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1、Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching For Logistics & Supply Chain Management Chapter 3. Marketing余毅艺AnniesyqlOffice:8314B1. Definition. 市场营销再认识 市场营销促销、推销、销售 通过满足顾客获得利益的社会过程. 市场营销与企业经营管理 市场营销是企业经营管理的中心 What is Marketing?marketing is based around providing continual benefits to the customer, these benef

2、its will be provided and a transactional exchange will take place. The management process responsible for identifying , anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitability Philip Kotler defines marketing as satisfying needs and wants through an exchange processWhat is Marketing?Within th

3、is exchange transaction customers will only exchange what they value (money) if they feel that their needs are being fully satisfied.The greater the benefit provided, the higher transactional value an organisation can charge. P.Tailor of : Marketing is not about providing products or services it is

4、essentially about providing changing benefits to the changing needs and demands of the customer (P.Tailor 7/00)A new definition of marketing was adopted by the American Marketing Association Board of Directors, August, 2004:Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating,

5、 communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. 商品生产与市场经营市 场 营 销 策 略市 场竞争者企 业市 场 定 位产 品策 略价 格策 略分 销策 略市 场 界 定环 境促 销策 略研 发设 计采 购工 艺装 备生 产定价供 应 商销 售 物 流采 购/生产物 流用户研 发设 计采 购工 艺装 备生 产分销供 应 商销 售 物 流采 购/生产

6、物 流中 间 商2. PESTThe first step when looking at marketing in industry is to consider the business environment and see where your company fits in. This will involve looking at so-called PEST factors:PoliticalEconomic Social trends Technological factors 企业所处的宏观环境政治 Political经济 Economical社会 Social技术 Tech

7、nical 年增长 消费者收入 通货膨胀 利率 人口/收入分布 工作/消费习惯 价值观 政府政策/法规 外贸政策/法规 环境保护 产品生命周期 新/旧技术2. PEST分析3. Marketing Techniques/mixes4P产品(Product) 价格(Price) 渠道(Place)促销(Promotion) 4C顾客(Customer) 成本(Cost) 便利性(Convenience)沟通(Communication)4R关联(Relevance) 反应(Response) 关系(Relationship)回报(Returns)4V差异化(Variation) 功能化(Vers

8、atility) 价值(Value)共鸣(Vibration)4P 策略模式 Product(产品) Price(价格) Place(地点-分销) Promotion(促销) 6P=4P+ Power(权力 ) Public-relation (公共关系)4C (Robert Lauterborn)Customer(顾客的需求和期望) 创造顾客比开发产品更重要; 满足顾客的需求和欲望比产品功能更重要Cost(顾客成本) 顾客的购买与使用的角度考虑成本。 顾客可以接受的价格-适当利润成本上限Convenience(顾客购买的方便性)Communication(顾客与企业的沟通)4R(Don Sh

9、ultz)Relevance(关联) 与顾客建立全方位的联系,互动、互求、互需Response(反应) 快速反应去接近顾客,而不是让顾客来接近你 Relationship(关系) 顾客关系Returns(回报) 回报是营销的源泉 4VVariation (差异化) 产品差异化 形象差异化 市场差异化 Versatility (功能化,多功能性) 核心功能 延伸功能 附加功能 4VValue (附加价值)产品服务文化与品牌Vibration (共鸣) 顾客价值最大化与企业利润最大化共鸣 市场营销在企业经营中的地位变化生产 财务销售 人事人事生产市场营销财务人事生产财务市场营销人事 财务 生产顾客

10、市场 营销 人事生 产财 务顾客市场销营SWOT AnalysisStrengthsWeaknessesOpportunities Threats The purpose is to identify internal strengths and weaknesses of the company in comparison to its competitors, 4. SWOT Matrix4. SWOT MatrixStrengths-Opportunities (SO)Weaknesses-Opportunities (WO)Strengths-Threats (ST)Weaknesse

11、s-Threats (WT)Four Types of Strategies4. SWOT Matrix4. SWOT MatrixLeave BlankStrengths SList StrengthsWeaknesses W List WeaknessesOpportunities O List OpportunitiesSO StrategiesUse strengths to take advantage of opportunitiesWO StrategiesOvercoming weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunitiesThreats T List ThreatsST StrategiesUse strengths to avoid threatsWT Strategies Minimize weaknesses and avoid threatsMarket segmentationMarket s


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