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1、请拿出你的导学案,课本,双色笔,还有你的动力和激情!,温馨提示,全力投入会使你与众不同 你是最优秀的,你一定能做的更好!,Unit 1 Whats the matter?,SA预习案,1c-2d 1.说得太多_ 2. 躺下休息_ 3. 喝些加有蜂蜜的热茶_ 4. 看牙医_ 5. 做一个X光检查_ 6. 量某人的体温_ 7. 割伤我自己_ 8. 在它上面敷些药_ 9. 整个周末_ 10. 离开电脑休息几次_ 11. 一个姿势坐得太久没有移动_,talk too much,lie down and rest,drink some hot tea with honey,see a dentist,g

2、et an X-ray,take ones temperature,cut myself,put some medicine on it,all weekend,take breaks away from the computer,sit in the same way for too long without moving,12. 看见一位老人躺在路边_ 13. 大喊救命_ 14. 没有多想就停下车_ 15.下(车) _ 16. 这个人有心脏病。_ 17. 王先生知道他不得不赶快行动。_ 18. 送这个人去医院_ 19. 出乎他意料的是,他们都同意和他一起去。_,see an old man

3、 lying on the side of the road,shout for help,stop the bus without thinking twice,get off (the bus),The man had a heart problem.,Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly.,take the man to the hospital,To his surprise, they all agreed to go with them.,20.多亏了王先生和乘客们_ 21. 及时_ 22. 他们不想招惹麻烦。_ 23.考虑他自己/挽救一条生命_

4、24. - (你)怎么了? _ - 我感冒了/我胃痛/我背痛/我喉咙痛/我感觉头很烫/我发烧了。 _,thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers,in time,They dont want any trouble.,think about himself/ saving a life,Whats the matter (with you)?,I have a cold.,I have a stomachache.,I have a sore throat.,My head feels very hot.,I have a fever.,SB预习案,He Los

5、t His Arm But Is Still Climbing (1)Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing.(_从句) 一个对登山感兴趣的美国人_对(做)感兴趣_; 爬山/登山(运动)_ 爬山,登山_,定语,an American man who is interested in mountain climbing,be interested in (doing) sth.,mountain climbing,climb mountains,(2)As a mountain climber,

6、 Aron is used to taking risks. 翻译:_ 习惯于(做)某事 _; 冒险(2) _ 我的奶奶习惯了在乡村生活。My grandma _in the countryside. (3)This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. 最令人激动的事情之一_, 做运动(2) _,作为一名登山者,Aron习惯冒险。,be used to (doing) sth.,take risks,take a risk,is used to living,one of the exciting things

7、,do/play sports,(4)There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. 翻译:_失去某人的生命_ 挽救某人的生命_ 因为(意外)事故_ 用because/because of 填空: 1. I didnt go to school yesterday _ I was ill. 2. I didnt go to school yesterday _ my illness.,有很多次Aron几乎都因为意外事故而丧生。,lose ones life,save ones life,bec

8、ause of accidents,because,because of,(5)On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah. 翻译划线部分:_ (6)On that day, Arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. 翻译:_ 落在某人身上_ ; 他独自一人在山里爬山。 _ 某人独自做某事

9、_,在爬山时他发现自己处于非常危险的处境中,在那天,当他正独自一人在山里登山时,他的手臂被一块落在他身上的重360千克的岩石砸到。,fall on sb.,He was climbing by himself in the mountains.,do sth. by oneself.,(7)Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. 翻译划线部分:_ free 还可作形容词,意思是_ (8)But when his water ra

10、n out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. 翻译: _ 某物用光、用完: sth. run out *某人用完某物: sb. run out of sth. 他所有的钱都花光了。(2)_,因为他不能自由活动他的手臂,但是当他的水喝光了,他知道他必须做点什么来挽救自己的性命。,自由的、空闲的、免费的,All his money ran out .,He ran out of all his money.,(9)He was not ready to die that day. So he used

11、 his knife to cut off half his right arm. 翻译划线部分: _ 使用某物做某事_ 切除他的一半右臂_ 他用电脑画了一副画。_,所以他用小刀切除了他的一半右臂。,use sth. to do sth.,cut off half his right arm,He used a computer to draw a picture.,(10)Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. 翻译:_ 用左臂_ 以便,以至于_ 区别 sot

12、hat(如此.以至/便于) 我妈妈每天起床很早以便她能赶上头班车。_ 我今天早上起床晚了,以至于我上学迟到了。_,然后,他用左臂给自己打绷带,以便于他不会失血过多。,with his left arm,so that,My mother gets up so early that she can catch the early bus.,I got up late this morning so that I was late for school.,(11)After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help. After losing

13、his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. 翻译:_ 在做完某事之后_ 一本名叫.的书_ 一个名叫Tom 的男孩_,失去手臂后,他写了一本名叫“生死两难”的书.,after doing sth.,a book called,a boy called Tom,(12)This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. 翻译:_ 意味着做/意思做._ 处于困境中_ 摆脱,从.出来_,这意味着你似乎陷入了一个不能

14、摆脱的困境中。,mean doing sth.,be in trouble,get out oftrouble,(13)In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of ones life. 翻译:_讲述_ 做某事的重要性_ 做出明智决策_ 掌握自己生命_,在这本书里,Aron 告诉我们做出明智决策和掌握自己生命的重要性。,tell of sth.,the importance of doing,make good decisions,be in control of ones life,(14)His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience. 翻译: _ 对的热爱_ 坚持做某事_,他对登山如此酷爱以至于即使这次经历后他还继续爬山。,love for,kept (on) doing,(15)Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Lets think about it before we find ourse


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