Developing ideas 10分钟课前预习练 高中英语新外研版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第1页
Developing ideas 10分钟课前预习练 高中英语新外研版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第2页
Developing ideas 10分钟课前预习练 高中英语新外研版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第3页




1、Unit 6 At one with nature6.3 Developing ideas. 根据提示填写单词1. _ agriculture 取代农业2. building _ 建筑材料3. the _ of the building 这座建筑物的结构4. a very _ house 一座十分富丽堂皇的房子5. _ streets 狭窄的街道6. conditions in the _ 沙漠的环境7. wet _ 潮湿的气候8. _ reference books 出版工具书9. a _ expert 一位医学专家10. _ of a tree 树枝11. _ me the room 把房

2、间租给我12. on the _ 在屋顶上13. fruity _ 水果味14. a central heating _ 中央供暖系统15. _ demand 消费者的需求 _ (v. ) a large quantity of alcohol 喝大量的酒domestic _ (n. ) 国内消费16. a top _ 首要的事情 _ (v. ) to all other activities 优先于所有其他活动17. the _ resources 有限的资源 _ (v. ) carbon dioxide emissions 限制二氧化碳排放18. be of _ to everyone 使

3、所有人受益be _ (adj. ) to health 对健康有益19. a _ climate 令人愉快的气候 _ (v. ) everybody 使每个人高兴be _ (adj. ) with her exam results 对她的考试成绩很满意read for _ (n. )读书以自娱20. full of _ 充满活力an _ (adj. ) leader 一位精力充沛的领导. 英汉双译1. 把与隔开_2. 想出, 解出; 锻炼 _3. 因而闻名 _4. 受欢迎 _5. 位于; 坐落于 _6. _refer to 7. _be made from 8. _check out 9. _

4、note down 10. _remind sb. of sth. III. 翻译课文原句1. These words come from the author of the book The Secret Garden, first published in 1911. _2. Millions of Brits like to say that they have “green fingers”, with around half the population spending their free time gardening. _3. Today, there are over 4,

5、000 people in London waiting for such pieces of land. _4. These gardens have helped make the cities greener and improve air quality. _IV.语法填空The book The Secret Garden, 1. _(publish)in 1911, inspires people to plant flowers. But before that, only a few people had enough money 2. _(have) gardens. Man

6、y houses have been built 3. _ gardens and many British people are proud of their “green fingers”. In spring children like to find the 4. _ (tall)sunflowers. Some people spend much time 5. _ (grow)their vegetables for competitions. However, the space on 6. _ to grow things is limited so people use th

7、eir rooftops 7. _ private gardens. These gardens 8. _ (improve) the air quality and peoples living 9. _(condition) since then. 10. _ you tend a rose. . . A thistle cant grow. 参考答案. 1. replace agriculture取代农业2. building materials建筑材料3. the structure of the building 这座建筑物的结构4. a very grand house 一座十分富

8、丽堂皇的房子5. narrow streets狭窄的街道6. conditions in the desert 沙漠的环境7. wet climate 潮湿的气候8. publish reference books 出版工具书9. a medical expert 一位医学专家10. branches of a tree 树枝11. rent me the room 把房间租给我12. on the rooftops 在屋顶上13. fruity flavour 水果味14. a central heating system 中央供暖系统15. consumer demand 消费者的需求 c

9、onsume (v. ) a large quantity of alcohol 喝大量的酒domestic consumption (n. ) 国内消费16. a top priority 首要的事情 prior (v. ) to all other activities 优先于所有其他活动17. the limited resources 有限的资源 limit (v. ) carbon dioxide emissions 限制二氧化碳排放18. be of benefit to everyone 使所有人受益be beneficial (adj. ) to health 对健康有益19.

10、 a pleasant climate 令人愉快的气候 please (v. ) everybody 使每个人高兴be pleased (adj. ) with her exam results 对她的考试成绩很满意read for pleasure (n. )读书以自娱20. full of energy 充满活力an energetic (adj. ) leader 一位精力充沛的领导.1. 把与隔开separate. . . from. . . 2. 想出, 解出; 锻炼work out3. 因而闻名be famous for4. 受欢迎be/become popular with5.

11、位于; 坐落于be located in6. 指的是; 提到refer to 7. 用制成be made from 8. 核实; 查实check out 9. 做笔记; 记下来note down 10. 使某人想起某事remind sb. of sth. III.1.这些话出自1911年首次出版的秘密花园一书的作者。2. 数百万的英国人喜欢说自己擅长园艺, 大约一半的英国人把空闲时间花在园艺上。3.如今, 伦敦有4 000多人在等着租用这样的土地。4. 这些花园让城市更绿, 并且改善了空气质量。IV. The book The Secret Garden, 1. published(publi

12、sh) in 1911, inspires people to plant flowers. But before that, only a few people had enough money 2. to have (have) gardens. Many houses have been built 3. with gardens and many British people are proud of their “green fingers”. In spring children like to find the 4. tallest (tall)sunflowers. Some people spend much time 5. growing (grow)their vegetables for competitions. However, the space on 6. which to grow things is limited so people use their


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