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1、备战2022年高考英语【名校地市好题必刷】全真模拟卷(新高考专用)第一模拟(本卷共3局部,总分值120分,考试用时90分钟) 本卷须知:.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。.回答选择题时,选出每题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一局部 阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题分,总分值分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。(2021.山师附中高三最后打靶卷)ATo-do t

2、hings during your trip to AmsterdamCanal Boat TripThe UNESCO protected canal belt is the perfect image of Amsterdam. The sight is pleasing to the eyes after sundown when the bridges get lit up using fairy lights. You can consider hop on and off boats that dock in different areas, which is a large bu

3、siness. There are even free passenger ferries in the northern area of the city.Coffee shopsIf you are a coffee lover, you will be pleased to visit many quiet coffee shops that combine elegance and romance. The environment is great and relaxing and you may sip on a warm coffee in the beautifully-desi

4、gned coffee shop which is also perfect for taking pictures. Great memories can be created here.MuseumsLocated at the Museumplein(博物馆广场)are three major museums 一the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, and Stedelijk Museum. Regarded as the cultural heart of Amsterdam, the famous district can be said to be a

5、 paradise for those who love art. It has been recently restored so that it is of a world-class standard.SquareThe grand open square is full of activities throughout the day. You can encounter fantastic open-air exhibitions,Para. 1:I wrapped the scarf around Davids neck.Para. 2:Later that day David c

6、ame back saying Jane also deserved a scarf.markets as well as a huge paddling pool that lets one dip their toes into it when the day is warm. When it is winter the square becomes a huge outdoor ice area.What do we know about Canal Boat Trip?It is protected by UNESCO.It is an ideal choice fbr art lov

7、ers.It offers a fancy bridge light show.It provides free ferries on every dock.Which place is suitable for relaxation and taking photos?B. A Coffee Shop.D. The Square.B. Appreciating great arts.D. Skating outdoors in winter.A. The Canal Belt.C. Van Gogh Museum.What can travelers possibly do on the s

8、quare?A. Swimming in a pool.C. Enjoying indoor exhibits.(2022山东日照二模)Trucker Gerlock traveled hundreds of thousands of miles with his dog, Holly, who came with him on every route-including his last one. While driving near Dallas, Texas, on the job, the 59-year-old Marylander crashed into a concrete c

9、olumn. Gerlock was killed instantly. Looking in the back of the truck, though, rescue drivers found one survivor.Rescue workers cut the Chesapeake Bay retriever(切萨皮克海湾寻回犬)一practically untouchedout of the back of the truck, where shed been sleeping. Its amazing that anything survived, “Sandy Nordhoff

10、, friend of Gerlock, told The Kent County News.Unsure what happened to Holly, Gerlock friends from his town of Rock Hall, Maryland, made numerous calls and emails to agencies in order to find out where the dog was. Eventually, they found out she had been staying in Dallas Animal Services shelter and

11、 a foster family had taken her in for Thanksgiving. The Rock Hall locals hatched a plan to get her home.Joe Creighton and Sandys husband, Russell Nordhoff, both lifelong friends of Gerlock, volunteered to make the 2,800-mile trip from Rock Hall to Dallas and back, which took two days each way. The f

12、riends borrowed Gerlocks pickup truck fbr the road, so Holly would feel more comfortable on the journey home, according to The Kent County News.Back in Rock Halh some of Gerlock,s friends adopted Holly. Ever since, the dog has been a town icon(偶像), making an appearance in almost every town parade.“T

13、he outpouring of love shown towards Gerlock and Holly was heartwarmingRock Hall resident Jamie Elburn tells Readers Digest. It shows how the companionship 0fmans best friends and simple kindness can overcome even the most difficult situation!”What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 indicate?B.

14、The result was quite satisfying.D. The accident was too serious.B. She was put in an animal shelter.D. She was adopted by a foster family.A. The trip was extremely tiring.C. The survivor was very smart.What happened to Holly after she was saved?A. She was nowhere to be found.C. She was sent back hom

15、e immediately.What can we infer about the work on getting Holly back home?B. It was full of danger.D. It required much experience.C. ShockedD. Touched.A. It was painstaking.C. It turned out to be interesting.How did Jamie Elburn feel about the whole story?A. Sympathetic.B. Grateful.(2021 .山东临沂高三学科素养

16、检测)Children always appreciate small gifts of money. Mum or dad, of course, provides a regular supply of pocket money, but uncles and aunts are always a source of extra income. With some children, small sums go a long way. If fifty pence pieces are not exchanged for sweets, they rattle for months ins

17、ide the money-box. Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money-box. For most of them, fifty pence is a small price to pay for a nice big bar of chocolate.My nephew, George, has a money-box but it is always empty. Very few of the fifty pence pieces and pound coins I have given to him found t

