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1、BEC中级口语考试简介,By Hua Wen,BEC中级口语考试大纲,BEC口语考试形式为两考官对两考生。一位考官负责提问,主持考试并进行总体评分;另一位考官不参与提问,专门进行单项评分。口试时间为14分钟。BEC中级口语考试的内容,形式及要求如下:,口语能力,初级 能够获得并传递日常工作中的主要信息; 能够参加与熟悉话题相关的例会和研讨会,通过问题和接受指令对事实性信息进行交流; 能够表达自己的观点,并在一定程度上参与讨论。,中级 - 能够详细提供与自己工作相关的信息,并陈述具体要求。 - 能够在谈话中列举自己的观点,有一定的说服力。 - 能够较好地应对语言交流中出现的意外问题。,高级 -

2、能够对非本人工作领域的话题提问。 - 能够充分有效地论述本人的情况,能够证明某项服务的必要性,并进行准确陈述。 - 能够在讨论中有力地论述或反对某种假设场景,又足够的语言能力来谈论与本人工作相关的话题。,考察内容,BEC口语考试主要考查考生用英语进行商务交往的能力。商务交往的主要范围有:,1) 建立和保持商务联络: - 问候及回应; - 自我介绍或询问对方的身份,个性特点等; - 发出,接受或拒绝邀请; - 表示感谢和欣赏; - 提供方便,接受或拒绝帮助。,2)谈论工作 - 询问或描述工作范围和任务; - 询问或介绍公司情况; - 询问或介绍产品; - 比较不同产品的价格; - 提出自己的观点

3、或建议; - 接受或拒绝建议; - 表达需求。,3)制定计划与安排工作 - 商务会议日程和议程安排; - 商务旅行,包括预订机/车票和房间,订餐结帐,旅行咨询等。,BEC中级口语考试的评分标准,BEC中级口语考试的评分包括两部分:一位考官根据考生的整体表现给出总体印象分(0-5分),另一位主考官根据语法词汇,话语组织,发音,互动交际四方面给出单项分(0-5分):,1)语法词汇-语法形式是否准确,是否有一定的变化,词汇量是否丰富,运用是否恰当。,2)话语组织- 组织话语是否连贯,是否切题,长度是否合适。,3)发音- 发音是否清楚,是否恰当运用重读,节奏和语调来表达意义和情感。,4)互动交际- 是

4、否积极参加交际,是否恰当运用交际策略,如轮流讲话,根据交际需要承接话题或转变话题或提问等。,中级口语考试仿真样题,Part Interview ( about 3 minutes) In this part interlocutor asks some questions to each of the candidates in turn. Candidates have to give information about themselves and express personal opinions.,Questions for Phase 1: Where are you from? W

5、hat do you do? What do you like best about your studies? How do you describe your hometown?,Questions for Phase 2: Whats your career ambition? Do you think it is necessary for employers to offer staff training? Why? What do you think of the spirit of teamwork in business?,Part Mini-Presentation ( ab

6、out 6 minutes) In this part each candidate is asked to choose one from three business topics ( A, B, C) and give a short talk on it for about one minute. Candidates have one minute to prepare. After that, they have to answer a question their partner asks about their talk.,A: What is important when p

7、reparing for a job interview? - find more information about the organization - getting some advice from friends B: What is important when hoping to improve customer service? - reward for customers - customers needs analysis - lower prices or discounts C: What is significant in motivating employees?

8、- training opportunities - career development opportunities - bonus,Part Collaborative Task and Discussion ( about 5 minutes) In this part candidate are given a card of situation description. They have 30 seconds to have a quick look at the card and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic together

9、. They should give reasons for their decisions and opinions. The oral examiners will just listen to their discussion and then ask them a few questions related to the topic.,Skills for Each Part,Interview 1. Skills 2. Useful Expressions 3. Regular Topics Mini-Presentation 1. Introduction 2. Skills 3.

10、 Useful Expressions 4. Regular Topics Collaborative Task and Discussion 1. Skills 2. Related Subjects 3. Useful Expressions 4. Regular Topics,应试技巧(Interview ),1)第一阶段的问候和介绍非常简单,相当于热身练习,该部分主要是用来活跃气氛,缓解考生的紧张情绪,所以考生只需作简单回答,就事论事,两句话足够。,2)考生在听考官提问时要细心,通常考官先问考生A,同一问题轮到考生B时,考官会用what about you, how about you

