



1、2019-2020年高二人教版英语必修5练习册:Unit2PeriodFourWriting. 基础写作专练:根据句意完成句子,注意连接词的正确使用1_, there is no reason for us to look down upon ordinary jobs.因此,我们没有理由轻视普通的工作。2_, children become so reliant on their parents that they have no independent thoughts or creative ideas.结果,孩子们变得太依赖于父母,以至于他们没有独立的思想和创造性的想法。3. _the

2、 doctors timely treatment, he was saved.多亏医生的及时治疗,他获救了。4. _, I suggest we be given more time for sports and sleep.因此,我建议应该给我们更多的时间用于体育运动和睡眠。5. I would be very grateful _you can meet him at the airport.如果你能到机场接他,我将不胜感激。6_we stick to our dreams, we will become winners sooner or later.只要我们坚持梦想,我们迟早会成为赢

3、家。7_, they stand for love, friendship and unity.以我看来,它们代表爱、友谊和团结。8. _, people shall not smoke in public places. 按照我的观点,人们不应该在公共场所吸烟。9. _, if you want to succeed, you have to believe in yourself.也就是说,如果你想成功,必须相信自己。10On one hand, I will organize some English activities, _, to hold English debates or E

4、nglish speech contests so as to help students arouse their interest in English.一方面,我会组织一些英语活动,例如举办英语辩论赛或英语演讲比赛,目的是帮助学生激发英语方面的兴趣。.阅读理解AUK education is all about giving you inspiration to develop your knowledge and skills, freedom to be creative, and support to help you achieve your best.On a UK cours

5、e you will benefit from excellent teaching and facilities. In order to accept students, UK education centres must meet strict quality standards set by the UK government and education bodies.With such a good reputation for research and education, universities and colleges in the UK attract some of th

6、e worlds leading academics and professionals. You will be encouraged to express your own ideas and think for yourself.The attention to quality is reflected in the UKs excellent results:four of the top six universities in the world are in the UK.The UK is a worldleading research nation. 54% of the re

7、search conducted by UK universities and colleges is classed as either “worldleading” or “internationally excellent”At the most recent inspection, 97% of further education colleges were judged satisfactory or better, for their overall effectiveness.In the recent BIS Tracking International Graduate Ou

8、tcomes survey, more than 88% of international higher education graduates said they were satisfied with their UK learning experiences.Likewise, in the Higher Education Academy Postgraduate Taught Experience survey of UK postgraduate students, 93% rated the quality of teaching positively.For English l

9、anguage students, youll find the UK has long been at the forefront of language teaching, and pioneered many of the techniques now used around the world. The emphasis is on learning the language through fun and participation: instead of just listening to your teacher, your classes will involve games,

10、 problemsolving and discussions. You might also listen to songs, watch television or read magazines to practise your comprehension skills.The UKs boarding schools also offer excellent teaching, facilities and support. At UK independent schools (most boarding schools are independent), a teacher has j

11、ust 9.4 pupils on average, so teachers have more time to give you individual support. This is reflected in the results: 91% of students from UK independent schools go on to higher education.1What do the education centres do to accept students?A. To develop knowledge and skills. B. To help achieve yo

12、ur best.C. To meet strict quality standards. D. To benefit from excellent teaching.2How many foreign students are said to be satisfied with their learning experiences in the UK?A. About 97%. B. Below 54%.C. 93% or so. D. Over 88%.3How do the students learn English in the UK?A. By listening to the te

13、acher. B. By working in the class.C. By teachers support. D. By playing and discussing.4Whats the purpose of the author to write this passage?A. To introduce the education in the UK. B. To make their students love the UK.C. To attract foreign students. D. To show his pride in the UK.BHarvard Univers

14、ity in the United States has been ranked as the university with the best “reputation” in the world.The Times Higher Education magazine has listed 200 top universities all over the world based on how they are regarded by a group of international college teachers. That is to say the list measures how

15、universities are regarded, rather than how they actually perform.“A subjective, wordofmouth(口碑的)quality such as reputation has genuine economic value for universities,” said Simon Marginson, professor of higher education at the University of Melbourne in Australia.“Reputation is not just an impressi

