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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、She _on the phone,so I just smiled at her and went away.Ahas talkedBwas talkingCwill talkDi

2、s talking2、 Dont worry! Im sure your son will arrive safely. - But if he _, what can I do? Its getting dark and its going to rain.Awont come Bdoesnt come Cisnt coming Dwouldnt come3、Excuse me, madam. Would you please the total cost of the trip?一All right, I will make it at once.Agive outBlook outCta

3、ke outDwork out4、Have you watched the latest TV program Running Mat?Of course! Its popular with_the young_the old.Aeither; orBneither; norCboth; andDnot; but5、To cut down waste /plu:n/, we should take our own bags to go shopping.ApopularBpollutionCpopulationDprogress6、-Excuse me, I wonder _ I can pa

4、y for the new shoes?-You can pay by using wechat or Alipay(支付宝).AwhetherBwhenChowDwhy7、-Who should be responsible for this terrible traffic accident?-Its not the right time to discuss that. _, we should send her to hospital.AAs a result BAll in all CAbove all8、More and more foreign students come to

5、the Confucius Institute(孔子学院) to learn _Chinese.AaBanCtheD不填9、- Nobody likes to be , so we should be kind to everyone. - I agree with you.Alaughed atBlooked atCgood atDknocked at10、Thanks to Project Hope, _ children have better lives.Athousands ofBthousandsCthousand of. 完形填空11、I lived in a poor fami

6、ly with my wonderful mother. She often told me that no matter how poor a person was, he could still afford a dream. My dream was athletics. When I was sixteen, I started playing baseball. I could throw a ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and 1 anything that moved on the field.I was also 2 : my high scho

7、ol coach was John, who believed in me and taught me how to believe in myself. Hetaughtme the difference 3 having a dream and remaining true to that dream. One unusual 4 with Coach John changed my life forever. A friend helped me to find a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket for a

8、new bike, new clothes and the 5 of saving for a house for my mother. Then I realized I would have to 6 up summer baseball and that meant I would have to tell John I wouldnt be playing. When I told John, he was 7 as I expected him to be. You have your whole life to work, he said. You dont have too ma

9、ny playing days in your life. You cant afford to waste them. I stood before him with my head 8 , trying to think of the 9 that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his disappointment in me.How much are you going to make at this job

10、, son? he asked. 3.5 dollars an hour, I replied. Well, he asked, Is $ 3.5 an hour the price of a dream? That simple question made me understand the difference between wanting something right now and having a goal. I decided myself to play sports that summer and within the year I was taken on by the

11、Pittsburgh Pirates to play baseball, and was 10 a $ 20 000 agreement. Two years later, I bought my mother the house of my dream!1Akick Bhit Cpass Dplay2Aright Bshy Clucky Dcomfortable3Abetween Bto Cabout Din4Aaccident Binterview Cproblem Dexperience5Aidea Bstart Cview Dpurpose6Aput Btake Cpick Dgive

12、7Asad Bhappy Cfrightened Dhelpful8Aup Boff Con Ddown9Aanswers Bexcuses Cwords Dways10Agot Bpaid Coffered Dpresented. 语法填空12、When you finish high school or university, is learning done? The answer is “no”. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives.1is lifelong(终身的) learning importan

13、t? How can it help you?You go to school and learn. You study. You take tests.2learning doesnt only happen in school. Learning doesnt3when you graduate from high school or college. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can4when you go to a museum. It can5happen when you get a job. You

14、learn when you6sports or when you take a trip.7is life! We never stop learning. Every day you can improve yourself by learning something8.Lets look at one example of lifelong learning in Japan. In Japan, lifelong learning is very important. People in Japan like to try new learning activities. Music,

15、 calligraphy(书法) and foreign languages are some of their9classes.When we graduate from school, we should10on learning. Make lifelong learning one of your goals!. 阅读理解A13、There are different ways to store fish. One way to keep fish for future use is canning it. Well have this article describing, step

16、 by step, how to prepare dried fish.Begin with fish that are out of the water. If the fish are small, leave their heads on. Cut off the heads if the fish are longer than twenty centimeters or weigh more than one hundred fifteen grams.Now clean the freshly caught fish. Cut off the scales and cut open

17、 the stomach. Remove everything inside. Then wash the fish in clean water and fill salt into them.Next, put the fish in a container with a solution (溶液) of three hundred grams of salt and one liter of water. This will remove the blood from the meat. Keep the fish in the saltwater for about thirty mi

