Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!SectionA 单词知识点详解 课件2022-2023学年人教版英语九年级全册_第1页
Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!SectionA 单词知识点详解 课件2022-2023学年人教版英语九年级全册_第2页
Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!SectionA 单词知识点详解 课件2022-2023学年人教版英语九年级全册_第3页
Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!SectionA 单词知识点详解 课件2022-2023学年人教版英语九年级全册_第4页
Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!SectionA 单词知识点详解 课件2022-2023学年人教版英语九年级全册_第5页
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1、Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious.Learning aims(学习目标)2.语法知识:宾语从句 感叹句1.单元话题:Talk about traditional Chinese festivals and Western festivals.讨论中国的传统节日和西方节日Dragon Boat Festivalon May 5thin lunar calendar(农历)the Chinese Spring Festivalon January 1st in lunar calendarthe Chinese New YearNew Years

2、 Eve on December 29th/30thin lunar calendarn.前夕 前夜The Mid-Autumn Festivalon August 15st in lunar calendarChildrens Day 儿童节劳动节May Day 万圣节Christmas(12.25)圣诞节Halloween(11.1)平安夜Christmas Evemooncaken. 月饼可数名词She likes eating sweet mooncakes.strangern. 陌生人可数名词My mother tells me not to talk to strangers.我的

3、妈妈告诉我不要和陌生人讲话。strangern. 陌生人可数名词strangeadj.陌生的 奇怪的relativen. 亲戚可数名词远亲不如近邻。A distant relative is not so good as a near neighbor.put on增加(体重)增肥I ate five meals a day.I have put on 5 pounds.put on+具体数字put on weight增重增肥lose weight减肥put on穿上Put on your coat and hat. Its cold outside.poundn. 磅(重量单位)可数名词-H

4、ow heavy is he?-Thirty pounds?1镑=0.4536公斤I have lost 5 poundspoundn. 英磅(货币单位)可数名词How much is the textbook?Two pounds?1英镑=8.12元whoeverpron. 无论谁、 不管任何人Whoever comes will be welcome.无论谁来都受欢迎。(主语从句)Whoever arrives first willeat first.谁先到谁先吃。(主语从句)whoeverpron. 无论谁、 不管任何人Whoever you are, I wont marry you.

5、不论你是谁,我都不会嫁给你。stealv. 偷;窃取Someone stole many things from the store.有人从这家商店偷走很多东西。steal-stole-stolensteal sth. from从中偷走某物layv. 放置 安放Lay the books on the table.lay-laid-laidlay out摆开 摆放layingHelens mother laid eggs in the basket(篮子).She lays out her dress on the bed and tries them on by one.layv. 下(蛋)

6、 产(卵)The hen lays a few eggs every day.lay-laid-laidlayinglielie说谎躺lay下蛋放置liedliedlyinglaylainlyinglaidlaidlaying原形过去式过去分词现在分词规则说谎躺过就下蛋不规则躺下蛋不规则dessertn.甜点He likes to eat dessert.He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts .可数名词不可数名词具体的某个甜食甜食的总称食物的名字desertn.沙漠gardenn.花园in the garden可数名词traditionn. 传统We have the tradition of posting couplets during the Spring Festival.春节期间我们有帖春联的传统。the tradition of的传统可数名词traditionaladj. 传统的admirev. 欣赏 仰慕我们都欣赏那些努力为病毒作斗争的英雄。admire moon赏月We al


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