高中英语词汇教学探究:基于语篇语境制约的视角 教育教学专业_第1页
高中英语词汇教学探究:基于语篇语境制约的视角 教育教学专业_第2页
高中英语词汇教学探究:基于语篇语境制约的视角 教育教学专业_第3页
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1、 附录6 Teaching Plan for Unit 1,Book7Teaching plan of Unit1, Book 7 for class one.(因实验班的词汇教学贯穿于本单元各个环节的教学中,所以提供整个单元的详细教学设计)第一部分:单元话题和结构:本单元以残疾和残疾人的生活为话题,介绍了一些残疾人凭借顽强的毅力和社会的关爱克服生活中的种种困难,以积极的态度面对人生挑战的故事。通过本单元的学习,可以帮助残疾学生树立生活的信心,激励残疾人实现自身价值;同时又能教育健康学生理解、尊重、关心、帮助残疾人,使残疾人与健全人一样共享美好生活。通过本单元的语言技能训练,要求学生学会使用正

2、确得体的英语介绍他人以及向他人表示祝贺。本单元语言功能项目是:介绍、愿望和祝贺。本单元语言结构项目是“复习不定式”。本单元还要求学生学习写作“应用文写作:建议信”。写作话题仍然是关注残疾人生活需求。Part1 Reading Warming Up 通过Warming up by learning about disability让学生了解残疾的种类、讨论各种残疾给人们的生活带来的种种不便,尽管如此,仍然有许多残疾人在不同领域取得了非凡成就。 “热身”为本单元Reading部分的精彩故事做好了铺垫。Pre-reading 通过visiting the Family Village website

3、 让学生了解“家庭村”,一个国际虚拟社区,为课文学习作好准备。Reading是一篇以第一人称描述Marty身残志坚,以积极的态度快乐生活的记叙文。课文以网页的形式展示,能够吸引学生的注意力,引起学生的极大兴趣。阅读课的教学目的是通过广泛的阅读,培养阅读技能及良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读速度与理解能力,拓宽知识面,扩充词汇量和加大词汇的接触频度,增强英语语感,逐步掌握篇章概括方法,最终达到自如地阅读日常生活中常见的英语篇章,如:英文报纸、杂志、广告的目的。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列程序:Reading aloud to the tape,Reading for the forms,Reading

4、 to transfer information,Drawing a diagram of the text and retell it with the help of the diagram,Reading to underline and write down all the useful collocations,Closing down by talking about living well with disability。Part 2. Learning about language Learning about language 语言知识教学应该抓住形式、意义和用法三个环节,正

5、确处理三者之间的关系。明确让学生掌握语言形式是基础、了解其意义是关键、学会使用才是真正的目的。建议教师通过下列设计:Warming up by working on the type of writing and summary of Martys story, Learning about the Infinitive, Listening, reading and completing, Learning and finding,Making sentences with the Infinitive,Closing down by reading a poem in English 帮助

6、学生学会、用好语言知识。Part 3. Using languageUsing language分为两部分,Listening and speaking是关于对残疾人Barry Minto的采访录音,要求学生能够通过录音了解Barry Minto的身体残疾和他取得的成就。同时通过听这个采访,要求学生掌握表示祝贺的功能句型。Reading, speaking and writing部分要求学生先讨论腿脚残疾的人在电影院有可能遇到的困难,然后引出残疾人Alice Major 写给the new Bankstown电影院的建筑设计师的一封信,在信中她给建筑设计师提出了一些建议,要求充分考虑残疾人的特

7、殊需要。这封信后有说和写的练习题,通过不同的言语技能训练,完成本单元的教学目标。通过读这封建议信,还要求学生学会写建议信。本书提供的下列教学程序可供参考:Warming up by listening and reading aloud learning about Mount Kilimanjaro,Listening and discussing about Barry Minto,Creating a dialogue, Making up new dialogues,Listening, reading and copying,Copying expressions from A le

8、tter to architect and making sentences of your own with them,Closing down by writing a letter of your own。第二部分:学生情况分析本教案的授课学生为高二一班68位普通班级学生。在之前的学习中已经掌握了基本与杜技巧和英语学习技巧。但英语语言知识较为欠缺,例如所掌握的词汇量不够总是会影响阅读兴趣和进度。而本单元的话题在之前的高中课本中没有遇到过。学生对这个话题还不够熟悉。所以在本单元的教学中,教师会花较多时间让学生了解相关背景知识。在这个过程中也会相应遇到和话题相关的词汇以及表达方法。因为不太了