11、, what do you think 等句子替换原来的问题,然后再从考生B开始发问,并进行新一轮的问答。如果没有听清楚考官提出的问题可要求考官重复问题。,3)第二阶段是与商务工作相关的话题,考生应有自己的观点。考官所提出的问题较多的专业词汇,考生应听清后再作答,每个话题两三句话就行。,4)考生要充满自信,谈话时注意自己的语音,语调语速,表达要清晰,简洁,明了。,5)考生应充分利用这一热身部分尽快熟练并适应考官和同伴的语音,语调等,为接下来的考试做好准备。,常用表达和句型(Interview),1)表示随声附和的句式:,Youre right. Thats it. Thats right. Q

12、uite right. Absolutely. Certainly. Sure. Definitely. Of course. Exactly. Great. Fine. No problem,2) 给自己争取思考时间或进行解释的表达法:,As everybody knows, As we all know As far as I am concerned, When it comes to ( career plans), You know, well, let me see, I mean, What I mean is that Thats to say, ,3) 要求对方重复的表达:,

13、Pardon, could you repeat the question? Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. Would you please say it again? I misses your point. Sorry, I dont quite follow you. I dont quite see what you mean. Do you mean ?,常谈话题(interview),Phase 1 Greetings and introductions,1). Do you work or are you a student? 2). W

14、hat do you like most about your job/studies? 3). Do you enjoy studying English? Why?,- I am a college student in . I major in . - I work in I am a ,- I like making friends with people around. Thats the most interesting part of my job. - I love reading English novels. It helps improve my English.,- S

15、ure, I like it very much. It is a beautiful language an it is widely used in the world. -To be honest, I dont like it. I study English just because we are required to do so.,4). Why do you take BEC oral test?,- I want to find a job in a foreign-invested enterprise. A certificate of BEC Vantage is a

16、basic requirement in such companies. Besides. Id like to prove my ability in oral English by taking the test. - Actually, it is my parents who ask me to take the test. In their opinions, the more test I take, the more certificates I will get. A large number of certificates can guarantee me a good jo

17、b. Though I dont agree with them, I have no choice to follow their instructions.,5). How are you getting along with your classmates or colleagues?,- Not bad. My colleagues are warm-hearted and helpful. They help me in many ways while working together. - I get along very well with my classmates. We h

18、elp each other and learn from each other. They are best friends.,6). How would you describe your personality?,- I should say Im a little bit shy and pessimistic. I dont have enough confidence. I hope I can improve myself in these aspects. - I am open, straightforward and easy-going. Thats why I have

19、 a lot of friends. But sometimes I offend people around me because I always tell the truth without considering their feeling.,7). Do you like your school or company? 8). What do you like doing in your spare time? 9). What kind of transport do you prefer in your daily life?,Phase 2,Do you think compu

20、ters are becoming more and more important in business? 2) When do people usually use computer 3) How do you predict the future of computer in business life 4) How important is computer in your work and study?,Yes, I think computers are becoming more and more popular in business life. Using computers

21、 can help raise working efficiency and relieve people from labor.,People use the computer to surf the Internet, obtain information, write message, fill out forms, give and receive orders of goods, sign contracts, communicate with friends and so on.,Computer has become an indispensable part of busine

22、ss due to its convenience and efficiency. It is a great change to our traditional way of thinking and doing things. I predict the influence of computer in business life will be deeper and deeper in the future.,Topic One Computer in Business Life,Its essential to my life. Im used to ding things on co

23、mputer. It really saves me a lot of time and energy. I cant imagine how hard life would be without computers.,Topic Two Career Choice,What kind of job would you prefer to take? Why? 2) What kind of profession will be the most popular in twenty years time? 3) Do you prefer to work in a team or alone?

24、 Why? 4) What will you do if the profession you are engaged in is not what you want?,I am interested in business management, so I prefer to go into business in the future. If I get enough experience in business, I will open a business school and teach others how to do business.,I am not sure. But ma

25、ybe farming will be very popular after twenty years. You know, now few people are willing to work as farmers and millions of people have to rely on farm products to survive. So I think it is a tendency to develop farming.,I am willing to work in a team because it has a lot of advantages. Team helps

26、individuals to develop. Team members can share information and different points of view. They can talk openly and honestly to each other to help release pressure. if you work alone, you will easily feel tired and bored. If in trouble, it is hard to get help.,Probably I will go job-hunting and get a

27、new job because I am a person who wants to do what I like. If I am not interested, I can not do it well even if I am paid well. Interest is the most important to me when hunting for a job.,Topic Three Time Management,Is it important to organize ones time well? 2) Is working overtime a good way to sa

28、ve time? 3) How can people organize time well? 4) Are you good at organizing your own time?,Yes, I think so. We often hear people say “time passing” or even “ flying” which indicates time is so precious. We all have exactly the same amount of time available to us. If we can organize our time well. I

29、t is likely that we can achieve more than other people in the same amount of time.,Of course not. Working long hours may help solve immediate short-term problems. But if you cope with your job in this way, it will affect your health in the long run.,The best way is to set a plan and do accordingly.

