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1、人教版英语高二下Unit 5, Module 7:Travelling Abroad执教老师: 杨秀莲指导老师: 苏瑞莲学 校:漳州市第三中学Teaching Plan of Travelling Talent Shows-Warming-up and Speaking of Travelling Abroad in Unit 5, Module 7Zhangzhou NO.3 Middle School Yang Xiulian 教学设计(一)、教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“出国旅游”,课文始终围绕这一主题展开各种听、说、读、写、译等活动,内容涉及许多社会热点问题且贴近学生实际生活。通过单

2、元教学,旨在使学生了解国外旅行或学习时可能会遇到的一些问题,并学会怎样去解决问题。新课程非常重视任务型的课堂教学模式,重视学生的知识和技能,强调学生在活动中完成任务。通过本节的教学,可让学生利用英语进行交际,从而进一步培养学生运用英语的能力,激发学生英语学习的兴趣,获得学习英语的快乐。课堂教学始终贯彻“以教为辅”和“以学为主”的教学理念。以学生为中心,逐步引导学生参与并完成各项内容,以游戏的形式贯穿所有课堂活动,并且通过穿插其中的生动活泼的教学活动,和学生一起享受英语学习带来的乐趣。“热身”(Warming Up)部分设计了四个讨论题目,帮助学生在大脑中形成有关国外旅游的信息,让学生讨论在国外

3、旅行会遇到什么问题,并且讨论该如何来解决这些问题。这样就自然过渡到下节课Reading。(二)、学情分析 学生对于出国旅游都有所了解,但是知之不多。本节课在提高学生口语的能力同时开展情感教育,让学生更理性地认识到出国旅游的相关知识,并能正确认识其利弊。(三)、教学目标 新课程标准中强调,英语教学的目的是培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力,为用而学,在用中学,学了就用。因此,本课教学目标可定为以下几个方面:1、认知目标:学生熟练掌握相关语言点。、学习方法目标:培养学生的口语能力、小组合作能力和自主学习能力。、能力目标:从“输入”能力提升到说的“输出”能力,并利用已学知识用英语进行熟练且有意义的交流。

4、、情感目标:培养学生用英语交流的兴趣和合作意识。教育学生正确认识出国旅游的利弊并且注意保护环境。(四)、教学策略1、教学重点:培养学生的口语能力。2、教学难点:引导学生思索境外旅游的相关知识,以及围绕该话题所进行的讨论合作能力 的提高。3、突破方法:为突破重难点,设计游戏活动,从易到难,理解讨论和解决几个问题。4、引导方法:在教学环节或教学活动中,灵活采用集体问答、个人或小组活动等多种形式,让全体学生主动并乐意地参与课堂教学活动。(五)、学习策略 学生在一定程度上形成自主学习和合作学习,有效交际、信息处理和英语思维能力。(六)、教学方法和教学模式1、教学方法:(1)、任务型教学法构建整体框架。

5、(2)、创设语境,安排任务,推动学生的听、说训练。(3)、多媒体运用于教学各阶段。2、教学模式:信息技术作为网络资源的探究式教学模式和任务型教学模式。(七)、教学突破 本节课按照教学内容分为五大块,五大块按照具体的教学任务的要求又细分为各个细小的教学活动,通过各个细小的教学任务完成。以学生为中心,逐步引导学生讨论并完成各项内容,体现任务型教学在听说课中的贯彻,并且通过穿插其中的生动活泼的教学活动,享受英语学习带来的乐趣。(八)、教学流程图:导游站加油站-旅客服务站分享站目的地Teaching PlanThe general designing idea of this period:This

6、period is designed as a talent show(达人秀), which is about the warming up and speaking of Unit 5. Students and the teacher in this period are experiencing the showing of their travelling talents. Every classroom activity acts as every step of the game. Students are a team of 6 groups. They play the ga

7、mes of role plays, key word cards and presentations. These activities are presented in guide station, gas station, tourist station and sharing station through individual, pair, and group work, which helps the students learn how to talk about travelling by doing. Based on input of the discussion, a d

8、ebate can be the assignment to strengthen students output of speaking. The teacher well plays the role of instructor to lead the student to carry out the various activities themselves in enough time for every task. The whole period attaches importance to the experience, involvement, cooperation and

9、autonomous learning.I Teaching goals1. Knowledge aims:(1) Tohelpstudentstounderstandandmastertherelated words,phrasesand sentencepatterns.(2)Tohelpstudentsto knowsomebasicinformationand common sense abouttravelling abroad.2. Abilityaims: (1)Tohelpstudentsto improvethestudentsorganizingandusingskills

10、ofEnglishas thesecondlanguage, such as listening and speaking.(2)To help enable the students to discuss what they would learn before-during-after travelling.(3)Tohelpstudentsto discuss the problems and dangers that could happen while travelling in a foreign country and the solutions.3. Emotionalaims

