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1、using language “THE TRUE NORTH”,Toronto,Montreal,to,from,Toronto,导,CN Tower 加拿大国家电视塔,Toronto from the CN Tower.,Niagara Falls尼亚加拉大瀑布,Chinatown 唐人街,Montreal 蒙特利尔是加拿大第二大城市和世界最大河港之一,全国工商业、金融、文化中心。,Olympic stadium 奥运体育场,St. Lawrence River圣劳伦斯河,思,Task 1,What is the main idea of this part? A. The whole tr

2、avel in Canada of the cousins. B. What they have done and seen during the trip in Toronto and Montreal. C. The cousins feeling about Canada D. The delicious food and beautiful sights in Toronto and Montreal.,Fill in the blanks according to the time order .,the next morning,around noon,late that nigh

3、t,They saw beautiful _and realized that _ had come.,They arrived in _.,The train left.,bushes and maple trees,fall,Toronto,around dusk,They met _ in downtown Chinatown.,Lin Fei,思,Task 2,at dawn the next morning,in the afternoon,the night,They arrived in_ .,They spent the afternoon in _ and visiting

4、the artists in their workplaces beside the water.,The train was speeding down to the distant_ .,Montreal,lovely shops,East Coast,Task3:Find the details about the cities they visit,Toronto - the _ _ city,Scenery 1 : Scenery2 :The misty cloud rising from the great_ Scenery 3:_, home of several famous

5、basketball team. Scenery4 :_,one of the three in Toronto,biggest,most wealthy,CN Tower,Niagara Fall,covered stadium,Chinatown,There is good_food,because most of the Chinese people there came from _, especially_.,Cantonese,South China,Hong Kong,task2:Find the details about the cities they visit,Montr

6、eal - a city with wonderful restaurants and clubs,Language: _ and _ Scenery:broad _ The city has _ culture and tradition The city has good coffee, _ and_,French,English,St Lawrence River,French,bread,music,go on a trip /tour to sp.,议、展、评,Task1: 翻译重点短语,1. 去某地旅行_ 2. 在远处 _ 3.as far as_ 4.在黎明_ 5. go dow

7、ntown_ 6.over dinner _,in the distance,远至;就.而言,at dawn,去市区,吃饭期间,1.terrify vt.意为_ adj._惊恐的 adj._ 令人害怕的 害怕做某事_ 因.而害怕_ 恐吓某人做某事_ 【学以致用】 From the boys _ look, we knew that the _noise _ him. He wants to start his own business but he _ _ _ failure(害怕失败),Task2:重点语言点,使恐怖;恐吓,terrified,be terrified of doing st

8、h.,terrifying,be terrified at sth.,terrify sb. into doing sth.,terrifying,terrified,terrified,of,is,terrified,2. impress vt.意为_ n._ adj._ 给某人留下.印象_ He _ me deeply_ his sense of humor. 他的幽默感给我留下了深刻的印象 = I _ _ _by /with his sense of humor. = His sense of humor _ _ _ _on me.,使印象深刻;使铭记,impression 印象,imp

9、ressive 给人印象深刻的,impressed,with,was,deeply,impression,deep,a,left,impressed,impress sb with sth=impress sth on/upon sb =make/leave an impression on sb,3. in the distance distance n_ adj._遥远的;远处的;久远的 【学以致用】 I can see lights _ _ _(在远处) The tower can be seen _ _ _ _ 30 miles.(从. 远的地方) The only way I can

10、 cope with her is to _ _ _ _ _.(与她保持一段距离),距离,distant,in the distance,from a distance,of,at a distance,keep,her,4. as far as_ 据我所知_ 在我看来_ 依我看_ as long as_ as soon as_ as well as _ 【学以致用】 You can borrow my dictionary _ _ _ you return it tomorrow. He lay in bed _ _ _ he arrived at home. _ _ _ I am conc

11、erned, you can do whatever you like. Helen _ _ _ I _(be) eager to see the performance.,远至;就.而言,as far as I know,as far as I am concerned,只要,一.就,也,又,as long as,as soon as,As far as,as well as,is,as far as I can see,四、检 用本节课所学的短语填空 1. They started _ _, hoping to arrive before 8:00 am. 2. _ _ _ I can see,it is impossible. 3. I am _ _ flying. Id rather go by tr


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