Unit3 Writing Workshop,Viewing Workshop基础过关练-高中英语北师大版必修第一册_第1页
Unit3 Writing Workshop,Viewing Workshop基础过关练-高中英语北师大版必修第一册_第2页
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Unit3 Writing Workshop,Viewing Workshop基础过关练-高中英语北师大版必修第一册_第4页
Unit3 Writing Workshop,Viewing Workshop基础过关练-高中英语北师大版必修第一册_第5页
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1、UNIT 3CELEBRATIONSPart 5WRITING WORKSHOP, VIEWING WORKSHOP 基础过关练.单词拼写1.Although the weather was very bad, the (活动) was a great success.2.The movie is (令人赞叹的). Its really a pity that you didnt make it.3.The young man looks very clean and handsome in the blue (制服).4.Though he gained so much honor, he

2、said(谦虚地)he was only a scientist.5.The taxi is waiting(在楼下). Lets hurry.6.Were having a small family (聚会)to mark our wedding. 7.It was unfortunate that my (航班) was cancelled, so I had to stay at the hotel for another day.8.Judging from his a, he may come from a province in North China.选词填空date back

3、to; put up; stand for; wake up; calm down1.They didnt until six hours later when the plane was landing.2.She was breathing quickly and tried to herself .3.It is said that the tradition that still exists in the region today can the Tang Dynasty.4.The symbols happiness and good luck in China.5.We the

4、decorations and started to feel the atmosphere of Spring Festival.单句语法填空1.People who had seen him were able to give a(describe).2.He was surprised to find his room (thorough) cleaned and everything arranged in perfect order.3.A good translation should be similar the original text not only in form bu

5、t also in spirit.4.After(graduate), she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.完成句子1.安妮真是个好厨师,我忍不住把她端上来的每样东西都吃了。Anne is such a good cook. I everything she serves.2.据认为,那儿的洪水是百年来最大的洪水。 the flood there is the biggest in 100 years.P138结构13.我好像把书忘在家里了。我到处找也没找到。I seem my book at

6、home. I cant find it anywhere.4.您被选中参与一次随机调查,您将有可能赢取现金和其他奖励。(select)You a random survey that you could win cash and other prizes.能力提升练.阅读理解Ah, graduation day. Family parties. Student awards. Excited parents busy taking photos. Limo(豪华轿车) rides to the ceremony. All these are in celebration of years o

7、f hard work and the exciting things to come after primary school.Wait, what? Yes, primary school graduation ceremonies are becoming more popular than ever. And at my school, the fifth grade graduation is a serious business.A few weeks before the fifth grade graduation, I received a special parent em

8、ail:“I would like to know if my boy is going to be the only kid not receiving an award on the graduation day, because I am going to save him from the embarrassment and favoritism that has been shown all year and will not have him at the graduation.”Awards are part of the end-of-year excitement at my

9、 school and the hardest thing I have to do with all year. Picking five of 14 students to be called before the whole school seems like a heartbreak for the other nine. Someone is always going to be left out and clearly, the parents feel the pressure.I chose not to answer the email, knowing the email

10、was sent under pressure. The boy in question would receive an award, not because of his mothers email, but because his achievement was great.On the day of the ceremony, that boy and four others were awarded and posed(摆好姿势) for pictures together in new clothes. I sent my congratulations to all the st

11、udentswithout considering their achievementson having an excellent year and wished them well at their new schools.But as another years graduation is coming soon, Im left feeling uneasy. Not to take away anything from my present class of wonderful students as they prepare to head out to new schools,I

12、 believe that such ceremonies should be held at the end of high school and college. Is it too much or too soon to celebrate our children and their achievements?1.Why did the parent send the author the email?A.To ask him to give her son an award.B.To make a complaint about how her son had been treate

13、d.C.To ask for some information about the graduation day.D.To report her sons possible absence from the graduation.2.What does the author find most difficult about the graduation ceremony?A.Dealing with parent emails.B.Saying goodbye to his students.C.Deciding who will receive awards.D.Freeing his s

14、tudents from pressure.3.Whats the authors attitude towards graduation ceremonies?A.They are a waste of money.B.They are only meaningful for college students.C.They are not proper for primary school students.D.They are not a good way to celebrate students achievements.完形填空When my best friend, Jane, a