11、:(1) Tohelp students understand the importance and tips of travelling or studying abroad.(2)Tohelp developstudents senseofcooperativelearning and autonomous learning.II Teaching important pointsTrain students speaking ability through all kinds of activitiesIII Teaching difficult pointsHow to motivat

12、e students to open their mouth and brainstorm their own ideas by dealing with the problems that are likely to happen when travelling through all kinds of activities.IV Teaching aids and methods:Aids: Multi-media; handouts; pictures; posters; hats; flags; mobile phones; card paper; marking pens; fans

13、.Methods: Combination of multi-media teaching and traditional teaching; Tasked-based teaching; Game and experience teachingV Teaching evaluation: Formative Assessment-group competition in a gameDestination: winnerDeparture:G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6V Teaching procedures :travelling talent shows to the destin

14、ationStep1 Guide station -Role play and short video(10s)T: Boys and girls! We have a new friend today. Lets have a look at who it is. Count down:5, 4, 3, 2, 1S/G: Good morning! I am your guide of the travelling group. My name is Mao Yu, from China Travelling Agency.T: Welcome! You are expected to le

15、ad us to some places of interest. So, Im surprised at where we are going and what the attractions are.S/G: Its my honor to make the introduction. Now, lets enjoy the journey of travelling abroad. The beautiful destination of New Zealand is waiting for you. Just follow me! Lets enjoy the beautiful sc

16、enery of New Zealand.Give students 1 minute to prepare for the gap fillings.Enjoy a short video about a guides introduction and catch the main idea.Listen to the video this time to write down the details.Gap fillings are as follows:The short video is about 5 _1_(景点) in _2_. Top 5 is Karekare _3_ wit

17、h b_4_ sand and t_5_ cliffs(悬崖). Top 4 is Cornwall _6_ with mature(成熟) t_7_. Top 3 is _8_ Eden, f_9_where we can enjoy excellent views. Top 2 is Waiheke _10_ with s_11_ paradise(天堂) and g_12_ pastures(草原). Top 1 is Sky _13_ where we can enjoy the c_14_ views. The 6 groups answer the questions by tak

18、ing turns.导游站设计意图:由学生扮演导游,好玩且生动。既吸引学生的兴趣,又能激发他们的好奇心和学习动机。导游的介绍很自然地过渡到境外的奥克兰旅游视频。一段简洁且清晰并附有关键词的视频导入,引起学生兴趣。由看到听再到填空的层层递进,训练了学生的听力、记笔记和说的能力,也训练了学生高考短文填词的应试能力,其中设题包括汉语提示、首字母提示和语境提示。该环节先听再说,由输入到输出的信息传递过程。欣赏视频具体训练了学生获取细节信息和有选择地听的这两种听力理解技能。Step2 Gas station-Related words and expressions(7ms)T: Boys and gi

19、rls! Do you find it difficult to express yourselves? It doesnt matter. There are more ways than difficulties. Now, we have arrived at the gas station to get improved.The students look at the handouts and the group leaders are expected to help members to master the language points by reading and unde

20、rstanding in given 3 minutes.Lets play a game called “hide and seek”. The game goes like this. The Chinese appears quickly and then disappears. The given group number requires its all members to give the answer together as quickly as possible.The related words and expressions are classified and list

21、ed according to each step where they can be need by the students. They are as follows:Topic words and expressionsGuide stationBefore travellingWhile travellingStudying abroadtourism luggage get the passport readymiss family; feel homesick make ones dream come true tourist pack ones suitcase apply fo

22、r a visa adapt to; fit in further study travel agency means of transportation surf the information accommodation academic requirement individual travel and group travel send/see sb off traffic map live with a host family benefit and difficulty scenic spots fasten ones safety belt check in and check

23、out have a good journeycommunicationplaces of interest arrival and departure broaden ones viewscultural shocks financial supportattractions destination making plansget lost tuition fee 加油站设计意图:听说课遇到的最大障碍就是学生的语言输出问题。学生的水平有限,设计与本话题相关的有用表达可以帮助扫除语言障碍,帮助学生做到口语输出。学生可以根据材料学习应用和归纳,用起来也有根有据,不会使得课件太快而笔记做不齐而觉得

24、太空。与同伴共读和玩游戏的形式进行语言点学习和掌握,调动起了学生的动力、潜力和兴趣,不会让语言点学习那么地枯燥无趣。设计此环节的宗旨是“知识的有效储备很好地为技能的提升做准备”。Step 3 Tourist station-questions for discussion(18s) Individual work and group work: Activities are organized to answers 3 questions through individual and group work.Q1:What is your favorite attraction?Up brand

25、s to catch the chance to give answers.Everyone likes travelling. Do you have your favorite destination? Now lets guess some pictures of the worlds most famous places and interest. Guess the place and give your answer as quickly as possible. Students look at the pictures and recognize the place to wi

