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1、Welcome,Unit 4 Body language Warming up,Topic,一、话题常用词汇必背 1常用单词 (1)dialect n 方言 (2)contest n. 竞赛 (3)suggestion n. 建议 (4)standard n. 标准 (5)vocabulary n. 词汇 (6)expression n. 词语;表达 (7)grasp v. 掌握,由词连句背词汇、学连句,让作文丰满起来,(8)practise v. 练习 (9)achieve v. 实现 (10)benefit v受益 (11)master v. 精通;掌握 (12)fluent adj. 流

2、利的 (13)vital adj. 极重要的 (14)beneficial adj. 有益的 (15)nervous adj. 紧张的 (16)frequent adj. 频繁的;经常的 (17)freely adv. 自由地 (18)gradually adv. 逐渐地 (19)regularly adv. 定期地;有规律地,2常用短语 (1)stick to坚持 (2)extensive reading 精读 (3)be popular with 受欢迎 (4)attitudes to learning 学习态度 (5)develop ones interest 培养兴趣 (6)share

3、 . with . 与共享 (7)has an advantage over 在有优势 (8)language learning strategies 语言学习策略 (9)enlarge ones vocabulary 扩大某人的词汇量,Task 1 How can people communicate with each other?,speaking,ringing,writing,typing,Spoken language,Written language,Body language,Ways of communicating,gestures,facial expression,bo

4、dy movements,Task 2 What is body language?,Definition: Body language is one form of nonverbal communication (非言辞交际) without using words.,Kinds of body language,eye contact,facial expression,gesture,posture,Task3. What are the meanings of different body language?,Do you know the meaning of the follow

5、ing gestures and postures?,Stop!,Come here.,You are very good. / Well done!,Its ok.,Bye-bye.,spit,Whistle,yawn,victory!,sneeze,kiss,Shake hands,Shrug,hug,bow,applaud,Welcome.,Different ways to meet or part,handshake,a loving hug,a kiss on the cheek,nose- kiss,two palms together,bowing,surprised asto

6、nished,shy,happy,Do you know the meaning of the following facial expressions ?,Different feelings of the baby,happy,sad,interested,angry,surprised,curious,Task4 Can you make a list of different types of facial expressions Tired disappointed desperate Delighted disgust sorrow Unwilling annoyed embarr

7、assed Hateful amazed painful Confused proud shocked Curious anger surprised Confident excited upset Frightened regretful relieved Depressed pessimistic relaxed Thrilled regretful nervous Happy anxious horrified Sad astonished frightened Easy intoxicating ecstatic,Can you guess what is in Yao Mings m

8、ind?,Lets do a quiz.,inspired/disappointed,regretful/excited,confident/confused,confused,inspired,regretful,Task 5 Whats the function(功能) of eye contact?,Appeal to the audience Succeed in the job interview Be beneficial to the business negotiation Be essential in the first date Attract listeners att

9、ention Show respect to establish a communicative bond Polite the windows of the soul Flirting,Some words related to eye contact : Gaze Glance Stare Notice Glimpse Watch Look Peek See peer Observe wink Glare frown,Task6 performance,A smile and a handshake,Twisting hands together or holding head,Patti

10、ng or rubbing stomach,Hanging head,Smiling, arms open and head back,Shaking head,Task7 Is body language all the same in different cultures?,Body language varies from culture to culture, though some are universal. It is determined to some extent by social and cultural practices.,Body language varies

11、from culture to culture,Show interest,Rude. disrespectful,money,zero,rude,Great,good job,No.1,crazy,You have a phone call.,Waving ones hand (s),Shaking ones head or hand,Do you think body language is important? Can you give some examples in our daily life?,Discussion,Summary,Just like verbal languag

12、e(言辞), body language is part of culture. It plays an important role in daily communication. So, it is very important to understand and use it correctly. And for a foreign language learner, it is as necessary to learn the body language as to learn the verbal language.,When we are in a certain place, we should follow the customs of the people who live in that place, not our own customs. Because body language varies from culture to cultur


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