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1、第三部分 写作能力提升1Personally, I think virtual reality will become a part of modern life. In the last thirty years, the Internet has grown rapidly.The mail service may also disappear with the increasing use of e-mail.It is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.5From anywh

2、ere in the city, you can see the sea.五、翻译短文 北京,世界最大的城市之一,位于中国的北部, 占地16,808平方公里,有超过1900万人口,是中国的政治和文化中心; 它历史悠久可以追溯到元朝,当时的蒙古人在这里安顿下来;它名胜众多,有长城,故宫,颐和园等,修筑长城是为了抵御外族的进攻, 颐和园的风景美不胜收,这些令人叹为观止的景观,吸引着五湖四海的游客; 它气候温和,尤其秋天,既不冷也不热;这里交通便利,人们乘车可以去各个地方; 北京因京剧而蜚声世界,高楼大厦随处可见;第29届奥运会在这里举行, 是盛况空前的大会; 它呈现着迷人的过去与现在融合的景象,是

3、一个适宜让人梦想成真的城市;背好背包,来这寻求发展机会。is located in ; covers an area of ;has a large population of ;dates back;places of interest; be mild; neither nor; is famous for; offers a fascinating mix of ; in search of Beijing , one of the largest cities in the world, covers an area of 16,808 square kilometers. It is

4、 located in the north of China and has a large population of over 19 million people. This wealthy city is an important centre for politics and culture. It has a long history which dates back to the Yuan Dynasty when peoples of Mongolia settled in. Cultural sights include the Great Wall, the Summer P

5、alace as well as the Forbidden City. Building the Great Wall is to prevent the attack from the north. You can enjoy an amazing view in the Summer Palace. These stunning sights attract people all over the world. The climate here is mild especially in autumn when it is neither too cold nor too hot. Pu

6、blic transport of the city is efficient, which can take you to anywhere you want to go. Beijing is famous for Peking Opera, where modern buildings and overpasses can be seen everywhere. The 29th Olympic Games held in this international city has been the best ever. Beijing offers a fascinating mix of

7、 the past and the present. This exciting city is the most likely one where dreams can come true. Pack your bag and move to Beijing in search of opportunities.For instance, the Great Wall built for defence remains magnificent through history ,while the Summer Palace keeps striking the world with its

8、charming views, not to mention the Forbidden City and other historical sites famous worldwide. The weather in BJ is mild and pleasant, especially in autumn, neither too cold nor too hot. When it comes to the traffic, local people would express their satisfaction at the great progress it has made aft

9、er the og held in 2008,enabling people to make arbitrary options when travelling. Moreover, BI would enjoy a high reputation for its traditional culture due to pk opera in the past, and now with the development of economy,drawing the world attention to its brilliant modern constructions. ALL these c

10、ontributes to the great opportunity in the successful bid of the Olympic Games, making it a glowing star among competitors. At present BJ is shining with the extraordinary images combining the past and the present?. It is now an remarkable city where every one chase to realize their dreams . Dont wa

11、it! Pack your luggage and come here to pursue your dreams.BJ is always opening its door to everyone ready to seek for improvement in the long run. Public transport of the city is efficient, which can take you to anywhere you want to go. Beijing is famous for Peking Opera, where modern buildings and overpasses can be seen everywhere. The 29th Olympic Games held in this international city has been the best ever. Beijing offer


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