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1、,Useful expressions,More,1. 看着,2. 优等学位证书,3. 支付,4. 结束,5. 抱怨的一代,6. 金融危机的背景下,7. 回到,8. 无缘无故,9. 二级一等荣誉学士学位,10. 就业服务中心,1. look on,2. honours degree,3. fork out,4. come to a close,5. Grunt Generation,6. financially testing times,7. revert to,8. without a cause,9. graduate with a 2:1,10. career service,Usef

2、ul expressions,11.快速晋升人才培养计划,12. 批评某人某事,13. 漫无目的的日子,14.处境一样,15. 摆放货物,16. 朝九晚五的工作,17. 在综合学校读书,18. 干无聊的活,19.回到了原来的起点,11. Civil Service fast stream,12. accuse sb. of something,13. aimless days,14. in the same boat,15. stack shelves,16. a 9-to-5 job,17. go to a comprehensive,19. come full circle,18. do

3、a dead-end job,More,Useful expressions,20.提供了机会,21. 态度温和,22. 一点回报,23.分水岭,24. 恰当的,20. to open new doors,21. take a soft line with sb.,22. a little bit help back,23. cutoff point,24. strike the right note,25. 一定,25. by all means,26. 限制,26. put limits on,27. 维持正常的生活,27. carry on life as normal,28. 谨防,防

4、止,28. to be wary of,More,Useful expressions,29. 受打击的程度,30. 困在,31. 处理挫折,29. the scale of the knock,30. get stuck,31. handling setback,Useful expressions,More,1.发现一个神奇的仙境,1. discover a mysterious wonderland,2.从现实世界中解放出来,2. liberate from the real world,3.生活的调味品,3. the very spice of life,4.与其说是机会毋宁说是威胁,

5、4. appear more as a threat than an opportunity,5.与他人交流,5. interact with other people,6.步出前门,6. step out of the front door,7.超越周遭的环境,7. look beyond the immediate surroundings,8.壮观景象,8. the striking vistas,Useful expressions,9.从经典小说到最近出现的,9. range from the classics to the most recent,10.思考别样的人生,10. re

6、flect on the other lives,11.痴迷于,11. be enchanted by,12.感觉被排除在外,12. feel excluded,13.调动情感,13. stimulate ones emotions,14.对我们的生活方式产生很大的影响,14. supremely influential in the way we live,15.睡前故事,15. bedtime story,16.一直到,16. all the way through to,More,Useful expressions,17.对所具有的神奇的支配力,17. a mystical power

7、 that sth. possess over sb.,18.发现人生真谛,18. discover the real meaning of our life,19.摆脱困惑和无意义,19. get out of confusion and meaninglessness,20.深陷于需求和被动中,20. be immersed in needs and passivities,21.创造了某个术语,21. coin a term,22.全垒打书籍,22. homerun books,23.击出全垒打,23. hit a home run,More,Useful expressions,25.

8、得分,25. score points,26.已在垒上的选手,26. runners (who are) already on a base,27.带来愉悦和满足,27. induce pleasure and satisfaction,28.疯狂地寻求,28. desperately seek to do,29.重复体验某种感觉,29. reproduce the marvelous sensation,30.遏制某种渴求,30. withstand the hunger to do,24.跑完四个垒,24. run round the four bases of the diamond,U

9、seful expressions,More,1.摆满了书,1. completely lined with books,2.有闲工夫和打交道,2. have the leisure of working with,3.大量的,3. a goodly number of,4.渴望拥有,4. long to possess,5.将看做是而不是,5. look upon . as rather than,6.进行斗争,6. wage the struggle to do,7.将搞到手,7. lay hands on,8.旨在,8. be calculated to,9.刺激某人的欲望,9. whe

10、t ones appetite,Useful expressions,10.热情的推荐,10. the passionate recommendation,11.扼杀人类基本的冲动,11. throttle the basic impulse of human beings,12.尽力分享,12. strive to share,13.割舍自己的珍藏,13. part with ones most cherished possessions,14.不断的流通,14. in constant circulation,15.倍加丰富,15. be enriched threefold,16.抑制不

11、住的冲动,16. an irrepressible impulse,More,Useful expressions,17.提供无偿的建议,17. offer a piece of gratuitous advice,18.埋头读书,18. drown in books,19.对某人的利益至关重要的,19. be strictly advantageous to ones welfare,20.将搁置一边,20. leave alone,21.使劲琢磨,21. think as intensely as you can,22.知识库或娱乐储备,22. the store of knowledge