18、heir way there. I gave him fifty pence yesterday and advised him to save it. Instead, he bought himself fifty pence worth of trouble. On his way to the sweet shop, he dropped his fifty pence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain. George took off his jacket, rolled up his

19、 sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover. However, he couldnt find his fifty pence piece anywhere, and whats more, he couldnt get his arm out. A crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter, but George was firmly stuck. The fire-brigade was calle

20、d and two fire fighters freed George using a special type of grease. George was not too upset by his experience because a gentleman who owns the sweet shop heard about his trouble and rewarded him with a large box of chocolates.Where do kids mainly get their pocket money ?.A. mums or dadsB. aunts or

21、 unclesC. money-boxesD. grandmas or grandpasAccording to Paragraph 1, how do most kids treat their pocket money?A. They save it in the money-box.B. They spend it on things they like.C. They exchange it for more money.D. They rattle it inside the money-box.Which of the following statements about Geor

22、ge is TRUE?He bought a large box of candy.He felt sorry for his bad experience.He eventually got his money back from the drain.He hardly saved the pocket money given by the author.After the fire fighters came to Georges rescue, what happened to George?.George greased his arm and was able to get it o

23、ut of the drain.George got some chocolates at the sweet shop with the fire fighters.George was rewarded by the owner of the sweet shop for his trouble.the lady who had failed to rescue George gave him a box of chocolates. (2021.山东实验中学高三二模)DBlood donations save lives. But blood can only be stored und

24、er refrigeration fbr up to six weeks. After that, its no longer usable for transfusions. Because of that limitation, people have to continually donate blood to meet the needs.Jonathan Kopechek, a bioengineer from University of Louisville says suspension to regular blood donations due to COVID-19 has

25、 put stress on the blood supply, and the pandemic underscores the need for more reliable long-term storage methods.Good news is that Kopecheks team has developed a method of preserving blood so it can be stored in a dehydrated(月兑水的)state at room temperature. To do so, they turned to a sugar called t

26、rehalose(海藻糖),which is a common ingredient in donuts(甜甜圈).Trehalose is intended to help make them look fresh even when they are months old, and you wouldnt know the difference.The researchers chose trehalose because, in nature, its made by animals like sea monkeys-famous for their ability to survive

27、 dehydration. So these animals can dry out completely for a long time and then be rehydrated andresume normal function. So we wanted to use the trehalose produced by these organisms and apply that to preserving blood cells in a dried state.”But first, the researchers had to get trehalose into blood

28、cells. To achieve this, they drilled temporary holes in the cell membranes侈山胞月莫).And they need to have sufficient trehalose on both the inside and the outside of the cell in order to survive the dehydration and rehydration process. At that point, the blood could be dried and made into a powder. And

29、then we can rehydrate the blood and have it return back to normal.Kopechek said the technique could be ready for clinical trials in three to five years. If successful, it could be used to create stores of dried blood in case of future pandemics or natural disasters-and for humanitarian aid work, mil

30、itary operations or even missions to Mars. Maybe first aid kits on Mars will include dried red blood cells.Which has the closest meaning with the underlined word in Paragraph 2?A. Satisfy.B. Decrease.C. Highlight.D. Influence.What can we learn about trehalose?It can only be found in sea monkeys.It s

31、hould be preserved in a dried state.C , It helps to keep donuts fresh and tasty.D. It contributes to long-term blood storage.Which is the correct order of storing blood with trehalose?Drying blood and making it into a powder.Rehydrating the blood.A.B.15. What is the text mainly about?A. Dried blood

32、has a promising prospect.C. The need for stored blood is on the rise.第二节(共5小题:每题2. 5分,总分值12. Getting trehalose into blood cells. Drilling holes in the cell surface.C.D.B , Trehalose could help stored blood last.D. Storing blood longer is very challenging.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多余选项

33、。(2021 .山东济市期中考试)September 23 marks the start of a new season. 16 In Great Britain, the third season of the year usuallyhas only one name: autumn. But if you travel across the Atlantic, youll find that people use both fall and autumn interchangeably when referring to this time of year, making it the

34、 only season in the English language with two widely accepted names.17t a modem name that followed the more traditional autumn. The two terms are actually first recorded within a few hundred years of each other, with the term fall being used even a bit earlier.18 The word is of Germanic origin and m

35、eant picking or collecting”, a nod to the act of gathering and preserving crops in the field before winter. In the 1500s, English speakers began referring to the season separating the hot and cold months as either the fall of the leaf or the spring of the leaf, or fall and spring for short. 19 By th

