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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业ACTION ENGLISH 1MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 sound engineer, a person who make sound better 录音师AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Rumo(u)r has it that 据说 ;人们都说例:Rumor has it that Andy is a nice guy.人们都说安迪是个棒小伙。 Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound

2、 engineer. 人们都说那个录音师很难相处. Rumour has it that Jeans getting married again. 人们都说吉恩又要结婚了。 Rumors have it that there will be a change in the Cabinet. 谣传内阁将改组。 Rumour has it that he is going to resign. 据说他将辞职。 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 (1)None of that matters. 无关紧要You matter to me.你对我很重要。matter to you 对你重要

3、. not matter to you.对你不重要例句:Your opinion really matters to me.你的意见对我很重要You matter to me .你对我很重要.It doesnt matter if Mark isnt coming .Maybe he just doesnt do hip-hop you know, so lets go.(2)counterfeit watches genuine scars.(片中)counterfeit 假的。counterfeit money 假币genuine 真的 true真的(爱情) ,true love ;rea

4、l真的 (友情)real friendsgenuinetrue real 反义词:counterfeit (3)Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience, and if it hurts its probably worth it. 只要你敞开心扉,即便是受到痛苦,也是值得的。be worth doing。deserving of ; giving satisfaction值得 worth 值得例句:Tibet is definitely worth seeing.*绝对值得一去。This car isnt worth the mo

5、ney you paid for it.你买的那部车不值那么多钱.You are not worth helping 你不值得帮忙。 It is worth buying . 它值得购买。This book is worth reading. 这本书值得一看。 ACTIONENGLISH 2MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 cartoon (also animated cartoon), a film made by photographing a series of drawings卡通;动画片 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Oh, Come on! 说明:用强调的语气时

6、,表示不相信。用平白的语调时,表示快点。连续说两遍的时候,表示加油。 Oh, come on, you can do better than that.(不相信)Come on , lets get started.(快点)CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 (1)Who do we like for this? 凭以往的经验,这会是谁干的? Who do you like for 凭以往的经验,会 例句:Who do you like for the best actress at tomorrows Oscars? 凭以往的经验,你觉得明天的奥斯卡最佳女主角会是谁? Who d

7、o you like for the soccer game tomorrow night, Brazil or Germany?凭以往经验,你觉得明晚足球赛是巴西赢还是德国赢?(2)Oh, Gee! 表示没想到,感到惊讶!同义词:Gosh! Oh my God!Oh, no! 表示发牢骚、抱怨。 Oh, oops! 在犯了个小错误的时候说。 (3)Go ahead. 请便。例句:Do you mind if I smoke here?No, go ahead. 我可以抽烟吗?没问题,请便吧。 Can I use the bathroom ?Go ahead. 我能用一下卫生间吗?请便。 AC

8、TIONENGLISH 3MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 action movie (also action film) 动作片action!开拍!action cutting连续动作剪辑 action photography 动作摄影 action properties动作道具action shot动作镜头 action still 电影剧照 action-stopping shot 动作停顿镜头AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 (1)You just cant get over(you cant forget) 很难忘记例句:The French soccer fans

9、cant get over the World Cup 2002. (法国的球迷很难从2002年世界杯中的失利的阴影中走出来。)I just cannot get over Liz.我就是忘不了Liz.(2)dwell on : stop thinking about 不要再想例句:We shouldnt dwell on someones past. 我们不该总抓住一个人的过去不放。Hey,Henny.Its been five years since you lost the car,you shouldnt dwell on this forever.CLASSIC FILM CLIPS

10、 经典对白 -High Crime(1)get down蹲下/趴下 freeze不许动 duck把头低下去(2)What the hell is going on? 究竟出了什么事?What the hell are you talking about?Why the hell should I go there?(3)have the right to 有权例句:Ihave the right to stay here as long as I want.我有权住在这个地方想多久就多久。You have the right to keep silent.你有权保持沉默。ACTIONENGLI

