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1、.,1,ARDS及其呼吸支持策略的浅见,江苏省人民医院 梅 勇,.,2,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,3,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,4,ALI/ARDS是在严重感染、休克、创伤及烧伤等

2、非心源性疾病过程中,肺毛细血管内皮细胞和肺泡上皮细胞损伤造成弥漫性肺间质及肺泡水肿,导致的急性低氧性呼吸功能不全或衰竭。,急性肺损伤/急性呼吸窘迫综合征诊断治疗指南(2006) 中华医学会重症医学分会,.,5,临床上表现为进行性低氧血症和呼吸窘迫,肺部影像学上表现为非均一性的渗出性病变。,.,6,.,7,2005年ALI/ARDS发病率分别在每年79/10万和59/10万。 King County is the 12th most populous county in the United States.,Rubenfeld GD, Caldwell E, Peabody E, et al.

3、Incidence and outcomes of acute lung injury. N Engl J Med, 2005, 353 : 1685-1693,.,8,严重感染ALI/ARDS患病率25%50%; 大量输血 40%; 多发性创伤11%25%; 严重误吸时,ARDS患病率也可达9%26%; 同时存在两个以上危险因素时,患病率进一步升高。,.,9,危险因素持续作用时间越长,ALI/ARDS的患病率越高,危险因素持续24、48及72h时,ARDS患病率分别为76%、85%和93%。,Iribarren C, Jacobs DR, Sidney S, et al. Cigarette

4、 smoking, alcohol consumption, and risk of ARDS: a 15-year cohort study in a managed care setting. Chest, 2000, 117: 163-168.,.,10,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,11,ALI/ARDS的基本病理生理改变是肺泡上皮和肺毛细血管内皮通透性增加所致的非心源性肺水肿。,急

5、性肺损伤/急性呼吸窘迫综合征诊断治疗指南(2006) 中华医学会重症医学分会,.,12,正常肺泡毛细血管结构,肺泡毛细血管膜,间质部,毛细血管,肺泡,.,13,ALI早期,肺泡毛细血管膜损伤、肺泡结构存在 间质轻度水肿影响气体交换,肺泡毛细血管膜,间质部,.,14,ALI间质水肿期,肺泡毛细血管膜损伤 间质明显水肿,呼气期肺泡受压萎陷 显著影响气体交换,肺泡毛细血管膜,间质部,.,15,ALI实变肺泡,肺泡毛细血管膜和表面活性物质损伤 间质、肺泡明显水肿、肺泡内无气体 显著影响气体交换,肺泡毛细血管膜,间质部,.,16,肺水肿间质肺泡水肿期,肺泡毛细血管膜结构完整 肺泡进入液体,气水混合,明显

6、影响气 体交换,肺泡毛细血管膜,间质部,.,17,急性左心衰竭导致的高静水压性肺水肿 ARDS的弥漫性肺泡损伤引起的是高通透性肺水肿,高蛋白性肺泡水肿,.,18,肺容积减少:ARDS 机械通气治 疗着眼点和难点。 肺顺应性降低; 通气/血流比例失调;,急性肺损伤/急性呼吸窘迫综合征诊断治疗指南(2006) 中华医学会重症医学分会,.,19,功能残气量( FRC )的减少,参与气体交换的肺泡减少,.,20,肺容积减少的原因和机制: 肺组织重量增加导致肺泡和终末气道塌陷; 肺泡水肿导致通气减少; 心脏和腹腔导致的压迫性肺不张;,.,21,海绵模型( spongy model)学说,Gattinon

7、 i L, Caironi P, Pelosi P, et al W hat has compu ted tom ography taught us about the acute respiratory distress syndrom e J . Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2001, 164( 9) : 17011711,.,22,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.

