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1、2014年湖南省普通高中学业水平考试英语试卷(真实问题)这篇论文分为听力技术、知识使用、阅读技术和写作技术四个部分,共7页。120分,100分满分。听力技术的第一部分(共两部分)。满分20分)做听力技能的时候,请先在试卷上回答。在听力技术结束前两分钟,将第1至第16题的答案涂在答题纸上。把答案写在答题纸上,从17号到20号。理解第一节听力(共16个问题;每个问题1分,满分16分)请听下面9个对话。每个对话后有一个或多个小问题,从标题中给定的A. B. C选项中选择最好的选项,并在试卷上的相应位置显示出来。听每个对话之前,应该有时间读每个问题。每个问题5秒;听后,给出5秒的响应时间。每次对话读两

2、次。听下面的对话,回答问题1。I. How much is the shirt?A 19.13.B 9.18.C. 9.15答案是c。1.What makes Tim upset?A.the chemistry test . b . the physics test . c . the math stest .听下面的对话,回答问题2/2.Where is the man going?A.to the teachers office。B. to the bus stop.c. to the hotel .听下面的对话,回答第三个问题。3.Whom will the man buy a T-sh

3、irt for?A.his mother。B. his father。C. his brother .听下面的对话,回答问题4。4.how many children are there in ann s family?A.One。B. Two .C. Three .听下面的对话,回答第五个问题。5.When will the two speakers meet?A.at 9.30 a . m . b . at 9.00 a . m . c . at 8.30 a . m听下面的对话,回答6至7两个小问题。6.What is the weather like tomorrow?A.Foggy。

4、B. Windy .C. Sunny .7.how does the woman know the weather?A.by watching TV . b . by listening to the radio . c . by reading new papers。听下面的对话,用小标题回答8-10三次。8.which country is the new student from?A.美国。b .中国。C. Italy .9.what s the relationship between the two speakers?A.work mates . b . strangers . c

5、. class mates。10.Who wants to go to China?A.the boy .B. the girl .C. the new student .听下面的对话,用11至13号小标题回答。11.which subject does the woman want to improve?A.her English . b . her Spanish . c . her French12.Who gives the woman the advice?A.Mr green . b . Mr black . c . Mr Jackson。13.whatdoes the man s

6、uggest the woman getting?a . ao mp4b . a mobile phone . c . a dictionary。听下面的对话,用第14至16小标题回答。14.why can t Lin go to nan s birth day party?A.because she is too busy。B. because she doesnt like parties。C.because herparents don t allow her to .15.who usually busys the clothes for Lin?A.her mother。B. her

7、 father .C. her sister .16.what can Lin do with her friends on Sunday nights?A.buy new clothes . b . play sports . c . seemovies。第二节成绩单要点(共4个问题;每个问题1分,满分4分)听下面的资料,补充第17至20题的信息,每个小题不超过3个单词。在听资料之前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每个问题;听完后,每个问题会给你15秒的回答肘。本段把资料读了两遍。Car Problems in ChinaSituationthe number of cars will be 140

8、 million by 17。Effectsthere are more traffic jams and road accidents。polu tion is already a 18 problem in China。Advicepeople should 19 twist before thev buv a ernment must 20 action to solve the problem知识使用的第二部分(共2个,20分满分)第一节单个填空(共10个问题;每个问题1分,10分满分)从a、b、c、d选项中选择填充空白空间的最佳选项,并将答案纸上的项目涂黑。示例it i

9、s generally considered unewise to give a child he or she wants。A.however b . whatever c . whichever d . whenever的答案是b。21.I often go to the school library with friends at weekends。A.my b.mine c.me d.i22.smoking kils,so you stop smoking。A.may B. can C. must D. dare23.we have not given up the search fo

10、r the missing plane MH 370,a . don t web . haven t we c . do wed . have we24.this is the city Daniel visiited last summer vacation。A.who B. which C. whom D. whose25._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is reported that the no . 2 under ground in Changsha is now in use。A.It B. That C. This D. There26.莎拉王ts to know she ha

11、s passed the exam or not。A.why ing a good way to learn about the world .A.is B. are C. have D. has28.the 31 ST summer Olympic games _ _ _ _ in Brazil in 2016。A.have held B. held C. are held。will be held29.both Jeff and Joan have been learning Chinese they came to China

12、in 2013。A.while B. since C. until D. before30.you can ask your teachers you when you have troubles。a . helpsb . helpiced c . to helper . helpping第二节cloze(共10个问题;每个问题1分,10分满分)阅读t面短文,了解其宗旨,然后在第31-40题中给出的a,b,c,d选项中选择最合适的选项,并在答书卡上涂黑该项目。have you ever heard the radio club in our school?it is great because

13、 it is run by the students for the school。Kate Jones is 31 as she is one of the hosts .It was 32 two years ago.one day,Kate just began thinking about 33 for every one,So she asked the headquarters if music could be played during bethe club is much more than music。every morning the hosts 36 the Irsch

14、olmates about the weather,recent news,and some special messages that they are required to broadcastwhen parents come to visit the school And talk to the teachers,Kate And her fellows 37 play songs sung by students,And also give messages to inso凯特尼斯谢威尔miss the radio club after graduation,40 she knows

15、 that it will continue without her。31.A. afraid B. shy C. lucky D. angry32 . a . started b . made c . found d . ended33 . a . paintings b . sport sc . stories d . music34 . a . order b . question c . idead . speech35.A. to B. about C. as D. from36.A. tell B. warn C. call D. ask37 . a . never b . oftenc . seldom d . hardly38 . a . foreigners b . reporters c . friendds . parents39.A. club B. party C. team D. class40.A. thus B. but C. or D.


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