30、Dont find any excuse ignore it. Never put what you can do today till tomorrow.,It is hard to say. I have tried to plan my time but there are always some interferences. I hope I can stick to my timetable in the future.,Topic Four Starting a New Job 1) What kind of information about a company do you w

31、ant to get before staring work there? 2) How can you get the information? 3) If you are an old employee in a company, what will you do to welcome the new ones? 4) What should you do to create a good impression at the start of a new job? Topic Five Leisure and Work 1) Do you think companies should pr

32、ovide leisure facilities for their staff? 2) In your opinion, which matters more to business people, money or free time? 3) If you are required to work overtime, whats your first response? 4) Do you like business trips? Why (not)?,Topic Six Selling Products 1) What is the most important to customers

33、 about a product? Why? 2) Are you good at selling products? 3) Is training essential for a sales job? 4) Do you think employers should pay more money to sales staff who are successful? Topic Seven Corporate Hospitality 1) Do you think it is important to entertain your business partners and clients?

34、2) What will you do to entertain your clients? 3) How can hosts and clients build a good business relationship? 4) Do you think it is a good idea to send clients to corporate events?,Topic Eight Supply and Price 1) What is supply? 2) Do you think the price of the product will influence the supply? 3

35、) How does supply influence price? 4) How does the rule of supply influence the marketer? Topic Nine Profession 1) Can you predict the best-paid profession in future? 2) Why do you say so? 3) Would people mind if the doctors charge too much for the treatment? 4) What kind of profession will become l

36、ess and less important? Why?,Topic Ten Promoting Product or Service? 1) What kind of way do you think is the most effective in order to promote product or service? 2) How important is it to employ television to promote product or service? Why ( not )? 3) Do you think TV commercial is a good way to p

37、romote product or service? Why ( not )? 4) Do you have any other suggestion as to promoting product or service? Topic Eleven Marketing 1) What can a website do for your business? 2) What kind of website do you prefer to go to? 3) What is the most important to a successful website for marketing? 4) W

38、hat do you think of Internet advertising?,Topic Twelve Working as Part of a Team 1) Do you prefer working as a member of a team or on your own? Why? 2) Which do you think are more effective, small teams or large teams? Why? 3) Do you think it is important for a team to have a leader? Why? 4) Do you

39、think teams always need to have regular meetings? Why? Topic Thirteen Customer Service 1) How do you understand good customer service? 2) What do you think companies can do to improve their customer service? 3) Should employees always be trained to deliver good customer service? Why? 4) Do you think

40、 you would like to work in customer service? Why?,Topic Fourteen Business News 1) What kind of business news is the most interesting for you? Why? 2) How important is it for people working in business to keep up-to-date with business news? Why? 3) Do you think the Internet is a good way to get busin

41、ess news? Why? 4) Would you buy a business magazine regularly? Why? Topic Fifteen Career Planning 1) What are you going to achieve in your career? Why? 2) Should people take professional advice before their career planning? 3) Do you think business people should be ready for the change of their care

42、er plans? Why? 4) Is it necessary to have a long-term plan or goal in your career? Why?,内容简介( Mini-Presentation),在一开始,主考官会递给每位考生一张信息卡,每张信息卡上有A,B,C三个问题。每个问题后,有两个或三个提示。考生选择一个话题,可根据提示组织自己的演讲。 具体地说,考生将听到主考官说:,Thank you. Thats the end of the first part of the test. In the next part you are each going to

43、give a short presentation. I am going to give each of you a choice of 3 topics. Id like you to choose one of the topics and give a short presentation on it for about a minute. You will have about a minute to prepare for this and you can make notes if you wish while you prepare. After you have finish

44、ed your talk, your partner will ask you a question. All right?,Here are your topics. (主考官给考生信息卡,铅笔盒稿纸) Choose one of the topics to talk about. You can make notes. (两考生各自准备1分钟) All right. Now, B,which topic have you chosen, A, B, C? (考生回答) A, please listen carefully to Bs talk, and then ask him/her a

45、 question about it. (给考生大约1分钟时间陈述) Thank you. Now, A, can you ask B a question about his/her talk? (A提问,B回答) Thank you. All right. Now, A, which topic have you chosen, A, B or C? (考生回答) B, please listen carefully to As talk, and then ask him/her a question about it. (给考生大约1分钟时间陈述) Thank you. Now, B,

