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1、Chapter 1,Introduction toSupply Chain Management 供应链管理介绍,What Is a Supply Chain?什么是供应链?,Flow of products and services from: 产品和服务流程: Raw materials manufacturers原料厂家 Intermediate products manufacturers中间产品制造商 End product manufacturers终端产品制造商 Wholesalers批发商 and distributors分销商 and Retailers零售商 Connect

2、ed by transportation and storage activities把运输和储存连接在一起 Integrated through information, planning, and integration activities 通过信息,规划和整合活动结合起来 Cost and service levels成本和服务水平,1.1 What Is Supply Chain Management?什么是供应链管理?,Supply chain management is a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate s

3、uppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize system wide costs while satisfying service level requirements. 供应链管理是用于有效集成供应商、制造商、仓库与商店的一系列方法,通过这些方法,使生产出来的商品

4、能以恰当的数量,在恰当的时间,被送往恰当的地点,从而实现在满足服务水平要求的同时使系统的成本最小化。,Two Other Formal Definitions定义,The design and management of seamless, value-added process across organizational boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer 无缝的设计和管理,增值过程跨越组织边界,以满足最终客户的真正需求 美国供应管理协会Institute for Supply Management Managing s

5、upply and demand, sourcing 采购raw materials and parts零部件, manufacturing and assembly装配, warehousing 仓储and inventory tracking库存追踪, order entry订单输入 and order management, distribution across all channels, and delivery to the customer通过供应和需求管理,采购原材料和零部件,制造和装配、仓储和库存跟踪,订单输入,订单管理,分配到所有渠道,最终交付给客户。 供应链协会The S

6、upply Chain Council,PC Industry Supply Chain个人电脑产业供应链 Tracing back the screen you stare at for the bulk of your time.,研发,制造,装配,分销,销售,服务,支持,战略重点,产品创新,操作/经营,客户关系,公司和产品流,最终客户,消费者,大企业,组件生产商,仓储,其他,半导体,平板显示器,软件公司,全球物流企业,个人电脑公司,当地装配,经销商,元器件分销商,合同制造商,Ciscos Value Network,思科公司的价值网络,思科产品,订单,客户,服务,订单会自动传输到供应商或

7、在思科生产系统中计划中,80%的订单会被配置,并通过思科的网站上提交,技术支持电话服务,70不需要人工干预,思科的业务在全球只有三个中心,思科产品仅配置非常复杂的订单,合同制造商建立和运输60%的货物直接到客户,SCM Definition,供应链管理(Supply Chain Management);,分销商,信息流,保养,维护/售后服务流程,增值服务,资金/需求流量,物料流程,顾客,零售商,终端用户,中转站,供应商,原材料,The SCM Network 供应链管理网络,FIGURE 1.1: The logistics network 物流网络,Key Observations 主要意见

8、,Every facility that impacts costs need to be considered每一个影响成本的因素都应该考虑 Suppliers suppliers供应商的供应商 Customers customers客户的客户 Efficiency and cost-effectiveness(效率和成本效用) throughout the system is required System level approach(系统论方法) Multiple levels of activities 活动的多层次 Strategic Tactical Operational (战

9、略战术操作),Other Related Observations其他相关意见,Supply chain strategy linked to the Development Chain供应链管理战略与开发链存在联系 Challenging to minimize system costs(系统成本最小化) and maximize system service levels(系统服务水平最大化) Inherent presence of uncertainty and risk(不确定性和风险的固有存在),Set of activities and processes associated

10、with new product introduction. Includes: 与新产品导入相关的一系列活动与流程,包括: product design phase产品设计阶段 associated capabilities and knowledge 相关知识能力 sourcing decisions采购决策 production plans生产计划,1.2 The Development Chain开发链,1.2 The Development Chain开发链,FIGURE 1-2: The enterprise development and supply chain 企业发展和供应

11、链,供应链,开发链,供应,生产,配送,出售,寻找供应商,计划/设计,供应商早期参与,产品结构,自制/外购决策,战略合作伙伴关系,供应商选择,供应合同,1.3 Global Optimization全局优化,Geographically dispersed complex network 地理上分散的复杂网络 Conflicting objectives of different facilities 不同的设备的目标相互冲突 Dynamic system 动力系统 Variations over time 随时间的变化 Matching demand-supply difficult 匹配供需

12、难 Different levels of inventory and backorders 不同的库存和缺货水平 Recent developments have increased risks 最近的事态发展增加风险 Lean production/Off-shoring/Outsourcing 精益生产/离岸外包/外包,Global Apparel Value Chain全球服装价值链Tracing back the dress you are wearing,天然纤维,棉,毛,丝等,合成纤维,石油,天然气,纱(纺纱),面料(梭织,成套工具,完成),石油化学产品,合成纤维,服装制造商,所

13、有零售网点,零售网点,纺织公司,百货公司,专卖店,量贩连锁,折扣连锁店,品牌命名的服装公司,海外采购办事处,贸易公司,价格优惠,工厂直销,邮购,其他,原材料网络,元部件网络,生产网络,出口网络,销售网络,棉花,衬垫,外壳,羊毛,仿毛皮,兜帽,不锈钢拉链,按扣,卡扣,An Illustration: How Li Meditech sells to material managers 国家向医生推销产品;美太向材料经理推销产品 Customer preferences change slowly 客户的喜好慢慢地在改变,业务概述,External Supply Chain,Part suppli

14、ers 部分供应商,Meditech Assembly,Meditech Warehouse,Domestic Dealers,Intl Meditech Affiliates,Hospitals,Hospitals,外部供应链,医院,医院,国内经销商,美太子公司,美太仓库,美太装配,Internal Supply Chain,Parts Inventory,Assembly,Bulk Inventory,FG Inventory,Packaging Order quantity 订货点,订货量,Material Plan 物料计划,Whats Wrong?问题,Poor service fo

15、r new product introductions新产品服务差 Poor forecasting?预测不准确 Panic ordering?恐慌性订货 And high FG inventory 高成品库存,What Is Going On?事实,Demand is quite predictable需求可预测 Usage in hospitals is quite stable医院使用稳定 Market share moves slowly over time 市场份额随时间变化缓慢 With each new product, dealer must build inventory t

16、o fill pipeline 随着每一个新产品出现,经销商必须建立库存,以满足销售渠道需要,Why Did Meditech Think Demand Was Unpredictable?原因,Poor information systems信息系统差 No one looked at demand没人关注需求 No one had responsibility for forecast errors无人为预测错误负责 Tendency to shift the blame推卸责任 Built-in delays and monthly buckets in planning system计划制定延误,每月仓促制定 Amplifier in planning system计划系统放大,What to Do?措施,Recognize that dem


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