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1、保函培训 条款风险分析,一、保函的定义,保函(LETTER OF GUARANTEE) 是指银行、或担保公司、保险公司,或其他金融机构以及商业团体或个人(统称担保人),应某商业交易的一方当事人、或曰某种合约关系、某种经济关系的一方(即申请人)的要求,以其自身的信誉向商业交易的另一方、或曰某种合约关系、某种经济关系的另一方(也即受益人)为担保该商业交易项下的某种责任或义务的履行而做出的一种具有一定金额、一定期限、承担某种支付责任或经济赔偿责任的书面付款保证承诺。 (注:本讲座所指保函均为独立性担保),二、保函的开立方式,2.1 直开 所谓“直开”,是指担保银行应作为合同一方当事人的申请方之请求,

2、径向合同的另一方开立以其为受益人的保函,并凭此直接向该受益人承担支付担保责任的行为。“直开”,就保函的传递方式上来说,又可分为担保银行开立保函后将其直接寄交或由申请人自行带交受益人(信开)和转请另一家银行通知给受益人这两种形式(一般为电开),即所谓“直交”和“转交”(或称“转递”)的做法。 注意: 通知行的选取:须与我行有SWIFT密押关系,二、保函的开立方式,2.2 转开 “转开”是指银行或其他金融机构应其客户的要求,根据合同的有关规定、以及受益人所在国的惯常做法,以提供反担保的形式来委托另一家银行或金融机构(通常为受益人所在地的银行和金融机构)代其出具保函,并由后者向受益人承担付款责任的行

3、为。 一般中东地区、东南亚地区、北非地区受益人常要求转开保函。 注意: 转开行的选取:须与我行有代理关系,在有多家代理行可供选择的情况下,尽量选取信誉度高的银行,同时还要考虑转开费率等综合因素,以降低申请人财务成本。,三、保函的种类,从保函项下的支付前提的不同来看,保函可分为非融资类保函(信用类)和融资类保函两大类。 3.1非融资类保函 3.1.1投标保函(TENDER GUARANTEE或称BID BOND) 投标保函是指在以招标方式成交的购买和承建项目中,招标方为了达到制约各投标人行为的目的而要求投标人通过其往来银行所出具的一种书面付款保证文件。该金额数通常为投标人报价总额的1%5%不等。

4、,三、保函的种类,3.1.2 履约保函(PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE或称PERFORMANCE BOND) 这是指担保人或担保银行应供货方或劳务方和承包人的请求而向买方或业主方所作出的一种履约保证承诺。该金额通常为合同总额的10%-15%不等。,三、保函的种类,3.1.3 预付款保函(ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE) 顾名思义,预付款保函就是指买方或业主预先支付给供货方或劳务方和承包人一笔启动资金,担保人或担保银行根据供货方或劳务方和承包人的请求,向受益人出具相应保函保证其按合同要求履约,受益人一般在收到预付款保函后即支付预付款项。该金额通常为合同总额的10%

5、-15%不等。,三、保函的种类,3.1.4 质量保函(QUALITY GUARANTEE)和维修保函(MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE) 质量保函和维修保函是指担保人或担保银行就合同标的物的质量所出具的一种担保,凭以保证供货方所提供的货物和承包方所承建的工程项目在一定时间(即保修期或称维修期)内符合合同所规定的规格和质量标准。该金额通常为合同总额的5%。,三、保函的种类,3.1.5 预留金保函(RETENTION MONEY GUARANTEE) 预留金保函又称留滞金保函,它是对合同价款中尾欠部分款项的提前支取行为所作出的归还承诺担保。该金额通常为合同总额的5%。,三、保函的种类,3

6、.1.6 付款保函(PAYMENT GUARANTEE) 付款保函,顾名思义,是对合同某一方在合同项下的付款责任所作出的担保,它是由买方或业主方通过其往来银行向卖方或承包方所出具的一种旨在保证货款支付或承包工程进度款支付的付款保证凭信。,三、保函的种类,3.1.7 其他 保释金保函(BAIL BOND或称BAIL GUARANTEE) 海关免税保函(DUTY-FREE GUARANTEE) 租赁保函(LEASING GUARANTEE) 票据保付保函 提货担保(SHIPPING GUARANTEE) 费用保付保函(PAYMENT GUARANTEE FOR COMMISSION OR ANY

