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1、Unit 5 How about coming with us?,一、单元要点,1知识概述 (1)能掌握常见的公共场所名称和方位介词的表达。 (2)学会用英语指路和问路。 (3)能在地图上找路。,2单元重点词汇,market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, cafe, park, street, beach, road, forest, waterfall, The Great Wall, Kangaroo Island, Kunming Lake, Beijing Zoo, village.,3交

2、际用语,(1)How about coming with us? Id love/ like to/Sorry, Id like to (2)Where are you going? (3)Where is the cinema? (4)Opposite the market. (5)By the river. (6)In the park. (7)Find five man wearing shirts.,二、单元学习,1Listen chant sing, match and play. (1)New words and expressions.,(2)New sentences.,Whe

3、re are you going? We are on our way for a holiday. How about coming with us? Key sentence: How about 意为:“怎么样”。 e.g.How abouta Coca Cola? How abouta movie? How abouta drink? Id love to. But Im going to Xian this afternoon. Have fun! You too.,(3)Pronunciation:,元音字母i在重读闭音节中发i,发i时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口型

4、扁平,发此音时要短促而轻快。 e.g.sixfitsick city piano 元音字母i在重读音节和非重读音节中可以读ai,读ai时,先发 音,然后滑向i音。舌尖抵住下齿。发此音的关键是要把 音发足,注意从开到合的滑动。 e.g.kiteline librarysize,2Look, tick and talk.,A:Which place would you like to go? B:Id like to go toKangaroo Island. A:How about going toTaishan Mountain? B:Sorry. Id like to seekangaroo

5、s.,3Ask and answer in pairs.,A:Wheres the cinema? B:Opposite the market. A:Wheres the hospital? B:By the river. A:Wheres the cafe? B:In the park. A:Wheres the bank? B:In Green Street. opposite意为“对面的”。 e.g.Its opposite the hotel. by意为“在旁,靠近”。 e.g.He sat down just by the door.,4Look and find.,1)Find t

6、en men and women. 2)Find eight children. 3)Find twelve animals. 4)Find five men wearing shirts. 5)Find five girls wearing dresses. 6)Find three boys wearing shorts. 7)Find a man reading a newspaper. 8)Find a woman reading a book.,5Say and cross.,Can you find more sentences? next to意为“挨着,相邻”。 e.g.He

7、sat next to her. near意为“靠近”。 e.g.an inn near London,6Read, guess and write.,(1)You can buy things here. 答案:supermarket 超级市场 (2)You can keep chicks and ducks here. 答案:farm 农场 (3)You can buy meat here. 答案:market 市场 (4)You can put money here. 答案:bank 银行 (5)You can drink coffee here. 答案:cafe 咖啡馆 (6)You

8、can have a good time here. 答案:park 公园 (7)You can read many books here. 答案:library 图书馆 (8)You can buy all kinds of things here. 答案:shop 商场 (9)You can see many animals here. 答案:zoo 动物园 (10)You can see a film here. 答案:cinema 电影院,7Listen, read and find out.,答案: 在左边的有:China, America 在右边的有:Britain, Austra

9、lia, Japan, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malta 世界上,在左边行车的国家和地区有74个,在右边行车的国家和地区有166个。,8Look, think and say.,(1)How about having a cup of tea? Yes, Id like to. (2)How about going swimming? No, thank you. Id like to go home now. How about having a cup of tea/ playing computer games/going swimming/ going to the

10、zoo/ playing football/ going by bus/ going to see a film/ eating some cake/ singing a song/ reading some books? Yes, Id like to. No, thank you. Id like to go home now/ have a cup of tea/ play computer games/ go swimming/ go to the zoo/ play football/ go by bus/ go to see a film/ eat some cake/ sing a song/ read some books.,9Listen, draw and complete the picture,三、单元小结,1Words. market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, supermarket, bank, libr


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