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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习阅读七选五解题技巧演练题专题4阅读七选五总分类专项练习二2021届高考英语二轮复习阅读七选五解题技巧演练题专题4阅读七选五总分类专项练习二2021届高考英语二轮复习阅读七选五解题技巧演练题专题4阅读七选五总分类专项练习二第四讲阅读七选五总分类专项练习(2)A(2020湖南省名校联盟高三联考)“Some kids are naturally more competitive than others, said professional adviser Roseann Clay。But certain factors play into the behavior of k

2、ids to make them want to win at everything.One factor is that kids are becoming aware of what others think of them。Winning games and getting those top grades are ways to get loads of attention._1_ When kids have a genuine fear of losing, this can drive them to be more competitive.And when they lose,

3、 bad emotions usually follow。How can parents deal with kids who get angry or upset when they dont win all the time? _2_Roseann suggests that parents make a point of showing how they handle losing well, while still having fun.And before any competitive activity or game, make sure everyone knows what

4、the rules and expected behavior are.This helps a child shift from the “Im only good if I win attitude to the “Im having fun” attitude.If a child is pushed to be too competitive and care about winning above all else, their emotional well。being is put at risk。The knock.on effect is that their confiden

5、ce remains low。_3_Also, some childrens anxiety causes them to be afraid of competition._4_ They should try to open up conversation and focus on the feelings of kids and not their behavior。_5_ We can help them celebrate and enjoy all the small steps it took to get there, and encourage a more positive

6、 outlook and healthy competition.This will serve them throughout life as they manage stress.ANot all kids want to win.BKids can still celebrate a win。CParents shouldnt push these kids.DInsecurity can also be a factor here.EInsecure children want to win everything.FThis can really rock a developing c

7、hilds emotional core。GChildren can learn to manage their emotions with role modeling。语篇解读:想获得很多关注和不安全感使一些孩子过于争强好胜,而当他们失败后,坏情绪也随之而来。还有一些孩子因焦虑而害怕竞争。家长应通过示范作用等来教育孩子正确面对竞争与失败。1选D根据空后一句“When kids have a genuine fear of losing, this can drive them to be more competitive.”可知,当孩子们真正害怕失败时,这会促使他们更加有竞争意识.据此可知,


9、即父母不应该强迫孩子(参加竞争),故C项正确.5选B空处为该段的主题句。根据空后一句可知,家长可以帮助孩子庆祝和享受为取得胜利而完成的每一小步。据此可知,该段主要陈述孩子们仍然可以庆祝他们的胜利,故B项正确。B(2020山西省重点中学高三联考)You have probably heard the saying, “It is better to give than to receive.” The act of giving creates positive feelings for both the giver and the receiver._1_ Giving can not onl

10、y bring positive feelings for the receiver, but it has also been shown to be a mood booster (助推器) for the giver。For example, a study published in Nature Communications found that the participants who chose to spend money on others rather than themselves had a greater increase in levels of self.repor

11、ted happiness._2_ Because youll create positive energy when saying “Yes”Giving improves your emotional (情感的) and physical health._3_ Giving can create positive benefits to your physical health and well。being as well, including decreased stress, lowered blood pressure, and even increased life length.

12、A recent study found that people who volunteered even a few hours a week were 40 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who didnt.Giving increases feelings of appreciation.Both the giver and the receiver can experience a kind of gratefulness when generosity is at play。Why is t

13、his so important? Because appreciation is important to your physical, emotional, and spiritual well。being。_4_Giving can change the world.All great change starts with small actions.Your generosity has the potential to affect massive change in the lives of other people and creatures.For example: You v

14、olunteer at your local animal shelter to accompany homeless dogs.Because these dogs have received extra love, they are happier。Because they are happier, they are more likely to be adopted._5_ It sets off a chain of small yet meaningful actions that lead to big change.AGiving makes you happier.BGivin

15、g leaves you more energetic.CThis situation shows how giving works.DThus, many people choose to give rather than to take.EThats why telling people you are grateful is so important.FThe benefits of giving extend beyond your emotional health.GSo nod when your neighbor asks you to join a beach clean.up

16、 activity。语篇解读:文章介绍了给予的一些益处。1选A本空是第二段的主题句。通读该段可知,作者主要讲述了给予不仅使得接受者心情愉悦,而且也提升给予者的情绪.文中的“the participants who chose 。.had a greater increase in levels of self。reported happiness”举例说明了主题,故选A。2选G根据空后的“when sayingYes”可知,空处内容应涉及被人请求帮忙或者给予,故G项“因此当你的邻居想要你加入清理沙滩的活动时应点头同意”符合语境.3选F根据本段的主题句可知,本段主要讲述“给予能提升情感和身体健康

17、”。空后的“Giving can create positive benefits to your physical health and well。being as well, including decreased stress, lowered blood pressure, and even increased life length.”说明给予对身体健康有益,那么本空应涉及情感或心理健康,故F项“给予的益处不仅仅局限于情感健康”符合语境。4选E根据前一句可知,感恩对身体、情感和精神健康都很重要,因此E项“那就是为什么告诉人们你的感激之情是如此重要”承接上文。5选C本段讲述给予能改变世

