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1、单 招 高 三 英 语 语 法 专 项 复 习 教 学 案 ( 一 )一、名词的种类英语名词可以分为两大类:一般名词和专出名词;一般名词是某一类人、某一类事物、 某种物质或抽象概念的名称;例如:一般名词可进一步分为:happiness,chair,family ,gold;1个体名词: 表示个别人或事物的名称;例如:teacher,desk,book, car;2集体名词: 表示一群人或一些事物的总称;例如:class,team, people, furniture ;留意有很多集体名词也可以用作个体名词,但是意义稍有不同;用作集体名词的时候指的是整体;用作个体名词的时候,指的是这个集体中的成

2、员;My family _be a big one. 家庭 My family _be fond of watching football games. 家庭成员 3物质名词: 表示物质或不具备确定外形和大小的个体的实物;例如:air,water,bread,paper,oil ;4抽象名词: 表示动作、状态、品质或其他抽象概念,多指看不见摸不着的东西;例如:sadness,safety,care,thought ,illness ;而专出名词是个别的人、团体、地方、 机构或事物的名称,其中实词的第一个字母必需大写;例如: Mary ,the Peoples Republic of China

3、 ,Sydney, Beijing Hotel ;名词又可分为可数名词和不行数名词;可数名词有 _数、 _数之分,表示可以数计的事物的名词;个体名词和集体名词一般是 _ 可 / 不行 数的;例如:a girl two girls ,a flower some flowers ;不行数名词表示的是不行以数计的名词,一般不分单数和复数;物质名词、抽象名词和专出名词一般是 _数的;例如:coffee a cup of coffee ,milk a glass of milk ;有少数名词既可作不行数名词,又可作可数名词,但意义有所不同;例如:paper不行数名词可数名词纸文件;论文;报纸体会经受ex

4、perience空间房间room【即学即练】()1. Mr. Li has worked in this factory for many years. He has _ in this field. A. many experience B. many experiences C. much experience D. much experiences 2. Mr. Black is a famous professor. He has published a lot of _ in many foreign magazines. A. paper B. papers t make any

5、_ for her. 3. There were too many people in the boat. They couldnA. room B. rooms 二、名词的数数是个语法范畴,指名词的单、复数形式;一可数名词能用数目运算的,表示事物、人、概念的名词称为可数名词;可数名词的有单、复数形式, 单数形式就是名词的原形;复数形式有两种:一种是规章复数,另一种是不规章复数;1规章复数形式(1)一般情形在末尾加 S desk -_, cat-_ bag-_ 2以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词一般加 _ box-_ brush-_ glass-_ watch-_ 3以 “辅音字母 +

6、y” 结尾的名词,变 _ 为_, 再加 _ family-_ story-_ country -_ 但以“ 元音字母 +y” 结尾的名词只加 _ boy-_ toy-_ 4以 “ 辅音字母 +O” 结尾的名词通常 +_, hero-_ tomato-_ potato-_ 但少数缩略词只加 _:kilo-_ piano-_ photo-_ 以“ 元音字母 +O” 结尾的名词只加 _ radio-_ zoo-_ 5以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词,变 f 或 fe 为_,再加 _ knife-_ half-_ wife-_ wolf-_ 但也有两例直接加 s roof-_ 屋顶 belief-_ 信仰

7、2.不规章复数形式( 1)单词本身元音变化或加ren 或 en man-_ child-_ tooth-_ woman-_ 2 有些词单复同形绵羊 _ 鹿_ 中国人 _, 日本人 _ 3只用复数的名词 眼镜 _, 衣服 _, 长裤 _ 4有些名词单数形式表达复数意义 警察 _ 人民 _ 【即学即练】1. Look at those _. child 2. I can see a _ standing near the door. policeman3. Do you want some _ for dinner. potato4. In autumn, you can see a lot of

8、 _ on the ground.leaf5. He has two is blue , the other is yellow. box6 .Two _ live in this building . family 7. The police _be searching the forest for the lost boy now. 8. Can you see the _ over there. _ are eating the grass in the garden. A. deers, They B. deers, It C. deer, They D. deer, It3.复合名词

9、的复数形式1将其中的主体名词变复数a daughter-in-law two _, 2假如没有主体名词,在词尾加a looker-on some _ s a grow-up some _, a go-between many _ 中间人( 3)由 man 和 woman 构成的合成词,同单同复 a man teacher five _, a woman doctor four _ 4表示民族的名词,单、复数形式主要有以下三种情形:1单复数形式相同;a Chinese two _ a Japanese four _ 2词尾加一 s 构成复数;an American two _ a German

10、three _ 3变 man 为 men 构成复数an Englishman five _ 【即学即练】a Frenchwoman six _ ()1 There are four _ and two _ in the group. A. Japanese, Germen B. Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese, Germans ()2 Two _ would come to the village. A. woman-doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctors ()3. He has three

11、 _. They all love him. A. sister-in-law B. sister-in-laws C. sister-ins-law D. sisters-in-law 二.不行数名词不行数名词的计数:不行数名词本身不行以计数,假如要计数的话,就得借助一些可数名词作单位词, 表达方式为: aan 或数词 +名词 可数 +of+ 名词 不行数 ,例:a piece of bread;这类用作单位词的可数名词可分为以下四类:1表示个数的单位词,如 piece,item ,article ,bit 等,它们几乎可以和全部的不行数名词进行搭配;一块肉 _, 一块布 _, 一张纸 _

