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1、 PAGE 页码 11 / NUMPAGES 总页数 11四年级剑桥英语上册期末整理复习精选练习班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图写单词】1. 写出与图片相符的单词。1O o-e_ 2i i-e_3a a-e_ 4i i-2_5a a-e_2. 看图写单词。1She_her bed yesterday.2She_her mum yesterday.3He_his trousers yesterday.4He_his homework yesterday.3. 看图片,写单词。(1) (2)(3)4. 看图片,写单词。(1) (2)(3) (4)5. 看图,补全单词。1c_t 2d_g3p_da 4_l

2、ephant5m_se 6p_g【填空题】6. 补全句子。1Im from_(中国).2_(哪里)are you from?3_(长城)is very beautiful .4You can visit Disneyland in my_(国家).5I_(喜欢)taking photos.7. 根据课文内容,看图,补全句子。1Its time for_. Lets drink some milk.2Its time for_. Lets have some chicken.3Its time for_. Lets eat some rice.4Its time for_. Lets jump

3、and run.5Its time for_. Lets read and write.6Its time for_. Lets sing and dance.8. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Here_(be) your coat.2My friends_(be) all ten.3We can_(play) basketball.4Lets go and_(swim).5I like autumn. I can go_(climb).6We fly_(kite) in the park.9. 看图,补全句子或对话。1Where_thecomputerroom?Its_theartroom.2

4、Itstime_.3_it_?Yes,itis4The_eightyyuan.5What_these?Theyare_.10. 根据图片提示写单词,完成句子。1Clean the_.2Put your_in your desk.3Would you like some_?4The_are on the chair.5Go to the_. Read a book.6Three_.7Go to the_. Have a snack.8Open the_.9Give me a_.10This is my_.11. 根据图片提示完成句子。1Its_oclock.Its time_go to_.2Is

5、 this your_?Yes, it is.3Are they_?Yes, they_.4Is it_?Yes, it is.5_is the_?Its 3 200 yuan.12. 选词填空。nice clever shy naughty1. Ms Smart is a_teacher.2.Parrot is very_.3. This is Maomao. Shes a bit_.4. This is Yixiu. Hes very_.13. 选词填空。1Let_(I/ me) clean the floor.2Its_(a/ an) eraser.3Whats_(he/ his) na

6、me?4I can use_(chopstick/ chopsticks).5Where_(is/ are) the crayons?【选择题】14. Who _ they? ( )They are my friends.A.was B.were C.are15. Whats your brothers job? ()_A.He is a boy. B.He is twelve. C.He is a cook.16. _ books do you have? ( )A.What B.How C.Where D.How many17. _ isitnow?( )Itsfiveoclock.A.W

7、hatcolour B.Whattime C.What18. Do you have an umbrella?( )_A.Yes, I dont. B.Yes, I do.【连词成句】19. computer room where is the (?)20. you do some want rice (?)21. has, glasses, his, are, He, and, shoes, blue (.)22. juice, glass, like, a, grape, of, Id (.)23. taking, Daming, a, picture, is, (.)【阅读理解】24.

8、读短文,填空完成句子。The students are talking on the telephone.(1)Anna has painting classes every.(2)May goes to the English club every.(3)Paul and his brother Bobplay football after school.they play on Sunday afternoon.(4)Joehelps others. Hevisits Grandma Zhang onand helps her with the housework.25. 阅读理解。I a

9、m Mike. Look! This is my new classroom. It has twenty desks and nineteen chairs. The teachers desk is big and the students desks are small. We have two new blackboards and six new lights. There are some flowers near the big desk. A computer is on the big desk. Some books are on the small desks. The

10、students are not in the classroom.根据以上短文,选出正确的一项。( ) 1. Mike has a _ classroom.A. new B. small C. Old( ) 2. There are _ students in the classroom.A. 19 B. 20 C. 18( ) 3. There is a _ teachers desk in the classroom.A. small B. big C. long( ) 4. We have _ new blackboard.A. 1 B. 2 C. 3( ) 5. Some books

11、 are on the _.A. students desk B. teachers desk C. students desks26. 阅读短文,判断正误。This is my school day . I get up at 6:00 in the morning . I have breakfast at 7:00 . I go to school at 7:45 . Now its 8:00 . Its time for class . I have Maths class at 9:00 every day . Mr Li is my Maths teacher . I like h

12、im very much . I have PE class at 4:00. I clean the classroom at 5:20 . I go home at 5:40 . I go to bed at 9:00 .( )(1)I have breakfast at 6:00 .( )(2)I go to school at 7:45 .( )(3)I have Chinese class at 9:00 every day .( )(4)I dont like my maths teacher .( )(5)I go to bed at 9:00 .27. 阅读理解。Hello,

13、my name is Tom. Im 13 years old. My father likes reading books and playing football. My mother likes playing the piano. My sister likes playing volleyball and the violin. She can dance very well. My brother is tall and thin. He can play basketball very well. He likes drawing pictures. I like English

14、 and Musi C. I can sing many English songs. I like playing table tennis with my friends after school.(1)阅读短文,根据短文内容用A. B. C. D给图画排序。( ) ( )( ) ( )( )(2)There are five people in my family.( )(3)Toms father likes playing the guitar.( )(4)Toms sister likes playing volleyball and the violin.( )(5)Toms b

15、rother is tall and thin.( )(6)Tom likes drawing pictures.28. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello! I am Mike. I go to school with my schoolbag. Its a fat panda. Whats in my schoolbag? I have three storybooks, two maths books, two Chinese books, three English books and five notebooks. I have a big pencil box. I hav

16、e two pens, three pencils, one ruler, four erasers and two keys in it. I like my schoolbag.1Mike has a panda schoolbag.(_)2He has three storybooks and five notebooks.(_)3He has a small pencil box.(_)4He has two pencils and three keys in the pencil box.(_)5He likes his schoolbag.(_)29. 阅读短文,判断正误。My name is Joe. I am ten years old. I come from the USA.I have a happy family. My father is a teacher. His name is Tom. My mother is a worker. Her name is Kitty. My siste


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