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1、国外水文测验设施与方法美国水文站建设如何?测站如何运行管理?流量测次如何布设?测验规范规定与我国有哪些差异?国外水文测验设施设备(以美、德、英等国家为例介绍水文站的测验设施设备)如巡测车、缆道、测船、测流堰、水文观测平台是啥样子?对我国有何借鉴作用?国外水文测验设施与方法美国水文站建设如何?一、发达国家的水文站一、发达国家的水文站 美国水文站与我国差别很大,美国水文测验采用巡测,水文站的概念与我国不同,其“测站”用“测验断面”也许更准确。美国的测站很少有固定设施,不象我国的测站有各种用途的站房(宿舍、办公室、食堂、活动室、会议室、餐厅、车库、仓库等)、观测房、观测道路、供电线路和设备、通讯线路

2、和设备、观测场、供排水设施、断面设施、各种测验设施,特别是一些测站不仅有机动船测船还有吊船吊、船缆道、悬索缆道、吊箱等多种测验设施。 1.1美国的水文站 1.1美国的水文站Stream-gaging station at Ashuelot River in West Swanzey, N.H. (New Hampshire 美国新罕布什尔州)Oregon 俄勒冈州Stream-gaging station at Ashue水文测验方法(设施)Gaging station on the Little Walker River in Nevadain Hawaii in Hawaii 水位计、仪器

3、室、静水井、卫星数据传输设备、蓄电池组和太阳能电池组构成数据采集平台(Data collection platform 简称DCP)。DCP可实现现场水文数据的实时自动采集和向各用户可及时发送连续的水文监测信息。 图为浮子水位计数据采集平台(DCP)水位计、仪器室、静水井、卫星数据传输设备、蓄电池组和太阳能电水文测验方法(设施)水文测验方法(设施)也许这是一个测验设施最全的测站,有DCP、一处过河缆道和一组水尺也许这是一个测验设施最全的测站,有DCP、一处过河缆道和一组DCP、一处过河缆道和一组水尺DCP、一处过河缆道和一组水尺测洪峰流量的测站Peak flow at Upper Gordon

4、 Gulch discharge gauge. Gauge updated on Spring River 测洪峰流量的测站Peak flow at Upper Go1.2 德国水文测站1.2 德国水文测站水位 SE200 浮子水位计 RLS 雷达水位传感器 CBS 气泡原理传感器 PS1 压力水位计(干式陶瓷电容传感器和微处理技术,可消除水温度或密度变化所带来的影响。精度高达0.05mm.还可补偿重力加速度变化所带来的影响。流量 SLD 超声波流量计用两束水平超声波通过多普勒原理进行测量最大宽度80m ,量 程: 10 m/s,精 度:读数的1% 或 0. 5 cm/s气象 风速和风向 空气

5、温度、湿度和气压 太阳能辐射水质 电导率、PH 值、温度、ORP、溶解氧、浊度 叶绿素、蓝藻通信 GSM 调制解调器 无线电 卫星 OTT全自动水文监测站技术指标:机械部分说明 固定架:U 面固定架,底座100DIN1026-StZn;1.7 米 铝制天线杆;阳极化;直径:70mm 5mm;天线杆末端的支架用于安装天线和太阳能电池板 防护外壳;GFK 塑料;275 300 540mm;1.4301 不锈钢附属元件组;防洪 总高度:4.2 米德国水文测站水位 SE200 浮子水位计 RLS 雷达水位传感器水文测验方法(设施)水文测验方法(设施)水文测验方法(设施)1.3 英国水文站over 25

6、00 sites across England and Wales.Some sitesmeasure river level and river flow,while others measure river level only 英国2500个水文水位站测流堰1.3 英国水文站over 2500 sites acroStream Gaging Station Stream Gaging Station 英国雨量站英国雨量站英国 Gauging station weir in uk加拿大Water Survey of Canada英国 Gauging station weir in uk捷克