18、nutes. After that , wash them again in clean water.Next, put the fish in a solution that has more salt in the water. The water should be salty enough so that the fish can float to the top. If the fish sink to the bottom of the container, add more salt to the water.Cover the container with a clean pi

19、ece of wood. Place a heavy stone on the wood to hold it down. Leave the fish there for about six hours.After that, remove them from the saltwater and place them on a clean surface. Cover the fish with a clean piece of white cloth and let them dry.根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1What is this article mainl

20、y about?AAbout all kinds of fishes.BAbout how to store fish.CAbout how to cook.DAbout food.2Which of the following is TRUE?ACut off the heads if the fish are longer than twenty centimeters.BCut off the heads if the fish are very small.CIf the fish weigh more than one hundred fifteen grams, leave the

21、ir heads on.DLeave all the heads of the fishes on.3What is the solution of salt and water for?ATo make the fish clean and dry.BTo make the meat more delicious.CTo keep the meat fresh.DTo remove the blood from the fish.4If the solution is not salty enough, _.AThe fish can not float to the top.BThe fi

22、sh can float to the top.CThe fish will dry.DThe fish will go bad.5Which of the following is in the correct order?Acut off the scales cut off the heads open the stomach.Bremove everything inside the stomach wash the fish fill salt into them.Cplace a stone on the wood put the fish in salt water cover

23、the container with wood.Dcover the fish with cloth put them on a heavy stone let them dry.B14、We know the mosquito very well. Mosquitoes fly everywhere. They can be found almost all over the world, and there are more than 2,500 kinds of them.No one likes the mosquito. But the mosquito may decide tha

24、t she loves you. She? Yes, she. Its true that male mosquito doesnt bite (咬) and only the female mosquito bites because she needs blood to lay eggs. She is always looking for things or people she wants to bite. If she likes what she finds, she bites. But if she doesnt like your blood, she will turn t

25、o someone else for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites you, just remember you are chosen. Youre different from the others!If the_likes you, she lands on your body without letting you know. She bites you so quickly and quietly that you may not feel anything different. After she bites, yo

26、u will have an itch (痒) on your body because she puts something from her mouth together with your blood. By the time the itching begins, and she has flown away.And then what happens? Well, after her delicious dinner, the mosquito feels tired. She just wants to find a place to have a good rest. There

27、, on a leaf or a wall, she begins to lay eggs, hundreds of eggs.1The underlined word “Mosquito” means _ in Chinese.A苍蝇 B蜻蜓C蝴蝶 D蚊子2There are more than _ kinds of mosquitoes in the world.A4 B40C2, 500 D2, 500,0003If the mosquito doesnt bite you, it will _.Aget angry with you Bbe afraid of youCmake a l

28、ot of noise Dchoose another one4The mosquito bites you _.Awhen youre playing Bbecause you have chosen itCtoo quickly to let you know Dbut doesnt like you5Which of the following sentences is wrong?AMale mosquito doesnt bite.BMosquitoes need blood to lay eggs.CThe itching begins after the mosquito bit

29、es you.DAll the mosquitoes dont like to bite people for blood.C15、 When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word, into your own language. Take the sentence “How do you do?” as example. If you look up each word in the dictionary, once at a time, what

30、is your translation? It must be a wrong sentence in your own language. Languages do not just have different sounds, they are different in many ways. Its important to master(掌握) the rules for word order(顺序) in the study of English, too. If the speakers put words in a wrong order, the listener cant un

31、derstand his sentence easily. Sometimes when the order of words in an English sentence is changed, the meaning of the sentence changes. But sometimes the order is changed, the meaning of the sentence doesnt change. Lets see the difference between the two pairs of sentences. “She only likes apples.”

32、“Only she likes apples.”“I have seen the film already.” “I have already seen the film.”When you are learning English, you must do your best to get the spirit of the language and use it as the English speaker does.1What does the underlined word “translation” mean in Chinese?A翻译B解释C意思D交通2Which of the

33、following is the authors opinion about learning English?AIt is difficult to understand different sounds in learning English.BIt is possible to remember the word order in learning English.CIt is important to master the rules in different ways in learning English.DIt is easy to master the rules for wo

34、rd order in learning English.3Which of the following expressions is TRUE?AThe meaning of an English sentence always changes with the order of words.BThe order of words can never change the meaning of an English sentence.CSometimes a different order of word has a different meaning.DIf the order of wo