12、 or the fund of enjoyment,23.放弃这份额外的乐趣或启迪,23. forego this extra pleasure or enlightenment,More,Useful expressions,25.整个文学库藏,25. the whole storehouse of literature,26.重复性,26. the repetitive quality,27.整个文学领域,27. the entire realm of literature,28.博览群书的人,28. a prodigious reader,29.这种情况是绝无仅有的,29. This c

13、ase is unparalleled.,30.一个行动家、冒险家和探险家,30. a man of action, an adventurer and explorer,24.抑制自己的冲动,24. resist ones impulse,31.文学界的凯撒大帝,31. the Julius Caesar of literature,Useful expressions,1.不变因素,1. constant factors,2.加州淘金热,2. the Californian gold rush,3.工装,3. work clothes,4.特殊的意义,4. peculiar signifi

14、cance,5.一种颇为精确的关联性,5. a precise correlation,6.繁荣和萧条,6. boom and bust,7.摇摆伦敦,7. Swinging London,8.高级时装,8. high fashion,9.清一色的蓝色,9. exclusively blue,10.朋克时期,10. the punk period,More,Useful expressions,11.打着装饰钉的皮带,11. studded belt,12.内城区的年轻人,12. inner-city young people,13.权威装,13. power dressing,14.新近得势

15、的女士,14. newly-empowered women,15.牛仔衫,15. denim jacket,16.全球股市崩盘,16. the world stock market crash,17.学院风格,17. Preppy style,18.流行颜色,18. predominant colour,19.松松垮垮地挂在臀部上,19. low below the buttocks,20.纽约的科技股市崩盘,More,20. the New York technology stock exchange collapsed,Useful expressions,21.循规蹈矩、一本正经的式样开

16、始流行,21. the prim and proper look is in,22.股市开始复苏,22. the stock market begins to recover,23.名牌牛仔裤享有很高的知名度,23. designer jeans gains huge popularity,24.紧身牛仔裤,24. skinny jeans,25.预告股票牛市和熊市的更替,25. predict a change in the mood of the stock market,26.裙摆标志靠不住了,26. the hemline indictor is no longer reliable,

17、27.股指急剧下跌,27. the stock market indexes fall dramatically,Useful expressions,More,1.难觅的珍宝,1. elusive treasure,2.人形螃蟹,2. human crab,3.忘记了时间的流逝,3. lose ones sense of time,4.耀眼的珍宝,4. luminous treasure,5.散发出独特的光彩,5. cast a unique glow,6.硬性的的规定,6. hard and fast rule,7.没有棱角,7. have no edge,8.颜色也能道出它们的年龄,8.

18、 the colour gives a hint of age,9.在磨石滚筒里抛光,9. polish in a rock tumbler,10.除掉表面的霜花,10. remove the frosted surfaces,Useful expressions,More,11.镶嵌在银器上,11. set sth in silver,12.用金刚钻打眼,12. pierce with a diamond-tipped drill,13.做订单产品,13. work mostly to commission,14.订婚戒指,14. engagement ring,15.砂砾海滩,15. sh

19、ingle beach,16.在海水的塑造下呈现各种不同的形状,16. be shaped differently by the ocean,17.放在工作室显眼的位置,17. preside over the studio,18.寻宝地,18. hunting ground,19.废物再生的一种形式,19. a form of recycling,20.补救人类愚蠢行为,20. compensate for mans folly,Useful expressions,21.过失行为,21. an act of negligence,22.宣告了海洋玻璃时代的终结,22. signal the

20、 end of the sea-glass era,23.供货的减少,23. the decline in supply,24.需求的增加,24. an increase in demand,25.生意非常兴隆,25. produce a boom in the market,26.免费提供,26. offer sth for free,27.拍得很漂亮,27. photograph sth very well,28.人权记录,28. human rights record,29.恢复旧习,29. revive old habit,30.熔化的塑料,30. melted plastic,Use

21、ful expressions,1.对感到很满意,1. feel contented by,More,2.莫大的羞耻,2. abject shame,3.付清信用卡欠款,3. pay off credit debts,4.信用等级高,4. have a good credit rating,5.从打击中回过神来,5. recover from the shock,6.随时有购物刷卡的冲动,6. be prone to impulse-buying,7.超支消费,7. spend more than they have,8.超低利率,8. unrealistic interest rates,9

22、.担当保证人,9. act as a guarantee,10.事情是这样的,10. It transpired that,Useful expressions,11.访问帐户资金,11. access funds in sbs current account,12.欠债,12. go into the red,13.超支,13. go over the limit,14.事情越来越糟,14. Things go from bad to worse.,15.消费节制有度,15. have great restraint with ones spending,16.生活节俭,16. be eco

