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1、Unit 15 On Reading,Text Explanation Part II,Paragraph 4 (Part 1),But let no one think that pleasure is immoral. Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences may be such that the sensible person eschews certain varieties of it. Nor need pleasure be gross and sensual. They ar

2、e wise in their generation who have discovered that intellectual pleasure is the most staisfying and the most enduring. It is well to acquire the habit of reading.,immoral,(adj.)1. deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong; 2. not adhering to ethical or moral principles; 3.deviat

3、ing from what is considered right or proper or good We believe that cloning should be banned because it is immoral.我们认为克隆应该被禁止因为它是不道德的。 The immoral behavior has hurt her reputation.那不道德的行为损害了她的声誉。,eschew,(v.)avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of A civilized leader must eschew violence

4、.文明领导人必须避免使用暴力。 We eschew any theoryof history, preferring to see merit in a number of basic concepts.我们避开任何历史“理论”,宁愿在众多概念中发现有价值的东西。 They must eschew all thought of greed and lust.他们必须避开所有贪婪和欲望的想法。,sensual,(adj.)1. marked by the appetites and passions of the body; 2. sexually exciting or gratifying

5、sensualism (n.) 1. desire for sensual pleasures2. (philosophy) the ethical doctrine that feeling is the only criterion for what is good sensualness (n.) the quality of being sensual,enduring,long lasting; tolerant; unceasing Tim and Harry knew they would have an enduring friendship.提姆与哈利知道他们的友谊会持续到永

6、远。 I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order.我相信真理和公正对社会秩序的长治久安至关重要。 The only road to enduring prosperity and stability is through open markets and open trade.持续繁荣和稳定的唯一道路是打开市场和开放贸易。,Paragraph 4 (Part 2),To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself

7、a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. Almost all, I say, for I would not go so far as to pretend that to read a book will assuage the pangs of hunger or still the pain of unrequited love; but half a dozen good detective stories and a hot water bottle will enable anyone to snap his fingers a

8、t the worst cold in the head. But who is going to acquire the habit of reading for readings sake, if he is bidden to read books that bored him?,go so far as to,Others go so far as to say that the capitalists are even better than the workers.甚至有人说,资本家比工人还要高明一点。 Some really keen enthusiasts go so far

9、as to stay up late for the “sofa” of a new post.有一些发烧友甚至熬至深夜,以占得新贴的“沙发”。 Theres some truth in what you said, but personally, I wouldnt go so far as to change my diet altogether.您说得有些道理,不过就我个人而言,我还不至于完全改变我的饮食。 I love football, but I wont go so far as to stay up late for a live broadcast.我喜欢足球,但我还不至于熬

10、夜看直播。,assuage,(v.)1. cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of; 2. satisfy (thirst); 3. provide physical relief, as from pain The doctor tried his best to assuage his illness.医生尽自己的努力去减轻他的病症。 This combination could fuel instability rather than assuage it.这种组合只会激起而不是减轻不稳定。 I believe

11、theres a dialogue to be had, which will assuage their fears, I hope, he said.他说:“我相信我们之间可以相互对话,我希望借此能减少他们的一些忧虑。”,pang,(n.)1. a sudden sharp feeling; 2. a mental pain or distress; 3. a sharp spasm of pain Except for a small pang her headache has gone.除了偶有不适外她的头痛已经好了。 And me, for once in my life, I fe

12、lt a real pang of guilt.而我,有生以来第一次,感受到了真正意义上负罪感的剧痛。 She experienced a pang of sadness.她感到一阵悲痛。,still (v.),(v.)1. make calm or still; 2. cause to be quiet or not talk; 3. lessen the intensity of or calm; 4. make motionless The teacher finally came to still the chaotic classroom.老师终于来制止教室里的混乱了。 Jack s

13、tilled the horse and jump off.杰克勒住马跳了下来。,unrequited,adj.not returned in kind无回报的; 无报酬的 He falls in love very easily and often its unrequited love.他总是很快爱上某人,而且往往是单相思。 Otherwise, unrequited love is a sadness, regarded only as a burden.否则,单相思是一种哀愁,只被别人当成是一种负担。 unrequited transfer无偿转让 requite (v.) make

14、repayment for or return something She requited his love with coldness.她对他的爱报以冷淡态度。,snap ones finger,Many tasks that had previously required physical strength can now be done with the snap of a finger. So why bother wasting time turning the pages of encyclopedias if in just a snap of a finger you hav

15、e what you needed? Do you think they can quit drinking at the snap of a finger? Do not call out by tapping coins on the counter, snap your finger or wave like a drowning swimmer.,bidden,bid (v.) 1. propose a payment; 2. invoke upon; 3. ask for or request earnestly; 4. make a demand, as for a card or

