初中英语沪教版7B Reading My lifetime hobby studying stars 部优课件_第1页
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1、Unit 8 From hobby to careerBy MaYanDaxing Middle SchoolLead -inWhat do you like?Hobbieswatching filmsdrawing picturesreading bookstaking photosplaying soccerlistening to musicsinging songsplaying basketballplaying the guitardancing running listening to news watching filmsreading bookslistening to mu

2、siclistening to news Pre-readingI turn my hobby into my cacreer.I started learning English.I used to(过去常常) read and write English.I got good grades and wanted to learn more.I studied English as my major(专业).Im proud of being an English teacher.I started .I used to.to learn moremajored inEnglish teac

3、her(years old)1314-1516-18universitynowQ1: Whats the writers hobby?Q2: Whats probably his job now?Studying stars.Fast-readingA TV programme host. The Sky at NightReading tips (策略):Skimming(略读):Read the title.Scanning(寻读):Know where to underline the information.P105 ReadingDetail-readingRead Para.1 &

4、 Para.2 and fill the blanks.When I was eight, I _.That was the beginning of my _.I _ with my mum on clear nights and look at the sky. looked like _ different _ in different _ stars _ across the skygot a book about starslifelong hobbyused to go outsideblack velvet with a million diamondsgroups of sta

5、rsseasonsshooting brightlyReading tips: 3. Searching for the key words(关键词).n.天鹅绒n.钻石v.飞驰Detail-readingRead Para.3 and discuss.Q1: Why is Patricks lifelong hobby- studying stars?Q2: How can he help pepole in his programme? He uses his _ to tell people about the stars _. Q3: How long has his programm

6、e lasted(持续)? _ (thinking & learning more)Studying the stars was great fun.knowledgein a lively wayReading tips: 4. Thinking while reading.More than 50 years.n.知识adj.生动的seeing/watchingDetail-readingRead Para.4 and think.Its a good example from hobby to career.Advice : Anybody can _and achieve their

7、dreams.turn his/her hobby into careerWe can do what we enjoy!We can enjoy what we do!Reading tips: 5. Reading for life(生命).HAPPY LIFEListening & readingAfter-readingMy lifetime hobby -studying stars I got a book about stars. I used to go outside and look at the sky. I studied stars and wanted to lea

8、rn more. I host a TV programme The Sky at Night. Im proud of my TV programme.(years old)eightnowSummary What youve read:Read Patricks article about his lifetime hobby. What youve learnt? How to read:Skimming (the title), scanning (underline), key words (关键词),thinking while reading, reading for life.

9、 What youve learnt: Turn hobby into careerWe have to do what we enjoy and enjoy what we do. Practice Fill in the short article to write about your hobby.When I was _, I _. Thatwas the beginning of my favorite hobby.I used to _I found it was very fun.And now, I want to work hard and learn more about

10、_.I really want to turn my hobby into my future career. HomeworkTry to achieve your dream!Extensiondoctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生演员律师或歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人police man, fire fighter or a post man 警察消防员或者邮递员why not something like your old man 为什么不是像你老爸的人?you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生演员律师或者歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你


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