11、SH 4MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 preview, 预告片AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 (1)play chicken 错开 (快碰撞时)例句:When you drive youd better not play chicken with bigger cars.你开车的时候最好避开大车(2)Dont be a baby! 不要发牢骚不要抱怨。Dont be a baby. Go talk to your boss.Hes such a baby!总发牢骚的人。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1)keep my edge (stay sharp)保

12、持最好的状态 反义词:lose your edge例句:I have to speak English every day just in order to keep my edge.为了我英语一直好下去,我不得不每天念。David Beckham is a great soccer player but if he doesnt practice every day, hell lose his edge.贝克汉姆是位伟大球员,如果他不每天练球的话他就会失去他的战斗力。2)honing you skills. hone 提高例句:Owning my own computer gives me

13、 the chance to hone my computer skills.有了自己的电脑,我的电脑技能就会大幅度提高。Janes new job requires her to talk to lots of people. Shes really honing her peoples skills.因为珍的工作每天都要与人打交道,所以她的谈话技能越来越棒.ACTIONENGLISH 5MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典Screen Adaptation 改编AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Take your pick 随你挑 例句:We have enough money

14、 to buy any DVD player this store has so take your pick.因为我们钱很多所以我们可以挑任意一个DVD。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1)That was bad line 向异性示爱的话说的不太好例句:I didnt give her my phone number because she used a terrible line. 我没有给那个姑娘我的电话,因为她不太招我待见。Im not good at meeting girls because I dont have any pick up lines.我不太会跟女

15、孩子约会,因为我不太会讲那些花言巧语。2)ladies man 非常有女人缘的男性例句:My cousin always has 2 or more women interested in him. Hes a real ladies man! 我的表弟身边总是有若干个女性对他感兴趣所以他是个非常有女人缘的男性My brother is a good looking guy and a smooth talker. Really hes kind of a ladies man!我的哥哥长的不错而且也很会讲话,他挺有女人缘。3)Shes totally buying it (buy=belie

16、ve) 她完全相信对方例句:He said he could help me get a job at his company but I dont buy it. He doesnt have that much influence.他跟我说他能在他的公司帮我找到一份工作,我才不相信他的话呢。他没那么大能量。She told me she loved me but I dont buy it. I saw her at dinner with her ex-boyfriend last night.她跟我讲她爱我,那天晚上我还看见她和她的前男友在一起吃饭。ACTIONENGLISH 6MOV

17、IE DICTIONARY 电影词典 log keeper场记AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Its up to you. 由你来决定,由你说了算!例句:You can study English or Spanish .Its up to you.You can have any sweater you want . Its up to you. The colors up to you.你想穿什么毛衣,你自己定,颜色由你来选。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1)What do you mean?你什么意思?例句:What do you mean we have no

18、 more milk. I just bought some yesterday.我们的牛奶又没了,你什么意思,我昨天刚买的。2)Can I get a minute?能不能等我一下?例句:Gosh, I think I hurt myself. Can I get a minute?我受伤了,能等我一下吗? Hey, Michael, you walk too fast. Im tired. Can I get a minute?我太累了,你能等我一会吗? Just a minute. 等我一下(在打电话的时候用)3)Whats the matter?你怎么了?例句:Why are you

19、crying? Whats the matter?你干嘛哭?出什么事了?You are acting strangely. Whats the matter with you?你最近怎么行为怪怪的,出什么事了吗? Whats got into you? Whats going on? 出什么事了?(3)Can a guy propose? propose 求婚例句:Did Ed propose to Jane,yet?How did you propose to your wife?你当初是怎么向你老婆求婚的?get engaged to 订婚 get married to 结婚ACTIONE

20、NGLISH 7MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 crew剧组AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 (1)bus my ass让难堪/ 努力工作例句: I wish the directors just would stop, you know, busting my ass because I already have lots of problems.我真的希望导演别再为难我,我的麻烦事已经够多了。Every day I work, I bust my ass so my family can live well.在单位我总是非常卖力的干,因为我想要家里的日子好过起来。(2)s

