Unit 1-2 句型练习学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册(含答案)_第1页
Unit 1-2 句型练习学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册(含答案)_第2页
Unit 1-2 句型练习学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册(含答案)_第3页
Unit 1-2 句型练习学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册(含答案)_第4页




1、牛津译林版8A Unit 1-2句型练习Mrs Green spends two hours on housework every day.(改为同义句)It Mrs Greenhousework every day.2d like to learn more about your school life, too.(改为同义句)rd like to learn more about your school life.Sandy has to stay at home to look after her brother.(改为一般疑问句)Sandy stay at home to look a

2、fter her brother?The nearest supermarket is eight kilometres from here.(对划线局部提问)is the nearest supermarket from here?Kitty has the least milk in her class.(改为同义句)Kitty has milk than student in her class.I want to go shopping.(改为同义句)I to go shopping.Maybe he knows how to get to the museum.(改为同义句)He h

3、ow to get to the museum.rd like to travel in France this year.(改为一般疑问句) like to travel in France this year?Which subject do you like best, Maths, English or Chinese?(改为同义句) your subject, Maths, English or Chinese?Why dont you go walking in the country park?(改为同义句) going walking in the country park?M

4、illie wants to be a singer when she grows up.(改为一般疑问句) Millie to be a singer when she grows up?His funny jokes made all of us laugh.(对划线局部提问) made all of laugh?Kate is ready to help others.(改为同义句)Kate is help others.When they heard the news, they all laughed.(改为同义句)The newsall of them.rd choose Tom

5、as my best friend.(对划线局部提问)you choose as your best friend?My father is 38 years old, and my mother is 36.(改为同义句)My mother is two years than my father.Peter is taller than any other boy in my class.(改为同义句)Peter is taller than boys in my class.Of the three activities, swimming is the most interesting.

6、(改为同义句) Swimming is interesting than activities.Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.(改为同义句) Mount Qomolangma is any other mountain in the world.My book is more interesting than this one.(改为一般疑问句) book more interesting than this one?It is important to be humorous in Western culture.

7、(改为同义句)It is important to have of in Western culture.What,s the weight of the elephant?(改为同义句)the elephant?If you are more careful, you will make fewer mistakes.(改为同义句)The you are,you will make.Why dont you buy some chocolate?(改为同义句) some chocolate?He is tall.(用short改为选择疑问句)he tall?We have to wear o

8、vercoats.(改为一般疑问句)you wear overcoats?He is sleeping in class.(对划线局部提问)hein class?I dont know how I can solve the problem.(改为同义句)I dont know the problem.Millie and her friends had a very good time in the park yesterday.(改为同义句) Millie and her friends in the park yesterday.He looks like his father.(改为同

9、义句)He his father.It takes me half an hour to do my homework.(改为同义句) I half an hour my homework.Daniel is a student, too.(改为同义句)Daniel is a student.The book cost him 22 yuan.(改为同义句)He 22 yuan the book.David plays football twice a week.(对划线局部提问) Nancy play softball?Our school is like a beautiful garde

10、n.(对划线局部提问) your school like?What other things do you know about John?(改为同义句) do you know about John?【参考答案】takes; two hours to do【参考答案】takes; two hours to doas wellDoes; have toHow farless; any otherwould likemay knowWould youWhich is; favouriteWhat/How aboutDoes; wantWhat; youwilling tomade; laughWho wouldyoungerthe othermore; the other twoIs youra sense; humourHow much does; weighmore careful; the fewer mista


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