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1、2014年听力口语自动化考试,情景问答练习题,情景问答练习一,昨天你跟妈妈逛街,买了一条小码的外套。,W: Whom did you go shopping with yesterday?,M: I bought a coat of small size.,W: What did you buy?,M: I went shopping yesterday with my mother.,情景问答练习二,这个周末你想去星星电影院附近的购物中心买一台电脑。,M: Ill buy it in the shopping mall near Star Cinema.,W: Whats your plan

2、 for this weekend?,W: Where will you buy it?,M: Im going to buy a computer.,情景问答练习三,你以后想成为一名医生,救死扶伤。,W: What are you going to be when you grow up?,M: Because I want to help the injured and sick people.,W: Why do you want to do this job?,M: Im going to be a doctor when I grow up.,情景问答练习四,你已经学英语六年了,觉得

3、最难得部分是用英语与人交流。,W: How long have you learned English?,M: I find communicating with others in English most difficult.,W: What do you find most difficult?,M: I have learned English for 6 years.,情景问答练习五,你自从初中就开始使用电脑,主要与同学聊天与查信息。,W: When did you start using computer?,M: I mainly use it for chatting with

4、my classmates and searching for some information.,W: What do you use it for?,M: I started using computer when I was in middle school.,情景问答练习六,你昨天在路上遇到了你的小学同桌,她的变化很大。以前很害羞,现在变得活泼善谈。,W: Whom did you run into yesterday?,M: She used to be very shy, but now she becomes very talkative and outgoing.,W: Did

5、 she change a lot? How?,M: I ran into my deskmate in the primary school.,情景问答练习七,有人在路上问你去邮局的路,你告诉他直走,在第三个路口朝左拐,差不多走十分钟就能到达。,W: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the post office nearby?,M: Its about 10-minute walk.,W: How far is it?,M: Walk straight, turn left at the third crossing, you

6、wont miss it.,情景问答练习八,我跟朋友讨论你们家的宠物狗,你一周遛狗三次。,W: What do you keep as a pet?,M: I walk the dog three times a week.,W: How often do you walk the dog?,M: I have kept a dog as my pet.,情景问答练习九,你的外教让你介绍你的兴趣爱好,你喜欢集邮,因为每一枚邮票都蕴藏着一个美好的故事。,W:. Whats your hobby?,M: Because every stamp has a wonderful story insid

7、e.,W: Why do you like it?,M: I like collecting stamps.,情景问答练习十,你在看一本小说,你认为很精彩。,W: What are you reading?,M: Its wonderful/great/exciting.,W: How do you like this book?,M: Im reading a novel.,情景问答练习十一,你最近感到头痛,晚上睡不着,已经持续三天了。,W: Whats wrong with you?,M: I have been like this for 3 days.,W: How long have

8、 you been like this?,M: I have a headache and cant fall sleep.,情景问答练习十二,你最近不开心,因为物理期中考试不及格,打算去报一个补习班(cram course),W: You look so unhappy, whats up?,M: I plan to sign up for a cram course.,W: What are you going to do?,M: I failed the mid-term exam of physics.,情景问答练习十三,周末你打算去爬山,当天应是晴天有点风。,W:What are y

9、ou going to do this weekend?,M: It will be sunny and a bit windy.,W:How will the weather be?,M: Im going to climb the mountains.,情景问答练习十四,你家有四个人,爸爸妈妈,妹妹还有你。平时在家你们四个人轮流做家务。,W: How many people are there in your family?,M: We take turns to do the housework.,W:Who does the housework at home?,M: There ar

10、e four people, my parents, my younger sister and me.,情景问答练习十五,明天是母亲节(五月的第二个星期天),你打算做一天家务,让妈妈休息一下。,W: What day is it tomorrow?,M: I will do all the housework tomorrow so that my mother can have a good rest.,W: What present will you buy for your mother?,M: It will be the second Sunday in May, its Moth

11、ers Day.,情景问答练习十六,你在鞋店里找一款皮鞋,码数37.,W: W Can I help you? What are you looking for?,M: My size is 37.,W: Which size fits you?,M: Im looking for a pair of leather shoes.,情景问答练习十七,我最喜欢的音乐类型是轻音乐,能让你在学习疲劳时放松下来。,W: Whats you favorite type of music?,M: Because it makes me relax when I feel tired of study.,W

12、: Why do you like it ?,M: My favorite music is soft music.,情景问答练习十八,你平时早上七点起床,然后搭公共汽车去学校。,W: What time do you usually get up?,M: I usually go to the school by bus,W: How do you go to the school?,M: I often get up at 7 in the morning.,情景问答练习十九,电影晚上七点开始,你们晚上七点在电影院门口见面。,W: When does the movie start?,M:

13、 Lets meet at the gate of the cinema at 7 oclock in the evening,W: Where shall we meet?,M: The movie starts at 7:30 in the evening.,情景问答练习二十,你暑假在超市里做兼职,攒了2000元。,W: What did you do in your summer vacation ?,M: I earned 2000 yuan from the job.,W: How much did you earn?,M: I did a part-time job in a su

14、permarket.,情景问答练习二十一,上个月你刚搬到苏州,新家看上去很大,有三房一厅一厨一卫。,M: When did your family move to Suzhou?,W: It looks huge, and there are three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and two bathrooms.,M: What does the new house look like?,W: My family moved to Suzhou last month.,情景问答练习二十二,你和你朋友认识五年了,你们通过发电子邮件保持联系。,M:

