



1、2014年全国各地名校中考英语模拟试汇编单项选择名词【上海市徐汇区2014年中考二模】32. Professor Li gave us a very useful _ on how to prepare for the exam. A) advice B) information C) experience D) suggestion【答案】32.D【上海市虹口区2014年中考二模】35. There is little _ in the fridge. Lets go to the market to buy some. A) eggs B) vegetables C) fruit D) s

2、nacks【答案】35. C 【南京市高淳区2014年中考一模】3. It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books, so its important to have real _ with languages, cultures and societies. A. communicationB. experienceC, knowledgeD. influence【答案】3.B【南京市建邺区2014中考英语一模】6. Oh, no! We have missed the train. What should we

3、do?Im afraid we have no but to wait for another one.A. decision B. informationC. reason D. choice【答案】6.D【江苏省扬州市2014届一模】3 Mrs Black the principal has made a great _to the growth of the schoolA contribution B progress C invention D protection【答案】3.A【江苏省兴化市2014届九年级中考网上阅卷适应性训练】1Dad Ive got full marks in

4、 English Listening and Speaking Test Great And Im sure you will do better because this is a good _A report B way C start D skill【答案】1.C【江苏省南京市溧水区2014年中考一模拟】8. The two cities have reached an to develop science and technology.A. educationB. excitementC. inventionD. agreement【答案】8.D【鹤壁市2014年初中毕业调研暨中考一模

5、】28. You look worried. Whats your _? I have trouble learning English. A. name B. question C. problem D. job【答案】28.C【2014郑州市九年级第一次预测】23We should learn from our so that we wont repeat them AexperiencesBexperimentsCmistakesDopportunities【答案】23.C【2014洛阳市九年级第一次模拟】23Carol, there was a phone call for youIt

6、 was a girls_AsoundBanswerCvoiceDnoise【答案】23.C【郑州市2014中考英语第二次模拟】22. I once worked for a travel magazine for one year and the _ helped me get a job as a reporter.A. experience B. informationC. experiment D. instruction【答案】22.A【广东省东莞市寮步信义学校2014届九年级中考二模】27 Kate has a beautiful _ Listen ! She is singing

7、 very well A voice B sound C noise D smell 【答案】27.A【北京市西城区2014年中考一模】2. Do you want something to drink? Yes. , please. A. Some bread B. Some tea C. A hamburger D. Some rice【答案】2.B【河北省保定市定兴县2014届初中毕业生一模】30. I wanted to explain, but he didnt give me any _. A. chance B. excuse C. way D. choice【答案】30.A【山

8、东省济南市2014年4月第一轮复习阶段性检测】26. -Try to have a healthy lifestyle. It can help you get good - Thanks, III do. A.classes B.grades . C.gifts D.grasses【答案】26.B【山东省济南市市中区2014中考英语一模】29.Bill, whats your sisters favorite . She likes volleyball best.A. food B. color C. sport D. movie【答案】29.C【山东省德州市2014届九年级第一次模拟】2

9、4 Being honest is the first _ if you want to make friends with othersA step B time C job D hand【答案】24.A【浙江温州市2013-2014学年下学期第一次质量检测】19. Look at the flowers!They are in different . Red, yellow, pinkA. prices B. sizes C. colors D. names【答案】19.C【浙江省杭州市西湖区2014中考英语一模】18. When I dont understand the math pr

10、oblem, Tom always helps me with it. He is my walking . A. dialogue B. history C. dictionary D. breakfast【答案】18.C【河北省2014年初中毕业生升学文化课考试英语模拟】( ) 28. I have some problems with my physics. Can you give me some_? A. advice B. decisions C. information D. messages【答案】28.A【安徽省淮北市2014届九年级下学期五校联考】31.- Where is

11、 Bob, Zhang Ling? - He left a _ saying that he went shopping. A. information B. sentence C. message D. suggestion 【答案】31.C【安徽十大名校2014届九年级第四次月考英语】( )32 Gina you re late again I dont want to listen to your any _ Sorry I think I get up early as usual Aexpression Bexcuse Cprogress Dcourse【答案】32.B【福建省泉州市

12、安溪县2014届初三毕业班英语综合检测】( ) 25. The customers are pleased with the _ of the restaurant. A. balance B. experience C. service 【答案】25.C【湖北省鄂州市2014届九年级4月调研】27 What do you think of your last _? I had a very scary experience in the mountains I wont go there again A assistantB trip C study D examination【答案】27.B【浙江省温岭第四中学2014中考英语一模】1 8-1 want tO buy a ticket of the film The Monkey KingDo you know its_? 一I am not sureMaybe itS 80 yuan Acover Bsize Ccolor Dprice【答案】18.D【重庆市育才成功学校2014届九年级下学期第一次诊断】24 Im hungry Could you please give me s


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