9、解单元话题,但话题与实际生活息息相关,因此学生会更感兴趣。为了让学生更好地掌握所学语言知识,教师决定在教材的语篇中进行词汇教学,除此外不做过多的词汇扩展。因而会认真对待本单元每个部分。第三部分,教学步骤Period1. Warming up and pre-readingObjectives:To help students learn about living wellTo help students communicate on the topic in focus with the words, expressions and structures learned in this uni

10、tProcedures:Step 1Lead inTask1 Free talking1. Do you know any one with a disability? What kind of disability they have?2. Do you know the life of the disabled people? What difficulties do they have in life?3. What have they done to try to overcome these difficulties?这两个问题的谈论中,学生会遇到关于残疾及残疾人生活词汇及表达,因为

11、初次接触这个话题,教师会及时提供帮助,帮助学生流畅表达的过程中接触本单元相关词汇。Task2 A summary about the new words and expressions (useful words and expressions):Disability, disabled, mental disability, learning difficult, hearing problem, deaf, difficulty with eyesight, blind, brain injury, broken leg or arm, Downs Syndrome, infantile

12、paralysis, walking difficulty, lame(跛的,瘸腿), dumb(哑巴), amputee(被截肢者), intellectual disability, wheelchair Hearing-aid, wheelchair, earphone, walking stick, mental hospital, psychiatrist(精神病医生)以上单词都可能在学生表达的过程中出现,有些是本单元新词汇,有些为课外词汇。学生初次谈论有关残疾的话题,可能会因为某些词汇而影响表达,所以这个阶段允许学生在句子中偶尔穿插一些汉语词语,教师根据学生的需求给学生提供所需新词

13、汇。学生可以做笔记记录。本环节结束时,组织学生总结一下刚才遇到的新词汇,为接下来的学习任务做好准备。Step2. Read the introductions for the pictures on page 1.What these people achieved even though they each have a disability?本环节重点是让学生阅读完这四则介绍后,了解图片中四位残疾人身残志坚的故事,不仅从情感上更加尊敬敬佩残疾人,而且在复习了前面任务中所遇到的词汇的同时学到了新词汇:ambition,dictation, noisy, suitable,这几个词虽然是新词汇

14、,但因为有完整的语境,学生很容易猜出其意义,所以教师不做新词汇讲解,最后让学生总结这几个词的词义,词性即可。例如dictation这个词出现在语境“他高考时用dictation的方式给出自己答案的”,图片中他是个盲人,学生很容易就猜出这个词的意思是口述,口头陈述。而且是个名词。教师不再做词汇扩展,但学生以后若是看到dictate这个词,也是能够猜出其词义的。Task 3. Appreciate radios:Life without limbs(尼克胡哲的故事)舞蹈:千手观音邰丽华专访这里不需要学生做过多任务,主要让学生感受参加人坚强向上的精神。但视频中的生词学生也会自然地注意到。Task4.

15、 Appreciate some pictures about some famous people with a disability.教师使用PPT给学生展示一些残疾人名人的图片和相关背景。例如张海迪,霍金,周舟,海伦凯乐等等。让学生了解到他们虽身负残疾却努力取得不凡的成就。观赏结束后,教师组织学生总结相关新词的词义和用法。特别是表述一个人高贵精神品质和坚韧不拔的一些词,本环节的主要目的是希望学生在学习语言知识的过程中更加深刻地理解残疾人积极向上坚忍不拔的精神。Useful words: diligent, passionate, confident, optimistic, indepe

16、ndent, strong-minded, brave, persevere, courage, faith, belief, positiveStep3. Pre-readingTask1 observing and finding Q1. Look at the passage on page 2, where do you think it come from?Q2. What is the name of the website?Task2. Introduce the passage.(students read it by themselves)Q. what will peopl

17、e write about on the site?Step4. Home work Preview the reading passage. Period2. ReadingObjectives:1. To summarize and remember the main idea of the passage.2. To study Martys optimistic (乐观的) attitude towards life.Target words: clumsy, outgoing, absence, fellow, annoy, firm, software, psychological

18、, encouragementTarget phrases: in other words, adapt to, cut out, out of breath, make sb. annoyed, as well as, sit around, in many ways, make fun ofProcedures:Step1. Fast reading Task1. Read through the text along with the tape and find out the main idea.Though he is a_ person, Marty never feels sor

19、ry _ himself and he enjoys his life. He has a _ attitude towards his life.Task2. Find the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph1:_Paragraph2: _Paragraph3: _Paragraph4: _Paragraph5: _Summary: From the passage we can infer that _.A. Marty asks others to feel sorry for him.B. Marty never loses heart.C.

20、 Marty is afraid of being made fun of.D. Marty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger.Step2. Careful reading. Finish the following questions by reading the text carefully.1. When Marty says “I am one in a million”, he really means he _. A. is unique B. has a rare disease C.