16、on, though it might be not as reliable as performance by objective indicators(客观指标),” said Professor Marginson.Based on the views of 13,000 college teachers around the world, it confirms the power of the US universities, which dominates this list. Seven of the top 10 are US universities, headed by H

17、arvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Furthermore, 14 of the top 20 are from the US. Cambridge is the highest ranking UK university on the list, in third place, with Oxford ranked as sixth.“For students applying to universities, reputation may be hard to quantify, but it is an impo

18、rtant part of the attractiveness,” said the president of Cambridge Universitys students union, Rahul Mansigani.“Reputation makes a huge difference. If there is an idea that somewhere is great, it will get lots of good people applying whether its true or not. Factors such as a sense of history and th

19、e presence of outstanding college teachers are part of the reputation of Cambridge,” he said.5The underlined word “dominates” in Paragraph 5 probably means “_”Aaffects BdecidesCcontrols Dimproves 6What can be inferred from the text?A. No Asian universities are among the top 10. B. At least five UK u

20、niversities are among the top 20.C. The Times Higher Education magazine is from the US.D. Reputation affects students decisions when choosing universities. 7Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?A. Turning ideas into reputationB. Worlds best universities ranked in order of re

21、putationC. The top 200 universities in the USD. Reputable universities are attractive to more students.书面表达假设你是李华,请根据下表提示给你的笔友Jack写信,向他介绍你的两位朋友刘伟和张达的休假计划,并顺便征询Jack对你的休假有何建议。刘伟张达李华上网、听音乐、看电视读书游泳、打网球社会公益活动做家务旅游、参观梦想大学还没有决定;请对方提建议注意:1. 词数100左右;2文章的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Jack,I am writing to tell you ab

22、out my friends plans for the holidays. Yours sincerely, Li HuaPeriod Four Writing.1. Therefore 2. As a consequence 3. Thanks to 4. Therefore 5. if 6. As long as 7. As far as I am concerned 8. In my opinion/Personally 9. That is to say 10. for example.A【文章大意】 本文主要宣传了英国先进的教育。英国教育旨在激励每个学生充分开发其潜能,发展自己的知

23、识和技能,培养自身的创造性。1C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“UK education centres must meet strict quality standards”可知,英国的教育中心要想招生,它们必须满足英国政府制定的严格的标准,故选C。2D细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中的“more than 88% of international higher education graduates said they were satisfied with their UK learning experiences.”可知,有超过88%的留学生对在英国的学习经历感到满意,故选D。3D细节理解题。

24、根据倒数第二段中的“The emphasis is on learning the language through fun and participationyour classes will involve games, problemsolving and discussions.”可知,在英国,英语的教学方法比较先进,强调通过娱乐和讨论达到学习的目的,故选D。4C写作意图题。根据第一段中的“UK education is all about giving you inspiration to develop your knowledge and skills, freedom to b

25、e creative, and support to help you achieve your best.”可知,文章主要介绍了英国教育的优势,从全文来看,作者突出强调了英国教育的高水平,这样写的目的是吸引外国学生前往英国留学,故选C。B【文章大意】 一所大学的“名望”尽管很难具体量化但却非常重要。泰晤士高等教育杂志公布了全世界最负盛名的前200名大学的名单,其中哈佛大学名列榜首。5C词义猜测题。affect影响;decide决定;control控制;improve提高。上下文“Based on the views of 13,000 college teachers around the

26、world, it confirms the power of the US universities, which dominates this list. Seven of the top 10 are US universities, headed by Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)”中which引导非限制性定语从句,指代上文中的the power of the US universities(美国大学的影响力)。而其后一句所说的是具体内容“排名前十的大学中有七所是美国的大学,以哈佛大学和麻省理工学院为首”。 所以定语从句的句意应是“美国大学的影响力在排名中占压倒性的优势。”故正确答案为C。6D推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中的the president of Cambridge Universitys students union, Rahul Mansigani所说的话“For students applying to universities, reputationis an important part of the attractiveness”可知,大学的名望


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