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1、2019年长沙市初中学业水平考试论文英语.听力技巧(两部分,共20个问题,20分)第一节听下面5段的对话,每个对话后面都有一个小问题,在给定的A,B,C三个茄子选项中,选择最好的选项来回答问题。在听所有的对话之前,你将有时间每5秒钟读一次每个小问题。听完后,每个小问题会给你5秒的答案时间。(共5个小问题,计算5分)1.Where did Jim go last weekend?A.the science park . b . the country side . c . the city library。2.how often does the boy play basketball?A.ev

2、ery day . b . twice a week . c . twice a month .3.Whats the weather like today?A.rainy.b.sunny.c.snowy .4.When will Mary have a picnic?a . on Friday . b . on Saturday . c . on Sunday .5.What color does the girl like best?A.green.b.blue.c.yellow .第2节听下面6段的对话或独白。每个对话或独白的后面都有两到三个小问题,从问题中给出的A,B,C三个茄子选项中

3、挑选最好的选项来回答问题。在听到所有对话或独白之前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每个小问题。听完后,每个小问题会给你5秒的答案时间。(共15个小问题,15分)听第六次对话,回答6号和7号琐碎的问题。6.What will the man do next?A.leave right away . b . stay for dinner . c . catch a train .7.how long will it take the man to get to the station?A.half an hour . b . one hour . c . one and a half hours。听7段

4、对话,回答8,9号琐碎的问题。8.When will they go for a trip?A.injune.b.injuly.c.inaugust .9.How long will they stay there?A.for five days . b . for a week . c . for a month .听第8段对话,回答第10,11小问题。10.What is the second gift for Cathy?A.A skirt .B. A car .C. A计算机。11.what s the probable relationship between the speaker

5、s?A.husband and wife . b . boss and secretary . c . father and daughter .听9段对话,回答12至14号琐碎的问题。12.What is John doing at the moment?A.cleaning the kitchen . b . watching TV . c . writing an email .13.How old is Mark?A.seven.b.eight.c.nine .14.What makes John unhappy?A.his mother s strictness . b . his

6、brother s laziness . c . his uncle s arrival。听第10次对话,回答15至17号琐碎的问题。15.who helped bob to make progress in math?A.jack.b.lucy.c.tony .16.which subject has become Lucy s favorite?A.Math .b .历史。C. Physics .17.what are the speakers mainly talking about?A.history classes . b . talent shows . c . special m

7、emories .听下一次独白,回答18至20次琐碎的问题。18.in which country do children pick up things on their first birth days?A.中国。B. Mexico .c .美国.19.when do girls in Mexico have a special birthday celebration?A.At age 15。B. At age 18 .C. At age 21 .20.what is often put on the top of a cake for the 21st birthday?A.A cand

8、y。B. A coin .C. A key。.知识运用(两部分,共20个小问题,20分)从给定的第一个语法填空问题的A、B、C选项中选择最佳答案,以填空。(共10个小问题,计算10点)21._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fun it is to have a field trip on the orange island!A.What B. What a C. How22.keep trying,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you might surprisingly find hidden abilities within you。A.but B. and C. or23.yest

9、erday our headmaster made a speech _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ environmental protection,and we learned something abosA.on b.at c.to24-I cant find sarah.where is she?-she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for tomorrow s xing cheng cup speaking competition at home。A.prepares b . will prepare c . is preparing25-so sorry,I took your

10、 school t shirt by mistake . but where is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?-dont worry.let me help you find it .A.yours B. his C. mine26 . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ abroad for several years,but I have never regretted my final decision to move back to my moteA.am living B. lived C. have lived27.Perfect photos!古德斯基!-thank y

11、ou . they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by my Huawei mobile phone . in fact,I am not skillful at all .A.took B. were taken C. will be taken28.of the two physics problems,Martha just finished _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ one。A.the most difficultB.the least difficultC.the less difficult29.China is getting better at making hitech

12、products _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can be bought in all parts of the world .A.who B. which C. what30.life is like a story . what matters is not how long it is but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.how good it isb . how good is ITC . what good it is第二个单词是填空,通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从给提问的A,B,C三个茄子选项中选出最佳答案。(共10个小问题,计算10点)thank sgiving wa

13、s just around the corner . the menu(食谱)Had been set . the shopping list was made。_ _ 31 _ _ seemed perfect . I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes(火鸡和捣碎的马铃薯)Fruit and vege tables came into my mind . I could n the day before thanksgiving my dad called a family meeting . he said we needed to practi

14、ce being _ _ 33 _ _。(we are going to you)on thanksgiving day。)I could n t believe this was happening . so we would n t cook our own thanksgiving dinner?the holiday wouldn t be the same . I thought the day would be ruined .The next morning,Wegotup _ _ 35 _ _。I followed my father to the shelter with m

15、y sleepy eyes . I had no great expectations and felt _ _ 36 Ved,we got to work.there was so much to beHowever,those thoughts soon _ 37 _ _。over the next few hours,I watched hundreds of people come through the shelter.this was the only hot meal they would eat that week . for others,it was the first t

16、ime to eat a thanksgiving meal . the shelter was filled witsThrough this experience,I learned that thanksgiving is a time to think about your blessings(祝福您)and look for ways to bless others . when I31 . a . something b . everything c . nothing32.A. wait B. care C. understand33 . a . creative b . ner

17、vous c . thankful34 . a . rush out b . helpout c . check out35.A. early B. late C. suddenly36.A. excited B. good C. down37 . a . appeared b . disappeared c . rose38.A. stress B. joy C. fear39.A. give B. take C. waste40 . a . uncomfortable b . unreasonable c . unforgettable。阅读技巧(第4部分,共24个小问题,48分)第一节图表阅读下面的图表,了解从问题中给出的A、B、C


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