21、mooth 对什么东西很擅长例句:Hes very smooth with women because he has dates every weekend. 他对异性真又一套,每个周末他都不会闲着。 可以把复杂的事弄简单的人,比较有本事的人 例句:Somebody is a smooth. 谁很厉害。 很容易说服别人的人 例句:He has a very smooth manner, polite, interesting and a good talker. 他非常有说服力,有礼貌, 有感染力,真的非常不一样。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 (1)The Navyll sn

22、eak us about 400 miles off coast. sneak 潜入例句:If I come home late. I sneak into my house so I dont wake anyone up.如果我回家晚了,我会静悄悄的进去,不被任何人察觉。(2)As soon as were airborne , the carrier will head straight back for Hawaii. head 去什么地方(homeherethere前面行为动词的to要省掉)例句:Im so tired. Im heading home.我很累了,我回家了。Are y

23、ou heading to class later?过一会你去上课吗?(3)I have a phrase I want you to memorize. memorize 记住 背下例句:I have to memorize forty vocabulary words today.今天我要背四十个单词。ACTIONENGLISH 8MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 actor 演员(男女) actress(女) star(主演)AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Pretend to type whatever information we pass you.pass 给pa

24、ss sb sthpass sth to sb例句:Could you pass me that paper?你能把那张纸递给我吗?Joe is thirsty. Pass him a drink.乔很渴,递给他一瓶水。 超过例句:I was running as fast as I could, but that guy passed me. 我已经尽全力跑了,但还是被那人超过了。 成功做什么了例句:Im free! Ive passed the final exams, finally. 我终于解脱了,期末考试通过了。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1)Come on gu

25、ys Im killing you here. kill sb 狂胜例句:In the soccer game last week, Chinese killed Japanese. 上星期的足球赛中国狂胜日本。I love playing cards with Bob, because I kill him every time.我最喜欢和鲍打牌,因为我每回都赢他。2)I thought you said these were the sharpest guys in the air corps. sharp 穿着帅气例句:Thats a really sharp looking suit.

26、这种穿着很漂亮. 聪明例句:Hes a sharp lawyer.他是一个聪明的律师。Thats a sharp presentation.3)Tomorrow night we eat Chinese. 明晚我们吃中国菜。例句:Do you want to eat Italian or Japanese?你是想吃意大利菜还是日本菜? ACTIONENGLISH 9MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 editing 剪辑 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Now caution might be the order of the day for you. the order of

27、 the day 最重要的事 例句:Itll take three months to repair the house. Now patience is the order of the day for us. 这房装修要三个月,所以耐心是最重要的。They wont start shooting for a month. Now, learning your role is the order of the day.离片子的开拍还有一个月,所以现在熟悉你的角色是最重要的。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白-Big trouble 1)beat sb. to the draw 比

28、别人抢先一步例句:We lost the project. Rainbow Company beat us to the draw.这个项目我们没有拿到,因为彩虹公司抢先了一步。John beats Leon to the draw.2)shut up 闭嘴 knock it off 闭嘴(语气很强烈) Knock it off , would you? What are you trying to do? Jinx me?Could you be quiet for a while? 你能不能少说两句?3)Make yourself useful. 让你有用起来。例句:Make yourse

29、lf useful, ok? Go clean the garage.你能不能干点事,把车库打扫一下。I visit my friend and shes cooking dinner for me. So I ask her, “Well Leez, can I make myself useful?”我去朋友家,她做饭给我吃,于是我问她:“我能帮上什么忙吗?”ACTIONENGLISH 10MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典thriller 惊悚片 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Hes bluffing all day. bluff 骗人 例句:Dont hit me!

