not eat a balanc

10、ed diet?Pre-reading Which food contains more.Examples of foodsAnswer sugar chocolate or grapes chocolatecakes or bananascakesfatfiberproteincream or ricecreampeas or nutsnutspotato crisps or hamhamchocolate or chickenchocolatepork or cabbagecabbageeggseggs or creammilk, cheese, yogurtfats, oils, swe

11、etsmeat, poultry, fish, beansfruit vegetable bread, cereal, rice, pastaWhy are so many children in Guangzhou fat?What problems are the fat people facing in daily life?Part. 1Part. 2Part. 3Wang Peng felt frustrated because he found his customers had come to other places to eat.Wang Peng found the rea

12、son why YongHuis restaurant was more attractive.Wang Peng thought out a good idea to have a competition with YongHuis restaurant.Divide the whole passage into three parts, and give the general idea of each part.Part 1empty: He sat in his restaurant _ very _. : _, _ and _. : something_ must have happ

13、ened if he was not comingto_ as he always did. feelingfrustrated mutton kebabs roast pork fried rice terribleeat with himfeelingsfoodsLi MaochangCareful reading:Part 2full: Her name is _, she was standing in the front of restaurant to _ her _.Yong Huiwelcomecustomers: There were only _ kinds of food

14、 and _, _ vegetables ,_ and _.pricesa lady food : It costs _ a good meal in _ restaurant. twoone drink raw fruit water more thanWang PengsPart 3wrongrealize: After reading, he realized what was_ with _ restaurant.after eating:People would become _ very _. competition:The competition between the two

15、was_. wrongYong Hui s tired quickly on 1.Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people.2.He provided a balanced diet in his menu. 3.Yong Hui served a balanced diet.TFFTRUE or FALSE:didntdidnt4.Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet.F5.Wang Pengs customers often be

16、came fat after eating in his restaurant.Tnot giving them energy-giving food.6.Yong Huis menu gave them energy foods.F7.Wang Pengs menu gave them food containing fibre.F8.Wang Peng admired Yong Huis restaurant when he saw the menu.Ffibrewas amazed atenergy9.Wang Peng decided to copy Yong Huis menu.Fr

17、ewrite his own sign When W thought “nothing could be have been better”, he means _. his food and drinks were the best his food and drinks were the worst his food should have been improved he could do nothing with his food and drinksA2. Why did W go into the newly-opened restaurant? Because he was an

18、gry. Because he was curious. Because he wanted to blame its owner. Because he wanted to ask for advice.B3. What is Ws impression on Ys restaurant? All the customers in it were very slim. It was too small and too noisy. The food in it was very nice and better than that in his There was so limited foo

19、d but the price was much higher.D4. We can infer from the last sentence that _. W would learn from Y Y would learn from W The competition had begun and would continue The two restaurants would give up the competition.CFind out the information of the two restaurants.Wang PengsYong Huismenustrengthwea

20、knesspricemutton kebabs, roast pork, fried rice, cola, ice creamfruit, waterraw vegetables,energy-giving foodsfibre foodsfat, not enough fibrenot enough energy,feel tired quicklyinexpensive/cheapexpensiveSummary:Wang Peng felt _ in an empty restaurant because no _ have come to his restaurant ever si

21、nce he got up early in the morning. He wanted to find out why. He hurried out and _ Maochang into a newly-opened restaurant. He found that the owner named Yong Hui was serving _ foods to make people thin. Driven by_, Wang Peng came _ to take a close atfrustratedfollowedcuriosityforwardcustomersslimm

22、ing/fiberthe menu. He could not even _ his eyes. He was _ at what he saw. He hurried outside and went to the _to do some _. After a lot of reading, he _ that Yong Huis food made people become _quickly because it was no _food. Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign. The _ between the two restau

23、rants was on!believeamazedlibraryresearchrealizedtiredenergy-givingcompetitionWang Peng and Yong Hui serve different _ in their restaurant . The foods in Wang Pengs make people _ while the foods in Yong Huis make people _.Fast reading: try to get the main ideadietsfatthin/slimcome and eat hereDiscus

24、sion: make a survey on your partners diet.Make a dialogue with your partner.At the end of the dialogue, you should give some advice on his/her diet.How many meals do you have every day? Do you always skip breakfast?What do you eat for breakfast/lunch/ supper? Which meal do you think is the most impo

25、rtant? Whats your favorite food?What kind of snacks do you often take?What do you drink most every day?Do you concern about a balanced diet when choosing something to eat? Do you eat more when you are sad/happy?Questions:Suggestion: Be sure to eat a variety of foods. Drink lots of water. Eat an earl

26、y and nutritious breakfast.4. Eat modest portions in the evening.Good dining habits are very important to a persons health, so we should form a good dining habit.Answer these questions:1. The weakness of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was _ _. that it did not give enough foods containing fibre 2. The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was _. that it provi


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