18、界.空前举例说明一个人小小的善举是如何给人和动物带来巨大改变的,故C项“这种情况说明了给予是如何起作用的(即改变世界)”承接上文的例子,并引出下文更具体的解释它(指给予)引发一连串微小但有意义的行动,这些行动会带来巨大变化。C(2020郑州市高三预测)Things Emotionally Intelligent People Dont DoHere are five things emotionally intelligent people, as a rule, avoid.They dont complain.Instead of looking for someone or someth

19、ing to blame, they immediately think of how to constructively address the dilemma._1_ So they search for private and effective ways whether its taking a yoga class or simply writing down their feelings。They dont always say yes to others and themselves._2_ Emotionally intelligent people are well awar

20、e that a second glass of wine will lead to negative consequences the next morning.The more often emotionally intelligent people exercise their right to say no, the freer they are to concentrate on their ambitions and overall wellbeing。They dont count on others for happiness or confidence.Emotionally

21、 intelligent people are confident in all aspects of life, including their contentment and peace of mind.They have learned that to rely on someone else to make themselves feel joyful or respectable is to put themselves at risk of disappointment and hopelessness。_3_4_People who live more in their past

22、 than in their present are likely to suffer a lot of mental and spiritual grievance (不满)Emotionally intelligent people honor their past the mistakes they have made or the opportunities theyve missed.But they care more about the importance of living just in the present.They dont gossip。Emotionally ac

23、ute people sidestep gossip as determinedly as they skirt drama.To involve themselves in shameful talk, they know, is to shame another for a supposed error and an emotionally intelligent person understands that all humans equally deserve respect。_5_AThey dont care about the past.BThey dont let go of

24、the past uncomfortably.CInstead, they take their emotions in their own hands。DSelf.control is a sure sign of an emotionally solid person.EThey started to complain, but found it didnt help at all。FThey know their complaints will affect those around them badly.GThey also know what others might treat a

25、s a mistake is an opportunity for improvement.语篇解读:本文主要介绍的是情商高的人通常不会做的五件事情.1选F本部分小标题为“他们不抱怨”。空前讲到,他们不会去责怪某个人或某件事,而是立刻去思考如何积极地解决问题。空后一句提到,他们会寻找私人和有效的解决办法。结合选项可知,F项(他们知道他们的抱怨会对周围的人产生不良影响)符合语境。2选D根据本部分小标题可知,这一段主要讲了情商高的人不总是向他人和自己说“是”。根据空后一句可知,情商高的人很清楚,多喝一杯酒可能会产生不好的结果。结合选项可知,D项(自控是一个情感上可靠的人的确切标志)符合语境,与后文

26、所举的“a second glass of wine”的例子相呼应。3选C根据小标题可知,本段主要讲的是情商高的人不会将获得快乐和自信的途径寄托在别人身上。空前一句讲到,他们知道依靠他人来使自己感到快乐或受人尊敬会使自己处于失望和绝望的风险中。结合选项可知,C项(相反,他们将情绪掌握在自己手中)符合此处语境.4选B根据设空处位置可知,此处应为本部分的小标题。本段主要讲的是情商高的人珍视过去的经历,记得那些他们犯过的错误和错过的机会,但他们更在意活在当下.故B项(他们不会对过去无法释怀)符合本段主旨,且B项中的past在原文中多次复现。5选G该部分主要讲了情商高的人不会八卦。根据空前一句中的“t

27、hey know”和“an emotionally intelligent person understands that all humans equally deserve respect和选项可知,G项(他们也知道可能别人所认为的错误是个提升的机会)承接上文,符合此处语境。G项中的also也表明了设空处与前文的递进关系。D(2020开封市高三模拟)Books are a source of joy, learning, insight and imagination.How we choose what to read says a lot about our preferences a

28、nd passions。_1_。Give old favorites a re。read.There is a particular kind of pleasure that comes with opening a wellworn book and flipping through pages you have read before, maybe multiple times._2_.It can bring you back to the time in your life when you last met those characters.Youre left with a ri

29、ch reflection on who you were, who you are and where you turn for meaning and inspiration.Learn something new.If you are a lover of novels, think about what your favorites have in common._3_.That can send you down a glorious rabbit hole of nonfiction books that will brighten your understanding of ti

30、mes, places and people who already live in your imagination._4_.Book clubs are positive on so many levels, not least of which is that they open your mind to books you might not otherwise have considered。If you dont belong to one and even if you do try to think about your reading choices in a public

31、way.Ask friends what they are reading and go with any recommendations that interest you.Give yourself permission to move on.Sometimes you just cant get through a book and thats okay.Just like living positively means acknowledging when to let go of something that isnt serving you well, reading positively means giving yourself permission to close a book that isnt keeping you interested or inspired。_5_。The positive pleasure of reading is indeed unending.AGet socialBSet up a book clubCThere are unlimited choices to turn to instead, after


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