



1、四川省眉山市县职业高级中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The heavy rain is so troublesome. _ it would stop!A. Only if B. Even if C. Ever since D. If only参考答案:D2. While the government says there is a(n) _ supply of houses, prices of apartments have been going up these years. A. parallel B. absent C. abundant D. short参考答案:C3

2、. -The head teacher said we had only three days to finish the project.-Dont worry. We have already _ two thirds of it.Ataken over Bgiven away Cgot through Dmade up 参考答案:C4. She is out, so you may use her typewriter _.A. for the moment B. in a moment C. for a moment D. in the moment参考答案:A5. Theyareor

3、ganizingaprogramto_peoplesattentiontoprotectingwildanimals.A. give B. payC. draw D. have参考答案:CC6. -Can your manager speak English? -Sure. He is said _ in Britain for two years when he was young. A. to have studied B. to study C. studying D. studied参考答案:A7. I looked under _ bed and found _ book I los

4、t last week.A. the; aB. the; theC . / ; theD .the; /参考答案:B8. He had a lot of friends, but none of_ could lend him any money.A. whom B. themC. which D. who参考答案:B9. You can _ and start a new life; a small step at a time and happiness will follow. A. struggle to your feet B. get back on your feet C. ri

5、se to your feet D. take to your feet参考答案:B10. The manager was about to leave his secretary called him back.Aand Bbefore Cwhen Duntil参考答案:C11. - May I check in now? - Sorry, sir! But theres not any room _ in our hotel. A.usefulB.convenientC.valuableD.available参考答案:D略12. Walking on the street,_.A. a s

6、tone fell on his head B. he was hit by a stone on the headC. a car hit on his leg D. a stone hit his leg参考答案:B13. The newspapers keep us _of what is going on around us. A. being informed B. informed C. be informed D. informing参考答案:B29. The _ look on her face indicates that the film on show must be _

7、; otherwise, she would not look so pale. A. terrified; frightenedB. terrifying; frightened C. terrified; frighteningD. terrifying; frightening参考答案:C略15. The man refused to admit that he was guilty as the court had judged,and _ the High Court.A. adapted to B. related to C. appealed to D. referred to参

8、考答案:C二、 填空16. It has been announced that (任何被抓住舞弊的人) in the exam will be graded zero. (cheat)参考答案:whoever is caught cheating三、 阅读理解17. I clearly remember the day when my little brother was born: January 1, 1994. One of my favorite family photos shows me lying with my mother in the hospital bed, happ

9、y but unaware of the small, sleeping baby in the background.I stayed with my grandparents for the weekend of my brothers birth, excited about my new brother but not yet aware of what having a little brother would mean. I didnt truly realize what was going on until we were in the hospital room at Duk

10、e University-coincidentally (碰巧地), the same room in which I had been born two years earlier.When I looked at my brother for the first time, I felt a mixture of fear and interest. Little did I know that small, pink creature would grow up to be one of my favorite people in the world.In reality, though

11、 I am two years older than my brother, I am more often than not the real baby in the family. I am very lacking when it comes to common sense. Instructions constantly confuse me and I frequently find myself totally puzzled by things like knowing how to start the washing machine or manage the storage

12、settings on my iphone. Thats where Gibson comes in. The poor kid has had to guide me through more tasks than I would care to admit, but he never complains. Though I should probably be told to figure it out myself, he always comes through. Im envious of his ability to readily answer the ever-present,

13、 “What do you want to do with your life?” question at family gatherings. “Be a doctor,” he says-a solid answer, completely opposite to my shaky one, “Well, Im an English major, so.”My brother truly is my best friend. No one understands me better, and there isnt anyone else I would want to be stuck w

14、ith in our family. I may not have a clear idea of where Im headed, but he is stuck with me. 1. How did the author feel when he saw his brother for the first time?A. Angry and sad. B. Excited and moved.C. Curious and scared. D. Happy and interested.2. What does the underlined sentence in the fourth p

15、aragraph mean?A. My brother is the real baby in the family.B. In fact, I seem to be less mature than my little brother.C. My brother gets more love from the family than I do.D. I am growing more slowly than my brother.3. What does the brother often help the author do?A. Help him deal with many daily

16、 tasks.B. Help him with his studies.C. Give him advice on how to choose a major. D. Comfort him when he is in a bad mood.4. What is the best title for this text?A. My Strange Family Gatherings B. The Real Baby in the FamilyC. Stuck with Me-My Not-So-Little Little Brother D. The Feeling of Having a B

17、rother参考答案:1C2B3A4C1C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“When I looked at my brother for the first time, I felt a mixture of fear and interest.”可知,“我”第一次见到弟弟的时候,感到既害怕又好奇,故C项正确。 2B 句意理解题。根据画线句子后的“I am very lacking when it comes to common sense.”可知, “我”在生活中缺乏常识,也就是说“我”没有弟弟成熟,故B项正确。 3A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Instructions constantly confuse me and I frequently find myself totally puzzled by things like knowing how to start the washing machine or manage the storage settings on my iPhone.”及第五段中的“


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