36、e end of the 1600s, autumn, from the French word “automne and the Latin autumnus”, had overtaken fall as the standard British term for the third season.Around the same time England adopted autumn, the first-ever British American colonists (殖民者)were voyaging to North America. 20 While the former fell

37、 out of fashion overseas, it established itself in the local vocabulary by the time America won its independence. Today, using both words to describe the season before winter is still a unique American behavior.The Americans prefer using fall to using autumn.With them they brought the words fall and

38、 autumn.So what is it about the season that makes it so special?But for some reason, only spring had staying power in Britain.It is time to gather apples, rice and other things for the farmers.However, what exactly you should call that season depends on where you are.Before either word appeared, the

39、 season between summer and winter was known as harvest.第二局部 语言运用(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共15小题:每题1分,总分值15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。(2021 福建省福州市高三三模)My journey to isolation (与世隔绝)in Antarctica was somewhat accidental. I saw a (an) 21 in a print publication for a job as a station leader for an

40、 expedition to Davis Station, Antarctica. Actually, it was the .22 in the ad that caught my attention. It 23 that they could teach Antarctica but were looking for someone in charge of a diverse team of multi-skilled expeditioners. I went to the job 24 and was then sent to a training center with 13 m

41、en competing for the job.2518 strangers around the clock for a full year, with no 26 from the cold and strongwinds, I have firsthand knowledge about what it feels like to come out of months of isolation.Antarctica is completely 27there are no birds singing, no trees blowing their leaves. After being

42、in isolation, the noise in the outside world seemed 28. Gosh, it took me about six months to 29the noisy life. I limited the time I spent outside and gradually 30 my tolerance for noise. Besides, the 31 of my life in Antarctica was very slow, just like everyones life in lockdown (禁闭期)due to theCOVID

43、-19. When I first got into my car for a ride alone, I felt like I was 32, even though I wasnt. Andlife was simple in isolation. When I was on the expedition, we didnt have many 33 I couldnt decide on what to wear or what to eat. So when I first came home and saw 30 types of food, I got a bit 34.Nowa

44、days I often think back to when I sawthe picture of the penguin that 35me to look at the adfor the job. If it was like the movie Sliding Doors, a moment changed my life completely.21. A. requirementB. pictureC. advertisementD. accident22. A. penguinB. advertiserC. captainD. competitor23. A. warnedB.

45、 orderedC. doubtedD. noted24. A. interviewB.sceneC. applicationD. market25. A. SeekingB. LeadingC. KnowingD. Training26. A. sufferB. escapeC. concernD. favor27. A. noisyB. excitingC. silentD. alone28. A. louderB. goneC. quieterD. normal29. A. keepB.changeC. suitD. create30. A. put offB. turned downC

46、. gave upD. built up31. A. meaningB. paceC. qualityD. level32. A. runningB. drivingC. wanderingD.speeding33. A. choicesB. hopesC. tasksD. schemes34. A. upsetB. confusedC. amusedD. patient35. A. expectedB. advisedC. inspiredD. allowed第二节(共10小题:每题1. 5分,总分值15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2021 .江苏省

47、如皋中学高三期中)Chinese scientist Yuan Longping, globally known for developing the first hybrid rice strain in 1973 that relieved countless people 36 hunger, passed away on Saturday at the age of 91.The scientist spent over five decades researching and improving hybrid rice, 37 has reached its third genera

48、tion, feeding 38 (near) one-fifth of the worlds population with less than 9 percent of the worlds total land. In China, the annual planting area of hybrid rice has topped 16 million hectares, or 57 percent of 39 total planting area of rice. Its growth area overseas has reached 8 million hectares. Hi

49、s more recent achievements included developing 40 (variety) of seawater rice, or saline-alkali (盐碱)tolerant rice. His team planned to use the rice 41Yuan once said he had two dreams to “enjoy the cool under the rice crops 42 (tall) than men and that hybrid rice could be grown all over the world to h

50、elp solve the global 43 (short) of food.Yuans lifelong devotion to 44 (reduce) hunger has made him a national hero and household name in China. In 1999, an asteroid (小行星)discovered by the National Astronomical Observatories 45 (name) after Yuan. In 2019, he was awarded the Medal of the Republic, Chi

51、nas highest state honor. 第三局部 写作(共两节,总分值40分)(2021 山东夏津一中高三联合质量评测) 第一节(总分值15分)假定你是李华,最近你校举办了第一届“英语学科节(English Subject Festival)活动,请给你校的留学 生朋友David写一封邮件,介绍这次活动,内容包括:.活动目的;.主要内容;.你的收获。 注意:.写作词数应为80左右:.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear David,Yours,Li Hua(2021 .山东潍坊四中高三阶段检测)第二节(总分值25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。I am a prou


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