46、 can you ask A a question about his/her talk? (B提问,A回答) Thank you. (主考官收回信息卡),应试技巧( Mini-Presentation),1) 考生应快速浏览信息卡,选择最熟悉,最有把握的话题,然后根据问题后的提示组织演讲。,2) 准备时间完毕,主考官要求你发言时,考生应欣然接受并且适时开始讲话。不要因为自认为准备不足,而迟迟不发言。1分钟过后,考生将失去说话的机会;发言的时间缩短之后,考生也会因为输出不够,而不能获得高分。,3) 在准备期间,考生一定要稍微做笔记。建议考生记下要点,以免在演讲的过程中,由于紧张而忘记了自己准备

47、要讲的内容。,4) 正式演讲时,考生应该记住:你要做的只是一个小小的演讲。可先告知考官你要将的话题,作为开头。然后从自己记下的要点中,选择最有把握,最熟悉的几点充分进行阐述。最后,就你的发言进行总结。尽可能使用来能够使用连接词。,5) 当你的同伴在发言的时候,你应该耐心地听,要注意思考,及时记录可以提问的地方。在同伴发言完毕,你将就他或她的讲话进行提问。如果提不出问题,或是提不出相关的问题,都将使你的表现大打折扣。,常用表达句型 (Mini-Presentation),1) 开始讲话,When it comes to doing sth., is undoubtedly the most im

48、portant. I have several reasons. Firstly, When doing , different people have different choices. Some people will say , but, as far as Im concerned, If you ask me what is important when doing, the first thing that crosses my mind is We have several ways to do The first, How to become a popular topic

49、in our daily lives. As to this question, I have several suggestions. Firstly, In order to do well, some things should be considered, for example, or something else. As far as I am concerned, is important to consider when doing When a lot of factors should be taken into consideration, But is the most

50、 important thing to consider,2) 发表观点,As far as be concerned, In ones opinion/eyes/min/ view, As for sb. / As to ab. , When it comes to It seems to ab. that I suppose/ think/ hold I am of the opinion that My points are as follows: I have the following consideration. I have the following points.,3) 有层

51、次,In the first place, In the second place, In the third place, To begin with, Moreover, Finally, For one thing, For another, Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, The First, The second, The third, First of all, In the second place, Last but not least, ,4)因果关系 5) 比较关系,Because, since, for, as, now that, then, t

52、herefore, hence, so, thus, according, consequently, as a result of, due to, because of, owing to, thanks to, for the reason, as for, on account of ( the fact that), lead to, result in, contribute to.,Unlike, likewise, despite, still, otherwise, instead, conversely, whereas, while, not only but also,

53、 yet, even so, in comparison with, at the same time, in the same way, the same as, compared to/ with, equally important, on the contrary, on the other hand, in/by contrast, similar to, different from,6) 转折关系 7) 表示解释,But, yet, however, unless, instead, unlike, though, although, even so/ though, despi

54、te, nevertheless, otherwise, after all, as a matter of fact, in spite of, on the contrary, on (the ) one hand, on the other hand, except for, in contrast,That is ( to say) That means It means that What I mean is that,8) 表示列举,For example/ instance Take for example Such as To illustrate To give anothe

55、r example A good case in the point is that For one thing , for another On the one hand on the other hand Namely,9) 结束话题,so, therefore, thus, hence, finally, accordingly, consequently, briefly, above all, s a result, in short, in a word, in brief, to be brief, in conclusion, in general, on the whole,

56、 all in all, in all, by and large, generally speaking, in summary, to conclude, to sum up, to summarize, All in all, is of great importance when doing, Anyway, is essential when doing Only after we do , can we To sum up, should be put at the first place when doing Before I close, let me just summari

57、ze the main points,常谈话题(Mini-Presentation),Topic 1 What is important when exhibiting at a trade fair? - quality of display - staff selected - written information,If you ask me what is important when exhibiting at a trade fair, the first thing that crosses me mind is staff selected. Yes, to select ap

58、propriate staff for the exhibition stand is essential when exhibiting at a trade fair, because at that moment the staff represent the whole company at the trade fair. What they say and what they do just show what the company has. In my opinion, those who are good-looking , polite, sharp, eloquent an

59、d conscientious should be selected. Furthermore, the company should provide enough written information for visitors. After all, the number of your staff is limited, but you will never know how many visitors will come and be interested in your display. The written information about your company and your products will provide the visitors with some basic information. And in order to attract the visitors attention, the written informatio


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