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1、Chapter Four International Academic Conference,第四章 国际学术会议,不同的“会议”,Meeting 会议的总称 The 3rd Biennial AsiaPacific Meeting on Diabetes Conference 为较正式的会议,通常指专业性、学术性、专题性会议 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing Symposium 指专题学术研讨会,会议议题和内容都比较窄 The International

2、Symposium on AIDS Research,不同的“会议”,Congress 是代表会议的总称,出席者具有代表性和群众性 National Peoples Congress Convention 指某一职业、政党等人士召开的大型集会 2010 NU SKIN Greater China Regional Convention Workshop泛指研讨班、讲习班、实习班 Workshop on Teaching English as a Second Language,不同的“会议”,Forum 指演讲、论坛、讨论会 Boao Forum for Asia Seminar指主题研讨会或

3、讲座,它通常组织有关专家对某个问题作专题或系列讲座 Industrial Automation Seminar,本章主要内容,会议通知 会议邀请 国际会议会前询问信 国际会议学术演讲 国际会议礼仪(课外自习),会议通知,会议通知的内容主要包括 主办单位(organizer) 日期(date) 地点(place / location / venue) 宗旨(objectives) 主题(theme) 会议征稿启示(call for papers) 论文投稿(paper submission) 特邀发言人或主题发言人(specially invited speakers / keynote spe

4、akers) 组织委员会(organizing committee) 日程安排(program schedule) 工作语言(working language) 住宿及报到注册(accommodation and registration) 联系方式 (contact),会议通知:an example,见课本【例文一】,会议邀请:发出邀请,【例文一】 Dear Colleagues, XXV International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP2011) will be held on August 7-12, 2011 in Beijing, Chi

5、na. (会议时间地点) Beijing is a modern capital with an ancient history. She is celebrated for her attractive natural surroundings, historic sites and cultural monuments (会议所在城市简介) ICP2011 aims to provide a successive opportunity for researchers (会议简介),会议邀请:发出邀请,On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the

6、 ICP2011, it is my pleasure to invite all the researchers (发出邀请) We are looking forward to meeting you in Beijing in August 2011. Chen-Ho Tung Professor of Chemistry Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee,特邀嘉宾,【例文二】 Dear Professor Wang, On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Compute

7、r Society, I am very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 98 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from August 25 to August 28, 1998. (邀请目的、会议时间地点),特邀嘉宾,You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. Your

8、participation will be among the highlights of the conference. (被邀请人身份地位) We sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the First Conference on Parallel Data Processing and we plan to make it a truly international meeting(表达希望受邀方参会的愿望),特邀嘉宾,We encl

9、ose a copy of the advance program of the conference. If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. (希望尽快收到回复 ) We are looking forward to your acceptance. Chen-Ho Tung Professor of Computer Science Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee,

10、接受会议邀请,接受邀请的回信函应注意以下几点: 重述邀请函的主要内容,并对邀请人表达谢意 表示接受邀请,并表明自己与会的相关计 对大会的成功举办表示祝愿,接受会议邀请: 【例文一】,Dear Dr. Jef Verschueren, I have received your letter dated November 15, 1997, inviting me to attend the 6th International Conference on Pragmatics to be held in Reims, France, July 19 - 22, 1998. Thank you fo

11、r your kind invitation. (邀请主要内容,并对邀请人表达谢意) I am pleased to accept your invitation and will send my paper entitled Pragmatic Features on International Academic Conferences to the Paper Committee before the required date.(接受邀请 ),接受会议邀请: 【例文一】,Thank you once again for your kind invitation and for your

12、effort in making the conference a successful one. I am looking forward to meeting you soon in Reims.(再次表达谢意及美好祝愿) Respectfully yours, (signature) printed name,拒绝会议邀请,对邀请人的盛情邀请表示感谢 对无法与会的具体原因表示歉意 对邀请人或会议的成功举办表示美好的祝愿,拒绝会议邀请: 【例文二】,Dear Professor McCardell, Many thanks for your letter dated the 15th of

13、 November, 1997, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 98 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from August 25 to 28, 1998. (对盛情邀请表示感谢) Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering

14、 from ill health since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant travel in the near future. (无法与会的具体原因),拒绝会议邀请: 【例文二】,I feel very sorry to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many of other colleagues in the field of computer science.(表示歉意) I wish the confe

15、rence a complete success. (对会议的成功举办表示美好的祝愿 ) Respectfully yours, (signature) printed name,国际会议会前询问信,询问信的写作应注意以下几点: 表明身份或从何处获得会议相关信息 询问具体内容或要求 致谢并期待回复,国际会议会前询问信:【例文一】,Dear Professor Smith, I am the Deputy Director of the Zhong-yuan Institute of Acoustics in Zhengzhou, China. (表明身份) Since we have been

16、 undertaking researches on underwater imaging and ultrasonic non-destructive testing for many years, we are very much interested in attending the Twelfth International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging, which is to be held in London, dated 5-11th July, this year. (询问内容),国际会议会前询问信:【例文一】,We should be ve

17、ry much obliged if you could kindly give us information on the deadline for the submission of abstracts, papers, and other written materials. (致谢) I am looking forward to hearing from your soon. (期待回复),国际会议学术演讲,主要内容: 1.学术会议开幕词 2.学术会议闭幕词 3.学术报告演讲 (重点) 4.学术演讲技巧 (重点) 5.学术演讲后的回答问题策略 (重点),学术报告演讲,引言 抓住听众的兴趣。可以运用事例、轶闻、经历、引言、幽默等达到这一目的。 点明演讲主题并阐述学术演讲结构 为听众提供相关背景知识 简要介绍结论,学术报告演讲,主体 层次分明、衔接恰当 主次分明,突出重点 结论 对演讲内容进行概括总结 对演讲中讨论的问题提出好的建议或解决办法 对未来学术前景进行展望 对在场听众的耐心听讲表示衷心感谢,学术演讲样稿 点评,参见 Page XX,学术演讲技巧,(1) 情绪控制情绪饱满 (2) 语音语调控制语调随意而变,随 情而变 (3) 身姿放松而不随意 (4) 手势演讲时双手要放


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