8、,23,目前ALI/ARDS诊断仍广泛沿用1994年欧美联席会议提出的诊断标准:急性起病;氧合指数200mmHg不管呼气末正压(PEEP)水平;正位X线胸片显示双肺均有斑片状阴影;肺动脉嵌顿压18mmHg,或无左心房压力增高的临床证据。如PaO2/FiO2300mmHg且满足上述其它标准,则诊断为ALI。,.,24,氧合指数200mmHg不管呼气末正压(PEEP)水平; 为什么不在乎“PEEP”的水平?,.,25,第4个诊断标准:PAWP18mmHg 难道ARDS的患者,就不能有左心衰竭或高容量状态,而有左心衰竭或高容量状态的患者,就不能患有ARDS?,.,26,PAWP18 mm Hg一定是

9、急性左心衰竭所致? 液体复苏导致高容量状态、高PEEP或平台压,甚至测定方法不当。 有研究显示 PAWP18 mm Hg患者预后差。,Ferguson ND,Meade MO,Hallett DC,et a1High values of the pulmonary artery wedge pressure in patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndromeIntensive Care Med,2002,28:1073-1077,.,27,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中

10、ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,28,ALI/ARDS患者氧疗的目的是改善低氧血症,使动脉血氧分压(PaO2)达到6080mmHg 。 NIV在ARDS中的应用 却存在很多争议 。,.,29,一项RCT研究显示,与标准氧疗比较,NIV虽然在应用第一小时明显改善ALI/ARDS患者的氧合,但不能降低气管插管率,也不改善患者预后。,Delclaux C, LHer E, Alberti C, et al. Treatment of acute hypox

11、emic nonhypercapnic respiratory insufficiency with continuous positive airway pressure delivered by a face mask: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 2000, 284: 23522360.,.,30,指南推荐:ALI/ARDS患者慎用NIV 。 哪些病人可以使用?,.,31,ARDS患者神志清楚、血流动力学稳定,并能够得到严密监测和随时可行气管插管时,可以尝试NIV治疗 。 如果预计患者的病情能够在4872h内缓解 。,.,32,合并免疫抑制的

12、ALI/ARDS患者。 实体器官移植 血液系统肿瘤 恶性肿瘤患者,.,33,如NIV治疗12h后,低氧血症和全身情况得到改善,可继续应用NIV。若低氧血症不能改善或全身情况恶化,提示NIV治疗失败,应及时改为有创通气。 禁忌症与无创通气禁忌症一致。,.,34,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,35,.,36,.,37,曲线为S 形状,可分为三个部分: 下端曲线平坦部分 假使呼气末肺容量太低, 是

13、因呼气末小而远端肺泡将发生萎陷。在每一次吸气时必须使用额外的“打开肺泡的压力”,使这些萎陷的肺区能够开放。,.,38,曲线中间陡直(直线)部分: 压力和容积的变化呈线性关系 容积显著增大、压力轻度升高 人工气道机械通气 气压伤发生的机会少 对循环功能的抑制轻 呼吸做功少 陡直段的容量是肺组织能耐受的潮气量 是自主呼吸和机械通气的适宜部位,.,39,上部曲线平坦部分: 曲线的这一部分表示肺泡弹性最大。 压力进一步增加不会引起较大容量的增加(UIP),肺泡间隔过度牵张可导致弹性的丧失。有损害肺泡结构的危险,即肺泡气压/容积伤。,.,40,Jonson B, Richard JC, Straus C

14、, Mancebo J, Lemaire F, Brochard L. PressureVolume Curves and Compliance in Acute Lung Injury: Evidence of Recruitment Above the Lower Inflection Point. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999; 159: 1172-1178,低位转折点之上仍有肺组织复张,.,41,The P-V Curve,On the expiratory limb 呼气支的最大曲率点压力 the point of maximum curvature

15、(PMCEX) the area where the maximum volume change/unit pressure occurs during exhalation the maximum PEEP required to prevent derecruitment,.,42,The P-V Curve,these two “points” identify the range of PEEP needed in ARDS Pflex= the minimum PMCEX= the maximum Ideally, a complete P-V should be preformed

16、 on all patients identifying these points to allow accurate setting of PEEP,.,43,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,44,指南推荐:对ARDS患者实施机械通气时应采用肺保护性通气策略,气道平台压不应超过3035cmH2O 。,.,45,ARDS的肺保护性通气策略,小潮气量(6 ml/kg IBW) 避免过度膨胀造成的