26、n the score for each group.The attractions are The Pyramids in Egypt, The Opera House in Sydney, Fujiyama and so on.Q2:What should we take into account before travelling abroad?Wardle cards to write down their key words and express themselves one by one. Students answers: money, ID card, plans, tran

27、sportation, a visa, a passport and so on.Q3:What can you learn from traveling abroad? Wardle cards to write down their key words and express themselves one by one.Suggested answers:practise a foreign language; broaden ones views; protect the environment; enrich ones experiences; learn advanced scien

28、ce and technology.Q4:Besides benefits, what difficulties will you meet while adjusting to another country? Role play to live the situation and brainstorm their ideas in groups. Ask two pairs of students to do the reality shows and the other students are supposed to infer the question what happens to

29、 the role player. Suggested answers: language, money, transportation, homesickness, local customs, diet, climate and so on.All your answers are very good. If we had a chance to study abroad, we could take these tips into consideration.旅客站设计意图:针对本单元话题,也是为了给Reading做铺垫,形式上运用wardle cards and role play活动

30、的介入,很好地激活了课堂。内容安排上,该四个问题的设计很好地帮助学生了解出国旅游或学习所涉及的方方面面,学生群策群力(brainstorm),互帮互助,取长补短,潜能得以被激发,碰到的所有问题都可以迎刃而解。通过讨论,自然过渡到Reading Task,为下节课的阅读做了很好的铺垫。此环节践行了“双主模式教学”,既以教师为主导,以学生为主体,师生共同利用多媒体技术,创建教学语境,丰富教学资源。Step 4 Sharing station-experience(7s)Please share some pictures or posters with us and report your own

31、 or relatives experiences of travelling home or abroad using what we have learned if possible including the content: who, when, where, what attractions, what feelings and difficulties and so on and do the report.设计意图:英语学习的宗旨就是要回归生活,通过学生对亲身旅行经历的描述,这种真实语境使得学生有话可说,符合课改理念的“以学为主”和“在用中学”。 此环节培养了学生的“自主学习策略

32、”,突出了“情境创设策略”,既教师通过创设易于激发学生学习兴趣的教学情境,提高学生参与教学活动的主动性。Step 5 Summary and morality(1s):DestinationCongratulations!Now we have arrived at the destination.Lets reflect on something.Standing on the top of the highest point makes it possible to have a birds view of the scenery.What have we learned today?Po

33、ssible answers are as follows:To get into the habit of taking notesWords and expressions about tourismTo practice oral English and listeningTo learn to share something good or bad with friendsMake a summary of what has been discussed about and ask students to pay attention to the topic of the protec

34、tion of the environment.The lessons of knowledge and morality are very important.终点站设计意图:既然是一节以冒险游戏形式开展的热身口语课,学生的小组评价就应该有个结果,该终点站的设计正是基于这个目的。该环节帮助学生反思所学,温故知新,并能给学生很好的成就感,这对于他们英语兴趣的培养和学习竞争意识的培养都很有裨益。Step 6HomeworkA debate(2s) Based on what weve learned today, lets have a debate.Here is a story of Li

35、Hua. Learning the story, the students are require to prepare for a debate.Embarrassment from Li HuaThe world is getting smaller and smaller. Students in China have more and more opportunities to study abroad. Li Hua, who is a Chinese high school student, is considering whether to go abroad for furth

36、er or not. For one thing, she can learn a lot from studying abroad. For another, she may meet lots of difficulties in daily life and academic practice. Requirement of the debate: 1、 In terms of the case, well hold a debate next period to help her make the decision by weighing the advantages and disa

37、dvantages . 2、 Group 1,3 and 5 prepare for the pros, while group 2,4 and 6 for the cons. Refer to the materials and surf the Internet if necessary.设计意图:本节课是中心话题的预热,学生语言点的输入和储备,课堂活动中口语的训练,应该以一种实用性的练习方式加以巩固和提升。教师提供要点和具体的要求,给学生搭起了架子,做出了很好的指导,帮助学生真正做到“在用中学,学了就用,学有所用”。二、教学反思(一)、总体构思本节课是该单元的第一课时:Warming-u

38、p and Speaking。其课型是听说课。按照教学内容,讲其设计为五大步骤。具体如下:依据中学话题“旅游”,整节课的设计思路便是旅游,从导游站、加油站、服务中心站、分享站到终点站的五个步骤既呼应了主题,又可以将教学内容渗透到各环节中。由学生扮演导游,引起兴趣且切入境外旅游视频,训练了学生的“听说”的能力;以游戏“捉迷藏”进入加油站,让学生在有趣且紧张的氛围中互相学习和掌握话题语言点;在游客服务中心站环节中设计的4个问题,层层递进,包括竞猜游戏认识国外著名景点、卡片关键词拓展成句子训练学生小组讨论和口语表达能力、真人秀表演吸引学生眼球并且训练了学生的口语能力和解决突发问题的能力,分别讨论了出



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