12、一条建议 _ 2表示外形的单位词,如 drop ,grain 等;一滴血 _ 一粒沙 _ 3表示容积的单位词,如 cup,bottle ,glass 等;一杯牛奶 _. 一瓶果汁 _, 一杯茶 _ 4表示度量单位的量词,如 kilogram 公斤 , kilometer ,一公斤猪肉 _ 注:请摸索:这类结构的名词复数形式的“s” 加在哪里?two _ cup of tea 【即学即练】three _ bottle of juice. 1. The boys have got _ a lready.D. .two piece of bread A . two bread B. two brea

13、ds C. two pieces of bread 2. Help yourself to some _. Thank you. I really like it. A. orange B. apples C. cakes 三、名词的格在句中表示名词与其他名词全部关系、所属关系,称为名词的格 名词的属格 ;名词有主格、 宾格和全部格三种格的形式,分别用作句子的主语,宾语或介词的宾语和表示全部关系;全部格是几种格的形式中唯独有词形变化的,分为一s全部格, of 所有格和双重全部格三种;、1一 s全部格1名词单数加一s 构成全部格,主要用于有生命的名词后;_ coat 格林先生的外套 _ food

14、 狗粮2以一 s 结尾的复数名词只加构成全部格;_ reading room 老师阅览室 _ gifts 他伴侣们的礼物假如是复数,但不带词尾一 s;就仍旧加 s;Peoples Daily 人民日报_ toys, 孩子们的玩具3以一 s 结尾的专出名词既可加一 s,也可以加一构成全部格;Dickens Dickenss works 狄更斯的作品4复合名词词尾加s 构成全部格;a passer bys umbrella 一位路人的伞5并列名词依据语义而定,一件东西为两人所共有,在其次个名词后加一 s;Alice and Beth s room 爱丽丝和贝思的房间_ desk 丽丽和露西的课桌假

15、如是分属两人全部,就在每个名词后加一 s;Alices and Beths roomss room and Beths room爱丽丝的房间和贝思的房间它们是丽丽的课桌和露西的课桌;2of 全部格They are _desks. 用 of 表示全部关系,一般用于表示无生命东西的名词,但也经常用于人名或其他表示有生命的名词;the legs of the table 桌子的腿 3双重全部格_ _ _ the magazine 杂志的封面双重全部格,其构成的形式是 of+ 名词一s 或 of+ 名词性物主代词;a friend of my father s _ _ _ _ _ 我的一个伴侣【即学即

16、练】() told me that _ would come to his birthday party. s bag A. many Jack friends B. many Jacks friendC. Jacks many friends D. many friends of Jacks 2. Do you know where the _ are. They are looking for them. A. boys bags B. boys bags C. boys bag D. boy 3. Do you know the two women over there. Yes, th

17、ey are _ mothers. A. Tom and Jims B. Toms and JimC. Toms and Jim D. Tom and Jim 4. This is _ dorm. Its very clean.s and Jim D. Tom and Jim A. Tom and Jims B. Toms and JimC. Tom巩固练习1. Jim s bike is more expensive than _ A his brother s and sister Bhis brother s and sisters C his brothers and sister D

18、his brother and sister 2 .Li ping tried hard to find a job in the sales department,but he had no_ A chance Btime Cmoney Dluck said she would be there at eight oclock but I thought she would not keep her _A right B word Csaying D balance 4. _clothes are sold in Nanjing commercial Market. A Man and ch

19、ildsB Men and children C Mens and children s DMens and childs5. Even a child knows that_are made of_A glass; glass B glasses; glasses Cglasses; glass Dglass; glasses 6. Here my card. Let keep in _ A friendship Brelation Cconnection D touch 7. Zhang Chao will go to the_to buy some books this afternoo

20、n. A books store Bbook store Cbooks store Dbooksstore been used to save his life. A Every possible means BAll possible means CEvery possible mean DAll the possible means 9. The homework for Monday is to write a _composition about our school. A five hundred word Bfive hundred words Cfive hundredsword

21、 Dfive hundreds words 10. I am very sorry, sir. But I was delayed by _Asome heavy traffics Bheavy traffics Cheavy traffic Dany heavy traffic the computer times, people can get a lot of _from the Internet. Aideas Binformation Cphotos D stories 12. My grandfather keeps a lot of _on his farm. A cows an

22、d sheep Bcows and sheeps Ccow and sheeps Dcow and sheep little brother broke a _while she was washing up. Luckily, he didnt hurt himself.Aglass for wine B wine glass Cglass of wine Dglass wine 14. My Christmas present was given by_Amy father friendsBa friend of my father s Cmy father friend D a frie

23、nd of my father standing for hours, the students were glad to take _rest. Aa few minute s Ba little minutes s Ca little minutes Da few minutes Queen was very rude to her _. They had a hard life. Awoman servants Bwomen servant Cwoman servant Dwomen servants knew I shouldn accept anything from such a

24、person ,but I found it difficult to turn down his_ Aoffer B suggestion Crequest Dplan evening we had a lovely evening at _APeter and Helens BPeter and Helen CPeter and Helens DPeters and Helens have three foreign classmates. One is _ , the other two are_ AJapanese; America B Russian; Germany CCanada

25、; Australia DEnglish; Frenchmen 20. Just then, I found her sitting in the corner reading _, with _ in eyes. A. a piece of newspaper; tear B. newspaper; tears C. a newspaper; tears D. newspapers; tear 讲解部分参考答案:语法点拨一名词的种类 2. is, are 4. 可, 不行,可,不行【即学即练】2. B 二名词的数 一、可数名词1. (1)desks, cats, bags 2 es, boxes, brushes, glasses, watches 3y, i, es. families, stories, countries. s, boys, toys 4es, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes. s,


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