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1、基于Kubernetes和Slurm的AI模型训练AI Model Training with Kubernetes and SlurmAI Model Training+DATAimagevoicetextDigital dataAlgorithmAPI / SDKModelModel DeveloperModel UserModel Run EngineTrainDeployPublishOptimized ModelOptimizeModel TrainingModel Inference2K8S Resource Scheduling3K8S Shared FolderNFS Serv

2、er (/opt/sharefolder/ns1)PV: pv-ns1PVC: pvc-ns1pod2(/share)Namespace: ns1K8Spod2(/share)4K8S Train Models Using K8Simage:run container use this docker image.resources:requests defines the minimal resource needed by this container.limits defines the max resource can be used by this container.the mini

3、mal cpu unit is m, 1m=1/1000 core.for gpu, the number of request and limits must be the same.volumes:volume share-dir use the persitentVolumeClaim pvc-ns1.volumeMounts:mount volume share-dir to container folder /share.workingDir, command, args:all the program/data (demo.py) should be placed in the v

4、olume first.run the program.restartPolicy:run the container one time.5Dont support resource reservationIf I have one model training job which need more than 1 pod, some pods may be created successfully, some pods may be created failed due to no available resource. I cant reserve enough resource for

5、these pods before creating them.Dont support queuingIf there is no available resource for model training job, the job creation will be failed immediately.Dont support GPU sharingOne GPU can be assigned to one pod only.Dont support to limit GPU number based on GPU typeK8S resource quota can limit the

6、 allocated number of GPUs to namespace. One cluster may have different GPU types, such as P100, V100, A100. If I want one users namespace to use P100 only, it is not supported.6K8S Limitations of Using K8S for Model TrainingSlurm Why Singularity with Slurm7Why Docker is not sufficient:Security: User

7、 can gain root inside the containerNo integration with Parallel Environment: schedulers, etc.Singularity to the rescue:Less separation from the host(Container uses host user and host network, No background daemon)Integration with schedulers and parallel libraries (MPI)Cannot gain rootHigh adoption r

8、ate in HPC (first release in 2016)Slurm Singularity Basic UsageBuild singularity container from dockerUse singularity container8Slurm GPU SchedulingT1T2.0T2.1T3.0T3.1T3.2T3.3GPU1GPU2Server2GPU0GPU1GPU2GPU3Server1GPU0T1T2.0T2.1T3.0T3.1Server3GPU0GPU1GPU2GPU3T3.2T3.3Server4GPU0GPU3T4.0T4.0T4.1T5.0T5.1

9、T5.0GPU1T4.1T5.1T4.2GPU2T4.2T2.2GPU3T2.2Server5GPU0GPU1GPU2GPU3T6.0T6.1T6.2T6.3T6.0T6.19T6.3T6.2Single node, single GPU Single node, multi GPUs Multi nodes, multi GPUs GPU shareExclude modeSlurm GPU SchedulingServer1GPU0GPU1Server4GPU0GPU1Server3GPU0GPU1Server2GPU0GPU1Leaf switchSpine switchSwitch1

10、groupSwitch2 groupServer110GPU0GPU1Server4GPU0GPU1Server3GPU0GPU1Server2GPU0GPU1P100 groupV100 groupLeaf switchResource GroupingSlurm Slurm Configuration to Support GPU/etc/slurm/slurm.conf on all the nodes:.GresTypes=gpu # #NODES# #NodeName=compute1 CPUs=32 Gres=gpu:2 NodeName=compute2 CPUs=32 Gres

11、=gpu:2 NodeName=compute3 CPUs=32 Gres=gpu:4 NodeName=compute4 CPUs=32 Gres=gpu:4 # #PARTITIONS# #PartitionName=compute Nodes=compute1,compute2 State=UP PartitionName=gpushare Nodes=compute3,compute4 State=UP11/etc/slurm/gres.conf on compute1 and compute2:cat /etc/slurm/gres.conf Name=gpu File=/dev/n

12、vidia0 Name=gpu File=/dev/nvidia1/etc/slurm/gres.conf on compute3 and compute4:cat /etc/slurm/gres.conf Name=gpu File=/dev/nvidia0 Name=gpu File=/dev/nvidia1 Name=gpu File=/dev/nvidia0 Name=gpu File=/dev/nvidia1Container ImagesProgram FilesDataOutput FilesSlurm Train Models Using Slurm12Slurm Train

13、Models Using Slurm#!/bin/bash#SBATCH -job-name=single_node#SBATCH -chdir=/share/data/demo/singlenode#SBATCH -partition=compute #SBATCH -nodes=1 #SBATCH mincpus=16 #SBATCH -gres=gpu:2singularity exec nv B /share/data:/share/data /share/images/tf_gpu.sifpython /share/data/demo/singlenode/training.pySi

14、ngle Node Single GPU/Multi GPUs#!/bin/bash#SBATCH -job-name=single_node#SBATCH -chdir=/share/data/demo/singlenode #SBATCH -partition=gpushare#SBATCH -nodes=1 #SBATCH mincpus=16 #SBATCH -gres=gpu:2singularity exec nv B /share/data:/share/data /share/images/tf_gpu.sifpython /share/data/demo/singlenode

15、/training.pyGPU Share#!/bin/bash#SBATCH -job-name=single_node#SBATCH -chdir =/share/data/demo/multinode #SBATCH -partition=compute#SBATCH -nodes=1 #SBATCH exclusive #SBATCH -gres=gpu:2singularity exec nv B /share/data:/share/data /share/images/tf_gpu.sif python /share/data/demo/singlenode/training.p

16、y#!/bin/bash#SBATCH -job-name=multi_node#SBATCH -chdir =/share/data/demo/multinode#SBATCH -partition=compute#SBATCH -nodes=2 #SBATCH mincpus=16 #SBATCH -gres=gpu:2#run the program which should get allocated resource by parsing environment variables and launch the model training program on remote nod

17、es by slurm command srunMulti Node Multi GPUsExclusive#!/bin/bash array=($SLURM_NODELIST/,/ )for i in $!array; do echo $i=$arrayi; donesrun -N1 -n1 -gres=gpu:2 -nodelist=$array0 -l singularity exec nv B/share/data:/share/data /share/images/tf_gpu.sif python/share/data/demo/multinode/training.py worker1srun -N1 -n1 -gres=gpu:2 -nodelist=$array1 -l singularity exec nv B/share/data:/share/data /share/images/tf_gpu.sif python/share/data/demo/multinode/training.py worker2/share/data/program.shKubernetes is more popular than slurmDocker is more popular than singularitySlurm C


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