7、OTHER CHARGES) 海关免税保函(DUTY-FREE GUARANTEE),三、保函的种类,3.2 融资类保函 3.2.1 借款保函(LOAN GUARANTEE或SECURITY FOR A CREDIT LOAN) 这是指银行或其他金融机构应借款人的要求,向贷款银行或其他贷款人所出具的一种旨在保证借款人按照借贷合约的规定按期向贷款方归还所借款项以及支付由此而产生的利息的付款保证承诺。,三、保函的种类,3.2.2 透支保函(OVERDRAWN GUARANTEE,或称OVERDRAFT FACILITY GUARANTEE) 透支保函是指银行或其他金融机构对另一家银行或金融机构所给

8、予申请人一方的透支便利所作出的偿还责任担保,用以保证申请人将依照其与该家账户透支行签订的透支协议里规定的到期时间归还所借支的款项、或偿付该账户透支行所给予的其他透支便利。,三、保函的种类,3.2.3 其他 延期付款保函(DEFERRED PAYMENT GUARANTEE) (注:根据国家外汇管理局关于境内机构对外担保管理问题的通知汇发201039号,延期付款保函属于非融资类保函,与期限无关) 补偿贸易保函(GUARANTEE FOR COMPENSATION TRADE) 来料加工保函,四、保函格式,4.1 保函的基本格式 保函的基本要素有: 4.1.1 保函的受益人名称及其地址; 4.1.

9、2 保函的申请人名称及其地址; 4.1.3 保函的担保人名称及其详细地址; 4.1.4 保函的种类及保函的担保目的; 4.1.5 保函开立背景:即与保函相关的合同号/标号/相关的项目名称等; 4.1.6 保函币种和金额; 4.1.7 保函的担保期限; 4.1.8 保函的赔付条款。,四、保函格式,4.2 几种常见保函格式的介绍 4.2.1 投标保函 4.2.2 履约保函 4.2.3 预付款保函 4.2.4 反担保函 4.2.5 船舶还款保函 4.2.6 保函格式小结,四、保函格式投标保函,4.2.1 投标保函:Tender Guarantee 背景介绍: We have been informe

10、d that (hereinafter called “the Principal”), responding to your invitation to tender No. dated for the supply of (description of goods and /or services), has submitted to you his offer No. Dated . Furthermore we understand that, according to your conditions, offers must be supported by a tender guar

11、antee.,四、保函格式投标保函,保函金额、承诺和索赔条件: At the request of the Principal, we, The Export-Import Bank of China, Head Office, Banking Department, having our registered office at _ hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (say ) upon receipt by us of your first

12、 demand in writing and your written statement stating that the Principal is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bid conditions due to occurrence of any of the following events:,四、保函格式投标保函,违约事件 1.The Principal withdraws its tender during the period of tender validity specified in the Tender Docu

13、ments; or 2.The Principal, having been notified of the acceptance of its tender by you, during the period of tender validity, fails or refuses to: a) execute the Contract; or b) furnish the Performance Guarantee, in accordance with the Tender Document .,四、保函格式投标保函,索赔文件真实性 Your demand and accompanyin

14、g documents shall be forwarded to us through your bank for verification of your authorized signature thereon.,四、保函格式投标保函,有效期(含生效条款)和索赔时效条款 This guarantee shall take effect from (bid opening date) and remain in force up to 30 (thirty) days after the period of bid validity, or until (calendar date), w

15、hichever occurs earlier, after which this guarantee shall be automatically cease to be valid whether the original of this guarantee is returned to us or not. Consequently any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date.,四、保函格式投标保函,适用法律/惯例 Any dispute over

16、 the interpretation of the condition of this Letter of Guarantee shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758. 注:适用法律可以不写,在该项空白时,一般适用于担保人营业地所在国法律。我行的直开保函一般都不加具本条款,意味着适用中国法,但仍不可一概而论。尽量避免适用中东、东南亚和一些不发达国家法律 。,四、保函格式履约保函,4.2.2 履约保函: Performance Guarantee 背景介绍: We

