已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、j,In this module , you are expected,Objectives,to learn about the format and contents of thank-you letters;,to write sincere, impressive, engaging thank-you letters.,Zhejiang Sunshine Cashmere Co., Ltd. has just introduced a new production line from DM Engineering Works, Inc. John Wooden, the Direct

2、or of DM Engineering promised to cover all the expense of technical training for the technical workers of Sunshine Company in the United States. So Mr. Jiang asked Qiu Xiaoyun to write a thank-you letter in his name.,A Thank-You Letter,What should be this thank-you letters main points?,How can peopl

3、e write an effective thank-you letter?,You are divided into several groups. Discuss and compare each others thank-you letters and decide whose letter is the most appropriate. The group leader should report to the class why it is the best. When you are discussing, please pay attention to the followin

4、g hints.,Notes:,Whats the purpose of writing this thank-you letter?,1. Whats the purpose of writing this thank-you letter? The purpose of writing this letter is to thank John Wooden for his financial support for the training of the works and tell him the arrangements as well. What should be this tha

5、nk-you letters main points? 1) Express your appreciation 2) Highlight the details 3) Express thanks again. 3. How can people write an effective thank-you letter? 1) Act Fast - Plan to send out your thank you letters as soon as possible (preferably within twenty-four hours). 2) Short and Simple - Kee

6、p your thank-you letters short and simple, but, do use the letter to reiterate a little details. 3) Proof Your Letter - Spell check and proof the thank-you letter.,Dear Mr. Wooden, Thank you for your financial support to our technical training program in the United States.,Statements of thanks,Salut

7、ation,The details,The fifteen technical workers who will operate at the newly introduced production line are now under express training of their English proficiencies. They will be sent to your company to receive technical training 2 months later, when we think their English is good enough to receiv

8、e the training in the United States.,Thats very kind of you to have promised to stand all their expenses in the United States. We believe, the training program will guarantee that the business relations between us will develop smoothly and fruitfully. Yours sincerely, Thomas Jiang,Complimentary Clos

9、e,Re-expressing the appreciation,Signature,The definition of a thank-you letter A thank-you letter is written to express your gratitude for other peoples kindness, which is frequently employed in social intercourse. The thank-you letter can be used in many occasions to enhance personal and business

10、relationships.,The format of a thank-you letter A thank-you letter still follows the format of the business letters as mentioned before. As for the content, it usually begins with a statement of thanks for the occasion, then describes the details, that is what you want to say about the kindness, the

11、 favor or the presents. Lastly, the thank-you letter ends by re-expressing the appreciation. The tone of the letter should remain friendly all along.,The purpose of a thank-you letter for invitation and congratulation for hospitality for presents or contribution for suggestion and recommendation for

12、 support and assistance for product delivery for interview,You are provided more letters extracted from the thank-you letters to learn by yourself. You can make mini comparison according to what have been taught.,Tips,Sample 1: A job interview follow-up and thank-you letter to the hiring authority S

13、ample 2: A common thank-you letter expressing ones gratitude for others hospitality Sample 3: A thank-you letter to a specific employee on her well-done performance Sample 4: A thank-you letter on customers purchase,【Directions】Match the English words and phrases with their proper Chinese Meaning.,a

14、. 非常感谢 b. 更加感谢 c. 表达感谢 d. 盛情款待 e. 好意 f. 始终不渝的支持 g. 十分高兴 h. 特别感谢 i. 对充满感激 j. 聊表感激之情,( ) generous hospitality ( ) express gratitude ( ) deeply appreciate sth. ( ) be grateful for ( ) a small token of appreciation ( ) special thank you to sb. ( ) be all the more appreciative of sth. ( ) be mighty pleas

15、ed ( ) loyal support ( ) kindness and courtesy,【Directions】Match the English words and phrases with their proper Chinese Meaning.,a. 非常感谢 b. 更加感谢 c. 表达感谢 d. 盛情款待 e. 好意 f. 始终不渝的支持 g. 十分高兴 h. 特别感谢 i. 对充满感激 j. 聊表感激之情,( d ) generous hospitality ( c ) express gratitude ( a ) deeply appreciate sth. ( i )

16、be grateful for ( j ) a small token of appreciation ( h ) special thank you to sb. ( b ) be all the more appreciative of sth. ( g ) be mighty pleased ( f ) loyal support ( e ) kindness and courtesy,1) At any rate, I want to thank you for your consistent help to the progressing of our company. 无论如何,感

17、谢您对我们公司发展的一贯支持与扶助。 2) I was mighty pleased to have the new business, but even more pleased that you thought well enough of me to recommend my company to Mr. Robert. 我很高兴能有一位新的客户,但更让我高兴的是您这样地肯定我们,愿意把本公司推荐给罗伯特先生。 3) On behalf of the children, staff and families of the Angels Health Center, I would lik

18、e to thank you for the much needed donation of wonderful stuffed animals. We are most grateful for your kindness and generosity. 代表天使医疗中心的孩子、员工与各个家庭,对于您向我中心赠予的填充玩具动物这一急需的善举表示感谢。您的善意与慷慨,我们将非常感激。,9) On behalf of all the participants in the Atlanta delegation, I want to thank you for the hard work and

19、professionalism of you and your team for the planning and execution of our successful mission to China. Your attention to detail and the caliber of our guides in each city ensured a flawless trip. 谨代表亚特兰大代表团所有的成员,向您及您们团队为此次中国行的成功策划和运作所付出的辛勤工作和专业素质表示感谢。您对细节的注重以及导游们的专业水准都保证了这次完美的旅行。 10)Thank you for y

20、our order for furniture and the check that accompanied it. 感谢您的家具订单和随附的支票。,6) 非常感谢您昨天的面试。 Thank you very much for the interview yesterday. 7)请代我向为我准备那次晚会的各位表示问候。 Please give my regards to the people who prepared the party for me. 8)我们感谢大使馆长期以来的支持。 We acknowledge the continued support from the embass

21、y. 9)我希望在不久的将来能报答您的热情款待。 I hope that I may be able to return your hospitality in near future. 10) 承蒙来信赞扬本公司提供的培训服务,感激不已。 Many thanks to your letter appreciating the training service provided by our company.,Directions: Mr. Henry Miller from Refine Textile Co. Ltd. has received the congratulation let

22、ter from Thomas Jiang on Henrys promotion as we have learned in module 2. Suppose you are Henry Miller, and write a thank-you letter to Mr. Jiang.,【Directions】 Here is a thank-you letter which is in disorder. Please rearrange them into a proper thank-you letter. a. I would also like to thank you for

23、 your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful. b. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral economic and trade relations and bring our business people together. c. I am writing this letter to thank you for


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