



1、四川省眉山市多悦中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. If this had happened to you, what would you have done?Me? I _ the alarm.A. would turn on B. would have turned on C. had turned on D. must have turned on参考答案:B2. Jim was very happy yesterday because he_ the book that he wanted. A came up with B came across C came abou

2、t D came out参考答案:B3. Would you like to _with us to the film tonight? A. come along B. come off C. come across D. come through参考答案:A略4. The national entrance examinations are around the corner, so some fans in my class are persuaded to _ football to concentrate on their studies.A. quit to playB. stop

3、 to play C. quit playing D. to be quitted playing参考答案:C5. A student of Fudan University _ Huang Yang, was reported _ by his roommate, _ the whole nation.A. named; to have been poisoned; which shocked B. naming; being poisoned; shockingC. named; to be poisoned; shocked D. named; poisoned; as shocked参

4、考答案:A6. The headmaster considered all the aspects before making a(n) _ arrangement.A. calm B. bare C. concrete D. endless 参考答案:C7. The old woman _ her sons and daughters _ and see her from time to time.A.suggested; to come Bhoped; to come C.desired; coming Ddesired; to come参考答案:D8. It was in time of

5、 danger _ he made the final decision _ they should send more doctors there.Awhere;that Bwhen;which Cwhere;what Dthat;that参考答案:D9. -Why dont we go to the new Sichuan restaurant for a meal?-_ A. Great! I have been expecting that B.Sorry, but I forget it C. No, I wont go for it D.Its not my pleasure参考答

6、案:A10. Little children are curious _ everything around them.A. to B. in C. for D. about参考答案:D11. After _ at his favorite table, Tom began to go through the menu.A seating B seated C being seated D having seated 参考答案:C12. _ is known to us all is that 2012 Olympic Games will take place in Britain. A.

7、It B. As C. Which D. What参考答案:D13. Some special projects are _ to protect our environment, so we may be _ to having a clean and beautiful home in the near future. A. on the way; under way B. under way; on the way C. in the way; on the way D. on the way; in the way 参考答案:B略14. Once a neighbour accused

8、 me _ playing my radio too loudly .Oh, you had the right to defend yourself _ the charge.A. of; against B. for; of C. against; for D. for; against参考答案:A15. _ we were worried about was _ they could manage to control the pollution. A. That, how B. That , whether C. What , that D. What, whether参考答案:D略二

9、、 完型填空16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Four days ago, I was taking a taxi. On the way, I just had the _21_ stop at a store to buy something. A woman _22_me to let her hitchhike (免费搭车).I_23_ and picked this woman up. I thought she was too fat; she _24_ about 120 kg. But she was very

10、sweet and kind-hearted, so I didnt_25_.She was talking to me _26_ while going back to her place about how she got everything for her_27_. So I thought to myself she must have a happy family. But nothing special _28_ yet.I got to her apartment _29_ she needed help getting all the things she got to he

11、r place. I just helped her out and while I was _30_ the stuff inside her house, I _31_ that her husband walked in from the back of the apartment. So she was talking to him in her _32_ voice, “Honey, I got you this; Honey, I got you that.” But what I came to notice was that her husband was _33_. And

12、then I looked close to how they were together and I knew for that moment I was seeing “TRUE _34_.They cared for each other so_35_ and what they looked like was not 36 at all.I was just deeply _37_ by the true love between them.Sometimes I think about going back to the apartment and tell them what I

13、_38_in them and to thank them for sharing their _39_with me, even it is for a few _40_. I like the blind couple care about each other; it is a very happy and romantic thing.21. A. Stranger B. WaiterC. PassengerD. driver22. A. remindedB. allowedC. askedD. helped23. A. noddedB. promisedC. hesitatedD.

14、explained24. A. carriedB. weighedC. supportedD. lifted25. A. rememberB. mindC. worryD. leave26. A. gladlyB. nervouslyC. slowlyD. calmly27. A. friendB. husbandC. daughterD. neighbor28. A. stayedB. continuedC. stoppedD. happened29. A. unlessB. ifC. becauseD. although30. A. movingB. searchingC. arrangi

15、ngD. observing31. A. imagedB. noticedC. believedD. expected32. A. politeB. tiredC. highD. sweet33. A. painfulB. foolishC. blindD. ill34.A. LOVEB. FRIENDSHIP C. JUDGMENT D. STORY35.A. frequentlyB. deeplyC. thankfullyD. quietly36.A. usefulB. clearC. secretD. important37.A. encouragedB. surprised C. to