30、OK? I know Kong Fu. Im not bluffing.别碰我,我会武功,我可没骗你。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1)get sth under control 把在控制下 例句:Everything is under control. 一切尽在掌握。 Weve got the fire under control. 我们已经把火控制住了。 The doctor told me she had the disease under control. 医生跟我说了病情已经被控制住了2)get sth out of control 不在控制下 例句:We fina

31、lly called the cops when things got out of control. 当事情完全失控的时候,我们给警察打了电话。Gosh! My weight is out of control. 我体重又胖了。 3)any idea 你知不知道 =do you know例句:Excuse me, any idea what time it is? 劳驾,几点了?Any idea when the mall will be closed? 你知不知道那个商店几点关门? Any idea why Lara is not here? 你知不知道劳为什么不在这?ACTIONENGL

32、ISH 11MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 close-up 特写 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Ready to roll? 准备好可以走了吗 例句:I got every suitcase, Ready to roll?我的箱子都准备好了,可以走了吗?Thank God, everybody is on the set on time ,Ready to roll?CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白-Entrapment 2)Believe it or not 信不信由你 例句:Ive given up smoking, believe it or not

33、.我已经把烟给戒了,信不信由你。 That guy wearing the brown suit is our teacher, believe it or not. 那个穿灰色西装的人是我们班主任,信不信由你 2)found out 发现 例句:I just found out I won the lottery. 我昨天刚知道我中了奖I finally found out who took my walkman.我终于知道是谁拿了我的随身听。 3)Got it? 懂没懂?例句: I dont get it . Sorry, I dont get it . Could you please

34、repeat it again?Well, that guy has only been here a month and hes been promoted. I dont get it. 那家伙才来了一个月,凭什么提拔他,我真是搞不懂。ACTIONENGLISH 12MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 studio制片公司 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 hold on 等一下 例句:May I speak with Joe? Hold on please. Joe is on another line.可以找一下周吗?请稍等,她在接另一个电话。 Hold on! Hold

35、 on! Could you move a little bit closer? 稍等,能不能往前景拉一拉? CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1)All in all, this really was paradise. all in all 总之 例句:All in all, even though he has problems, he is a good soccer player. 说之,虽然他有很多问题但我还是觉得他是个好的球员。 All in all, Action English is a very good English program. 说一千到一万,动感英

36、语是个非常好的英语节目。 2)Except for one thing. except 除了之外 例句:Shes very nice girl except she is a little bit selfish. 她除了有点自私,哪儿都好。 3)Shes just teasing you. tease 跟谁的态度不认真 例句:Shes always talking to men but she never gives them her phone number. Shes just teasing them. 她经常跟男性聊天,但她从不把自己的电话给别人,她对那些男人只是玩玩而已。4)You

37、r last girlfriend chucked you , there mustve been a reason. must have done 主观推测 例句:You must have been hungry. 你一定是饿了吧。 Leave him alone. He must have been drunk. 别理他,他一定是喝醉了。 ACTIONENGLISH 13MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 western西部片AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 straight up 完全正确is a slang phrase meaning absolutelyor cor

38、rect正式场合用同义词:absolutelyexactly right correct You said it. You can say that again. CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1) gorgeous 漂亮(顶级的)程度由低至高:prettybeautifulgorgeous例句:Shes a gorgeous woman.她是最漂亮的女人。同义词:pretty beautiful cool 例: That girlisso cool . This car is so cool killer 例: She has killer legs. He is a la

39、dy killer .hot 例: He or she is so hot.personality 例:He has a strong personality.个性nice 例: She is a nice girl . Im a nice guy. Nice car!Nice shoes!2) You could do better! 你可以找到更好的。3) feed 助长perfectionism完美主义例句:You have to feed your dreams.你要让你的梦壮大起来。Would you stop feeding her perfectionism?你能不能不要助长她的

40、完美主义?ActionEnglish 14Movie Dictionary 电影词典movie camera电影摄影机 cameraman摄像 cinematographer摄影师 crane升降机American slang美国俚语Can I get a lift ?能让我搭你的车吗?=Can you let me ride in your car ? 例:I can give you a lift. Classic film clips经典对白1)Better luck next time祝你下次好运 good luck :祝你好运justmy luck:you say it when y