7、斯洛伐克stream gauge at Morava river in Moravsk Svt Jn, Slovakia.1.4 其他国家捷克斯洛伐克stream gauge at Morava r复合堰测流 combination weir Zimbabwe 津巴布韦复合堰测流 combination weir Zimbab马来西亚马来西亚USGS测站各水文站、水位站全部安装有自记水位仪器,水位观测由自记仪器完成,只有校测水位计时才使用水尺。目前正在应用的主要仪器有气泡式压力式、压电压力式、浮子式、雷达水位计等水位计。采用最广泛的是浮子式和气泡式压力水位计。浮子式水位计通过专用数据转换器进行

8、模数转换,输出也为数字信号。气泡式水位计能满足恶劣环境要求,不需要建测井,因为其只有出流杯口(节流装置)和传输管道暴露在野外环境中,易于安装和维护。自记水位一般具有水位数据存贮和满足实时水情信息传输的要求自动发送传输功能,有的还具备自动报警功能。 二、水位观测Wire weight gage on Payette River near Letha, ID. Note weight, the bottom of which is used to indicate the water surface Staff gage with stages well above zero at low flo

9、w on Falls River near Ashton, USGS测站各水文站、水位站全部安装有自记水位仪器,水位观测水文测验方法(设施)需要设立静水井,井内安装浮子水位计,并设立一组直立水尺,以便较核仪器时观测水位。静水井一般建在河流的陡岸边或桥墩上,静水井的顶部设有一个不足1m2的仪器室。目前笔记式和穿孔式的浮子水位计已很少使用,大多数浮子水位计采用数模转换器直接将机械模拟信号转换为数字信号,并利用电子技术存储记录数据,采用卫星通讯方式将观测数据实时的传送到外业办公室。 2.1 浮子式水位计 2.1 浮子式水位计 浮子式水位计需要设立压力水位计静水井,静水井一般建在河流的陡岸边上或桥墩上

10、,静水井的顶部设有一个小屋以便安装仪器Inside staff gage on Teton River near Driggs, ID. 浮子式水位计需要设立压力水位计浮子式水位计需遇到的问题及解决方案结冰 灯加热、加矿物油淤积 进水管加泵、开挖 浮子式水位计需遇到的问题及解决方案结冰 灯加热、加矿物油德国浮子式水位计淤积 进水管加泵、开挖 The float-operated Thalimedes Shaft Encoder with integral data logger is designed for continuous, unattended monitoring of water

11、level in ground- and surface water. 浮子水位计、编码器、电子记录设备,可连续记录地表和地下水位。Thalimedes is the ideal solution for the combination with conventional mechanical chart recorders (different makes) - a cost effective upgrade from a mechanical system to digital technology. In situ comparison between the conventional

12、 chart recorder principle and the new digital technology allows easy training.The inbuilt buffered data logger offers many features like event controlled recording (storage delta), 1 minute 24 hour storage interval etc.Data downloading or configuration can easily be done in the office or at site dir

13、ectly via IBM-compatible notebooks, palmtops or with our rugged VOTA Multifunctional Field Unit.RS232 output / SDI12 interface for remote control and data transmission via serial modem (land line), GSM (cellular), Proven OTT - quality at an unmatched cost-effective ratio! For solo-operation or in co

14、mbination with conventional mechanical chart recorders (different makes) - easy upgrade from mechnical systems to digital technology. LCD-display (instantaneous value, time, date, battery-status) easy observation function. RS232 interface for bi-directional data transfer via serial modem / GSM, radi

15、o, satellite, etc. DTR-feature for modem transmission in selectable time slots Optical IrDA-interface (infrared technology) - cable free data transferno plugs - not sensitive to humidity or dust, insects, broken pins, . 1.5 V DC power supply (commercial C-type cell) ensures a system-operation for up