16、uchedD. shocked38.A. hidB. built C. putD. saw39.A. livesB. troublesC. foodD. memory40.A. daysB. hoursC. minutesD. seconds参考答案:21-25 DCABB 26-30 ABDCA 31-35 BDCAB 36-40 DCDAC三、 阅读理解17. Karen Bystedt was born in Israel, but lived in London and California as a child. In 1982, as a photography (摄影) stud

17、ent at New York University, she was photographing male models for a book when she came across an ad featuring Andy Warhol, a very famous artist. She thought it would be really great to put him in her book.So she called Andy Warhol at his studio in Union Square and asked if she could photograph him.T

18、wo weeks later, Bystedt took a rented Hasselblad camera and lights to Warhols famed “Factory” on 14th street. She ended up taking 36 pictures, and published two in her book, Not Just Another Pretty Face, published in 1983. Warhol came to its launch (发行) party-and that was the last time she saw him.A

19、 few years later, she packed the portraits in a box and moved to Los Angeles. But after shed gotten settled, she couldnt find them. She couldnt remember whether she had given the photos away or just left them in some forgotten storage unit. Either way, she thought they were lost forever.In 2011, Bys

20、tedt became determined to find the missing films(底片). She spent two weeks going through two old garages, where she had put a bunch of belongings decades before. In a cardboard box, she found ten of the original films, covered in dust. She and a friend spent four months digitizing and cleaning the im

21、ages up, pixel(像素) by pixel.Bystedt was not content to merely publish the unseen photos. She invited contemporary artists to paint over and around her Warhol pictures, breathing new life into her old work. So she began reaching out to artists, seeing if they would be interested in putting their own

22、stamp on the pictures.The responses was overwhelming. Bystedts new exhibit, “The Lost Warhols,” opened on May 1, 2018 at 178 Sixth Avenue in Soho, New York, included 66 different interpretations of her portraits from 34 artists.8. After photographing Andy Warhol, Bystedt _.A. never met the artist ag

23、ainB. published a book the following yearC. published all of his pictures in her bookD. decided to photograph some male models for a book9. According to the passage, the photos of Andy Warhol _.A. were found missing soon after they were takenB. were taken when the artist was 19 years oldC. were foun

24、d missing after Bystedt moved to Los AngelesD. were taken by Bystedt without the artists permission10. What did Bystedt do after the missing films were found?A. she published the unseen photos very quickly.B. she held a party for some artists to view the photos.C. she spent months repairing the film

25、s.D. she displayed the pictures to make a profit.11. What would be a suitable title for the passage?A. Photos of Andy Warhol Lost ForeverB. A special Exhibit of Andy Warhols WorksC. Friendship Between an Artist and a PhotographerD. Unseen Portraits of Andy Warhol Lost and Found参考答案:8. B 9. C 10. C 1

26、1. D本文为记叙文。文章介绍了摄影师Karen Bystedt在1982年,拍摄了著名艺术家安迪沃霍尔的很多照片,而这些照片在失踪了很长一段时间后,最终又被发现。Karen Bystedt邀请当代艺术家在沃霍尔的照片周围作画,为她的老作品注入新的生命,结果取得了巨大的成功。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段和第三段的内容可知,Karen Bystedt在1982年,拍摄了安迪沃霍尔的很多照片,她挑选了其中的两张发表在了1983年出版的书里。故B选项正确。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段中的“A few years later, she packed the portraits in a b

27、ox and moved to Los Angeles. But after shed gotten settled, she couldnt find them.”(几年后,她把肖像装进一个盒子里,搬到了洛杉矶。但她安顿下来后,就找不到他们了。)可知,安迪?沃霍尔的照片是在Karen Bystedt搬到洛杉矶后被发现找不到的。故C选项正确。【10题详解】细节理解题。根据第五段中的“She and a friend spent four months digitizing and cleaning the images up, pixel(像素) by pixel. ”(她和一个朋友花了四个月

28、的时间逐个像素地数字化和清理图像)可知,Karen Bystedt花了几个月的时间修理胶卷。故C选项正确。【11题详解】标题判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了著名艺术家安迪?沃霍尔没有被发布过的照片,失而复得的过程。D选项“安迪沃霍尔的未见肖像失而复得”可以做最佳标题。故D选项正确。18. Hundreds of years ago, life was harder than it is today. People didnt have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either.Life today has brought n

29、ew problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution to all living things in the wor

30、ld.Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt (被状物) over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog.Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, and they mustnt let dirty smoke go into the air.We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and do not throw them o


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