15、nd I were 16, we were in the same class. About a week before Thanksgiving Day, we found our teacher Edward was having some financial(经济的) 1. We wanted to do something to help him, so we decided to 2 food, clothing and gifts to 3 his family had a merry Thanksgiving Day.When Jane told her family about

16、 our plan, her mother was4. Together they 5 their house for things they could 6. Her mother went to the kitchen, pulling out a big turkey and saying, “Thanksgiving Day wont be 7 without a turkey dinner.” To this day, Jane 8 how moved she was by her mothers generosity(慷慨).Before 9 gifts, we said some

17、 words of appreciation for the wonderful chance to 10 others. I will never forget the 11 look of our teacher and his wife when they 12 the door; their four children stood around them as we handed out the gifts. It was a cold night. 13, we all felt warm inside.Last month 14 I was in a meeting, my sec

18、retary informed me, “Your high school teacher Mr. Edward is wondering if you could 15 him a few minutes. Hes sitting in your office right now!”We hugged and began to speak of the last 42 years. He told me that what warmed his heart that night was to see a group of teenagers who understood the spirit

19、 of Thanksgiving Day. 1.A.informationB.difficultiesC.moneyD.food2.A.gatherB.produceC.buyD.change3.A.find outB.make sureC.make clearD.point out4.A.embarrassedB.disappointedC.movedD.calm5.A.decoratedB.soldC.searchedD.cleaned6.A.sell outB.use upC.throw awayD.give away7.A.ordinaryB.completeC.usualD.impo

20、rtant8.A.regretsB.thinksC.remembersD.explains9.A.sendingB.receivingC.openingD.posting10.A.challengeB.impressC.foolD.help11.A.anxiousB.surprisedC.charmingD.terrified12.A.pushedB.knockedC.answeredD.closed13.A.BesidesB.ThereforeC.OtherwiseD.However14.A.whileB.afterC.before D.since15.A.spareB.bringC.sav

21、eD.award答案基础过关练.1.event2.awesome3.uniform4.humbly5.downstairs6.gathering7.flight8.accent.1.wake up2.calm;down3.date back to4.stand for5.put up.1.description考查名词。句意:见过他的人都能形容出他的模样来。根据设空处前的冠词a可以判断,此处应用名词且应用名词单数形式;设空处表示“描述”,故填description。2.thoroughly考查副词。句意:他惊奇地发现他的房间被彻底打扫了,并且一切都布置得井井有条。修饰动词cleaned应该用副

22、词作状语。thoroughly彻底地;完全地。3.to考查介词。句意:好的译文不仅要与原文形似,而且要神似。be similar to与相似。4.graduation考查名词。句意:毕业后,她参加了工作来帮弟弟妹妹们交学费。由空前的介词After可知空处应用名词作After的宾语,由语境可知空处表示“毕业”,故填graduation。.1.cant help eating up2.It is believed that3.to have left4.have been selected to take part in能力提升练.1.B推理判断题。由第四段中的“I am going to sav

23、e him from the embarrassment and favoritism that has been shown all year and will not have him at the graduation”可知,这位发邮件的家长认为自己的孩子在学校遭受了不好的对待,并声称将不让孩子参加毕业典礼。因此可推断她发邮件的目的是表达不满。2.C细节理解题。由第五段中的“Awards are part of the end-of-year excitement at my school and the hardest thing I have to do with all year.

24、”可知,作者认为关于毕业典礼最难办的事情是决定班里哪些学生在毕业典礼上获奖。3.C推理判断题。由最后一段中的“I believe that such ceremonies should be held at the end of high school and college. Is it too much or too soon to celebrate our children and their achievements?”可知,作者认为隆重的毕业典礼应该是高中或大学毕业时举行的仪式,对于小孩子来说太早也太出格。由此可推断作者认为毕业典礼不适合小学生。1.B根据“We wanted to do something to help him, so we decided to 2 food, clothing and gifts to3his family had a merry Thanksgiving Day.”可知爱德华老师有经济困难(difficulties),“我们”送东西去慰问。故选B项。2.A根据第二段中提到简和她的家人一起搜寻可赠送的东西可知,此处应


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