15、How long have you known your best friend?,W: We often keep in touch by writing emails.,M: How do you keep in touch?,W: We have known each other for five years.,情景问答练习二十三,你周末与朋友去爬山,早上八点在山脚下集合。自带午餐和饮料。,M: Where shall we meet?,W: You should bring your lunch and some drink.,M: What should I bring?,W: We

16、 shall meet at the foot of the mountain.,情景问答练习二十四,你昨天去新华书店,买了两本如何提高英语口语的书。,M: Where did you go yesterday?,W: I bought two books on how to improve oral English.,M: What did you buy?,W: I went to XinHua Bookstore yesterday.,情景问答练习二十五,你需要点一份三明治,一只鸡蛋、一杯牛奶用现金付款。,M: What would you like to order?,W: I wil

17、l pay by cash.,M: How will you pay?,W: Id like a sandwich, an egg and a glass of milk.,情景问答练习二十六,你今晚将和父母去听一场音乐会,刚好音乐厅就在你家附近,你们会走过去。,M: What are you going to do this evening?,W: We will get there on foot.,M: How will you get there?,W: Im going to listen to a concert with my parents.,情景问答练习二十七,你不小心丢了钱

18、包,里面有200多元钱和一张信用卡。,M: What did you lose?,W: It contains over two hundred yuan and a credit card.,M: What does it contain?,W: I lost my wallet.,情景问答练习二十八,你的祖母住在乡下,你每年去看望她两次,寒暑假各一次。,M: Where is your grandma living?,W: I visit her twice a year, every summer and winter vacation.,M: How often do you visi

19、t her?,W: She is living in the country.,情景问答练习二十九,你和父母在外度假,你要预定一间双人房,一间单人房,住三天。,M: What kind of rooms do you want?,W: We will stay in the hotel for three days.,M: How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?,W: I want a single room and a double room.,情景问答练习三十,你上周末去了动物园,看到了许多动物,如狼、白虎和狮子。,M: Where di

20、d you go last weekend?,W: I saw a lot of animals, such as the wolf, lion and white tiger.,M: What did you see?,W: I went to the zoo last weekend.,情景问答练习三十一,电影院最近上映一部动作片,票价35元每人。,M: Whats on recently?,W: Its 35 yuan per person.,M: How much is the ticket?,W: There is a newest action movie on.,情景问答练习三十

21、二,你最近一直照看感冒的妹妹。,M: Hey, what are you doing these days?,W: She has got a cold.,M: Whats wrong with her?,W: I have been taking care of my little sister.,情景问答练习三十三,你叫林华,你妈妈出去了,有人打电话找她,你说会让妈妈给他回电。,M: May I speak to Mrs. Lin?,W: Im not sure. I will tell her to call you back.,M: When will she come back?,W

22、: Sorry, she is not in now.,情景问答练习三十四,你的梦想是做一名国际导游,因为可以环球旅游。,M: Whats your dream job?,W: Because I can travel around the world.,M: Why?,W: I dream of being an international tour guide.,情景问答练习三十五,你向外校介绍你最喜欢的菜式,以辣出名的湘菜。,M: Whats your favorite food?,W: Its famous for being hot.,M: Whats it famous for?,

23、W: I like Hunan food best.,情景问答练习三十六,你的英语老师来自加拿大,你觉得他很有耐心,非常友好。,M: Where is your English teacher from?,W: I think he is quite patient and friendly to his students.,M: What do you think of him?,W: My English teacher comes from Canada.,情景问答练习三十七,你暑假去英国参加一次夏令营,不喜欢那里阴天多雾的天气。,M: What did you do this summ

24、er vacation?,W: I dont like the weather there, because its often cloudy and foggy.,M: Do you like the weather there? Why?,W: I took part in a summer camp in England.,情景问答练习三十八,你每天在家花一个半小时看电视,喜欢体育和电影频道。,M: How much time do you spend in watching TV?,W: I like sports and movie channels best.,M: Whats y

25、our favorite program?,W: I spend one hour and a half watching TV.,情景问答练习三十九,你在邮局想寄一包裹,这包裹约两公斤。,M: Hello, what can I do for you?,W: It weighs two kilograms.,M: How heavy is this parcel?,W: I would like to send a parcel to Guangzhou.,情景问答练习四十,学校图书馆开放时间一般在星期二到星期日,星期一不开放,借期一个月。,M: When does the library

26、open?,W: You can keep the books for one month.,M: How long can I keep the books I borrow?,W: The library opens from Tuesday to Sunday, except Monday.,情景问答练习四十一,昨天你去市中心逛街,买了一本字典。,M: Where did you go shopping yesterday?,W: I bought a dictionary.,M: What did you buy?,W: I went shopping in the center of

27、 the city yesterday.,情景问答练习四十二,你喜欢看电影,每个月去看一次电影。,M: What di you like doing?,W: I go to the cinema once a month.,M: How often do you go to the cinema?,W: I like going to the cinema.,情景问答练习四十三,王先生的业余爱好是集邮。子2000年以来他已收集了3000多枚邮票。,M: Whats Mr Wangs hobby?,W: Hes collected more than 3000 stamps since 2000

28、.,M: How many stamps has he collected since 2000?,W: His hobby is collecting stamps.,情景问答练习四十四,史密斯先生已经离开伦敦月三个月了,他将与一周后返回。,M: How long has Mr Smith been away from London?,W: Hell be back in a week.,M: When will he be back?,W: Hes been away from London for about three months.,情景问答练习四十五,上星期天李华晚上在红星电影院看了电影音乐之声,他觉得这部电影很精彩。,M: When and where did Li Hua see the film The Sound of Music?,W


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