21、has many pets D. lives a hard but happy life2. Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Martys leg? A. Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out. B. Because they wanted to use it as a specimen (标本). C. Because they would transplant the new muscle. D. Because they wanted to find

22、 out the cause of the disease.3. Whats Martys dream when he was a child? A. Being a professional football player and representing his country in the World Cup. B. Being a doctor. C. Being a college student. D. Being a basketball player. 3. Whats Martys dream when he was a child? A. Being a professio

23、nal football player and representing his country in the World Cup. B. Being a doctor. C. Being a college student. D. Being a basketball player4. Which of the following is true according to the text? A. While at high school, not all Martys classmates accepted him. B. A big company has bought the comp

24、uter game from Marty last year. C. The doctors know Martys disease well but they hide the truth. D. Marty looks quite different from others because of his disease.5. Which of the following is false? A. Although there are a few students who look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed.B. Marty leads

25、a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled.C. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends. D. Martys disability has made him more independent.6. What shouldnt people do for the disabled?A. Encourage them to live as rich and full a life as you do. B. Accept them

26、for who they are.C. Feel sorry for them.D. Dont ignore them. Step3. DiscussionWhat kind of person do you think Marty is?鼓励学生用第一课中学到的词汇描述Marty,Step4. Retelling Complete the passage with proper words, which will help you retell the text.Although Marty has a muscle disease and cant run or climb stairs

27、as quickly as others, he enjoys writing and computer programming. Martys _ is to live one day at a time and his _ is to work in the computer industry. Last year he invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it from him. In many ways his _ has made him grow stronger and mo

28、re _. Marty never loses heart and he tells us never to feel sorry for the _ or make fun of them but accept them and give them _ to live a full life.Step5. Summary for new words and phrases. 这里老师鼓励学生不查询词汇表和字典,而是根据语篇所提供的信息猜测词义。例如在 “sometimes I am very clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture.” 这个

29、句子中,有生词 “clumsy” 和 “bump into”, 根据第一段给出的语境:Marty有肌肉疾病,行动不便。学生很容易猜出他拿不稳东西说明他手脚不灵,也就是笨手笨脚。行动不灵敏,就容易装上家具。加之在阅读练习时学生已经加工处理过新词汇所在的语篇信息,有了完整的语境做支撑,完全不用担心学生猜测不出新词的词义。这个过程要求学生做笔记。完成任务后可以参考词汇表和字典。Step6. HomeworkFinish the exercises in learning about language on page 4 and 5.Period3. Learning about language.这

30、部分的主要任务是复习词汇和学习语法结构不定式。练习题是学生的课外作业,所以本节课只需要帮助学生完全理解题目所表达的意义和题目要求,同时通过练习题所提供的语篇语境再现新学词汇的用法和意义。这部分出现的新词会仍然不做单独讲解,而是让学生根据语篇语境和已学词汇主动去感受,发现,总结。Period4. Listening根据学生实际情况,教师将听力材料挖去重要词汇后直接呈现给学生,这部分可以在训练听力的同时复习本单元所学词汇。Step1. Introduce the background information and listen for the first time.Barry Minto (B)

31、 has just made a successful climb of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. Listen to him being interviewed on the radio by Joan (J).Step2. Listen again and fill in the blanks.(重复四遍)J: Barry, welcome to our _ and congratulations on that great _!B: Thank you. Its good to be here.J: Now, B

32、arry, it was a _ climb, wasnt it?B: Yes, thats right. _ of the group had very bad eyesight or were _ like me, and the other half were _ people who came along to help us.J: How old were the _?B: Well, the weak-sighted and blind group were between _ and _ years old.J: And the sighted climbers?B: Betwe

33、en _ and _. J: I see. Now, why did you make such a _ climb?B: For _ main reasons: one is to prove that we can _ whatever we decide to do; the other is to raise _ for other people with weak sight.J: Mmm. Well done! I know Mount Kilimanjaro is the _ mountain in Africa. But how high is it?B: About _ me

34、tres.J: Thats very high! So how many of you reached the _?B: Of the _ poor-sighted and blind climbers, _ made it to the top. Of the _ sighted climbers, _ did.J: Well done!B: Yes, it just shows how _ the poor-sighted and blind climbers were.J: How long did it take you? B: _ days to go up and _ to com

35、e down.J: Well, Barry, Im full of admiration for you and your _. What do you plan to do next?B: Oh, Im going to _ next year, but my next climbing _ is to go up Mount Qomolangma one day.J: Amazing. I wish you every _ in the future, Barry.B: (fading out) Thank you, Joan.Step3. Finish the exercise3 on

