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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、What _news made them so down? Im worried about them.AsadBhappyCexcitingDgood2、My mother is a teacher. She works _ No. 5 Middle School. AinBtoCofDon3、-What was t

2、he most important morning news on CCTV today?-The Chinese government warned Japan do harm to Chinas territorialsovereignty (领土主权) again and again.Ato notBdidntCnot toDdo not4、Dont trouble your brother. He _ on a new computer program.AworksBwas workingCis workingDhas worked5、She can speak little Engl

3、ish but she dares _ with foreigners.AtalkedBtalkingCto talk6、Do you know that our class won first prize in yesterdays singing competition? Really? _good news!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a7、 _ is it from the New Town to the old city centre? Less than 30 minutes by underground.AHow far BHow often CHow long D

4、How much8、-Look! The man welcoming us at the school gate be our headmaster-No,it be him.He is having a meeting in the office nowAmust; cantBmust; mustntCcant; mustntDmustnt; can9、Water is the cheapest drink. And its also _.Ahealthier Bhealthiest Cthe healthier Dthe healthiest10、Darning cant see the

5、blackboard clearly because two tall boys sit him.Anext toBbehindCin front ofDon. 完形填空11、 My name is Tim. Do you know what Im going to do 1 the weekends? Here are my 2 . Im going to 3 a new movie on Saturday morning. Its an English movie 4 the life in Africa. It tells me the people there are very poo

6、r. They 5 our help. In the afternoon Im going to read some books about Chinese culture (文化). Its a great country 6 a long history. I want to 7 more about Chinese culture. I hope I can study in China one day. So I study Chinese 8 at school. After supper Im going to do my homework. On Sunday Im going

7、to see my grandparents. They live with my uncle in a small village. Ill 9 a bus there. Ill help my uncle do some farm work. Thatll be very 10 . Ill enjoy it.1AatBtoCwithDof2AholidayBplansCquestionsDplayers3AwatchBhelpClookDread4AwithBforCfromDabout5AgiveBneedCbringDtake6AbyBhaveCwithDand7AwaitBleave

8、CstartDknow8AlateBreallyCearlyDhard9AtakeBbyCsendDwait10AheavyBtiredClongDinteresting. 语法填空12、Lets talk about Sherlock! You know who I mean, Sherlock Holmes of curse! I have very quickly learnt 1he is not just popular back in the UK, but is huge around the world. In my first lesson I asked the stude

9、nts2 (tell) me what they already knew about the UK.3my surprise, most classes put Sherlock Holmes first. And I even have a student4English name is Sherlock!But who is Sherlock Holmes? Sherlock Holmes is a character 5(create) by British doctor and writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He first appeared in p

10、rint in 1887, and 6(be) a part of popular culture for over a century. He has become 7(know) for his early use of deductive reasoning(演绎推理). In total, Holmes appears in four novels and fifty-six short stories. Most of these 8(write) from the view of his friend Dr. Watson.Although at first a character

11、 in novels and short stories, Sherlock Holmes has become popular on the big and small screen. In fact, he has the honor of 9(hold) the Guinness World Record for the “Most Portrayed Movie Character”. More than seventy 10(act) have played the role in over two hundred films!. 阅读理解A13、 If you have only

12、three minutes to get something that you can take from your home, and the other thing are lost forever, what will you take? The following information will help you.BO.BBO.Bis short for Bug of Bag(求生背包). Its a bag with a collection of things that are needed for life in it.Reasons to use a BO.BWhen dis

13、asters (灾难)like earthquakes and heavy rainstorms happen, many people will have to run away from their homes and they may not return for a long time. They need to continue to live without food, water or a shelter in some unexpected situations.Things in a BO.BA sleeping bag, or at least a thin quilt.D

14、rinking water.High-calorie foods, such as chocolate and biscuits.Necessary medicines.Something for making a fire, and a small pot to boil water or cook.A few basic tools like a knife and some ropes.A flashlight.Money.A copy of all your important papers.(Be sure to make a BO.Bas light as possible.Pla

15、ces to keep a BO.BYou should put a BO.B at a place where you can get it conveniently when disasters happen. Your home, your car, or your office can be a good place to put it.A BO.Bis very helpful to the people in need. Youd better prepare more than one BO.Bif possible. Then think of the difference a

16、 BO.Bwill make if those disasters happen. So prepare one now.1A BO.Bhas a collection of things _ in it. Afor researchBfor trafficCfor lifeD for study2Many people run away from their homes with a BO.Bbecause_ . Athey have to same many peoples lives Bthey have no other useful things to takeCthey will

17、be able to return in a short timeDthey need to continue to live after disasters happen3People should make a BO.Bas_ as they can. AhugeBlightCcommonDheavy4People had better NOT put a BO.B_ Aat homeBin the carCat the officeDon the road5According to the passage, “_ ” is right.AExpensive things should b