16、 to 15 months. User replaceable, no tools needed.德国浮子式水位计淤积 进水管加泵、开挖 The floa英国水位观测设施浮子水位计Stage boards Stilling well and data loggers 英国水位观测设施浮子水位计Stage boards St2.2压电式压力水位计在河岸较缓或河流内有滩地,水位变化大的河流不宜设立浮子式水位计时,可以设立压力式水位计。通常安装气泡式水位计或压电式压力式水位计。压力式水位计,一端在水中,通过一个很细的埋入地下的管道与岸上的水计房相连。水位计房是放置仪器的专用房屋,面积以满足能够存放仪

17、器和工作人员能在其内检查仪器为要求,一般仅有13个平方米。建房的材料有铁制和木制两种,水位计房上方有通讯无线电和太阳能电池板,房内放置水位计和通讯设备2.2压电式压力水位计在河岸较缓或河流内有滩地,水位变化大的压力水位计及悬垂校测水尺压电式压力式水位计美国Stevens Water Monitoring Systems, Inc.PS210型压力水位计及悬垂校测水尺压电式压力式水位计德国压电式压力式水位计The ORPHEUS-K Pressure Probe with integral data logger is designed for continuous unattended mon

18、itoring of waterlevel or depth, temperature and conductivity (optional) in ground- and surface water. ORPHEUS-K is the ideal solution near standard applications - for boreholes with small diameters, not exactly vertical boreholes or in large depths.The inbuilt buffered data logger offers many featur

19、es like event controlled recording (storage delta), sample- / storage intervals from 10 seconds .24 hours minimum-/maximum value, depth to water mode, etc. .Optional to the standard parameters level / water temperature the ORPHEUS-K can continuously measure conductivity by using a robust EC-measurin

20、g cell.Data downloading or configuration can be easily done in the office or at site directly via IBM-compatible notebooks, palmtops or with our rugged VOTA Multifunctional Field Unit. RS232 output (optional) for remote control and data transmission serial modem (land line), GSM (cellular), . allows

21、 communication worldwide.德国压电式压力式水位计The ORPHEUS-K Press德国压电式压力式水位计 The ODS 4-K Pressure Probe is designed for continuous monitoring of waterlevel in ground- and surfacewater. ODS 4-K is the ideal solution - near standard applications - for boreholes with small diameters, not exactly vertical borehol

22、es or in large depths.The 1.5V or 4.20 mA output signal is compatible with OTT- Data Loggers and systems of other makes. Download a brochure or Order a brochureAquanaut 德国压电式压力式水位计 The ODS 4-K Pre3.3 气泡式压力式水位计3.3 气泡式压力式水位计安装在桥梁上的气泡式水位计气泡式水位计Stevens Water Monitoring Systems, Inc.VB 2000型安装在桥梁上的气泡式水位计

23、气泡式水位计德国气泡式水位计The Orphimedes with integral data logger is designed for continuous, unattended monitoring of groundwater level. Due to the easy depth configuration at site, all the problems caused by fixed transducer cable lengths are a thing of the past. Orphimedes is the ideal instrument for use in

24、 well fields where no remote data transmission is requested. Its compact design allows the installation in 2-well pipes and larger.Data downloading or configuration can easily be done in the office or at site directly via IBM-compatible notebooks, palmtops or with our rugged VOTA Multifunctional Fie

25、ld Unit. Proven OTT - quality at an unmatched cost-effective ratio! Easy depth configuration at site - forget all the problems caused by fixed probe cable lengths Example - 100 m depth to water: Transducer cable (different makes) - price for 100 m cable approx. 600.750US$compared to: Orphimedes meas

26、uring tube - price for 100 m 100m50US$-Cost reduction for each well, using the bubble principle instead of transducers 550.700US$ LCD-display (instantaneous value, time, date, battery-status). direct observation function without notebook or operating unit. Optical IrDA-interface (infrared technology

27、) for cable free data transferwithout plugs - insensitive to humidity or dust, insects, broken pins, . 6 V DC power supply (commercial C-type cells) ensures a system operation for up to 15 months. User replaceable, no tools needed. Installation in 2-well pipes and larger - protected against vandalis

