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1、Unit5 My clothes,Part A Lets learn Lets do,clothes,碧溪小学 刘丽琴,衣服(总称),温故知新,学习目标: 1、能听、说、认读生词hat、skirt、pants、dress、clothes并同时呈现句型I like来表达对衣服的喜好。 2、能区别that和those 3clothes的发音 4、能理解Lets do的内容,并能边做边说。,Which clothe do you like?Lets go to the clothes shop to choose the one you like.,dress,I like that red dre

2、ss.,What colour is it?,Its red. Its a red dress.,连衣裙,Hang up your dress.,挂,skirt,What colour is it?,Its pink. Its a pink skirt.,I like that pink skirt.,短裙,Wash your skirt.,洗,pants,What colour are they?,They are black. Theyre black pants.,I dont like those black pants.,裤子,Put away your pants.,整理,hat,

3、Is the hat red?,No, it isnt. Its yellow.,I dont like that yellow skirt.,帽子,Take off your hat .,脱下,shirt,Is that shirt blue?,Yes, it is.,I like that blue shirt.,衬衫,put on your shirt.,穿上,T-shirt,What colour is it?,Its white. Its a white T- shirt.,I dont like that white T- shirt.,Whats missing?,hat,shi

4、rt,pants,dress,Read and match,skirt,hat,skirt,pants,dress,clothes,hat,pants,hat,pants,hat,pants,hat,skirt,pants,hat,dress,skirt,pants,hat,dress,skirt,pants,hat,dress,skirt,pants,hat,任务一,将Lets learn中的单词大声的读给你的组员听,听听谁的发音最正确。,合作探究,任务二,小组合作探究“Lets learn,并完成下列各题。 1. that, those ( 1 ) 小组讨论一下,that 和 those

5、各是什么意思,它们有什么区别?,( 2 ) 利用你们讨论的结论选用 that 或 those 填空,that 那个 those那些,复数,复数,反义词,反义词,This这个,these这些,What do you like?,I like _ red apples.,I like _ yellow banana.,those,that,I like _ yellow dogs.,I like _ white rabbit.,those,that,I like _ crayons.,I like _ blue pencil-box.,that,those,I like _ lovely pandas.,I like _ tall giraffes.,those,those,Lets chant,skirt skirt, I like this yellow skirt dress dress, I like that green dress hat hat, I like that red hat pants pants, I like those black pants shirt shirt, I like that white shirt,Lets do,各民族不同的服饰,Ho


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