16、 a suit or a show of hands; 5. make a serious effort to attain something; 6. ask someone in a friendly way to do something出价;叫牌;努力争取 Susan and his friends stood around to bid him adieu.苏珊和他的朋友们站在周围,对他说再见。 Most of the guests bidden to the feast were big names.应邀赴宴的客人中多半是知名人士。 He was bidden to finish

17、the work on schedule.他被要求按规定时间完成工作.,Paragraph 5 (Part1),It is more convenient to take the books of which I am now going to speak in chronological order, but I can see no reason why, if you make up your mind to read them, you should do so in that order. I think you would be much better advised to rea

18、d them according to your fancy; nor do I see even why you should read them one by one. For my own part, I find it more agreeable to read four or five books together.,chronological,adj.relating to or arranged according to temporal order An article can be written in chronological,spatial or logical or

19、der.文章可以按时间, 空间或逻辑顺序来写. Events in a narrative are usually related in chronological order, that is in the order which they occur.在记叙文中,时间通常是按照其发生的先后顺序来叙述的,这叫顺叙。 chronology (n.) a record of events in the order of their occurrence年表,agreeable,(adj.) 1. conforming to your own liking or feelings or natur

20、e; in keeping He looked round upon us with a most agreeable smile他带着十分爽朗的笑容向我们环顾了一下。 Silence, in this case, would have been more agreeable!在这种情况下,缄默会更令人接受。 Do you find it agreeable to share your money with your gallerist?你认为和画廊老板分摊你的经济收入是合理的?,Paragraph5 (Part 2),After all, you arent in the same mood

21、 on one day as on another, nor have you the same eagerness to read a certain book at all hours of the day. We must suit ourselves in these matters, and I have naturally adopted the plan that best suits me. In the morning before I start work I read for a while a book, either of science or philosophy,

22、 that requires a fresh and attentive brain. It sets me off for the day.,eagerness,(n.) 1. a positive feeling of wanting to push ahead with something; 2. prompt willingness He studied English with great eagerness before going abroad.出国前他如饥似渴地学习英语。 He could neither understand nor sympathize with my ea

23、gerness.对于我的急切心情,他既无法理解也不能体谅。 It didnt take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions.很快我就失去了回答问题的热情。,adopt,(v.)1. choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans; 2. take up and practice as ones own; 3. take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities; 4. take on a c

24、ertain form, attribute, or aspect; 5. take into ones family; 6. put into dramatic form; 7. take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as ones own The committee ultimately adopted his suggestions.委员会最终采纳了他的建议。 You should adopt a precise method to complete the project.你应该采用一种

25、精确的方法来完成这一方案。,attentive,(adj.) 1. (often followed by to) giving care or attention; 2. taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention The attendants attend the meeting and pretend to be attentive.侍者们参加了会议,并假装专心的样子。 Here is some advice if you would like to be a good conversationalist: be an attent

26、ive listener.如果你想成为一名优秀的会话者,这里有一些建议:作一名忠实的听众; attentively: (adv.) in an attentive manner,set.off,He checked his compass and set off.他看了一下罗盘就出发了。 It was to the point where a slight nudge could set us off.哪怕是轻轻地用手肘碰下我们,我们都会被激怒。 When waves of a certain intensity are detected, the alarms are set off.当具有

27、一定强度的波被探测到以后,警报就会发出。 Look over there. A ship there is about to set off.你快看。那边有船只要启航了。,Paragraph 5 (Part 3),Later on, when my work is done and I feel at ease, but not inclined for mental exercise of a strenuous character, I read history, essays, criticism or biography; and in the evening I read a nov

28、el. Besides these, I keep on hand a volume of poetry in case I feel in the mood for that, and by my bedside I have one of those books, too rarely to be found, alas, which you can dip into at any place and stop reading with equanimity at the end of any paragraph.,at ease,Only in my home do I feel at

29、ease.只有在我家里我才觉得自在. I never feel at ease in his company跟他在一起我总是感到很不自在。 Her warm welcome soon put him at ease.她的热情欢迎很快使他安心下来。 They were also at ease with friends of different ages.而且,他们很善于跟不同年龄的人交朋友。 With two children bedridden the mother was ill at ease.两个孩子病得躺在床上,母亲非常焦急。,incline,(v.) 1. have a tende

30、ncy or disposition to do or be something; be inclined; 2. be at an angle She was inclined for a walk.她想去散散步。 I incline to his view on the matter.我赞同他对这个问题的观点。 The pagoda has inclined for more than one meter.塔已倾斜了一米多。 inclination (n.)an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over