28、m. Indirect measuring principle, providing accurate measurements with long-term stability, even in contaminated water (salt water, industrial- and mining outflow, disposal sites etc.).德国气泡式水位计The Orphimedes with in英国气泡式水位计与水文站PNEUMATIC BUBBLER GAUGESEBA PS-LIGHT The PS-Light is a pneumatic device fo

29、r the measurement of surface water level, particularly for use in estuaries or flood plains where a stilling well cannot be installed. PS Light contains a very efficient mini compressor which allows either battery or solar power to be used. A purging option is available for polluted waters. Water Le

30、vel Data is logged on site or transmitted via GSM or PSTN.mining outflow, disposal sites etc.).英国气泡式水位计与水文站PNEUMATIC BUBBLER 2.4 雷达水位计2.4 雷达水位计水文测验方法(设施)SEBAPULS型雷达水位计产品型号:SEBAPULS产地:生产厂家:SEBA Hydrometrie GmbH 主要性能指标:电源:12V 电池,太阳能电池板输出:420mA 模拟信号,数字信号,RS232测量范围(米):020 精度(厘米): 机箱:塑料,IP65尺寸(毫米):140(直径

31、)364(高度)重量(公斤):约 工作温度():-20+70WATER LEVEL RADAR The Seba Radar Sensor is a downward looking compact sensor for continuous water level recording. The sensor operates from a 12V supply with an output of 4.20mA over a measuring range of 0.20m.德国SEBAPULS型雷达水位计WATER LEVEL RADA水文测验方法(设施)德国雷达水位计 The Kalest

32、o Radar Sensor is designed for continuous unattended monitoring of surface waterlevel. Compared with conventional level measuring systems (pressure probes, float operated or ultrasonic systems) the installation and handling of a Radar Sensor is remarkably cost- and time-effective. Cost saving owing

33、to low maintenance requirements and simple, inexpensive installation 号称安装费用、维修费用低廉 no stilling well or inlet pipe required, ideal for rivers containing a lot of sediments, debris, etc. and sites where construction work would damage the hydraulic system. the sensor can be easily moved, e.g. when chan

34、ges in water cross-section (low flow) occur, compared to stations with a gauging shelter and stilling wells or inlet pipes. The 12V DC power supply and the low power consumption enable the sensor 德国雷达水位计 The Kalesto Radar SensWL500型直读音响式水位计产品型号:WL500产地:美国生产厂家:Global Water Instrumentation, Inc 厂家网址:/

35、(产品图片)WL500型直读音响式水位计主要技术指标:型号:WL500测量范围:1英寸和0.01英寸间隔尺寸(mm):430374203输出:声光信号重量(kg):4电源(VDC):92.5 悬垂式音响式水位计WL500型直读音响式水位计2.5 悬垂式音响式水位德国接触式水位计 Contact Gauge KL 010-TMQuick, simple and economic measurement of ground water level (distance to water) Optical and acoustic signal White polyethylene measuring

36、 tape with meter markings in red, cm division, dm numbering in black Rugged style Powered by four 1.5 Volt batteries (C-cells) Measuring tape available in lengths between 15 and 750 m (12 options) Same features as KL 010 but with additional temperature sensor Measuring range -5 . + 60 C, resolution

37、0.1 C Measuring tape available in lengths between 25 and 500 m (8 options) 德国接触式水位计 Contact Gauge KL 010-2.6 超声波水位计2.6 超声波水位计水文测验方法(设施)水文测验方法(设施)美国水尺A staff gage is used in streams and lakes to allow hydrologic technicians a way to quickly measure the stage, or height, of the water 美国水尺A staff gage

38、is used in st德国水尺 Of cast aluminiumwith embossed E-patterns and figuresSpecial protective lacquer, black background, yellow E-patterns and figures 2 cm division Standard length 1 m (numbering 0 . 90; 100 . 190; .) Width 165 mm Suitable for high mechanical strain (ice motion, bed load, .) Fixing elem