36、page 6.(见课本)Step4. Discuss in pairs. In what ways do you think the sighted climbers gave assistance to their weak-sighted companions? Step5. Listen to the latter of the story where john congratulates Barry and wish him future success.听力部分的生词是companion, assistance, congratulate, 教师可启发学生自己发现这几个词的意义和用法

37、。Period5. Reading and writingObjectives:Students will understand the text A Letter to an Architect and will master the use of important words and phrases.Target words and phrases:Adequate, access, handy, meet with, approval, dignity, profit, communityStudents will be able to write their own letter t

38、o an architect who will design a new supermarket in order to persuade him/her to consider the needs of the disabled.Procedures:Step1: ReadingTask1: Discuss the problems that people with walking difficulties might have in a cinema. (With the help of the pictures on page7)Task2. Read through the passa

39、ge and list the suggestions the writer put forward.Task3. Read the letter again and pay attention the structures and some strategies the writer use in her letter.Q1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?Q2. Why do you think the writer numbered her suggestions?Q3. What is the purpose of the las

40、t paragraph?Task4. Summary for new words and phrases. (必要时教师需要提供帮助)Step2. WritingBackground: Your community is planning to build a new supermarket. Write a letter to the architect and put forward some suggestions to make your community more accessible for people with disabilities. Remember to use po

41、lite language in your letter.Teaching plan for class 2(因二班使用常规词汇教学模式,其他环节不涉及词汇教学,因此只提供词汇课的详细教案)第一部分:单元话题和结构:(与一班相同)第二部分:学生情况分析本教学设计所受课的班级为高二二班72名学生。学生英语语言能力较之一班略强,能够通过练习和背诵基本记住所学新语言知识,但学习兴趣同一班相似。关于残疾人生活的护体之前接触较少,相关词汇掌握的也较少。为了保证阅读和语法学习的流畅性,教师会提前将本单元涉及的所有词汇全部教授讲解给学生。第三部分:教学步骤Period1. VocabularyObjecti

42、ves: Students will know the meanings and some basic usage of the new words and expressions.Procedures:Step1. PronunciationStep2. Read through all the words and expressions on page97 of students book. Step3. Important words and expressions.1adapt vt.使适应;改编adapt to.适应adapt.to.使适应或适合adapt.from.根据改写(改编)

43、adapt.for.改编/改作之用adaptable adj.能适应的,可修改的adaptation n适应,改编,改写本The children are finding it hard to adapt to their new school.2annoy vt.使不悦;惹恼be annoyed with sb.对某人生气be annoyed at/about sth.因某事生气be annoyed by.被惹恼annoyance n恼怒,烦恼annoying adj.恼人的,烦人的annoyed adj.感到恼火的,觉得生气的3congratulate vt.祝贺,庆贺Congratula

44、te sb. on sth. / doing sth.Congratulations to sb. on sth.4access n(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性have/get/obtain/gain access to.拥有的机会;可以接近;进入give access to接近;准许进入accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的be accessible to.可接近的;可靠近的;可使用Access to the garden is through the kitchen.通向花园的路经过厨房。A manager should be accessible to his st

45、aff.经理应该让职工感到平易近人。5. in other words换句话说eat ones words承认说错了话have a word with.与谈一谈have words with sb.(about sth.)(为某事)与某人争吵keep ones word遵守诺言word for word一字不差地;逐字地break ones word失信,食言get in a word插话in a word简言之;总之leave word留言beyond words无法用言语表达word came that有消息传来说6out of breath上气不接下气hold ones breath屏住

46、呼吸lose ones breath喘不过气来out of sight看不见out of control失控out of date过期out of order出毛病out of place在不正常或不适当的地方,不适应out of work失业out of patience不能忍受out of question没问题;无疑;毫无疑问out of the question不可能的;办不到的7. all in all总而言之;总体来说in all 总共at all根本;到底;究竟;全然not at all一点也不above all首先;最重要的是after all毕竟;别忘了all at once

47、同时all the same还是;仍然All in all,its been a pretty bad year for John.总的说来,对约翰来讲这是糟糕的一年。8. meet with遇到;经历;会晤;受到meet sb.会面;迎接某人meet ones wishes/demands/basic needs满足愿望/要求/基本需要meet with failure经历失败meet with sb.会见某人meet with misfortune遭遇不幸注意:meet with指比较正式地接见、会晤某人;表示“遇到”时,强调偶然性,等于come across。I met with some difficulties when I tried to enter the country.Step4. Exercises for vocabulary一、重点单词追忆1_n缺席,不在某处_adj.缺席的,不在的2_adj.适合的;适宜的_vt.适合,适宜3_n协助,援助_vt.帮助,协助,援助4_n行为;品行vt.指挥;管理


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