18、e put in a BO.Bsafely. BPeople should take a BO.Bwith them everywhere.CIts better to prepare more than one BO.Bif possible.DPeople are advised to put some more clothes in a BO.BB14、One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was looking forward t

19、o a quiet view (观察) of the art works.A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me chatted non-stop between themselves. I watched them a moment and decided the wife was doing all the talk. I admired the husbands patience for putting up with her continuous talk. Distracted by their noise, I moved

20、on.I met with them several times as I moved through the different rooms of art. Each time I heard her constant burst of words,_I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a purchase when the couple came near to the exit. Before they left, the man reached into his pocket and pulled o

21、ut a white object. He extended it into a long stick and then tapped his way into the coatroom to get his wifes jacket.“Hes a brave man.” The clerk at the counter said, “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery he made a promise that his life wouldnt change

22、. So, as before, he and his wife come in whenever theres a new art show.”“But what does he get out of the art?” I asked, “He cant see.”“Cant see? Youre wrong. He sees a lot. More than you or I do.” The clerk said, “His wife describes each painting so he can see it in his head.”I learned something ab

23、out patience, courage and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without sight and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.根据材料内容选择最佳

24、答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡的相应位置。1The young couple were at an art museum _.Ato show their love Bto appreciate artCto discuss paintings Dto describe paintings2“I moved away quickly.” in Paragraph 3 shows that the writer _.Awas in the hope of visiting more roomsBwas in a hurry to buy some giftsCwas tired of the no

25、n-stop talkingDwas not interested in the art show3We can infer (推断) from the passage that the husband _.Awas not born blindBcouldnt stand his wifeCknew nothing about artDcompletely depended on his wife4After hearing what the clerk had said about the couple, the writer was _.Aencouraged Bexcited Ctou

26、ched Dannoyed5The passage is mainly about _.Athe importance of art Bgood manners in publicCpatience of a husband Dlove between a coupleC15、For as long as I can remember, seniors have attracted too little attention from society as a whole. For example, people may shrink physically as they get older a

27、nd have a higher incidence(发生率) of falls, but how many people have thought about buying a more comfortable and stable chair for their elderly parents?We spend generously on our children, such as hiring a nanny to take care of them .When we look for a nanny for our baby, we believe that someone who c

28、harges 8.000 yuan must be better than a person who charges 5, 000 yuan because they have a better grasp of how to interact with babies, But when we look for someone to take care of our elderly parents, we usually keep the cost as low as possible, We just want to make sure that caregivers will prepar

29、e three meals a day for our seniors, but we dont take their psychological needs into consideration.The differences in attitudes are obvious. However, we are not yet old, so perhaps its hard for us to understand the bitterness of the elderly: regression(衰退)in health, a handful of pills every day, not

30、 being able to catch up with developments in the digital age, and the disappearance of the old streets and favorite restaurants from the good old days. Those are the kinds of lives they live and we may even live through something similar in the decades to come.If we think about how we want to be tre

31、ated when we grow old, we should start the changes today. Because the elderly were once the backbone of society and made huge contributions, they should enjoy the fruits of the countrys development as well1What situation might old people face according to the text?AA high and stable income. BPhysica

32、l inconvenience.CMuch concern from the public. DShort of favorite food and fruits.2Which of the following can replace the underlined word “nanny” in paragraph 2?Ahome teacher Bcoach Cstoryteller Dbabysitter3Why is it difficult for us to understand the bitterness of old people?ABecause we fail to cat

33、ch up with their development.BBecause we are sharing a similar lifestyle with themCBecause we are too young to experience their conditionDBecause we have spent much money looking after them4What does the writer think of the elderly?AThey can make greater contributions. BThey are worth the attention

34、from societyCThey should start to change themselves DThey need a handful of pills every day.D16、Which of your hands do you use most ? Very few of us use both of our hands well. Most of us are right-handed. Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. New-born babies can take things with

35、either of their hands, but in about two years they like to use their right hands. Scientists dont know why this happens. They have studied it. They think our animal ancestors(祖先) are right-handed. This may not be true. Monkeys are our closest relations(近亲) in the animal world. Scientists have found

36、that monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the otherbut it can be either hand. There are as many right-handed ones. Next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys carefully. Youll see that some of them will swing(摆动)from their right hands and others will use their left hands. But most hum

37、an beings(人类) use their right hands better and this makes life difficult for the left-handed ones. We live in a right-handed world.1Very few of us can use both of our hands well. It means _ .Awe cant use one as well as the other Bwe cant use both handsCmany people can use one as well as the other. D

38、some of us can use both hands2New-born babies _ at first.Acan only use their right hands Bcan only use their left handsCcant use their hands Dcan use both their hands3Which of the following is true ?AMonkeys are left-handed. BMonkeys are right-handedCSome of the monkeys are left-handed, and others a