39、ents for wood, steel, concrete or stone Of enamelled sheet steel,2 mm thick Inclined Staff Gauges on requestWhite background, black E-patterns and figurescm division Standard length 1 m (numbering 0 . 90; 100 . 190; .)Width 150 mm Fixing elements for wood, steel, concrete or stone 德国水尺 Of cast alumi

40、niumwith em印度Vertical staff gauges stepped in series up a riverbankInclined staff gauge印度Inclined staff gauge澳大利亚水尺澳大利亚水尺Peel River at Piallamore Bridge, NSW, Australia (a tributary of Namoi River). Photo shows stream gauge (water level indicator).澳大利亚水尺澳大利亚水尺英国水尺 GAUGE BOARDS Gauge Boards can be su

41、pplied made from aluminium or plastic. A maximum water level indicator is also available. 英国水尺 GAUGE BOARDS a device for obtaining the elevation of the flood crest of streams. Because it is simple, economical, reliable, and easily installed, the crest-stage gage has become a basic instrument in regi

42、onal studies of flood frequency. 美国洪峰水尺a device for obtaining the eDCP现场实时自动采水文数据,并将水文数据自动发送至属于国家海洋大气局的两颗地球同步环境卫星,地球同步环境卫星将接收到水文数据再传送给USGS,经过初步分析计算处理和水位流量转换,再实时地发送给民用通讯卫星,该卫星再将水文数据时实“广播”给USGS的各用户。不仅各用户可及时得到连续的水文监测信息, USGS的工作的人员通过实时监测数据可以发现那个测站的仪器出现故障,那些测站发生了洪水,这样工作人员可以及时到现场开展工作。 DCP现场实时自动采水文数据,并将水文数

43、据自动发送至属于国家流量测验是水文站最重要的测验内容,流量测验的方式决定着水文测站的规模和管理运行。美国水文测站中约有400个,占6%的测站采用缆道测验;有约有4000多个采用桥梁测验,占60%; 约2000多个采用船测和涉水测验 ,占30% ;其他测验方式约占4%三、 流量测验设施3.0 测验方式 美国流量测验是水文站最重要的测验内容,流量测验的方式决定着水文测美国河流流量测验方法:流速面积法(电磁流速仪、多普勒、机械)、走杭ADCP、水平ADCP、非接触水面流速仪(光学、多普勒)、测流堰、水力学计算等。最常用的方法是流速面积法。这种方法测验的测量的具体内容与我国相似,即通过测量水深起点距方

44、法测量过水断面上断面面积和测量过水的水流流速,两者相乘求得流量,美国流速测量通常采用的是机械流速仪,不过美国多用旋杯流速仪(我国多用旋浆流速仪)美国河流流量测验方法:流速面积法(电磁流速仪、多普勒、机械)为了确定断面平均流速,将断面宽度分为25-30个部分,尽可能使每个宽度之间的部分流量大致相同,流量测量是测量部分宽和垂线上的水深,并测量垂线的平均流速。当垂线水深较小时采用0.6一点测速,当垂线水深较大时采用0.2,0.8两点测速,以求得垂线平均流速。通过宽度、水深和垂线平均流速计算部分流速,各部分流量之和为全断面流量。一般掌握部分流量不超过断面流量的5% USGS流量计算采用其统一的标准程序

45、由计算机自动完成部分流量计算公式不同水文测验方法(设施)英国的河流大多是流程短,水深浅(1)标准的测流堰槽 a weir or flume .水位流量关系已知(2)流速仪 propeller-type current meters (3)ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (4) 超声波测量 Ultrasonic flow measurement 断面稳定、悬移质含沙量小、水草不旺盛(5)电磁测量 在河底埋设一个很大的线圈,加上交流电产生磁力线,水流通过时切割磁力线,产生电动势,通过河岸两边的电极测量电动势,其值与平均流速成正比。英国流量测验方法5种