23、nomical about ones lifestyle,17.继续完成大学学业,17. have another go at university,18.设下陷阱,18. set traps,19.把排成一排,19. lay out sth in a line,20.从身上骗钱,20. tempt money away from,Useful expressions,1.持相同金钱观的知己,1. financial soulmate/twin,More,2.包办婚姻,2. arranged marriage,3.集资,3. pool resources,4.维护婚姻资产,4. preserv

24、e ones marital assets,5.妥协/中间立场,5. middle ground,6.造成了的不和,6. force a wide wedge between,7.因为关系破裂,7. break up over,8.财务状态,8. financial health,9.理财规划师,9. financial planner,10.在保持一致,10. be in sync with,Useful expressions,11.存款信条,11. a savings philosophy,14.记录,14. keep track of,12.基本原则,12. cardinal rule

25、,13.取代,13. in lieu of,15.管理财务,16. wealth advisor,16.理财顾问,17. weather the storm,17.共渡难关,18. human resource executive,18.人力资源经理,15. structure ones business,19. financial independence,19.财务独立性,20. enliven the marital foundation,20.使婚姻的基础更加牢靠,21. investment into the heart and soul of the relationship,21

26、.对夫妻关系的情感投资,4,Useful expressions,1.导致的差异,1. account for the difference,More,2.“高雅”话题,2. “highbrow” subjects,3.重要的差别,3. significant difference,4.在内容上,4. in terms of content,5.的神话仍然大行其道,5. the myth is still widely believed that,6.差别只在于而非,6. the difference turns out to be more than ,7.不成文的规则,7. unwritt

27、en rule,8.主要因素,8. principal factors,9.语调活灵活现,9. highly animated tone,10.调门高,10. high-pitched tone,Useful expressions,11.平缓、冷静的语调,11. in a flat, unemotional manner,12.引述别人的话,12. do the he-said-she-said thing,13.详细推测,13. detailed speculation about,14.关键因素,14. crucial element,15.语调生动,15. lively tone,16

28、.好的听众,16. appreciative listeners,17.听起来像小女孩,17. sound girly,18.听起来女里女气,18. sound effeminate,19.特别有趣的闲话,19. a particularly juicy bit of gossip,20.表达诧异,20. convey ones surprise,Useful expressions,1.基本含义,1. base meaning,More,2.复数标记,2. plural marking,3.被提名奥斯卡最佳女配角奖的演员,3. an Oscar nominee for Best Suppor

29、ting Actress,4.性别标记,4. gender markers,5.带碟形领结的牛仔衬衫,5. a cowboy shirt with string tie,6.三件套的西服,6. a threepiece suit,7.带项链穿牛仔裤的嬉皮士装,7. a necklaced hippie in jeans,8.标准的浅色衬衫,8. standard-style shirts of light colors,9. 的数量多得惊人,9. The range of is staggering,10.平跟系带鞋,10. flat laced shoes,Useful expression

30、s,11.细高跟鞋,11. spike heels,14.衬衣的胸口开得低.,14. The blouse is buttoned low.,12.紧身衣或坦胸露背的衣服,12. tight or revealing clothes,13.无意间犯了一个错误,13. slip into a fault line,15.失去权威,16. heavy/light make-up,16.浓/淡妆,17. attractive without being alluring,17.既俏丽又不妖媚,18. get increased attention,18.吸引了的更多注意,15. undermine

31、ones authority,19. sarcastic responses,19.讥讽的反应,20. be less herself,20.自我意识较弱,21. to have ones cake and eat it too,21.两全其美,22.一串长得叫人说不清的名字,22. a tongue-tying string,Useful expressions,1.面临外敌入侵,孤立无援,1. stand alone on the brink of invasion,2.宽容而坚忍的,2. tolerant and long-suffering,3.冷漠、拒人于千里之外的,3. cold

32、and distant,4.兼任战地记者,4. double up as a war correspondent,5.保守党国会议员,5. a Tory MP,6.热衷于党派斗争的人,6. a Party animal,7.工团主义者,7. trade unionist,8.第一海军大臣,8. First Lord of the Admiralty,9.军事攻势,9. military offensive,10.丢掉了饭碗,10. cost sb his/her job,More,Useful expressions,11.严重的抑郁症,11. major bout of depression,12.弥补他的过失,12. make amends for ones mistake,13.为战争而生的人,13. a man made for war,14.身居高位,14. hold high office,15.财务大臣,15. Chancellor of the Exchequer,16.挥舞着协议,16. brandish an agreement,17.确保和平,17. s


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