41、ou experience bad luck我真不走运 =bad luck2)make it up to sb 补偿 对进行弥补(指对人)I dont know what I can do to make it up to you.make up for sth 用于补偿东西,对进行弥补(指对物)make up with 与.重归于好(人)例:Jenny and I made up with each other and are still very good friends. 珍尼和我又重归于好了。make up 动词:化妆 例:She is making up .她在化妆。makeup 名

42、词:化妆品 ActionEnglish 15Movie dictionary电影词典bootleg盗版 illegal copy American slang 美国俚语Butchered by some whacked out killer like your dad.whacked out :精神完全失常completely insane very very crazy .例:That girl is whacked out. 那个姑娘一定是疯掉了。 Dont get whacked out! =Dont be crazy!补充词汇:chill 镇定,控制情绪Classic film cli

43、ps 经典对白1)have a hunch on that 对.有预感例:I have a hunce on that ,I ll never see the money again.我有预感,我的钱拿不回来了。Hey man ,why did you bet all the money on the horse ?I had a hunch on that .你为什么把你所有钱全赌那匹马?我有预感它肯定会赢。2)you got that ? =do you understand? 你懂了吗?yes ,I do got it . =yes ,understand totally 是的,我懂了3

44、)turn over a new leaf 重新开始means to get a new start ,to change everything about yourself .例:I used to really lazy,my boss fired to me,well I work hard from now on,Im turning over a new leaf .Im turning a new leaf ,No more drinking ,No more smoking,Its a healthy life from now on. 我决定重新开始生活了,再不抽烟再不喝酒。.

45、4)Im at a loss for words不知说什么好,无话可说,哑口无言例:Im at a loss for words , How dare you accuse me of stealing !我真不知道该说什么好,你怎么会怀疑是我呢。This is the most wonderful gift Ive ever received , Im at a loss for words. 这是我见过最棒的礼物,我都不知道该说什么好了。Gosh, that girl is dad gorgeous ,Im at a loss for words.ACTIONENGLISH 16MOVIE

46、 DICTIONARY 电影词典 science fiction 科幻片AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 tell somebody on somebody 向谁告状例句:Give back my toy, or I will tell Dad on you.把玩具还给我,否则我去向爸爸告你的状。I broke the vase, please dont tell on me.我把花瓶给打碎了,请不要去给我告状。I lost the computer disc. Please dont tell the boss on me. 我把磁盘给弄丢了,请不要向老板去告状。CLASSIC FIL

47、M CLIPS 经典对白 -Armageddon 1)That was idiotic. Im an idiot.idiot (idiotic)傻, 傻瓜,白痴。(means a very very stupid person;)例句:Mary is quitting university to become a singer .Shes not an idiot, but this is the most idiotic plan I have ever heard. 她并不傻,但是她的计划是我听说过最傻的。Dont listen to what he says. Hes an idiot.

48、别听他的。他很傻。2)Im a little edgy. a little edgy有点紧张,有点不耐烦例句:Hes got a job interview tomorrow. Hes a little edgy right now .明天他要去应聘一个工作。他现在有点紧张。Erin hasnt slept for two days. So stay away from her, shes a little edgy. 她有两天没睡觉了,所以离她远一点,她情绪不太好。Anyway Im not edgy at all, so dont stay away from me.ACTIONENGLI

49、SH 17MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 sound track 原声碟AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Just trying to give my man a head start. That all.get a head start on走在别人的前面例句:You should get up early and study. Get a head start on your classmates.你要早起学习,这样你就走在了你同学的前面。He is a slow runner, but he got a head start on the others, so he m

50、ight win the race.他跑得慢,可是他总是比别人先出发,所以赢得总是他。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1)I had no idea. 我不知道。(=I didnt know ,but its very strong)例句:He can play the violin. I had no idea he was so talented!他会拉小提琴,我怎么不知道他这么多才多艺。Dont ask me where your car keys are. I have on idea.你的车钥匙找不到了问我干吗,我也不知道啊。2) Youre mad . mad 疯狂