17、have been informed that (hereinafter called “the Principal”), has entered into contract No. dated with you, for the supply of (description of goods and /or services). Furthermore we understand that, according to the conditions of the contract, a performance guarantee is required.,四、保函格式履约保函,金额、承诺(无条

18、件见索即付)和索赔单据 At the request of the Principal, we, The Export-Import Bank of China, Head Office, Banking Department, having our registered office at _hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (say ) upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing an

19、d your written statement stating:,四、保函格式履约保函,违约事件 1. that the Principal is in breach of his obligation (s) under the underlying contract; and 2. the respect in which the Principal is in breach.,四、保函格式履约保函,其他索赔单据及对索赔单据真实性要求 Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following document (s

20、): (specify document (s), if any) Your demand and accompanying documents shall be forwarded to us through your bank for verification of your authorized signature thereon.,四、保函格式履约保函,有效期(含生效条款)和索赔时效条款 This guarantee shall become effective upon the effectiveness of the underlying contract /receipt by

21、the Principal of Master Letter of Credit specified in the underlying contract. This guarantee shall expire on (calendar date) at the latest, after which this guarantee shall be automatically cease to be valid whether the original of this guarantee is returned to us or not. Consequently any demand fo

22、r payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date.,四、保函格式履约保函,适用法律/惯例 Any dispute over the interpretation of the condition of this Letter of Guarantee shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758. 注:适用法律可以不写,在该项空白时,一般适用于担保人营业地所在国法

23、律。我行的直开保函一般都不加具本条款,意味着适用中国法,但仍不可一概而论。,四、保函格式预付款保函,4.2.3 预付款保函:Advance Payment Guarantee 背景介绍: We have been informed that (hereinafter called “the Principal”), has entered into contract No. dated with you, for the supply of (description of goods and /or services). Furthermore we understand that, acco

24、rding to the conditions of the contract, an advance payment in the sum of is to be made against an advance payment guarantee.,四、保函格式预付款保函,金额、承诺(无条件见索即付)和索赔单据 At the request of the Principal, we, The Export-Import Bank of China, Head Office, Banking Department, having our registered office at _ hereb

25、y irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (say ) upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing and your written statement stating:,四、保函格式预付款保函,违约事件 1. that the Principal is in breach of his obligation (s) under the underlying contract; and 2. the res

26、pect in which the Principal is in breach.,四、保函格式预付款保函,其他索赔单据及对索赔单据真实性要求 Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following document (s): (specify document (s), if any) Your demand and accompanying documents shall be forwarded to us through your bank for verification of your authorized

27、 signature thereon.,四、保函格式预付款保函,款到生效和生效金额与实际收款匹配条款 This guarantee shall become effective upon the receipt of the advance payment by the Principal on his account number at our bank (or any nominated bank). The effective amount shall always correspond to the amount actually received by the Principal.

28、It is a condition for any claim and payment under this guarantee to be made that the advance payment has been actually received.,四、保函格式预付款保函,减额条款 the maximum amount of this guarantee will be (automatically) reduced by percent of the total value of each part-shipment/ interim work finished against pr

29、esentation to us (by the principal)of copies of the relevant invoice (s) and transport document (s) /the interim work certificate (or other specific documents).,四、保函格式预付款保函,有效期(含生效条款)和索赔时效条款 This guarantee shall expire upon the time when the total guaranteed amount has been reduced to zero in the ab

30、ove-mentioned manner, or (calendar date) , whichever is earlier, after which this guarantee shall be automatically cease to be valid whether the original of this guarantee is returned to us or not. Consequently any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that d

31、ate.,四、保函格式预付款保函,适用法律/惯例 Any dispute over the interpretation of the condition of this Letter of Guarantee shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758. 注:适用法律可以不写,在该项空白时,一般适用于担保人营业地所在国法律。我行的直开保函一般都不加具本条款,意味着适用中国法,但仍不可一概而论。,四、保函格式反担保函,4.2.4 反担保函: Counter Guaran

