



1、著名外企 open question 总结Cadbury 吉百利What do you consider to be your most impressive success? 你认为给你最深刻印象 的成功是什么? Tips: Why & how do you achieve your success, not what?提示:虽然问题是在问成功是什么。但HR真正希望你能告诉他的是你是怎样获得成功的,过程是什么?至于你的成功是什么 HR 并不关心。2 What is the most innovative idea you have implemented?你实施的最有创意的想法是什么? Ti

2、ps: Problems encountered & how you solve the problems creatively?提示:你要告诉他问题的出现和你是怎么用你的创意想法解决这个问题的。Unilever: 联合利华1 What is your most difficult persuasion?你最难的一次劝说人的经历是什么?Tip: (1) What is it difficult for you?你需要表现出困难的艰巨How well have I persuaded? Tactics ( 策略)What difficulties have you overcome? Resul

3、t-driven 提示:你的回答应该包含以下三个方面:(1) 对你来说困难是什么? (2) 你是用什么策略说服别人的 (3) 你克服了什么困 难,结果如何(第一条是最容易被求职者忽略的, 在回答第一点时你尽量要用你的嘴和你的 表情表现出困难的艰巨,这样才能让 HR 看到你的能力)LOREAL: 欧莱雅1At this point of your life, what do you think it is the most useful thing you have learned?在你的生活中,你认为你学到的最有用的东西是什么?Tips: Dont talk about your school

4、 -learning.Learning through practical experience. 提示:千万不要谈论关于你在学校所学习的东西,而是要说你在多次实践中学到的东 西。欧莱雅是卖化妆品的, 它关心的是你怎么去拓展市场, 他当然希望听到的是从实践中学 习到了最有用的东西。LOREALWould you please describe yourself in 3-4 lines?(limited in 500 words)Could you tell us why we should choose you as a Loreal Person, and what makes you u

5、nique?(limited in 500 words)What is your short-term and long-term career plan?(limited in 500 words)What kind of group activities are you interested in and what type of roledo youoften play?(limited in 500 words)Please use one sentence to give a definition of Beauty, and describe themost beautiful t

6、hing in your life.(limited in 500 words)Please describe yourself about your characters, hobbies, etc.(limited in 500 words)Please give an example of how you deal with a difficult situation.(limited in 500 words)Please tell us you r understanding of Loreal s image now, and how willyoucontribute to Lo

7、real s image if you are part of Loreal?(limited in 500 words)Please design a slogan for hair coloration product in China and describe your ideain details.(limited in 500 words)Please use one sentence to give a definition of Beauty, and describe themost beautiful thing in your life.(limited in 500 wo

8、rds)Nestle: 雀巢1 What are four key elements that“ the right people” possess to meet Nestlerequirement?你认为最适合雀巢公司的人应该具备哪四样品质?Tips: Why do you think you are the right person for this job?提示:1).HR 当然知道最适合他们公司的人应该具备什么品质,那你呢?如果你想求职成功 的话,当然得说你就是这种适合他们公司的人。你要告诉他们为什么 你最适合这份工作。 在回答时,一定要用事例、数据具体描述,不能只是大概描述哪四点。

9、2).这四点应该在哪找?不是自己瞎编,而是从雀巢的招聘广告上的简介中找。What are your key criteria in selecting a job? Are you interested in other industries?Ask most older people to identify the key to success, and they are likely toreply hard work. What are your comments? What do you think are the essential qualities that the young

10、job seeker lacks in being successful in his/hercareer development?PWC 普华永道1 Describe a recent project you have worked on which demonstrates your determination?请描述一下最近的一个能够论证你的坚定的决心的项目?Tips: determination = challenging tasks + your ability 提示:对于这种问题,要根据每个公司的实际情况作答,普华永道的答案当然要从它 的招聘广告中的公司理念里找。Desutsche

11、 Bank 德意志银行1 Given Current Market conditions what do you think Desutsche Bank should do remain competitive?你认为在现在的市场环境中德意志银行应该做出哪些努力来保持竞争力?Tips: Talk about Sector Trends/ State Policy提示: 就经济趋势和政策状况等方面进行分析。 要分析出企业目前有哪方面危机, 后说出建议。表现出没有你企业就会完蛋的架势。当然不能太狂。要有理有据。HSBC :汇丰1What factors have influenced your

12、career choice?什么因素曾经影响了你的职业选择?Tips: Motivation=Personal reasons/Professional reasons/Your values/Your career objective.提示:你的选择的动力应从 个人原因,职业原因,个人价值观和职业目标几个方面来 描述。2 Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give de

13、tails of your role, whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered.3 Please state how you have benefited from your work experience.4 Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to date?5 What do you see as your personal strength, and why?6 why the posi

14、tion you have applied for is appropriate for you; why you have selected HSBC; and what your career objectives are.KPMG :毕马威1 Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.请你简单介绍一下你通常的娱乐和消遣方式,包括运动和兴趣?Tips: you should tell them that you a

15、re interest in people. 提示:要介绍和人打交道的兴趣或运动。2 What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? 你参加了什么俱乐部和协会,担任什么职位?Tips: : leadership/team-players提示 你介绍的俱乐部和协会应该是和人打交道比较多的。 因为 HR 希望你是比较活 跃善于交际的人。ML1 Please describe an event or experience which was both important and challenging for yo

16、u, and which occurred during any time between the last two or three years.Please limit your answers to 200 words.2 What are your main activities and interests? What do you contribute and whatdo you gain from them?Please limit your answers to 150 words.3 Describe a major piece of work undertaken during your course.Please limit your answer to 150 words.Global Market 您怎么看待环球市场的核心目标及理念文化?( 500 字以内) Mckinsey英文短文( 300-400 字):短文内容: Influencing o


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