46、英国的河流大多是流程短,水深浅英国流量测验方法5种 3.1 涉水测验 当水位低时,水深较浅时采用涉水测验流量,特制的小型涉水流速仪对小水更加灵敏,保证低水的测验美国专用于涉水测流的小型流速仪澳大利亚专用于涉水测流的小型流速仪Size Max Velocity Start Velocity m/s m/s 50 x 50mmm 2.0 0.025 3.1 涉水测验美国专用于涉水测流的小型流速仪澳大 涉水测量的流速仪安装在专制的流量测量杆上,专用流量测量杆设计别致,使用方便,采用这种专用流量测量杆一般仅一人可以完成外业涉水流量测验的全过程。可采用人工启记录水深宽度和流速计算流量。 近几年为涉水测验

47、专门开发了数据采集器,这是一种新型手持涉水测量装置它有专用测深杆,小型流速仪和数据采集器组成,外业的测深、测宽、测速数据直接记录在手持的数据采集器上,测验结束仪器可自动计算出全断面流量。也可将测量数据传输给办公室的计算机,通过USGS的标准计算程序计算出各种流量成果资料。 近几年为涉水测验专门开发了数据采集器,这是一英国德国电磁流速仪英国德国电磁流速仪冰上测验 冰钻冰上测验 3. 桥测发达国家重要的流量测验方法3. 桥测美国流量测验以桥测为主,采用桥测的约为4000余个,达到60左右,桥测设备有3种放置在桥上小型专制起重机这类起重机也是一种很好巡测设备,一般不固定安置在测站上,而是由巡测车运至

48、各站测验测量板(bridge board),这种专用桥测起重机设计简单使用,有的为电动驱动升降,有的采用人力驱动升降巡测车美国流量测验以桥测为主,采用桥测的约为4000余个,达到60Sounding reel on bridge board on Pilgrim Creek at Grand Teton National Park, WY.Sounding reel on bridge board Discharge measurement on the Walker River.Group of students stream gaging in Sagehen Creek Discharg

49、e measurement on theTruck-mounted crane. 美国桥测Discharge measurement made with a bridge board on Pilgrim Creek at Grand Teton National Park, WY.Truck-mounted crane. Discha澳大利亚澳大利亚India 印度Measuring Crane with Gauging Reel(WINCH)India 印度Measuring Crane with G英国桥测MOBILE BRIDGE GAUGING JIBThe Mobile Bridg

50、e Gauging Jib is framework device that fits to river bridge rails and which supports the SEWII singledrum winch. The jib allows the easy deployment of current meter and up to 50kg sinker weight.The spring-loaded jib will swing the current meter assembly outboard over the river and inboard when gaugi

51、ng is finished. Theframework can be easily traversed along the bridge and has a sturdy stay at the back. The whole framework is securely strapped tothe bridge rail when gauging takes place and can be quickly released by sprung friction clamps.SpecificationTransport Dimensions: 130L x 54H x 30W cmWei

52、ght: 20 kg (without winch)Material: aluminium, galvanised steel, stainless steel, PVC.Maximum Load: 50kgBridge/rail size: 40mm to 220mmMOBILE BRIDGE GAUGING JIB韩国简易桥测设备韩国简易桥测设备而更多的桥测设备是采用桥测车,最常用的这种巡测车为小型越野汽车改造而成。性能良好这种巡测车是装有升降灵活的电动驱动升降设备,以悬吊各种型号的铅鱼进行测深测速。美国的流量测验是真正的意义上的巡测,各种巡测车保证了每站每年施测12次,当出现洪水时适当增

53、加测次的要求,桥测车可独立在桥上测验,也可拖带巡测船下站测验而更多的桥测设备是采用桥测车,最常用的这种巡测车为小型越野汽每次测流需要将巡测船下水,然后开到测验断面,测望流量后,回到码头,再落上岸,运回办公室每次测流需要将巡测船下水,然后开到测验断面,测望流量后,回到密西西比州外业办公室有10余辆巡测车密西西比州外业办公室有10余辆巡测车3.3 缆道测验美国河流很少用缆道测验,因缆道测验需要固定设施设备较多,采用缆道测验的测站约有400个测站,占总测站的数的5%左右。缆道站一般采用悬索悬吊铅鱼测验,采用缆车(吊箱的)就更少。缆道固定设施较多,建设投入大,保养维修困难等原因,特别是测站位于无动力电