32、tee 发出请求 Please issue at our full responsibility and under cover of our counter-guarantee no. a letter of bank guarantee for the amount of in favor of . In consideration of your issuing the letter of guarantee, we hereby accept and confirm the following: 1) Your guarantee text is quoted as below: Qu

33、ote (主保函格式) Unquote,四、保函格式反担保函,承诺 2) We hereby undertake to pay you, unconditionally, irrevocably and immediately upon receipt of your first written demand stating that you have been called to make payment under your above bank guarantee, together with the copy of the beneficiarys claim to you, the

34、sum not exceeding . 3) The maximum amount of our counter guarantee will be automatically reduced by the total amount of your above bank guarantees reduction.,四、保函格式反担保函,4) Our counter guarantee shall be paid in EURO/USD at the banks medium exchange rate prevailing at the time of claim, which shall b

35、e equivalent to _(local currency). 5) Our counter guarantee shall become effective upon the effectiveness of your a/m guarantee and remain in force until 30 (thirty) days as your mailing time after the expiry of your above bank guarantee, or until (calendar date)(including 30 (thirty) days as your m

36、ailing time, whichever is earlier, after which this guarantee shall be automatically cease to be valid whether the original of this guarantee is returned to us or not. Consequently any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date.,四、保函格式反担保函,6) Your commis

37、sions and charges will be paid by our client. In case he fails to pay the bank commission, we undertake to pay your bank commission by telegraphic transfer as demand by you. 7) After your issuing of the guarantee, please deliver the original guarantee to , and airmail us two copies for our records.

38、Our address: 10/F Winland International Finance Centre, No. 7 Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 100034, P. R. China,四、保函格式反担保函,8) Any dispute over the interpretation of the condition of this Counter Guarantee shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees ICC Publication No. 7

39、58.,四、保函格式船舶还款保函,4.2.5 船舶还款保函:Refund Guarantee 背景介绍: At the request of _(Applicant) and in consideration of your agreeing to pay _(Applicant) and _(Shipyard) (hereinafter collectively called the SELLER) the instalments before delivery of the VESSEL under the Contract concluded by and amongst you, an

40、d the SELLER dated_ for the construction of 1 (one) _ Deadweight Bulk Carrier to be designated as Hull No. _ (hereinafter called the Contract),四、保函格式船舶还款保函,金额 we, the undersigned, The Export-Import Bank of China, Head Office, Banking Department, (address) do hereby guarantee repayment to you by the

41、SELLER of an amount up to but not exceeding a total amount of USD _ (say United States Dollars _), representing the first instalment of the Contract Price of the VESSEL, USD _ (say United States Dollars _), the second instalment of the Contract Price of the VESSEL, USD _ (say United States Dollars _

42、), the third instalment of the Contract Price of the VESSEL, USD _ (say United States Dollars _), and the fourth instalment of the Contract Price of the VESSEL, USD _ (say United States Dollars _), as you may have paid to the SELLER under the Contract prior to the delivery of the VESSEL,四、保函格式船舶还款保函

43、,违约事件、索赔和利息条款: if and when the same or any part thereof becomes repayable to you from the SELLER in accordance with the terms (Article X or Article XII 3(b) of the Contract. Should the SELLER fail to make such repayment, we shall pay you the amount the SELLER ought to pay with interest at the rate o

44、f 5% (five percent) per annum if cancellation of the Contract is exercised by you for the delay caused by permissible delays in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article VIII of the Contract, or together with an interest at the rate of 5% (five percent) per annum if the cancellation o

45、f the Contract is exercised by you for the delay of aggregate 210 (two hundred and ten) days in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII 4,四、保函格式船舶还款保函,or together with an interest of 5% (five percent) per annum if cancellation of the Contract is exercised by you for the delay of aggregate 180

46、 (one hundred and eighty) days in accordance with the provisions of Article III 1 (c) or by the events described in Article III 2 (c), 3 (c) or 4 (b) of the Contract, otherwise with no interest, within 30 (thirty) days after our receipt of the relevant written demand from you for repayment.,四、保函格式船舶