17、容积伤(volutrauma) 足够的PEEP 防止肺泡复张造成的剪切力损伤(atelectrauma),.,46,允许性高碳酸血症(PHC) 是采用小潮气量(46 mlkg),允许动脉血二氧化碳分压一定程度增高(4080 mmHg)。 PHC是肺保护性通气策略的结果,并非ARDS的治疗目标 。,.,47,酸血症往往限制了允许性高碳酸血症的应用,目前尚无明确的二氧化碳分压上限值,一般主张保持pH值7.20,否则可考虑静脉输注碳酸氢钠。 颅内压增高是应用允许性高碳酸血症的禁忌证。,The acute respiratory distress syndrome network: Ventilati

18、on with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med, 2000, 342: 1301-1308.,.,48,压力控制或压力支持通气 控制气道峰值压力,保证ARDS患者的气道压不会超过设定的吸气压力,避免高位转折点的出现。,.,49,ARDS的肺保护性通气策略,.,50,小潮气量通气的问题,Richard JC, Maggiore SM, Jonso

19、n B, Mancebo J, Lemaire F, Brochard L. Influence of Tidal Volume on Alveolar Recruitment: Respective Role of PEEP and a Recruitment Maneuver. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163: 1609-1613,.,51,小潮气量通气的问题,Richard JC, Maggiore SM, Jonson B, Mancebo J, Lemaire F, Brochard L. Influence of Tidal Volume o

20、n Alveolar Recruitment: Respective Role of PEEP and a Recruitment Maneuver. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163: 1609-1613,.,52,小潮气量通气的问题,Richard JC, Maggiore SM, Jonson B, Mancebo J, Lemaire F, Brochard L. Influence of Tidal Volume on Alveolar Recruitment: Respective Role of PEEP and a Recruitment

21、Maneuver. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163: 1609-1613,.,53,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,54,ARDS的肺开放,Editorial Open up the lung and keep the lung open B. Lachmann Dept. of Anesthesiology, Erasmus University Ro

22、tterdam, The Netherlands (1992) 18:319-321,.,55,肺复张的各种方法,CPAP (SI) incremental PEEP PCV(High PEEP) Sigh (modified) HFOV 俯卧位 ,.,56,RM能够使肺开放,RM: PIP 45 cmH2O, PEEP 35 cmH2O x 1 min,Halter JM, Steinberg JM, Schiller HJ, DaSilva M, Gatto LA, Landas S, Nieman GF. Positive End-Expiratory Pressure after a

23、Recruitment Maneuver Prevents Both Alveolar Collapse and Recruitment/Derecruitment. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003; 167: 1620-1626,.,57,肺复张能够改善ARDS氧合,Lapinsky SE, Aubin M, Mehta S, Boiteau P, Slutsky AS: Safety and efficacy of a sustained inflation for alveolar recruitment in adults with respiratory

24、 failure. Intensive Care Med 1999, 25: 1297-1301.,A sustained inflation using a pressure of 30 to 45 cmH2O was applied for 20 s.,.,58,SI改善氧合,Tugrul S, Akinci O, Ozcan PE, Ince, S, Esen F, Telci L, Akpir K, Cakar N. Effects of sustained inflation and postinflation positive endexpiratory pressure in a

25、cute respiratory distress syndrome: Focusing on pulmonary and extrapulmonary forms. Crit Care Med 2003; 31: 738-744,Sustained Inflation: 45 cmH2O x 30 s,.,59,SI改善氧合,Frank JA, McAuley DF, Gutierrez JA, Daniel BM, Dobbs L, Matthay MA. Differential effects of sustained inflation recruitment maneuvers o

26、n alveolar epithelial and lung endothelial injury. Crit Care Med 2005; 33: 181-188,Sustained Inflation: 30 cmH2O x 30 s Twice with 1 min interval,.,60,叹气的设置,Lim CM, Koh Y, Park W, Chin JY, Shim TS, Lee SD, Kim WS, Kim DS, Kim WD: Mechanistic scheme and effect of extended sigh as a recruitment maneuv

27、er in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: A preliminary study. Crit Care Med 2001; 29: 1255-1260,充气阶段, 每30秒 PEEP增加5 cmH2O Vt减少2 ml/kg 前2次呼吸除外 直至Vt 2 ml/kg, PEEP 25 cmH2O 暂停阶段 CPAP 30 cmH2O for 30 s 放气阶段,.,61,叹气改善氧合,Lim CM, Koh Y, Park W, Chin JY, Shim TS, Lee SD, Kim WS, Kim DS, Kim W

