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1、Human Systems,P03,The Locomotor System,Part 1 The Locomotor System 3 parts:,Bones (be linked skeleton); Joints (articulation); Muscles (Skeletal Muscles).,The skeletal system,The skeletal system consists of bones as well as the ligaments and cartilages which bind the bones together at joints. These

2、parts provide the framework and protective shields for softer tissue, serving as attachments for muscles.,The locomotor system functions,movement,maintaining posture, storage of minerals, formation of blood cells.,Bones in adult are 206 in number, three parts1.Bones of the skull (29) 2.Bones of the

3、trunk (51) 3. Bones of the limbs (126) (appendicular skeleton),Splanchnology,P101,Composition: Alimentary system Respiratory system Urinary system Reproductive system Characters of viscera Most of viscera organs lies in the thoracic, abdominal and pelvis cavities All of then communicate with externa

4、l environment through some orifices or channels,The Alimentary System,P104,Composition,Digestive tube 消化管,Mouth 口腔 Pharynx 咽 Esophagus 食管 Stomach 胃 Small intestine小肠 Large intestine 大肠,Duodenum 十二指肠,Jejunum 空肠,Ileum 回肠,Digestive glands 消化腺,Major salivary glands 大唾液腺 Liver 肝 Pancreas 胰,Function: inge

5、stion, digestion, absorption, egesting,The Respiratory System,P128,Composition,Respiratory tract Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi,Lungs-paired organs of respiration Function: supply the body with oxygen and to get rid of excess carbon dioxide resulting from cell metabolism,The Urinary System,P154

6、,Composition Two kidneyform urine Two ureterconduct urine from kidneys to bladder Bladderreceives and stores urine Urethraconducts urine from bladder to exterior of body (discharged),The Reproductive System,P167,Composition,Internal genital organ Gonads (sex glands)manufacture the sex cells an secre

7、te the sex hormones. Genital ducts transport the sex cells from the site of production into site fertilization Accessory glandssecrete the fluid External genital organ,Circulatory System,P199,Composition,Cardiovascular system Lymphatic system,The cardiovascular system,Organization Heart: Artery: Vei

8、ns. Capillary,Blood circulation,Systemic circulation left ventricleaorta and its branchescapillaries of bodysuperior and inferior vena cavaright atrium Pulmonary circulation right ventriclepulmonary a.capillaries of lungpulmonary v.right atrium,The Sensory Organs,P265,The general description,The cla

9、ssification of sensory organs The compositions and functions,Exteroceptors,Proprioceptors,Enteroceptors,The classification of sensory organs,The compositions and the functions,Compositions,Receptor,Accessory,Functions,Accessory,To receive the stimulation,To convert the stimulation into the nerve imp

10、ulse,The visual organ and auditory organ,The Nervous System,P293,The organization of the Nervous System,Anatomically, the nervous system consists of the central and peripheral parts. The central nervous system (CNS) includes the brain and spinal cord, which is enclosed in bone and wrapped in protect

11、ive coverings (meninges) and fluid-filled spaces. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is formed by the cranial and spinal nerves.,The human nervous system is the most complicated anatomical and physical system in the body. The complexity of the actions of nervous system is reflected by a rich and co

12、mplex structure in a sense, the nervous system can be viewed as a complex and dynamic network of interlinked computers. It controls and coordinates the activities of the bodily systems for the benefit of the organism as a whole, and makes the balance of the external and internal environments in the

13、body.,Endocirine system,P451,Introduction,The endocrine system consists of the endocrine tissue and organs. The endocrine organs are a series of ductless glands. Each endocrine gland secretes one or more specific substances, called hormones, which pass directly into the blood circulation. The endocr

14、ine glands have a rich supply of blood vessels. The endocrine glands consist of the hypophysis (pituitary gland), thyoid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal (suprarenal) glands, the thymus and pineal body.,Introduction,Endocrine tissue: Besides the major ednocrine organs, various other tissues and organs produce hormones. The islets of Langerhans of pancreas, the ovarian follicles and


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