35、rds is different, the meaning of the sentence must be different.4“She only likes apples.” _Ais the same as “Only she likes apples.”Bis different from “Only she likes apples.”Cmeans “She likes fruit especially apples.”Dmeans “She doesnt like apples.”5Which is the best title for this passage?AHow to P

36、ut English into Our Own LanguageBDifferent Orders, Different MeaningsCHow to Speak EnglishDHow to Learn EnglishD16、April will bring a new product the Apple Watch into the market. Last week, the watch was firstly introduced by Tim Cook, Apples CEO. The price of the watch will differ from $349 to $1,0

37、99, depending on its size, strap and whether it is a sports or regular version.Apple engineers and designers have put in a lot of thought and hard work into creating this small screen on your wrist(手腕). The sensor on the screen not only detects your finger, but knows the difference between when you

38、are tapping, and when you are pressing harder.The watch also has “haptic feedback(触觉反馈)”. You can send personal messages to your friend - such as drawing a star or a special sign with your fingers, or tapping the watch, say 3 times, and your friend will receive those taps on their wrist.Besides tell

39、ing the time, the watch will use bluetooth to connect with your iPhone and show calls or text messages that come in.According to Tim Cook, the watch may open up a whole new area of applications that we had never thought of. Some car factories like BMW have developed an app that allows its car owners

40、 to open their cars with the watch. A Hotels app may allow you to open the door to your hotel room without worrying about losing the smart-card. And finally, even airlines are jumping in - passengers may be able to simply wave their wrist to check into their flight.The biggest use of the watch, howe

41、ver, is as your personal fitness coach. The watch can measure your pulse (heartbeat) using a sensor at the bottom of the watch. It also has the same accelerometer as your iPhone, so it knows when you are moving, and also how much you are walking or running. It will remind you if you have been sittin

42、g for too long without much activity.Many stores are planning to stop selling the Nike, Jawbone and FitBit devices(设备) to welcome the Apple Watch. Will Apple Watch really replace these devices and make fitness much more fun?1We can learn from the passage that the Apple Watch _.Ais designed by Tim Co

43、okBwas brought into the market last weekCsells at different prices for different coloursDwill come into the market this coming April2With apple watch, you can _.Adevelop your own personal appBconnect your iphone with your ipadCreceive personal messages from your friends iphoneDsend personal messages

44、 to your friends apple watches3Many businesses help push for the uses of apple watch EXCEPT _.Ahospitals BhotelsCairlines Dcar factories4Many stores are planning to stop selling FitBit devices because _.Aall of the devices are sold outBthey cannot make fitness funCthey want to welcome the Apple Watc

45、hDApple Watch can replace FitBit devices completelyE17、For SaleAn iPhone 4, second-hand, 90% new, the price can be negotiated (协商) in person, call Coco at 757-6589Looking to rentOne-bedroom apartment, from January 1stto April 30th, with bath and shower, near the dining hall of the university but not

46、 inside the university.Call Charlie at 422-3895LostLost two days ago near Man Street. Puppy is only 8 months old. He is a black schnauzer. It is priceless for me. Reward. Call Salina at 633-7856FoundA purple wallet was found on the street in Packard-Jewett area yesterday afternoon, Sep. 22nd. Please

47、 call Jason at 909-8972.1You can get in touch with _ if you want to buy an old cell phone.AElaineBCocoCSalinaDJason2Charlie wishes to rent an apartment _.Awhich is near restaurantsBwhich is in the universityCwhich has a dining hallDwhich he can take a shower in3From the last two advertisements, we k

48、now _.Athe puppy has been missing for 8 monthsBthe purple wallet was found on Sep. 21stCSalina loves the puppy very muchDSalina lived on Man StreetF18、Would you completely trust your friends if you couldnt see anything? If you are falling, do you believe they will catch you and help you stand up? Ou

49、r teacher helped us to find the answer.Our teacher is named Morrie. One day, he said that he had a game for us to try. He divided us into two groups. One of the students from the first group, stands in front of us with his eyes closed, and then falls backwards(向后). The second group stand behind him.

50、 Before he falls on the floor, they should catch him and not let him get hurt. Most of us were uncomfortable with this. We were afraid that they wouldnt catch us and we would hit the floor. So we didnt move. We just stood there and laughed in embarrassment(尴尬).Finally, one student, thin, quiet, dark

51、-haired girl called Sarah, decided to move. She crossed her arms in front of her body, closed her eyes, and slowly fell backwards. She looked quiet but brave.For a moment, I was sure she was going to fall on the floor. But before she hit the floor, the other students caught her, held her and finally help


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