54、的山区、荒漠、森林等地区,难以满足缆道驱动所需的动力电,加上美国流量测验次数很少,因此美国不提倡采用缆道测验。缆道测验技术研究也不多深入,缆道测验设施设备技术也不够先进,(还不如我们的缆道先进),从下图我们可以看出各种缆道相对简单与黄河70年代末水平相当,近几年为提高工作效率缆道站也有采用ADCP进行测验。如下是一组缆站图片。3.3 缆道测验Standup cableway on Colorado River at Cisco, UT.Standup cableway on Colorado R水文测验方法(设施)Cableway MeasurementsCableway Measuremen

55、ts水文测验方法(设施)水文测验方法(设施)铅鱼缆道 Example of bank operated cableway found at the Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility, MS.铅鱼缆道 Example of bank operat英国缆道英国缆道水文测验方法(设施)he bomb is transported along the cableway using a motorised winch, which is stored inside the flow measuring station. Related Topicshe bomb i

56、s transported along t澳大利亚 Australia 手动绞车 起动The WS400 70 Kg Gauging Winch is a hand operated winch capable of handling Gauging Weights up to 70 Kg (154 lb). 澳大利亚 Australia 手动绞车 起动水文测验方法(设施)印度 缆道Aerial Cableway System印度 缆道Aerial Cableway System马来西亚马来西亚水文测验方法(设施)USGS的“大型测船”在大江大河上测流测沙测船。该船有发电机、水文绞车、安装有定

57、位用的GPS3.4 测船测验USGS的“大型测船”在大江大河上测流测沙测船。该船有发电机测站附近没有桥梁的水文站,流量较大时多采用船测测验。由于美国水文站无人值守,也无站房,利用船测测验的水文站是采用巡测,船,巡测船可用汽车拖带到水文站附近的码头,入水再开到水文站断面进行测验,传统的船测也是采用流速面积法。近几年,船测站一般利用ADCP进行流量测量。美国的巡测一般不大,巡测船一般在46米左右宽的1.52.5米左右,材质为不锈钢、玻璃钢、橡胶等。大部分为通用的小型船工略加改造而成,还有专门设计制造的水文测船(见图)。专用水文测量船上装有发电机和水文绞车,以满足悬吊铅鱼和泥沙采样器的需要测站附近没

58、有桥梁的水文站,流量较大时多采用船测测验。由于美国水文测验方法(设施) 美国地质勘探局在印第安纳州的于坎卡奇河Kankakee河流上,采用测船携带 ADCP进行流量测验Hydrographers measure stream flow using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)on the Kankakee River at Dunns Bridge, Indiana. 美国地质勘探局在印第安纳州的于坎卡奇河Kankakee河流Coastal boat Photo of children standing on a coastal and

59、 large-river sampling boatCoastal boat Photo of childrenUSGS利用遥控测携带ADCP 进行遥控测流量韩国利用遥控测携带ADCP 进行遥控测流量USGS利用遥控测携带ADCP 进行遥控测流量韩国利用遥控测水文测验方法(设施)ADCP装在船测船上进行流量测验测验上图为玻璃钢船下图为橡皮冲气船两种材质的测船利于搬运、适宜巡测ADCP装在船测船上进行流量测验测验上图为玻璃钢船Hydrographers measure stream flow using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)on

60、the Kankakee River at Dunns Bridge, Indiana.美国:在印第安纳州Kankakee 河上测验流量Hydrographers measure stream f小型ADCP在渠道测验中的应用 小型ADCP在渠道测验中的应用 河猫在缆道站测验 (RIVER CAT) 河猫在缆道站测验Gauging station weir in uk英国 测流堰流量测验3.5自动测验(1) 测流堰流量测验Gauging station weir in uk英国 美国 人工堰测流 美国 人工堰测流德国 Gauging station weir 德国 Gauging statio


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