28、D: Mechanistic scheme and effect of extended sigh as a recruitment maneuver in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: A preliminary study. Crit Care Med 2001; 29: 1255-1260,.,62,叹气的设置,Patroniti N, Foti G, Cortinovis B, Maggioni E, Bigatello LM, Cereda M, Pesenti A. Sigh Improves Gas Exch

29、ange and Lung Volume in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Undergoing Pressure Support Ventilation. Anesthesiology 2002; 96: 788-94,Baseline: PSV Sigh: BIPAP PEEPhigh = 1.2 x PIPpsv or 35 cmH2O Ti,s = 3 5 s f = 1 bpm,.,63,叹气改善呼吸力学及氧合,Patroniti N, Foti G, Cortinovis B, Maggioni E, Biga

30、tello LM, Cereda M, Pesenti A. Sigh Improves Gas Exchange and Lung Volume in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Undergoing Pressure Support Ventilation. Anesthesiology 2002; 96: 788-94,.,64,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法

31、的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,65,RM vs. PEEP,Lim CM, Lee SS, Lee JS, Koh Y, Shim TS, Lee SD, Kim WS, Kim DS, Kim WD. Morphometric Effects of the Recruitment Maneuver on Saline-lavaged Canine Lungs: A Computed Tomographic Analysis. Anesthesiology 2003; 99: 71-80,.,66,RM vs. PEEP,Lim CM, Lee SS, Lee JS, Koh

32、Y, Shim TS, Lee SD, Kim WS, Kim DS, Kim WD. Morphometric Effects of the Recruitment Maneuver on Saline-lavaged Canine Lungs: A Computed Tomographic Analysis. Anesthesiology 2003; 99: 71-80,.,67,RM vs. PEEP,Lim CM, Lee SS, Lee JS, Koh Y, Shim TS, Lee SD, Kim WS, Kim DS, Kim WD. Morphometric Effects o

33、f the Recruitment Maneuver on Saline-lavaged Canine Lungs: A Computed Tomographic Analysis. Anesthesiology 2003; 99: 71-80,.,68,为什么肺复张作用不能持久?,Oczenski W, Hrmann C, Keller C, Lorenzl N, Kepka A, Schwarz S, Fitzgerald RD. Recruitment Maneuvers after a Positive End-expiratory Pressure Trial Do Not Indu

34、ce Sustained Effects in Early Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Anesthesiology 2004; 101: 620-5,.,69,为什么肺复张作用不能持久?,肺复张的方法? SI: 50 cmH2O x 30 s 作者认为,Oczenski W, Hrmann C, Keller C, Lorenzl N, Kepka A, Schwarz S, Fitzgerald RD. Recruitment Maneuvers after a Positive End-expiratory Pressure Trial Do

35、 Not Induce Sustained Effects in Early Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Anesthesiology 2004; 101: 620-5,.,70,RM + PEEP vs. RM vs. PEEP,Lim CM, Jung H, Koh Y, Lee JS, Shim TS, Lee SD, Kim WS, Kim DS, Kim WD. Effect of alveolar recruitment maneuver in early acute respiratory distress syndrome acco

36、rding to antiderecruitment strategy, etiological category of diffuse lung injury, and body position of the patient. Crit Care Med 2003; 31: 411-418,.,71,RM + PEEP vs. RM vs. PEEP,Lim CM, Jung H, Koh Y, Lee JS, Shim TS, Lee SD, Kim WS, Kim DS, Kim WD. Effect of alveolar recruitment maneuver in early

37、acute respiratory distress syndrome according to antiderecruitment strategy, etiological category of diffuse lung injury, and body position of the patient. Crit Care Med 2003; 31: 411-418,RM + PEEP,RM only,.,72,RM后的PEEP能够稳定肺泡,Halter JM, Steinberg JM, Schiller HJ, DaSilva M, Gatto LA, Landas S, Niema