47、还款保函,仲裁条款 However, in the event of any dispute between you and the SELLER in relation to: (1)whether the SELLER shall be liable to repay the instalment or instalments paid by you; and (2) consequently whether you shall have the right to demand payment from us; and such dispute is submitted either by

48、 the SELLER or by you for arbitration in accordance with Article XIII of the Contract or for appeal or appeals in accordance with English laws,四、保函格式船舶还款保函,we shall be entitled to withhold and defer payment until the arbitration award or any court judgment is published,or an amicable settlement has

49、been reached. We shall not be obligated to make any payment to you unless the arbitration award (or any court judgment or the settlement) orders the SELLER to make repayment and any right of appeal available to the SELLER under English laws is waived or is not exercised by the SELLER in accordance w

50、ith English laws.,四、保函格式船舶还款保函,If the SELLER fails to honour the award (or judgment or the settlement) within thirty (30) days of the relevant award (or judgment or the settlement) been published/reached then we shall refund to you to the extent the arbitration award (or any court judgment or the se

51、ttlement) orders but not exceeding the aggregate amount of this guarantee plus the interest described above. The said repayment shall be made by us in United States Dollars.,四、保函格式船舶还款保函,款到生效和生效金额与实际收款匹配条款 This Letter of Guarantee shall become effective from the time of the actual receipt of the fir

52、st instalment by the SELLER from you and the amounts effective under this Letter of Guarantee shall correspond to the total payment actually made by you prior to the delivery of the VESSEL. However, the available amount under this Letter of Guarantee shall in no event exceed above mentioned amount a

53、ctually paid to the SELLER, together with interest calculated, as described above for the period commencing with the date of receipt by the SELLER of the respective instalment to the date of repayments thereof.,四、保函格式船舶还款保函,有效期 This Letter of Guarantee shall remain in force until the VESSEL has been

54、 delivered to and accepted by you, or refund has been made by the SELLER or ourselves, or until _(expiry date), whichever occurs earliest, after which you are to return it to us by airmail for cancellation. However, in case of any arbitration proceedings as described above, the Letter of Guarantee s

55、hall always remain in force until 2 (two) months after the publishment of the arbitration award.(报批有效期时特别注意),四、保函格式船舶还款保函,法律适用和管辖 This Letter of Guarantee shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and any disputes shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of Engli

56、sh Courts. We hereby expressly waive any right to claim immunity from legal proceedings.,四、保函格式船舶还款保函,转让条款 We agree that you may assign the benefit of this Letter of Guarantee (excluding the right of demanding payment which shall in all respect remain with yourself) to any commercial Bank for the pu

57、rpose of security for the financing by it of your obligations under the Contract provided that the assignment documents will be acceptable in all respects to the Seller and ourselves.,四、保函格式船舶还款保函,外汇登记条款 We confirm herewith that this Letter of Guarantee shall be registered with the relevant SAFE Aut

58、hority and that we have obtained all necessary approvals to issue same and effect payments in foreign currency in case of utilization.,四、保函格式小结,4.2.6 保函格式小结 金额不得敞口 有效期不得敞口,事实条款尽量单据化。 法律适用风险。适用法律尽量避免中东、东南亚和一些不发达国家法律,可以适用第三方发达国家法律,如英国法 小币种汇率、汇兑风险(如遇小币种或我行无法清算的币种,应加具以美元/欧元/日元赔付条款) 止付令无效,四、保函格式小结,4.2.6 保函格式小结预付款/履约/投标等工程承包类保函审核要点 是否有(款到)生效条款(预付款) 是否有减额条款(预付款)及可操作性 是否有违约声明(投标保函一般为投标人在投标期间撤投;或者中标后无法或拒绝执行(签署)合同;或者提供履约保函。) 是否有索赔文件需经证实真实性条款 是否有索赔时效条款 适用法律尽量避免中东、东南亚和一些不发达国家法律,四、保函格式小结,船舶保函及转让审核要点 是否有仲裁条款(防止伪仲裁) 是否有款到生效条款和生效金额与实际收到金额相匹配条款 转让条款:只能用于融资目的或单船公司;索赔权是否保留;是否需我行书面确认


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