31、 others; the act of inclining; bending forward,strenuous,(adj.)1. characterized by or performed with much energy or force; 2. taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance Take a little light exercise - nothing too strenuous.做点儿简单的练习,别做太费力的。 The government is making strenuous efforts to reforest

32、 the hill.政府正作出艰苦的努力在山上重新造林。 Avoid strenuous activity for 12 hours after your surgery.手术后12小时内,请避免进行剧烈运动。,in case,In case of emergency,please sound the alarm.万一发生紧急情况,请拉响警报。 Call me in case you have any trouble.万一您有任何麻烦,打电话给我。 In case that happens the game is over and you hear the lose sound.万一发生这种情

33、况游戏就结束,你会听到输掉的声音。 Cant you use the other card in case of need?你难道不能在必要情况下使用另一张卡吗?,dip into,(v.) read selectively; read only certain passages from a text It is enough to dip into and read bits here and there.这种书只需要浏览一下,这儿读一点,那儿读一点,也就够了。 I usually dip into a book before deciding whether to read it.我通常

34、是先把书浏览一下,再决定是否阅读这本书。 He kept dipping into the bag of sweets.他不停地从袋里取糖吃。 Well have to dip into our savings,if we are going to buy a computer.如果我们要买一台电脑,我们就得动用存款了。,equanimity,n.steadiness of mind under stress She was sure his equanimity was fictitious.她确信他的镇定是佯装的。 The minister received the bad news wi

35、th surprising equanimity.部长听到这个坏消息时,镇定得令人吃惊. She recovered her equanimity , and was an agreeable image of serene dignity.她恢复了平静,显得安祥端庄、神采奕奕。,Paragraph 6,Upon looking back on what I have written,I notice that I have more than once suggested to you that you would be wise now and then to skip. I think

36、all the books I have mentioned are important enough to be read thoroughly, but even they are more enjoyable if you exercise your right to skip. Change of taste has rendered certain parts of even great works tedious.,exercise (v.),1. put to use; 2. carry out or practice, as of jobs and professions; 3

37、. give a workout to; 4. do physical exercise; 5. learn by repetition This is a problem which is much exercising the minds of teachers.这是一个十分吸引教师们注意的问题。 You should try to exercise patience.你应当努力运用忍耐力。 What do we need to know about replenishing fluids as we exercise?当我们锻炼的时候,对补充流质需要了解什么?,render,(v.)1.

38、 cause to become; 2. provide or furnish with; 3. give an interpretation or rendition of; 4. give or supply They couldnt resist any more and decided to render up the city.他们无法继续抵抗,决定放弃这座城市。 The sages of ancient times taught us to render good for evil.古代圣贤教导我们要以德报怨。 The conquered had to render tribute

39、 to the conqueror.被征服者只得向征服者称臣纳贡。,Paragraph 6 (Part 2),We no longer want to be bothered with the moral dissertations of which the eighteenth century was so fond, nor with the lengthy descriptions of scenery which were favored in the nineteenth. When the novel became realistic authors fell in love wi

40、th detail for its own sake, and it took them a long time to discover that detail is interesting only if it is relevant.,dissertation,n.a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree论文,专题;学术演讲 I talk over my dissertation topic w

41、ith the professor.我和教授讨论毕业论文的题目。 This dissertation investigates the thematic structure in English with a grammaticalization approach.本论文从语法化的视角探讨了英语中的主位结构。,realistic,(adj.) 1. aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are; 2. representing what is real; not abstract or ideal; 3. of or re

42、lating to the philosophical doctrine of realism 现实的,逼真的;实在的;现实主义的 Love is romantic, but marriage is realistic.爱情是浪漫的,婚姻是现实的。 She gave us a realistic appraisal of our chances.她对我们的机遇做了一个现实的评估。 We have to be realistic about our chances of winning.对于我们获胜的可能性,我们要实事求是。,relevant,adj.having a bearing on or

43、 connection with the subject at issue Do you have any other relevant investment experience?您有过其他相关的投资经验吗? Do you feel deception is a particularly relevant topic to our society?您觉得欺骗是与我们社会尤为相关的一个话题么? He sent me the relevant papers on the case.他给我送来了与案例有关的文件。 irrelevant: adj.having no bearing on or co

44、nnection with the subject at issue,Paragraph 6 (Part 3),To know how to skip is to know how to read with profit and pleasure, but how you are to learn it I cannot tell you, for it is a trick I have never acquired, I am a bad skipper; I am afraid of missing something that may be of value to me, and so will read pages that only weary me; when once I begin to skip, I cannot stop, and end the book dissatisfied with myself because I am aware th


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