51、/生气 例句:Youd better go talk to Frank. Hes really mad at you.你最好去问问她本人,因为她生你的气了。If were lost, dont get mad at me! Youre the one who forgot the map!如果我走错了,你可不要发火,没带地图的是你。3)what up 打招呼(熟人间),出什么事情了例:what s up ? 找我干什么?(打电话时)ACTIONENGLISH 18MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 costume行头; costumer 服装师; wardrobe服装;wardrobe

52、 designer服装设计师AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 whats up: two meansthe first one is just used as a greeting过得怎么样(比how are you时尚) the second meaning just means : what s the matter? 怎么了?例:You look really angry , whats up ?CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1)I thought that I could make a difference at the FBI. make a differen

53、ce 改观 (更有起色,使.更好)例句:My friend Joe gives money to the poor, because he really want to make a difference in peoples lives.我的朋友乔经常给穷人们一些钱,因为他真的想让他们的生活好起来。I wanna be a doctor so I can help people, I really wanna make a difference. 我想成为医生,这样就可以使人们的生活因我而改变。2)Your hearts still in it 爱干什么例句:Hey, David! Your

54、 business is really doing well, your heart is really in it. 你的生意不错啊,看来你真的是爱干这行。Im gonna quit the job, my heart isnt in it anymore.我不爱干这行,我的心都不在这里面了。3)Youre up. 轮到你了例句:I just tried the spicy dish. Now youre up.我刚试过这道菜,该轮到你了。Hey, Mark! They just finished introducing the main speaker. Thats you. Now yo

55、ure up.嘿,马克!他们刚介绍完主讲,该你了。Action English 19MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 stunt替身; stuntman 替身演员;stuntwoman 替身女演员AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 You tried to pawned her off on me , and I didnt go for it. pawn 廉价出售sellsomething cheaply;把某人推给.go for喜欢做. = like to do ; be willing to do例:You cant pawn your old car off on me

56、,I didnt go for it . 你想把你的破车廉价卖给我,我才不要呢。 If you dont like my company, just tell me , you dont have to pawn me off on your friends,they wont go for it anyway . 如果你不喜欢我陪你,你不需要把我推给你的朋友。总结:pawn sth or sb off on go for 的反义 not go for 不愿意,不喜欢Classic film clips 经典对白1)were close to something here , were on

57、the verge . verge 靠近.边缘;马上就.例:Im really angry at you , I m on the verge of hitting you .我真的很生气,我真想揍你。Dont interrupt me, Im on the verge of a great discovery .别打扰我好吗,我马上就要有重大发现了。2)I ve just held you back . hold someone back =prevent someone from doing 拖累. 扯的后腿例:I m doing well at work but the fact tha

58、t I cant speak English is holding me back ,I never get promoted .我在单位工作一直都不错,可是我不会讲英语拉了我的后腿,于是每次提升都没我的份。 Hey , Dont marry Tim , he only hold you back .Action English 20Movie dictionary 电影词典director 导演 American slang 美国俚语Theres nothing to be afraid of ,tiger. tiger原意老虎。But in American fathers often c

59、all their sons tiger 父亲对儿子的爱称.例:Im so proud of you , tiger. Go help your mom, tiger.pumpkin 原意南瓜。在这里是对女儿的爱称Im so proud of you , pumpkin .其他:honey ,sweet heart , darling .Classic film clips 经典对白(1) You can strip Byers naked . strip =take off your clothes脱衣例:The doctor said to go into the exam room an

60、d strip . Strip the shirt off ,its a terrible color on you .(2). Well , then well go over their heads跨过他们向上级告状go over ones head =contact someones superior例:The DVD player I bought is defective , I wrote to a letter to the complaint department , but they didnt do anything . Im going to go over their


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