39、re right-handed. DThere are much more right-handed monkeys than left-handed monkeys.4We live in a _ .Aleft-handed world Bright-handed worldCmonkey world Danimal world5The left-handed people are difficult in life because _Athey cant use their right hands at allBmost people use their right hands bette

40、r.Cthey cant use both of their handsDthey cant use their left handsE17、 For thousands of years,poetry(诗歌) has been one of the favorite types of literature(文学) in China.There were many famous poets in Chinese history,and many of their poems are still read and loved today.Recently,a popular TV showChi

41、nese Poetry Competition has attracted many people.Now lets interview some people and listen to what they said. I like Wu Yishu very much.She studies at the High School Affiliated(附属) to Fudan University in Shanghai.She came out on top.She can recite(背诵) more than 2,000 Chinese poems fluently(流利地)I r

42、eally admire her knowledge of poems.She is tall and beautiful,and she always stays calm whether the questions are easy or hard. The woman that impresses(给以深刻印象) me is Bai Ruyun.She comes from a village in Xingtai.She is a farmer.She is not rich and she is badly ill in hospital,but she has been so co

43、nfident in herself since she began to read and recite Chinese poems. Among the competitors(选手),I like Wang Zilong best.He is 34 years old.He teaches Chinese in Shijiazhuang College.He said when he was only two years old,his parents began to teach him to recite Chinese poems. Do you know the young bo

44、y? He is Ye Fei,13,from Anqing No.Two Middle School in Anhui.In one competition,he answered all the questions correctly.Now he is a young star in his school because of his love of Chinese poems.1Who came out on top in the Chinese poetry Competition?AWu Yishu.BBai Ruyun.CWang Zilong.DYe Fei.2Where do

45、es Bai Ruyun come from?AShanghai.BXingtai.CShijiazhuang.DAnqing.3How long has Wang Zilong learned to recite Chinese poems?AFor 34 years.BFor 2 years.CFor 36 years.DFor 32 years.4What do we know about Ye Fei?AHe can recite more than 2,000 Chinese poems fluently.BHe learned Chinese poems when he was t

46、hree years old.CHe studied in Anqing No.Two Middle School in Anhui.DHe answered all the questions correctly in all competitions.5Which of the following is TRUE?AYe Fei is a thirteenyearold student in Anhui.BWang Zilong teaches maths in Xingtai College.CBai Ruyun is from a rich family in Shijiazhuang

47、.DWu Yishu will feel nervous if the questions are hard.F18、Grandparents are respected in many human societies.But telling stories about old times and overfeeding grandchildren seem like distinctly human traits (特征).Are these classic grandparent behaviors really limited to human beings? Do any animal

48、s know their grandparents the way people do? For most species (物种) on Earth,the answer is NO! “Usually, there just arent grandparents living anymore when an animal is born,” said Mirkka Lahdenper, a biologist at the University of Turku in Finland. Even if an animals grandparents are still alive, mos

49、t species spread out to avoid competing for resources, so the chances of running into a grandparent are small.But there are a few exceptions, primarily among mammals (哺乳动物) that live in close social groups. Canadian zoologist Anne Innis Dagg described groups of langur monkeys in India in which older

50、 females lived with their daughters and grandchildren. The grandmother langurs have a particular job: they protect the groups babies against hurt from humans, dogs and other monkeys. Some female langurs even give their own grandchildren special treatment, cleaning their fur and stepping in when they

51、 play too roughly with other young.Many whale species, too, travel with their families,including both grandmothers and grandcalves. In groups of sperm whales, according to Dagg, old females help babysit the groups young while their mothers dive (潜水) for food. Orca grandmothers often lead their famil

52、y members and can live for many years after they stop reproducing. In 2015, scientists suggested that these elder orcas help their grandcalves through hard times, because they remember all the best places to find food.Female elephants rule the whole family. Calves (幼崽) are typically born into groups

53、 led by their grandmothers, who can live to around 80 years old. The female elephants form close relationships, said Lahdenper, and raise their young together. Lahdenper found that the calves of young mothers were eight times more likely to survive if their grandmothers lived near them than if they

54、didnt. When the calves mothers were older and more experienced at raising babies, this beneficial “grandmother effect” disappeared even if the actual grandmothers were still around.It isnt very clear how elephant grandmothers help their inexperienced daughters, said Lahdenper. It is believed that th

55、ey may help nurse their grandcalves. But Lahdenper thinks that the more likely advantage is the wisdom a grandmother elephant has got during her long lifetime.And what about grandfathers? Studies of humans in recent years have shown that a living grandfather can improve a persons mental health and w

56、ellbeing, said Lahdenper.But there are signs of that in the animal kingdom, she said. Male animals seldom socialize with their own children, let alone grandchildren. “Males are usually focusing on producing their own children and arent providing so much care,” Lahdenper said.1From Paragraph 3, we know that orca grandmothers _.Adie after reproducingBteach the young to dive for foodChave rich experienceDenjoy travelling with grandfathers2The examples of monkeys, whales and elephants s


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