38、n GF. Positive End-Expiratory Pressure after a Recruitment Maneuver Prevents Both Alveolar Collapse and Recruitment/Derecruitment. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003; 167: 1620-1626,.,73,RM后的PEEP,Lim CM, Adams AB, Simonson DA, Dries DJ, Broccard AF, Hotchkiss JR, Marini JJ. Intercomparison of recruitmen

39、t maneuver efficacy in three models of acute lung injury. Crit Care Med 2004; 32: 2371-2377,.,74,PEEP的设置,RM之后通常将PEEP设置在能够维持PaO2 (防止塌陷)的水平 最初将PEEP设置为20 cmH2O 然后将FiO2减小到最低水平 维持SpO2 90 95% 每20 30分钟降低PEEP 2 cmH2O 直至患者SpO2下降,.,75,PEEP的设置,氧合下降前的PEEP水平 防止大部分肺泡塌陷的PEEP 一旦确认, 则需重复肺复张操作, 然后把PEEP和FiO2重新设置在上述水平

40、最佳氧合法,.,76,PEEP的设置,如果将PEEP设置于20 cmH2O后, 仍发现PaO2/FiO2显著下降 按照最初的PEEP设置25 cmH2O重复肺复张 然后按照上述方法调节FiO2和PEEP,.,77,PEEP的设置,将PEEP从不必要的高水平逐渐降低 不要将PEEP由低水平增加到高水平,.,78,PEEP/FiO2的调整,推荐意见 降低PEEP之前应当首先降低FiO2, 以避免肺泡塌陷 一般情况下 FiO2应当减低到 0.45 如果降低PEEP导致氧合下降 应当重新设定PEEP 肺泡塌陷时不应增加FiO2,.,79,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARD

41、S的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,80,不同RM方法的比较,基础通气方式 VCV: Vt 10 ml/kg, f 20 bpm, I:E 1:2, FiO2 0.5 肺复张:,Odenstedt H, Lindgren S, Olegard C, Erlandsson K, Lethvall S, Aneman A, Stenqvist O, Lundin S. Slow moderate pressure recruitment maneuver mini

42、mizes negative circulatory and lung mechanic side effects: evaluation of recruitment maneuvers using electric impedance tomography. Intensive Care Med 2005; 31: 1706-1714,.,81,(a) vital capacity maneuver to an inspiratory pressure of 40 cmH2O (ViCM); (b) pressure-controlled recruitment maneuver with

43、 peak pressure 40 and PEEP 20 cmH2O, both maneuvers repeated three times for 30 s (PCRM); (c) a slow recruitment with PEEP elevation to 15 cmH2O with end inspiratory pauses for 7 s twice per minute over 15 min (SLRM),.,82,不同RM方法的比较,Odenstedt H, Lindgren S, Olegard C, et al. Slow moderate pressure re

44、cruitment maneuver minimizes negative circulatory and lung mechanic side effects: evaluation of recruitment maneuvers using electric impedance tomography. Intensive Care Med 2005; 31: 1706-1714,.,83,不同RM方法的比较,对于灌洗造成的急性肺损伤模型 缓慢低压复张操作可以 促进肺泡复张 减少对循环系统的抑制 避免对呼吸力学的不良影响,Odenstedt H, Lindgren S, Olegard C

45、, Erlandsson K, Lethvall S, Aneman A, Stenqvist O, Lundin S. Slow moderate pressure recruitment maneuver minimizes negative circulatory and lung mechanic side effects: evaluation of recruitment maneuvers using electric impedance tomography. Intensive Care Med 2005; 31: 1706-1714,.,84,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学

46、 ARDS的病理生理 指南中ARDS的诊断标准的思考 ARDS与无创通气 压力容积环 ARDS的肺保护性通气 肺复张的理论与实践 肺复张与PEEP 不同复张方法的差异 肺复张的副作用 肺复张存在的问题,.,85,Side Effects of RMs,hemodynamic compromise delayed until patients hemodynamically stable development of barotrauma the benefits and potential risks must be carefully weighed in patients with preexisting pulmonary cystic or bullous lung disease preexisting airleaks,.,86,Monitoring of Patients,arterial pressure pulse rate and rhythm SpO2 if compromise develops the recruitment maneuver aborted,.,87,内容,ARDS的概念及流行病学 ARDS的病理


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