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1、定语从句THE ATTRIBUTIVE CLAUSEChallenge yourselves 1. The house _ windows face north belongs to him. 2. The man _ you met just now is my brother. 3. The man _ is working in the playground is my old friend.4. Take the book _ is lying on the table.5. She is such a girl _ is always finding fault with other

2、 people.6. He wrote a letter _ he explained what had happened in the accident.7. They have reached the point _ they have to separate.whosewhom / who / thatwho / that which / thataswherewhere定语从句的定义在复合句中,修饰_或_的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫_,引导定语从句的词叫_。关系词分为关系_和关系_两类名词代词先行词关系词代词副词关系代词指代在定语从句中所充当的成分人物主语宾语定语that w

3、hichwhowhomwhose何时可以省略?做宾语时可以省略关系代词及其用法关系副词指代在定语从句中担任成分相当于介词+whichwhenwherewhy时间时间状语地点地点状语原因原因状语关系副词:when where why at/in/on /during whichin/at whichfor which时间对比填空:that 、which、when、where、why1. I will never forget the days _ we spent together. I will never forget the days _ we stayed together.2. The

4、 reason_ he explained at the meeting was not sound. The reason _ he was late was that he missed his train.3. Keep the book in place_ you can find it easily. This is the house _ was built by my grandfather forty years ago.that/whichwhenthat/whichwhywherethat/whichTips:1. 明确主句和从句。2. 找出先行词,确定它在从句中的功能。3

5、. 根据先行词和关系代词或副词在从句中的功能,确定使用哪 个关系代词或副词。 先行词在定语从句中作状语时,应用关系副词 ; 若先行词在定语从句中作主语或宾语时,则应用关系代词。1. The most important thing _ we should do is study hard.2. Is there anything _ you want to buy?3. This is the same book _ I lost.4. I can remember the persons and some pictures_I saw in the room.5. Which is the

6、pen _belongs to you?6. There is a pen on the desk _ belongs to Tom. that that that that that that1. 只用 that 不能用 which 的情况:(1) 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,或本身是序数词、基数词、形容 词最高级时。(2) 被修饰的先行词为 all / any / much / many / everything / anything / none / the one 等不定代词时。(3) 先行词被the only / the very / the same / the last

7、/ little / few 等词修饰时。(4) 先行词里同时含有人和物时。(5) 当主句是以 which, who, what 开头的特殊疑问句时。(6) 主句是there be结构。定语从句的分类 She has two brothers who are working in the city. She has more than two brothers.She has two brothers, who are working in the city. She has only two brothers.限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句类型限制性定语从句描述主句所涉及的人或物的具体情况,

8、是主句不可缺少的一部分;如省去,主句意义不完整或失去意义。非限制性定语从句对主句所描述的人或物提供附加情况,起补充说明作用;如省去,主句意义仍完整。1. It is the fifth time that she has won the race, _ made all of us amazed. 2. I had told them the reason, _ I didnt attend the meeting.whichfor which that, why 不引导非限制性定语从句1. The valley _the town lies is heavily polluted.2. He

9、 paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.3. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.in whichof whichto whom介词+关系代词(which/whom)选用介词时要注意与先行词的搭配和与谓语动词的搭配习惯1. It is so easy a book_every schoolboy can read. 2. I shall do it

10、 in the same way _ you did. 3. _ is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.4. The size of the audience, _ we had expected, was well over one thousand. 5. He is an American, _ I know from his accent.2). which和as都可引导非限制性定语从句,通常which引导的从句放在句末,而as引导的从句既可位于句首,又可位于句中或句末。asasAsaswhich/as

11、1). as引导限制性定语从句,构成the same.as, such.as, so.as, as.as等结构。 Summary定语从句定语:相当于 ,修饰名词或代词形容词构成:名词或代词 + + 从句关系词分类:限制性: ; 非限制性: ;修饰或限定所涉及的人或物的具体情况给出额外的补充信息关系词:关系代词: :指人,作主语或宾语; :指人,作宾语; :指事、物,作主语或宾语; :指人或事、物,作主语或宾语; :与所修饰的名词为所属关系,作定语; :作地点状语; :作时间状语; :作原因状语;whowhomwhichthatwhosewherewhenwhy关系副词:Practice mak

12、es perfect!1. China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot _ it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. (2020 新课标全国I)2. In ancient China lived an artist _ paintings were almost lifelike. (2020 新课标全国III)3. The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example

13、, formed the core collection of the British Museum _ opened in 1759. (2020 新课标全国I)4. The project aims to get kids to a stage called “deep reading,” _ they can read to learn. (2014 山东) wherewhose which / that whereConnect the sentences using relative pronouns, or adverbs. Then put the sentences in th

14、e correct order to compose a passage. P531. The Crescent Moon, which is known to people in China, is perhaps the most famous collection of childrens poems. 2. There are also many poems written from a childs perspective in which the poet Tagore shows a sympathetic understanding of childrens feelings.

15、3. The English version of the book contains nearly 50 poems, the focus of which is on the parent-child relationship.Connect the sentences using relative pronouns, or adverbs. Then put the sentences in the correct order to compose a passage. P534. The initial poems were written from the perspective o

16、f a mother who loves her baby at play and at rest, in laughter and in tears.5. The reason why many people love to read collection of poems is that they can feel the warmth of love and enjoy the innocence of childhood.6. It was written by the Indian poet Tagore who was the first Asian to win the Nobe

17、l Prize in Literature. The Crescent Moon, which is known to people in China, is perhaps the most famous collection of childrens poems. It was written by the Indian poet Tagore, who was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. The English version of the book contains nearly 50 poems whos

18、e focus is on the parent-child relationship. The initial poems were written from the perspective of a mother who loves her baby at play and at rest, in laughter and in tears. There are also many poems written from a childs perspective, in which the poet Tagore shows a sympathetic understanding of childrens feelin


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